Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 219: Once you have a planet that can farm, you can start to have your imagination, right? Yo

"In this wild paradise, there are actually various polar and sub-polar creatures... The key is that they look so similar to those creatures on ancient Terra. I really started to become very curious. The one who first came here On what basis did people write all this?"

Lamizane Carosini is sitting in a solid forward operating base built with huge ice blocks and ceramic steel structural blocks and extremely fast miraculous speeds, relying on the LOGOS sensor to "watch" a group of people several kilometers away. The giant emperor penguin wandering by said in a daze.

Outside the base of operations, except for the necessary guards and the two primarchs who were in command, everyone else had disappeared into the huge ice-drilled tunnel. Maxim and the others are using a modified Rand to reinforce the walls of the tunnel being drilled down so that larger vehicles can pass through. Although it seems a bit wasteful in the early stage, considering that they have to drill several meters deep underground, Kilometer-thick permanently frozen ice layer, this is a necessary job for Lamizane, who maintains the inherent concept of "safe production".

The good news is that the things that have been blasted to pieces by vigilant bolters so far are basically nothing except a frozen mammoth corpse with a height of five or six meters (what are you thinking about in your spare time, Lami Zane! - Perturabo) The ice mummies of green-skinned orcs could not move. These lone guys began to emerge as the drilling deepened. The size of the orcs became larger with the depth of the ice, and there were even some carrying their rudimentary weapons and equipment. , apparently more than one creature tried to explore here, but the excessively thick ice cap prevented any unprofessional and insufficiently estimated exploration operations.

Several new heavy-duty flamethrowers were deployed, and their promethium fuel tanks were replaced with another small mini-tank in this extremely cold working environment. Lamizane took a glance and felt that the There is a cute little logo painted on the front of the skull that looks a bit like the ring-tailed lizard of Ancient Terra or the armadillo lizard. It looks somewhat similar to the logo of the Iron Warriors from a distance. There are also a few abbreviations below: M.H.O.I.

He briefly asked Perturabo what the can was, and after receiving the answer that "it's a special fuel that's anti-freeze and has a higher combustion efficiency," he ignored it.

“If the Pearl Moon feels like farming tuna, cod and edible aquatic products in the Ordovician ocean of Ancient Terra, then this planet is almost like digging up the Antarctic continent and Greenland of Ancient Terra. It's incredible! Considering that their relative positions to the stars are almost identical in astronomical distance, one has a surface temperature of minus two to plus four degrees, and most of the water is ice, while the other has The average temperature in the atmosphere of one reaches thirty-five degrees.”

[If it weren’t for a series of deliberately planted coincidences in the past, this place with such rich water resources and fossil fuels would have definitely turned into a modified world like the Mechanicum research base. The greedy Corpse Empire would not be so kind as to keep them so primitive. The undeveloped state has been captured by us. 】

[Indeed, the Mechanicus forward base in the Calixis sector is very active. It is a surprise to be the first to build our own fortress on Carrick and Pearl Moon. Coupled with the forge world of Belakaan... Well, we should consider letting the Mechanicus Priests work overtime and squeeze out a small Titan army to guard here... and a convoy... When you have an army under your command, there should always be more food than troops! 】

[Sometimes you seem to be a complete idiot in military matters, but sometimes you can say important war mottos in one sentence. It's an interesting contrast. Rami Zane. In addition, if you expect that group of blind believers to quickly squeeze out a Titan army for you, why not just let them become my iron ring, and the work efficiency should be improved. 】

[Anyway, I happened to read some collections of military aphorisms from Siris. I thought they were very profound and insightful. Besides, ahaha...you are joking, robots still can't completely replace humans. 】

【ha! Just like our Chogoris brothers? ——It’s not difficult for me to write the startup code for the Titan Legion... It’s not the first time I’ve written it. You think so, but isn’t that what those blind believers have been clamoring for all along is to transform themselves into mechanical life forms? 】

[But I think the Mechanicus world that is loyal to Mars still abides by the Crimson Protocol, right? At least most of the members of the Mechanicus that I know so far - even Belisarius Cawl have retained a bit of their own flesh and blood. Well, that's not right. Maybe they are just decorations. Come to think of it... Now, when it comes to Chagatai Khan, let me tell you, I think his degree of Sarisization is still too superficial. If he was really a Saris, we would be...]

[You are going further and further, Lamizane, what did you just say you saw? 】

【oh oh! right! You absolutely can't believe it! I just observed a huge colony of Emperor Penguins on the ice several kilometers away! I think they might all be over one or two meters tall! There seem to be some equally huge seals on the ice further away! 】

Perturabo snorted in an unknown manner on the cockpit cushion that he had specially modified to have a heating function: If this place originally had this tendency, then the current Gutera-specific state of this place It’s completely a situation where the supernatural influence is multiplied and magnified like a fish in water—how could someone only think about this! No ambition!

Because if the ecology of the planet itself can support such a large number of carnivores and omnivores, then the ocean must be rich in plankton and algae. It stands to reason that with the technological level of the Carrick people, it can support a larger population, but In fact, the entire planet of Carrick has reproduced for 10,000 years, and counting the sub-talents, it is over 10 million.

Now, great, it turns out it’s easier to keep your feet on the ground and lotuses will emerge… We’re going to have more rare resources to work with. The Demon Primarch bets in his heart that there will probably be more penguins, seals, birds, fish, shrimps and polar bears appearing in this place next. As for the number and appearance of the first few, it all depends on what one person thinks and what the locals think. Which varieties overlap?

Although it is now three o'clock in the morning, the main star Carrick in the distance is still shining above the horizon. The already weak light is flashing, which may be better than nothing for mortals, but for all visual organs that have been genetically modified or mechanically enhanced These lights are enough.

The Antarctic in Carrick is at the extreme daylight, which is why they chose the Antarctic. No matter how dim it is, the light can always dispel the darkness.

Well, he thought to himself, I hope Angron and Dassadra on the Pearl Moon won't cause any problems for me...

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