Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 228 You choose, Ferus, are you going to be the furious fearless or the chirping bird group?

"The clan commander was actually doing a good job. But he was so accustomed to mechanical precision and obedience in his communications that he forgot that others needed to be comforted, just like he once was," Fulgrim wrote in his He whispered to his partner in the amniotic fluid chamber, "Do you know that the original human being is the container and boundary of the soul. These mechanical prosthetics that accompany and occupy his life have indeed strengthened him, making him faster and stronger. , tougher and tireless, but they also dissolve the boundaries between his human body and cold machinery.”

Garuda responded simply.

"——Mistake. Distorted desire, blind obsession and excessive dependence. It will be corrected. When the time comes."

Ziting Phoenix sighed softly again, not knowing for whom.

Thanks to the Rakuan Conquest Hall, which was repaired by Fulgrim and later led by the Iron Hands, this rejuvenated fortress ship has successfully jumped out of the warp and moved to Shadenus. orbit above.

The time it took them to arrive here was much shorter than expected, so when they arrived here, the battle was just entering its final stage.

The Iron Hands' battleships and the Imperial Navy welcomed their arrival in the orbit of Shadenus with surprise and fear. The Iron Hands Astartes, who had been filled with new miraculous power, quickly separated a few sergeants in front of them. He went to take over the ships of their war group that had almost no Astartes left behind, and then used a brain-computer interface to start a super-high-speed analysis meeting in the Hall of Conquest.

"I won't mention how the entire population of this place evaporated... One hundred and thirty-six combat monks and seven Dreadnoughts are all on the ground? Where are the remaining personnel on the battleship? Why are only the ones launching an offensive here? A company of the Lacuan clan? What about the other four clan companies brought by Lavus?"

Faced with this series of questions, Malkan Feros stood up and answered the Primarch's questions.

"Commander Ravus calculated that he needed to reach his destination as quickly as possible, so he devoted all the Iron Hands forces from the beginning. The autonomous servitors and technical sergeants left behind had no problem maintaining strong driving and orbital functions. Others. The four clan companies are being dispersed throughout this sub-sector as planned to complete their own planned suppression missions. My father."

When Fulgrim heard this last stolen and flamboyant title, his expression became obviously uncomfortable in his amniotic fluid chamber. Of course, the Iron Hands would not see it.

At this time, the emotional pulse that Garuda once again sent to the fearless pilot contained all kinds of complex emotions: toughness, logic, rationality, embarrassment, shame... However, it prompted Ziting Phoenix to finally decide to continue to endure this very dishonorable situation of his. What is fake is the tiny, almost imperceptible emotion of pleading mixed with it.

"As planned?" Fulgrim asked the Iron Father, "So, your five clan companies came to the same sub-sector to fight for the same purpose. In fact, you didn't even have the ability to coordinate operations on the key targets of the attack. There is no communication and no preparation to call each other for support? Although you guess that the main problem here is actually so big that more people need to be sacrificed to complete it? "

"This." The muscles on the half of Feros's face that was not covered by steel twitched, "Yes. In fact, we rarely communicate nowadays."

"Oh, that's right." The voice from Fearless contained a judgment made after anger had been building up for a long time.

"After...'I' left, you started to essentially fight on your own again, right? Also, look at the 'those' things I saw in the Eye of Medusa that should have been sealed forever! That is, You said you didn't listen to 'me' at all! Fortunately, the Iron Council under Medusa's eyes at least retained the right to renovate and distribute the large armory and reliquary. Otherwise, what I should have seen when I came back was more than a dozen A war group named after a clan, right? 'I' should thank you for not dividing 'my' inheritance and everyone goes back to their own tribes to live their own lives, huh?!"

Markan Feros has obviously never been questioned with such obvious emotions in his life: people who can question him in this way have more lacking and suppressed emotions than him, so they will not be so intense; while those who retain emotions will Mortals would never dare to question a respected Iron Father like this.

It was like breaking some kind of calm and self-possessed mask that had been legendary for ten thousand years. The logical circuit of the Iron Father began to be overloaded by too many actions that could not be calculated and predicted. This heroic warrior rarely began to conclude. Stuttering, he knelt down on one knee, trying to calm the primarch's sudden rage.

"No...no...that's not the case. I mean, great Gorgon, you...please calm down. Now that you are back, everything will be corrected! We will be as closely united under you as before." around!"

At this moment, Garuda conveyed a feeling similar to urgency, shame, indignation and extreme protest in his pulse signal, and then was pressed back by Ziting Phoenix with a sneer.

He told his metal-winged friend that it would have been a great humiliation to himself and the Third Legion for him, the proud Paladin Phoenix, to impersonate another Primarch. If he is not willing to pay any price, then he would rather try to jump out of the void now to see if he can return to his own galaxy. How a chirping bird will explain to the Iron Hands later is his own business. .

There is no doubt that no matter what factors Garuda used to weigh and calculate, he finally compromised.

Therefore, a new tactical plan for fast and stealthy strikes was proposed, which required perfect timing to be launched.

"Void shield?" When Feros's doubts were carefully raised, Fearless replied, "Don't worry, bring your strongest weapons, and then follow me closely, children of Gorgon."


Demons are everywhere.

Demons are everywhere. It's as if this place is no longer a stable reality, but has crossed the curtain and reached another realm. They attacked and taunted the Iron Hands' battle-brothers from all directions.

Mortals are everywhere. Please note that this term describes a "physical meaning". The bricks and tiles on the walls are all deformed human flesh and bones. The steel hands are stepping on the ladders composed of tongues and teeth that are still crawling and chewing. There are countless support pillars visible here. The blurry faces, sewn together by some kind of ritual or witchcraft power, screamed in the wailing and ecstasy of pleasure brought about by pain. Each of their combined screams seemed like some kind of twisted and monstrous hymn, making reality The thin border with the Warp becomes even thinner.

This place has been carefully and long-constructed into an altar, a temple, a tribute of painful desire to the evil Chaos God.

Even the air is full of corruption and hostility, with inexplicable falling rocks, fire, venom fountains and spikes. This place is full of malice and demons, swarming towards the Iron Hands warriors like a dense swarm of insects. They can't wait to devour, The descendants of Ferus were corrupted and shaken, but the remaining ones had let go of their own restrictions without any scruples, exerting their utmost effort, slashing without reservation, and enduring greater casualties, all just for the sake of speed.

In Ravus' plan, only one person can finally complete the closing of the subspace rift ritual. Their chief think tank, Traqi, they all know what the final price is, and the chief think tank also knows that they have already been burdened with With so many lives and souls, they have paved the only path to here with the flesh and blood of countless mortals, and they must not fail.

Before Ravus realized it, his intense emotion had caused him to shine like a torch in this warp-like place: guilt. He felt guilty that he had sacrificed a mortal but could not arrive faster, and his guilt and anger made him invincible among the demons.

The chief think tank Traqi is also glowing, but the reason is different from his commander. This iron hand think tank is absorbing the power of psychic energy from the body without any reservation while running. This has become a subspace-like thing. This was made so much easier by the circumstances, and his whole being was glowing - burning - he was burning up, without the various alarms squealing and passing through his armor's interior and the sharp pain that was becoming more and more evident in his flesh.

This completely unscrupulous use of psychic power allowed Traci and the three think tankers who escorted him to rush to the platform on the top of the main nest - this place had been opened up in the explosion of the air system. A large hole was formed, almost completely exposed to the sky.

Terraqi's eyes burning with supernatural blue light saw it. He saw, just as Raus and him had predicted, there were countless demonic armies ready to move behind the subspace crack that was almost ready to be broken with a poke - —

He raised his staff—


A sweet, seductive and sickening laughter sounded near them.

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