Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 231 The small (?) results of this change

Markan Feros, Alvin Ravus, and Iron Father Clondieu stood quietly in the medical room of the Lacuan clan’s conquest hall—or this place may be the entire large The place with the highest biomass content on the fortress ship, particles of disinfectant and antiseptics are dispersed throughout the space.

Ravus was also seriously injured in the past battle, but he was still much better than Traci.

His chest part that had a large hole in it has been replaced, and other parts are easier to repair, but the entire chest armor part of the Terminator looks particularly delicate in the pitch black - this is a Feros made two jokes about wanting to get hurt so that the gift he could get came from someone who miraculously appeared in front of him.

Although there is still a kind of wariness that cannot be expressed aloud, Ravus cannot deny that this breastplate and the metal internal organs in it are the best he has ever used, or in other words, the most like his real body - or the most like he has imagined. Although the person who gave the gift didn't seem very satisfied with it, perhaps this was because the original body and mortals had different pursuits of perfecting skills.

The maker even carefully made two metal hearts inside, and now they are beating powerfully together with the other three pumps in his body that replace the heart. The sound they transmit perfectly imitates the sound of the human heartbeat. Raus felt that the indescribable sense of lack that had persisted in him for hundreds of years had been somewhat satisfied.

The pharmacist brothers have finished treating the most seriously injured Traci, and they are here to welcome the chief think tank's awakening - or rather - restart.

It was quiet in the large and crowded space. There were many lifting arms and servo arms hanging on the operating table, or more specifically on the pharmacist's workbench. Some of them still had some huge metal limbs hanging underneath. Judging from the size, , they were obviously prepared for some Terminators or Dreadnoughts. These crude and bulky but absolutely powerful metal corpses cast long black shadows under the light of the additional braziers suspended to imitate Medusa.

The current stimulated the skin and flesh, as well as the new metal and wires, producing a strange overheated smell. With a long, tired, groan-like sigh, the air flow re-passed through the metal lungs and trachea, A thin layer of white mist formed on the wall of the tube that had already cooled.

With the "buzz" sound of the micro-reactor being lit, the glow of life in Traci's eyes lit up again.

After he transferred all the accumulated psychic energy to the elegant long saber, the chief think tank's eye structure lost its protection and was burned by the remaining out-of-control psychic flames. The same was true for many of his organs and nerves. Now What are rotating around here are two exquisite prosthetic eyes.

"This is... our clan's hall of conquest?"

"That's it." His commander Ravus walked out from behind Feros, "Everything is not over yet. The great Gorgon, the Lakuan clan and I still need your loyal service, Traci."

The chief think tank lowered his head slightly to show respect for the returning person.

"Of course," he replied, then let out a strange chuckle at his new body and the subtlety and ease of his sensory movements. "This is so amazing..." The stagnation and burden fatigue that had troubled him due to his constant transformation of armor and non-flesh parts completely disappeared, and some ability to think returned to his mind. , Librarian felt the familiar psychic powers flowing smoothly through his new body.

"It's amazing, isn't it? You are now a perfect combination of biochemistry and metal that we have never seen before. The technology and formula used by the father of the great gene cannot be fully understood even by us." Markan Feros spoke , "Your structure is too sophisticated and complex for us to be sure that it can be read directly - now that you have woken up, Lakuan's chief think tank, Traqi, will tell you what you felt during the last battle in Shadenus." Everything is presented to us in the meeting.”

The chief think tank nodded and stood up from the workbench where he was lying.

They each picked up their own part of the brain-computer interface plug.


"I was thinking, my dear friend Tweet."

"—can you remove the tweet—what's the matter?"

"You know, because where I came from, the Tenth Legion...well...in short, I always took it for granted that the title 'Iron Father' mostly refers to priests or priests among the Iron Ten, similar to other legions. The position of technical sergeant may also be a combination of both.”

"——This was indeed the case in the past." A slight fluctuation came from Garuda, indicating the bird's emotional fluctuations. "I have read most of the histories of legions and clans that can be found so far. Although Lakuan Only the part they wanted was saved, but obviously, the Iron Fathers who finally returned to Medusa reorganized the descendants of Medusa according to their own ideas during the quenching meeting and the following days..."

Garuda paused again. Zi Ting Phoenix could feel that the other party's anger was rising steadily after reading some records of secret battles or technology use. It was like a star about to explode. The excessive temperature was in every piece of machinery. The fire is boiling in the lines and is threatening to spread elsewhere. He shook his head and sent some kind of "comforting" and low sound waves to the other party from the neural interface in his head, just like Garuda said to him after they ended the battle on top of the main nest of Shadenus. as done.

At that time, the raging flames of overlapping memory and reality and the pain of suffocation almost overwhelmed Fulgrim Ishtar. The reason why the furious phoenix was not noticed by others was that Garuda used his own The authority urgently inserted and adjusted his internal system, exerting all its strength to suppress Fulgrim's hunting desire until he could calm down and take over his body again.

Although neither he nor he said much more, it said a lot that a Primarch could trust another being so much and open his control to accept help.

"Ha, it can be said that they both abide by your words and completely reinterpret it so that they don't abide by it. Substantial division and loose alliance? What a group of little guys who can 'take advantage of loopholes'. So now the 'Iron Father' is with them What kind of position does it mean?"

"-Anyone is possible--although most of them are still held by people with technical sergeant backgrounds, now they will also include priests, think tank members or pharmacists, as well as experienced and outstanding sergeant veterans, and may even be A battle monk who performed extremely well in battle...Kadan Stunus did not do a very good job at this point."

"Great, it seems that there is still someone among them who can make you feel good, so I am also starting to look forward to meeting him. We should be able to join him after cleaning up the sub-sector."

Garuda waved his wings unhappily, "——The biggest problem in this sub-sector has been solved. This kind of follow-up cleanup operation does not need to be personally handled by the Venerable. You'd better be prepared."

"...What are you preparing for?" An ominous premonition came to Phoenix's heart.

"——According to the information obtained, all the leaders of Iron Ten's sub-regiments have given up their current missions and are heading towards Medusa with all their strength." Garuda's voice sounded cold as if he had caught the Phoenix in pain. Joy, "You'd better prepare how to deal with... those iron fathers who have modified the brain speed will definitely hold a complex super-speed thinking meeting at the Eye of Medusa. You just said that they are very good at 'taking advantage of loopholes'." "

There is no doubt that Fulgrim Ishtar counterattacked, "It sounds really scary, I am so helpless, then you must be the only one in this galaxy who can help me get through this difficulty, right?" ?my friend?"

Garuda seemed to choke in disbelief.

Phoenix let out a cheerful chuckle.

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