Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 243 I’m serious, don’t think too much and everything will be fine

The brave Lady Sarin, the brains and captain of the Twelfth Legion's flagship, is making preparations to temporarily remove her from the central control cocoon of the Desert Ark, where she has been for decades, to ensure her safety. After a blessing and protective ceremony, she was carefully sent to the Iron Blood.

This is indeed very troublesome. In everyone's opinion, it would be much more convenient to let the Fourth Primarch condescend.

But a certain black-and-white plush tyrant insists that only the Iron Blood's venue can ensure smoothness and safety. If they want their genetic father's return to be as foolproof as possible, then it's best to make everything go according to the Iron Lord's instructions. Carry out the request, and obediently obey the orders of the Lord of the Fourth Legion!


And he said weak and cruel words to the other party, such as "This is a threat! A threat! Father will never let you go if he finds out!": Do you want your father to come back? think? Then be obedient and leave me alone! I've had enough of you being left alone!

When the Iron Heart officers discussed it privately, they thought this was a strange statement, as if the Iron Lord had ever had the opportunity to command them in battle.

The amniotic fluid cocoon that maintains the mind and soul of Ms. Lotala Sarin is about the height of two adults and less than two meters wide - mainly because of the large number of strange devices attached to it by the mechanical priests on the surface. Ornaments, idols and other cables make its shape less regular and easier to measure.

Now, in the unattended Hall of Omens, the multiple magic circles on the ground have been reactivated, and the surrounding incense, candles and other auxiliary supplies have been replaced with styles that another person is accustomed to using, which are simpler and more ancient. , more mysterious.

The iron rings that replaced the ubiquitous servitors were busy and neatly arranging biological cables and occult lines around them as required, and all the members of the Priory of Iron Heart currently on board the Desert Ark were also Everyone is already present, quietly waiting to contribute their share of the effort.

Lamizane looked curiously at these Iron Heart Think Tanks who painted their silver and blue armor black. They seemed to rarely appear in front of people, even during negotiations. This was very rare, after all, in In today's practice, the chapter leader and think tank leader in a canon regiment often have some very close ties and attitudes, such as a certain giant blue and a certain blue, or a certain little golden person and a certain The dress is very bloody.

His eyes glanced aimlessly back and forth among the think tanks wearing hoods, robes, and books hung on their waists. These people all had an atmosphere of tranquility that was rarely seen among Space Marines, and it seemed as if they were already very familiar. I'm used to similar rituals.

——The think tanks of Iron Heart dress up really strangely. They look like think tanks and priests. They all wear skull helmets with teardrops and a crown of thorns on their helmets... But in fact, many war groups wear skull helmets with teardrops on them. It's not surprising that the details of the members have some local characteristics... His thoughts jumped to the cocoon cabin in front of him.

There was something like a small door on this large metal can, and shining on the door was a name.

Lotala Salin.

In someone's strange understanding, she is the powerful female captain of the Conqueror, half-manager of the War Dogs and World Eaters, and she may have some insecurities with Kahn. Feelings?

Anyway, this is not something that Ms. Lotara Salin should know now, mainly because Mr. Walter, the captain of the Iron Blood under someone, is obviously... um... in... um... this is the old house Is it on fire... I'm serious... You are already with the Iron-Blooded Horntail... Oh... So is Ms. Salin... Then it's okay...

Lamizane stared at the side monitor of the Iron Blood showing that his flagship was secretly flashing light signals in the direction of the Desert Ark - Hey, that is definitely the naval flag. Don't think that you don't use the communication channel. No one will notice you passing notes! Strictly speaking, you are all tens of kilometers long, and you can kill tens of thousands of lives with just one light spear! Can you stop being so innocent?

[Don't look at it, and don't make a fuss and yell. You are 300% responsible for the occurrence of this harmless but weird variable situation. 】

【……I? ! Why am I responsible for this? ! Is this reasonable? ! 】

【Reasonable. Now stop your brain and stop thinking nonsense. We can't find enough powerful think tank directors now. The power of that stone has more important and more uses, and my power is responsible for coordinating and planning all data flows and variables. 】

[Then you dare to tell them that they need to use a soul with strong enough feelings for Angron as a ritual anchor, and then use another powerful enough psyker to provide energy, so as to find a way to 'pull' him back. ? Wait, wait. 】

Mr. Lamizane Carosini's vigilance, caution but eagerness to try (and die) was evident at this moment.

【finally! Finally it’s me, an ordinary librarian! Is it time to step onto the stage of this galaxy and be a hero to save...save the primarch! 】

【what are you thinking. 】Perturabo moved his claws like flying, typing out thousands of lines of code in twenty-two minutes, and quickly calculated them again.

[Some of the same guys who can't beat a Space Marine recruit in the balls or handle a Great Unclean One shouldn't even think about being crowned on the galactic stage. Be honest and be the wetware battery of the Iron Lord, even if you participated in the operation to save Angron. Although the person in charge this time - Sir Kadu Er is... well, not too professional in this regard, he can barely use it. After all, he is qualified to pull the strings of fate a little. 】

[...Pepe, baby, how can you give up on yourself! So your own body is a wetware battery! Dad doesn’t allow it—! 】

[What do you remember to do with this again? Who is your son? ! Damn it, don't mention that word - (Olympian expletive)! ! ! ! ! 】

Apparently a word someone blurted out inappropriately triggered some causal lines and strange mechanisms in this place. What's worse is that the most experienced psychic spellcaster, Sir Kadur, is still in his meditation chamber at this moment. I haven’t finished my meditation preparation yet.


Millions of light and dark lines on the hall floor vibrated simultaneously.


The sound of "string" spreads to millions of worlds silently and loudly.


"What's going on?!" The space deformed, applauded, and twisted, and the empty air began to crackle. A staff burning with flames "split" out of thin air and appeared from the gap, followed by a tight The frowning old man's voice had a rare urgency.

"What happened to the resonance vibration of that power just now?!"

He turned his face to the beautiful black and white lace shepherd's head exposed on the fearless body - then turned back as if he had been stabbed in the eye, calmed down, and turned away again.

"This level of variables should not appear at this time! It will cause additional interference to what we want to do!"

"I know!" Perturabo's electronic voice was filled with annoyance, and he roared angrily at a figure wearing gold armor, "Dorn! (DORNNNNNN!) Isn't it okay?! You don't care about such a trivial matter! can not do well?!"

Connected from the back of the head to the lumbar spine by countless flickering working cables hanging and pulled out from the ceiling and walls, it looked like a steel angel with huge wings - the soul of the Iron-Blooded master controller turned towards them with some aggrievement. He stood up to show that he was trying his best, and Perturabo shouted angrily at him to "turn your head and don't show that look on that face."

I don't know who laughed secretly.

The cheerful and positive working mood infects everyone like the sunshine that dispels the gloom.

"Okay, let's see how far this 'pull' can go..."

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