Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 248 Then I will follow the guidance and you will follow me

The World Eaters' lowered vehicles and self-propelled artillery were firing at the tall, solid walls surrounding the Cantor's Palace.

Originally built to defend against an entire world's rebellion, these walls now faithfully reflect all the intentions of the Mechanicus Priests who built them.

The flying sparks rose high, igniting the broken and exquisite arcades of the former palace in the spiral of heat waves, and there were clusters of blazing flames everywhere.

Many originally regular buildings were sculpted into characteristic depressions and twists by the gravity wave weapons fired at will. The randomness of the materials in the waves exudes a strange and twisted beauty.

The "points" produced by the vortex cannon tear apart the material surface of reality, leaving behind a series of uncomfortable and indescribable traces.

The bombardment by Typhon's heavy siege tanks and basilisks continued until the earth could no longer bear it and opened huge mouths, swallowing up the collapsed cities and the last traces of human life.

The siege missiles launched from the Tornado missile truck were like angels of death dragging long radiant wings, roaring through the sky and igniting everything as they returned to the ground from the atmosphere.

If there were any observers here, they would notice that most of the missiles appear to be blind and skewed, with no definite target at all. The keen and sophisticated navigation machine souls in these weapons were burned together as they accompanied the landing Twelfth Legion through the ionization storm caused by the death of the planet.

When the deserted, dead streets were repeatedly set on fire, and ominous smoke filled the sky, the artillery fire would calm down, and the World Eaters would march forward again, stepping on what had been destroyed. Their long-range attacks are not accurate, and they do not pursue accuracy, but they have more supplies and preparations than the Loyalists, and they pour a large amount of ammunition into the Loyalists' last stronghold in a saturated manner.

Most of these attackers could only advance on foot. Due to the severe damage caused by the early indiscriminate bombing, Rhino and Land Raider could hardly move on the dilapidated ground roads, let alone the reinforced concrete roads on the ground. The ruins of a funeral pyre: they are still endless as far as the best eyes can see, stretching to the end of the horizon.

The Thunderhawk gunships that brought them down were no better. The sophisticated navigation electronics on these craft, like the navigation systems on the Tornado missile vehicles, were sensitive to unstable storms of ionizing radiation in the upper atmosphere.

Even behemoths like the Mastodon super-heavy vehicles are powerless. Their drivers find themselves struggling to move through the continuous mountains formed by smoke and ruins. They can only travel a limited dozen kilometers a day, which is not as good as walking. speed.

Nails and other more primal desires drive the World Eaters.

The berserkers grinned and dripped blood while relying almost entirely on muscle memory to launch and pilot their Land Speeders.

The swaying wings skimmed dangerously over jagged piles of rubble and dead skeletal shells of towers, searching with the naked eye for their prey. The giant Terminators followed, digging their heavy steps through the dust while firing their heavy flamethrowers into every nook and cranny they could reach, driving and slaughtering like inhuman prey. Looking at his former human colleagues.

In the end, there were tens of thousands of people when they landed, but now only a few hundred loyalists were driven and gathered into the last and strongest fortress.

What is somewhat dramatic is that they were the attackers here before, but now they have become the defenders.

Cantor's Palace.

Sol Tarvitz stood between his brothers, waiting between artillery barrages to fend off the next charge of the mad World Eaters on the walls.


"It's okay...it's okay, Dae'ol. Go and stay with the others for a while, my son, you are just...too tired and too lacking in energy. In this case, everyone is likely to make mistakes."

Angron Petra gently told Da'or, who was kneeling in front of him and screamed in repentance, and then asked Korag to take his brother who was crying so much that he couldn't stop to the back to calm down for a while.

The resurrected old warrior was now known as Korragg the Songmaster, a name used by others to commemorate and praise the primarch's miraculous resurrection.

He was also responsible for assisting his Primarch in the subsequent efforts to gather other lost loyalists. Yes, Korragg now fully acknowledged that he had two Primarchs, and listened intently to Angron Petra's every word. Now, like the other soldiers who followed the Primarch, he had his pauldrons and other parts painted black with the black smoke that could be seen all over Istvaan III.

"I will join you in the battles ahead to mourn and avenge the brave loyalists."

Thus declared Angron Petra, and the members of the Third, Twelfth, Fourteenth, and Sixteenth Legions bowed their heads and swore their loyalty to him, grieved by his noble grief.

The arrival of a loyal Primarch was undoubtedly a shot in the arm and a cohesive agent for the Legionnaires, but more worries were also spread in private.

Angron Petra knew what they were worried about.

One is that not only can he use psychic powers, but he does have the same body shape and appearance as Angron who is chasing them - well - although it is indeed hard to believe at first glance - those who have had the chance to escape the World Eater The massacre of the Primarch and the fear in the eyes of the legionaries who hunted him at first glance could not deceive anyone - least of all the Iron-Hearted Mercy.

He extended his psychic barrier as far as possible, shielding these warriors from repeated searches so that they could have more breathing room, and used the new techniques he had learned after his time in Old Nuceria. "Comfort" these warriors who are tired, hurt and even more unacceptable after learning that they have been abandoned by the Primarch.

Thanks to the miraculous power of the Iron-Hearted Benevolent Ones, most of them survived and grew stronger like tempered steel, with the Nail-Stop World Eaters as their backbone.

The second is that they will be more worried that he is indeed loyal than that he is a betrayer. Because obviously, the fleet in orbit and the great betrayer do not want to leave any breathing creature on the ground of Isstvan III, and if they watch a loyal primarch lose here——

They will never be able to apologize for their sins.

However, when they were dropped by the airdrop pod, they had no way to leave the surface of Istvan III. Horus Luperkar was indeed determined to kill all of them.

But Angron Petra didn't think so.

He already had some preliminary ideas, and on the morning of the ninety-ninth day here, he poured out another full of Space Marine special rations from the metal tube gifted by Perturabo.

"So, you should be the last people around here now."

Kellorn stood quietly in front of the red-haired king, holding his broken helmet around his waist with one hand, making the etiquette of meeting the master.

His jaw was tense, showing tension at the Primarch's oppressive power, but he still managed to maintain the Luna Wolf's demeanor.

"That's right, respected... Lord Iron Heart, I have news about the last two big strongholds."

"Tell me."

"The underground station we are currently in is just near the center of the city. It runs east-west and it is easy to judge the direction. To the north is the Cantor's Palace. There should be a large number of loyal soldiers of the Third Legion holding on there. Judging from the sound Judging from the explosion range and explosion range, the attack on them may be fierce, but there should be the strongest surface buildings on the planet. To our south, there are strong church buildings and many secret underground tombs, which are ready-made and good defensive strongholds. I was also told that Gavir Loken of the 16th Legion, as commander, was preparing to assemble all loyalist fighters there."

It was obvious that Kellorn preferred to join Gavir Loken, but he resisted the urge to speak further and only introduced the information he knew.

This made Angron's evaluation of him rise a lot.

Pirames, whose face was wrapped in a rough cloak and a bandage soaked in medicine, showed a hesitant expression on the side - he was trying to protect Kellon and Daeo in the dark close combat. Then he was almost ground into a bloody ball on the stone by a World Eater Berserker.

Fortunately, Angron still had an apothecary on hand. Although they lacked medicine, with the help of a small amount of the primarch's magical spiritual power, they still tried their best to save the Emperor's Son.

"But I heard that Ga'viel Loken may have gone to join Sol Tarvitz," when asked, the Emperor's Son tried his best to show the graceful etiquette of a court swordsman, while grimacing in pain, "This is the latest piece of information I captured, and I haven't had time to share and verify it yet."

"So." Angron Petra thought, the next decision was crucial. Nearly a hundred warriors looked expectantly at their King of Miracles in the darkness with their broken eyes.

The Primarch pondered, unaware that the only ray of light leaking from the cracked ground was shining on his gold and silver armor, making his entire body appear to glow.

"Let's go to the south first..."

No, wait, Angron Petra suddenly thought that those Space Marine ration particles showed the imprints of ancient symbols on the mold. Among the eight-pointed disc stars, one star was particularly long.



he thought.

"Gather everyone together, explain the key points to pay attention to on the road, and assign all slow-moving and inconvenient units. I want to ensure that everyone can receive assistance and control."

The Primarch made his decision, rising from the ruins of concrete, steel and rubble.

The light shone on his face.

"Let's go to the Cantor's Palace."

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