Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 250 The ancient sage, obey the authority in urgent matters

Sol Tarvitz's appearance is not the most beautiful among the Emperor's Children. It is even said that some of his former peers have commented that the golden metal patch on his forehead is so ugly and abrupt that it detracts from the image of the Emperor's Children warrior. .

However, his temperament will make people notice the warrior's calmness and intelligence immediately, rather than focusing on his appearance.

He had indeed seriously considered the possibility that this situation was a trap.

But apparently after thinking about it, he concluded that there was no need for the Warmaster to carry out such a troublesome and unbelievable act.

After all, the few hundred remaining loyal warriors who had gathered and garrisoned the Cantor's Palace had been destroyed by heavy ground fire, other warriors from the four Legions loyal to the Warmaster, and the Titan Legions: Deathskull and Emberwolf. Completely surrounded.

These rebels treat the lone rebels equally: saturation ammunition shooting and promethium flamethrowers inserted into every gap and hole. Maybe those who are caught alive and unfortunate will become their former comrades haha Shooting targets for fun, signs of depravity and corruption are clearly beginning to spread among the traitor's armies.

The footsteps of the Titan Legion continued to shake the earth: in addition to the twelve Warhound Titans, several complete formations of Warlord-class and Predator-class machines, and even an Emperor-class Titan was released to the ground, the fallen gods' machines The abnormal anger was so violent that the entire original city block once again turned into clouds of dust and fire that flew into the sky, melting the metal remains of factories and tracks into pools of red-glowing slag iron. Even from the palace lookout point far away, the flash of their weapons could be clearly seen.

In the face of the overwhelming number of vehicles, heavy weapons, and Titans that fell to the ground, the balance of killing calculations has completely tilted towards the side of the Warmaster. The bombing from orbit is obviously intended to turn this place into a ruined tomb for the loyalists. Tavitz He and other officers had originally planned to abandon part of the defensive line, and instead carried out the final encirclement and killing of the attackers on the opposite side, and try to - try to delay as much time as possible for a certain spacecraft carrying news of the betrayer.

The Eisenstein and Captain Nathaniel Gallo were informed of a limited number of officers about their escape mission to Terra before the start of the battle.

But the plan was changed at short notice.

Because Lucius shouted at the top of his lungs on the communication channel that all loyalists could hear, that there was a Primarch, a Primarch who claimed to be loyal, and said that his demand now is that everyone immediately Back under the palace's unique main dome, made of beautiful, solid, gleaming coral material - and even more absurdly, the primarch claimed to be "the twelfth scion of the Emperor, the loyal genetic primordial" "Body Angron" - just thinking about this word and the Angron approaching with the crazy World Eaters outside with a grin made the brain of the best commander of the Emperor's Children begin to overload. ——

But when Tarvitz couldn't help but discipline and scold the swordsman who always seemed too childish and liked to attract attention, how could he be so ignorant of the general act of grandstanding at this moment? The figure walking in quickly behind the company commander made everyone here speechless for a moment.

The radiant golden and silver armor, the unique noble figure, some unknown awe and intuition written deep in the genetic code, and the powerful and overwhelming spiritual power.

The bright eyepiece on the Primarch's helmet turned to the officers. Some of the warriors who reacted raised their guns, and some drew their weapons in their hands, but they all hesitated.

"Wait a minute. My brothers."

Someone came out from behind the original body in gold and silver armor. Most of his power armor had been painted black, and his face was wrapped in blood-stained bandages. His original legion number and military rank could not be seen. But some people can still recognize him from his white hair peeking out from the bandages and his unique blue-purple eyes.

"Pirames?" Captain Solomon made a surprised voice. Although he himself suffered serious injuries that almost burned off his face and body, he was still very happy to come forward and take a closer look at his comrades. "Why did you paint yourself like this?"

"Demeter." The Emperor's Son greeted his brothers, "Because of His Highness Angron's decree, we are mourning all the loyalists who died here. - At the same time, I have decided to follow Angron here. My lord."

The reloading sound of some kind of heavy storm bolter sounded, and a high, unyielding voice emerged.

"Listen to what you are saying - you say you are following a Primarch of the World Eaters, an accomplice of the Betrayer! So, are you going to betray us, the Emperor's Children? Barro Piramel Si?"

The person in question blinked his swollen eyes and saluted the speaker as respectfully as possible. "This is not a betrayal, Master. The Primarch is loyal, as am I. We have come to bring you salvation."

"Hmph. He'd better be loyal, and he'd better bring salvation instead of deceit and poison."

The vocal figure emerged from the smoke and dust under the broken dome. The unyielding and fearless elder striding towards the uninvited guests was Rilanor, the steward of the Paladin Royal Court, the master of etiquette, the ancient sage, and the proud emperor of mankind. Acolyte, the greatest symbol of the past glory of the Emperor's Children of the Third Legion.

The gorgeous royal purple and gold plating on the Contemptor's fearless body had almost been bombarded by artillery fire and explosive bombs, leaving only peeling traces of smoke and fire and shallow crater dents, with his name and The engraved ribbon of the Paladin Court was so damaged that it was almost impossible to see its original appearance, but he still moved miraculously.

Everyone, including the World Eaters, Death Guard, and Luna Wolves warriors, showed great respect for the elder's appearance.

"It's so good to see you again, Master Rilanor." Pirames said sincerely, his throat congealed with sobs, "I heard many times, again and again, the enemy's communications... …The traitors report that they have destroyed your…target.”

"Pirames. I am the Palatine Steward of the Third Legion, Master of Ceremonies, and a Living Witness of History. Remember the virtues I represent, I remember our struggles and what we have done, I am righteous, glorious and The loyal Son of the Emperor. As long as I live, my fight and my will will never cease, even if it lasts for thousands of years."

The ancient sage's helmet-like head sensor turned to the Primarch, who had been waiting quietly for a long time without dissatisfaction, his bright blue eyepiece flashing due to the damaged auspicious system.

"If you can tolerate the indifference of an old man like me, then you are indeed very different from our Lord and his brothers. The Primarch of the Twelfth Legion, Angron, that I know and understand is not like you. of."

"That's right." The Lord of Iron Heart also answered the other party in the softest, elegant and standard High Gothic, and at the same time took off his helmet.

Beneath the molten crimson metallic hair is a pair of red-gold eyes.

"He is Angron Tark, and I am Angron Petra."

Those golden eyes reminded the steward of the royal court of someone he was lucky enough to meet.

A bomb accurately focused on the coral dome, the hall trembled violently, and began to rain down stone debris and fragments.

Angron looked up at the sky.

"There's no time," he said. "They didn't want to leave anyone alive. When we came, we observed that the ground legions were gathering and the orbital bombardment in the sky was already in place. We must take everyone out of here immediately."

"Wait a minute." Sol Tavitz finally asked the doubts in his heart on behalf of the commanders, "First of all, how did you lead so many people through the encirclement outside?"

The eyes of the commander and others flashed with deep suspicion.

Kellorn stepped out of the queue and stretched out his hands towards the 2nd and 10th Captains of the Luna Wolves to show that he had no weapons.

"I am willing to swear on all my past and my name, adults, please believe in His Highness Angron."

The Primarch held down Koragg who wanted to step forward to continue negotiations. "To make a long story short, I used my own power to lead them through the blockade without fighting, in order to find you as soon as possible. This is with the 'me' outside. 'Different forces.'

Sol Tarvitz's suspicion was clearly etched on his face, and they could no longer afford any betrayal. "You admit that you and Angron the Betrayer are the same person? We all know the Emperor's noble heirs, but I have never heard that the Twelfth Primarch is a twin."

"Indeed not." Angron replied, "But I hope you have gathered all the loyalists you can contact. We really don't have time." His calm face looked rarely anxious, and this emotion was even contagious asked everyone present, "Can we move to a safe place and talk about this in detail?"

"How to transfer?" asked Tarik Torgadun, a former member of the Council of the Four Kings of the Luna Wolves who looked so hurt by the primarch's betrayal, tired and full of doubts, "There are so many people here. , we don’t have any flying vehicles, and even if we did, we wouldn’t have time to deploy and load them.”

"Stay as close to me as possible." The Primarch touched his thigh armor again. Several warriors raised their weapons vigilantly. He took out the metal tube painted with the unique color of the Fourth Legion. , now that the back of the metal tube was completely pulled out, he took it out again. Inside was a small black and white pendant made of strange material. The warning lights in the eyes of this animal-shaped pendant were flashing, and the color changed from blue to red. , the frequency keeps accelerating.

"...What...is this?" It was Rilano who asked this time.


"Such a small beacon? And it seems completely impossible to fit any device inside."

"Its working principle is different from that of ordinary beacons. So you need to stand as close as possible, and I will use my own power to amplify it." The soldiers stared at him doubtfully.

In the end, they stood as close as possible to the original body under the dome. After all, they would have originally spent all the bullets on hand and stood here looking at the sky unyieldingly to meet their final end.

Those near him heard the primarch mutter softly.

"This is my first time to hold such a ceremony, so I hope...he will forgive me. It should be fine. After all, it is Perturabo and..."

The air vibrated.

Bright "lines" emerged.

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