Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 253: Interlude Sklar’s ​​Wonderful Rabbit Hole Journey (1) (No)

Chapter 253 Interlude: Sklar’s ​​Wonderful Rabbit Hole Journey (1) (No)

After Ms. Lotara Salin entered the ritual center and kept praying and calling the Primarch, the eighth company commander Endred Hal fell into a coma, and the first company commander Kahn and the hermit cultivator did not return from the expedition. Under the circumstances, as the current de facto supreme commander of the Desert Ark, Sklar, the second company commander of the Iron Heart Chapter, after escorting the precious think tanks of his own Chapter to arrive here, he became an important person in the logistics and social circles. The person in charge walked carefully in the wide corridors of the Iron-Destiny Steel.

It's not that the specifications of the corridors here are not suitable for an ancient Contemptor Dreadnought - in fact, most of the corridors and spaces here are built to be very "sarcophagus friendly", which makes people wonder what some of the facilities here are. Who is using it - but as a real thousand-year-old Astartes, some of his war instincts can actually be said to have some "metaphysics" or in the words of the Priory Elder Volias. Said, "This is because your instinctive understanding of the beginning, process, and end of a battle is close to the subspace nature of the way of combat."

Later, Volias and others specially engraved a large number of runes and spells mixed with special paint on his fearless armor for him, which was used to enhance his combat intuition and stabilize his internal body. Psionics and biochemistry.

Therefore, there is no reason for Sklar's current caution. There is plenty of light, few people, orderly, clean environment, and fresh air, but...

He always felt that when walking here, he had a very serious feeling that he was being watched by some powerful being, and there were more than one.

But if it was something like a demon, an inanimate creature, or an Eldar alien, his multi-band auspex and crystal grid imager would be able to tell something - well, speaking of which, when he first set foot on On certain decks here, his auspicious device shrieked to warn him, indicating that there was indeed an obvious demonic energy reaction below or nearby.

But when he solemnly told this discovery to a young officer named Maxim who was one of the currently stretched management officers of the Destiny Steel, the other party gave him a strange look, and then told him not to worry about the devil. It would be better for him to worry about his other "daily affairs" here.

The other party said this at that time, and then called a priest brother in power armor who was not the fourth legion that Sklar was familiar with.

"This is the respected Reverend Brother Eli Kaiwen. During your stay here, he will serve as a reliable liaison between us. In addition, if you have any needs that do not require special approval, Pastor Brother Eli Kaiwen Basically, all the permissions can be allocated for you."

Captain Sklar took a look at the priest brother who was silent after greeting him: brand new black plating and human bone painting, black silver-edged shoulder armor, and a typical priest skull helmet. , with a winged skull scepter hanging on his waist. On one side of the shoulder armor is a stylized skull mask pattern, and on the other side is a strange mark: two Imperial Sky Eagles cast in gold and silver are held in their talons. Some weird keys.

Just as he was pondering the meaning of this slightly inconsistent pattern, Pastor Li Kaiwen's serious, deep and reverberated voice sounded under the grille of his skull mask.

Hmm... This brother has the voice of a very typical and stereotypical Space Marine priest. The feeling of fanaticism and serenity, rationality and blindness is very well blended together. Sklar made a voice in his amniotic fluid chamber. Invisible grimaces, with his voice and texture, it would be a pity not to go to the Blood Angels, Black Templars or Imperial Fists to preach for them——

Oh no, Sklar, who is relatively familiar with these three historical war groups, blinked. The Blood Angels may still think that his vocal range is too serious and not elegant enough. The Black Templars may think that his voice is too serious. The speed and tone of his speech were too peaceful.

"We're here, Brother Captain Sklar."

Pastor Li Kaiwen's voice interrupted Fearless's thoughts, and he found that they were standing in front of a cabin room that looked like a mechanical temple.

"Wait a minute, are we here? I don't remember my walking feet moving that much..."

Sklar was horrified to find that his displacement records indeed showed that they had moved a long distance.

"This is how space shows us the possibilities of ingenuity in the great holy places, or because we use some...advanced technologies in space to improve security and confidentiality."

"...Okay, I understand, you shouldn't ask more questions, right? So where is this?"

"VIP room for fearless drivers."

"...?" Without giving Sklar any more chance to think or ask questions, the serious priest brother took a step forward and brushed his face at the mech guarding the door. No, your skull mask helmet can also do it. Is it the basis for facial recognition?


"Please come here, Captain Sklar. Your Excellency, Chapter Commander, considering that it is inconvenient for Dreadnought mecha pilots to scan their faces, we are using Dreadnought component spectrum acquisition technology combined with voiceprint scanning and some confidential identification technologies here. .”

"Wha, what is it..."

The priest guided or pushed one of Dreadnought's arms forcefully, and a beam of light came out of the red electronic eyes of the iron ring soldier. Skator subconsciously wanted to turn aside or cover it, but the beam was in Dauntless's direction. The surface of the machine made a slight sizzling sound, and then went out.

"Beep - the preview target data has been entered and is loading - already included: Former Twelfth Legion 'War Dogs', now Universe Z-, Heart of Iron Chapter, Captain of the Second Company, Sklar, evaluation: Five-star rating; Special performance: Thousand Slashes of the Word Bearers; Current machine: Dauntless the Contemptor, Forging world: Mars; Year: 533-733, M35; Vehicle number: 8681-756-127-DR 081-12-12A ;Material: 85.4% fine gold, ceramic steel..."

"...The way you welcome your guests is really...unique." Sklar considered his words, and was a little bit dumbfounded at the same time, "I have witnessed countless worlds being sent to the funeral pyres of punishment, and I have also stepped on countless The decks of the ships that were conquered or came to support, the maintenance cabins of the Temple of the Mechanicum and the chapter's armory are not unfamiliar to me, but you... this is indeed the first time I have seen them."

"Brother company commander, your information has been entered." His liaison officer replied, opening the hatch at the same time, "Please come in, let me introduce you to some common sense of life here."

"Interesting." Sklar murmured and followed the priest in. At the same time, he felt that a certain human mood that had not burned for thousands of years began to subtly revive, "Let me take a look at you." What’s going on here…”

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