Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 270: Are you Nikana Sarakin?

Chapter 270 Are you Nikolai Sharogin?

Angron Petra blinked his eyes dissatisfiedly when he was interrupted and awakened from the countless tributaries of assigned work.

“I said it’s important not to interrupt my flow of work and meditation.”

"That's right, Your Highness." Captain Balor's voice sounded helpless, "But this is the message from the two Highnesses of the Silver Skull..."

"Let me see." The Twelfth Primarch frowned as he read the book. At the same time, he began to feel that the fire of aggression and anger that had been well-hidden under the appearance of a ruler by his teacher had returned. Trying to feed off his heightened emotions and blood pressure, he ignited.

But he won't let them get the upper hand. Reason and emotion are double-edged swords that require excellent control from the holder, and he learned how to balance them and the right time to release them from his adoptive father many years ago.

Therefore, after reading it, he just told the adjutant beside him to keep an eye on his unfinished work, and then hurried to join his brothers.

Although he already had a personal experience of how unreasonable the existence served by his crazy or truly genius brother could be in this ship, when he arrived this time, Angron Petra still felt a sense of unreasonableness. Deep powerlessness. But the matter in front of him still needed to be dealt with, because the King of Red Sand had already seen his ice-blue eyes scanning over with a trace of inquiry. He sighed and walked over resignedly.

"What the hell is going on?" He stared at the figure standing next to them, bound like a solid mummy by a sticky composite metal mesh and a mark of psychic fire, the Twelfth Primarch Said loudly, "I don't remember that we have invited our brothers from the Eighth Legion to come to this place!"

"You should ask him this question." The black-and-white dog looked at the still inexplicable person next to him with a resentful look like "Can you give me less work that requires 007? I still need sleep after all." Electronic sounds boomed from the speakers beneath his armored neck.

"Me? How many times this month?! What does it have to do with me anymore?!" The body of the tall Primarch holding his own arms yelled, "That's not what I want to catch! I Isn’t the one we caught the super macho Crow Saraojin?! It’s not like I haven’t seen what he looked like when we fished him out! I even screamed just now!”

"Shut up!" The dog chewed his canine teeth that had become rounded from years of chewing. "The Lord of Steel will never scream!" His watery brown almond eyes sternly scanned the accompanying Astartes. , before others could react, Aharin took the lead in making a gesture of obedience and obedience to the Lord of Iron. The remaining members of the guard wore helmets and could not see their expressions clearly, but they also This statement was followed by the same statement. This caused the Dreadnought's fire control system to lock on dissatisfiedly for a moment before disappearing.

Angron Petra sighed again, feeling a deep exhaustion caused not by age but by worry wash over his spiritual world. There were only two like this. I really don’t know how confident and optimistic their father was to create twenty of them at the same time.

He gave up for the time being to mediate the quarrel between his eldest brother, but his mentality was more... well... "younger" than any of the other children here. He walked over and looked down at what they had caught in the field. That result - no, I don't want to think about why fertile land and farmland appeared here, I just want to focus on this -

"Your name?" Angron Petra mobilized his psychic power to speak to his target. The noble and pure talent engraved deep in his soul made his face look more powerful and powerful. It is persuasive, but reduces the threat of suggestion and brings a sense of security to the listener.

The twelfth primarch was not very familiar with but remembered very clearly the haggard, pale face like a skeleton and a beast, like some kind of ghost that emerged from the past killings, like a ghost emerging from his long, messy, Nightmare-like black and slender hair emerged from the water of reality.

The muscles in the back of Angron's neck and shoulders tensed instinctively because of the memory of danger that this face brought to him.

The pair of narrow eyes with strange animalistic beauty were black and shiny. Because they had to look directly at the artificial sunlight behind Angron, their irises shrank and they were squinted tightly.

He stared intently into the molten golden eyes of his primarch as he crouched down and looked down upon him.

Look into his golden eyes.

golden eyes.


"Nikony Sharokin."

He said.

The jagged teeth shone slightly moistly under the dry thin lips.

Angron frowned tightly.


"This is totally wrong."

"Whether it's right or wrong, he's definitely not the person we thought he was at the beginning."

"How can you be so sure?"

"If it was the person we thought he was," Angron said, looking at the prisoner in the monitor who was sitting quietly under the metal pillar with his neck and limbs chained, "he wouldn't be sitting so honestly meditating anyway. And he speaks in an organized manner.”

"...This really can't be refuted, but it's hard to say, right? He's not always so... well, cough!" The speaker stopped because of the sudden curse in the telepathic transmission.

"I mean, the only ones who have appeared here are members of the Raven Guard. I have never heard of us having any famous relationship with... him or his legion?"

"That's true. But if he really has nothing to do with someone or something here, then it's impossible for him to appear here." The black and white dog said gloomily.

"Let's see what our Sir Kaduru has to say about this wonder. After all, he is the only expert here who has some achievements in this field. - (Olympian expletive), who is Utherma Atla? Where was he thrown?! There is no way that a person like him and Emmenute could remain unknown in this galaxy for ten thousand years! But my database has not been able to find anything related to him so far. There are relevant clues, which is also very abnormal.”

The old man whose name was mentioned took a step forward from between the giant and the steel with his flaming staff, "Actually, I think you can think of it if I give you some time, but since you asked first, I will... "

"Wait! I know!" Between frustration and surprise, Lamizane suddenly realized a thunderbolt-like thought that cut through the night in his mind, "We are really in the dark under the lamp! Pepe! Of course you and him It matters! And since Angron is here, it matters even more!"

"What..." The black-and-white dog blinked, and then gritted his teeth, "So that's it... That's it... Indeed! Maze!!!"

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