Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 272 Is it normal for a human to have a phobia of the deep sea?

Obscure Star Realm, Calixis Sector

Carrick Galaxy, Pearl Moon

Planet Arctic·Ocean

Nine thousand meters below the sea

"There are more things buried under these ruins. There should be some relics, perhaps very ancient but well-preserved magic circles and runes. There may still be ancient secret vaults. The treasures left by many races in this universe are indeed It can exist for many millennia. Also, some things on the bridge of this ship may have survived. I detected a strong strange resonance, or it may be that the constant resistance caused the spreading ripples to form an additional Resonance. The main frequency of the confrontation is two bands, one is the pronunciation band commonly used by humans, and the other is the category of the ancient Ada alien language."

After lingering over the Eldar Webway Gate and the ruins of the huge void ship for a long time to study and scan carefully, Perturabo came to his conclusion based on his rich knowledge.

"If we want to conduct further research, we must send people to go completely to the bottom, excavate and remove the things above. I suspect that the angle of the impact of this ship and the ruins of the entire Eldar Empire formed a coincidental large-scale amplification circle. But if you can accurately locate the catalyst, you will have a chance of triggering the transfer - I call it 'suspected of being able to 'eject' the catalyst target into the relevant time and space flow', although... but if this kind of accident can be studied It will undoubtedly be a discovery that is extremely beneficial to us."

"I have a few questions to ask."

After studying for a long time in a stagnant position, the beautiful being who strangely claimed to be the Descendant of the Crows, but was confirmed by his two brothers as the King of Midnight. Are the ten black fingernails on the pale and slender claw-like fingers dyed or not? The dirty paint is natural; after thinking about the appearance of Conrad Coates dragging his super long hair in the depths of the sewer sludge, he quickly erased this mosaic-level picture. ; Lamizane, who was tired of looking at the unchanging scenery at the bottom of the sea, began to raise his own questions about the Primarch Bian Mu again.

"Say." Then Perturabo warned, "Don't ask any questions about safety. We are absolutely safe here. Just remember this."

"Uh, okay, first of all, can we confirm the ownership of this suspected Glory Queen-class battleship or who its owner is?"

The remaining two Primarchs in the cabin exchanged glances for a moment shorter than an electronic jump.

"It's almost certainly...one of our brothers, but." Perturabo's words slowed down, showing that the primarch was choosing the right words, while Angron smiled at Lamizane and whispered quietly Using his gift of soul-soothing emotions. "It's not suitable for us to talk about too many details here, because the specific analysis process may be a bit boring. Maybe when we return to the Iron Blood, we can choose a suitable time, and I can analyze the things on the image and point them out to you. Explain, it will be more calm this way..."

"Yes indeed, so have you discovered anything about these ancient ruins here?"

"Of course, at first glance, it looks like a typical ancient Eldar style. The superb architecture left behind before their empire was swallowed up by the deadly joy. Judging from the traces, this planet may have been a very important Webway node. But it's not a typical one. I'm sure its level is higher than an ordinary door, because it can still be triggered by the mechanism in this environment." Perturabo added, "There are no guards still guarding it. There are traces of it, but this place should not be abandoned, but a lost city caused by an accident, but it is hard to say what accident it was. After all, the salty sea water itself will cause slight corrosion, and after so long Over time, any material that is not tough enough will be eroded, unless we can later send machinery down to find some writing material engraved on a stable enough surface."

"Okay... Actually, I want to ask if we can go back. This place makes me feel a bit eerie... But if you can determine whose ship it is, it will be a worthwhile trip. In addition, we have all gone down to The bottom of the sea is here, why are we floating at such a high place and struggling to scan instead of looking closer? Although we don't plan to leave the cabin, the maneuverability of our modified submarine is still enough to support us to get closer. Just observe."

"Ah, this is because we should not leave the Iron-Blooded too far." Perturabo answered vaguely, and the smile on Angron's lips seemed to have frozen, and only his increasingly shining golden eyes were in contact with him. The tightly bulging arm muscles can show how cautiously and violently he is outputting his psychic energy at this moment, "Just, well, for some safety and performance transmission distance considerations, we can only reach the furthest I believe you can understand this distance, right?"

"Safety, indeed," a look of approval immediately appeared on the opposite face. At the same time, Angron's expression showed that some invisible pressure was relieved, "Safety is the first priority! So when will we Can we return to the Iron Blood?"

"Why are you so anxious to go back?"

"Because I came down with you. If you didn't insist on checking with your own eyes... and now you say you can't go too far, then we'd better go back first." It was obvious that the speaker didn't like this kind of empty surroundings. The experience of being in a diving chamber with only one cable connected to the ground and being enveloped by millions of tons of pressurized seawater, but he still overcame a certain fear within himself in order to fulfill the puppy's wish. "I feel bad about this place. I can't believe people would pay to go down to a place like this..."

"Okay, for the last lap, let's go around to the back to see the condition of the half of the wreckage that the spacecraft flew out of, and then we'll start the ascent process."

"Very good!"

The Stormbird Machine Spirit, which had been converted into a deep-sea submersible, emitted a soft hum from the reactor, and then they began to turn around and slowly sail towards the wreckage at the rear of the ship that had not been inspected before.

The thrusters left an invisible trail of water behind them.

A warning light flashed from blue to yellow in the power armor eyepiece where Magnar Dorn was sitting in the hangar waiting for them to surface on the Iron Blood.

"Warning, please return to the signal area immediately."

Noticing this, the former Imperial Regent frowned.

"Why the warning? Roger."

"Correction, Magna."

"Okay... Magna. Why the warning?"

"The Diving Storm Bird, warning, please return to the signal coverage area immediately. If the distance is too far, multiple stability reinforcements cannot be carried out. Warning, if the distance is too far, multiple stability reinforcements cannot be carried out."

"...Seriously, are you staying with me again this time? My old bones really can't bear another fright."

With this muttering in his mouth, the former Imperial Regent had begun to summon the most elite members of the ship who could be trusted by him.

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