Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 283 How could there be such a kind and noble person?

Before the old regent in the Temple City received the contact from the Eastern Communication Tower No. 12, Lamizane had already chatted with the poor and innocent young technician Reval Meder on the body of Konrad Coze. Qixunbasu incidentally turned over the little inventory in his mind.

Including but not limited to the life experiences of three generations of his family, the pitiful gossip of neighbors, some details about this settlement, all defense measures, and the earliest origins of these unfortunate empire residents.

As for the group of Night Lords gathered on the surface of Thesaguarsa - well, it's hard to say whether they held their breath and listened to every word of their lost and recovered original body's chatter and laughter and chewed it over and over again, or whether they were listening again and again. The father of genes who reshapes all his common sense in order to keep up with the rapid changes that occur every second.

All in all, when the communication link in the east was officially connected and the sound was hard to be heard in the observation tower of the former state religion pilgrim ship that served as the office and residence of the so-called regent on the planet, Lamizane felt quite confident and began to He planned to use his poor social skills to try to persuade the old man.

——After all, when you have the experience of opening your eyes and sitting in the Iron-Blooded Primarch's workshop and immediately starting to fool a ship and a ball of Iron Warriors, fooling a lost colonial settlement lord will become impossible. So difficult.

As for the Night Lords? Well, seeing as they didn't react at all, it shouldn't be a big deal. After all, the Iron Warriors were... also... quite easy to talk to? (*Some kind of mocking laugh and snort, the Children of the Night are not Perturabo's bulky iron!)

So after a conversation that was all true but with some innocuous deletions and rhetorical touches.

"...Oh, yes, I think, I'd be happy to come to Temple City to chat with you, so that's it, we'll be there later, Mr. Regent." (*Oh, yes, you shameful thief , I never thought I would hear such rhetoric from Mr. XX!)

"I will have the honor to serve you with the best wine in my cellar, Lord Curze, and look forward to our meeting." (*Midnight Ghost is my name.)

The communicator, which was getting louder and louder, was screwed up with a snap. The local technician who was carefully watching next to him looked at the increasingly dark sky. His companion was uneasily heading towards him on the off-road vehicle in the distance. Looking around. "The wind is going to get stronger, sir. We should go back to the city to avoid the storm and freezing rain."

His obscure gaze swept over the other person's skin, which had been exposed for a long time in the sharp sandstorm but was still pale and tough. They were like marble sculptures, tenaciously surviving the wind and sand unharmed.

"Of course." The giant with long black hair told the technician, "You go back first, we have some things to do and we will be there later."


Talos Valcolan was of Nostramo descent. He, along with tens of thousands of his other brothers, had witnessed how their father behaved in his final days on Thesaguarsa thousands of years ago. Bits and pieces are bitten and hollowed out by things that are indescribable, indescribable, and incapable of capture, but that have indeed had a real impact.

He saw with his own eyes that the Night Lord's black temples turned gray and his mind became blurred. Rumors among the legion that their father had been corrupted by the power of Chaos became increasingly noisy. He listened with his own ears to the prophecies made to him by the Gene Father. He even Able to foresee things on her own...until that bitch from the Pseudo-Emperor Assassin's Court came to take away the trophy she had obtained so effortlessly.

Although he finally fulfilled his father's prophecy and became a soul hunter, becoming the first and only Night Lord to successfully hunt her and kill the assassin, this did not give him much comfort in his empty heart. So much has happened and so many people and things have been lost.

And Talos has been clinging to the meager memories to live in the past.

His best brother, Charles, had worriedly advised him not to talk so much about the Legion's lost honor and the meaning of battle, believing that their Primarch had gone mad and that his brother should live in the moment rather than listen. Some outdated and crazy teachings, but Talos knew that the Charr was entirely out of kindness to him, because he reluctantly led this small warband after the death of the Supreme Being, and his brothers did not mind passing A murder duel to re-determine leadership.

That is until Valiel, an apothecary from the Red Corsairs who is more Night Lord than Night Lord, joins them and points out that the gifts brought to him by the gene-seed are eating him, and that the visions of Eldar, battle, and the end are... The Eye of Terror began to haunt him, and he eventually guided the Cursed Echo there, along with all his remaining brothers from the Tenth and Eleventh Companies, in an unconscious prophetic stupor.

Talos never understood why he did this. Even when he just saw the city and residents here from orbit, a man wanted to take advantage of the pain and soul screams of tens of millions of people who were killed and tortured. A grand plan of vengeance that would terrorize the Imperium and Terra and terrorize the Eighth Legion began to form in his mind.

He thought this was what he came here for, the guidance and meaning that came from the Primarch's teachings.

Murder, pain, and more fear left the false emperor's empire screaming in the name of the Eighth Legion.

This was what he originally planned to do.

Until he saw the resurrected midnight ghost on the surface of Thessaguarsa today - no, no, no, a secret ecstasy descended from his brain and spread to every nerve ending along his spine, like burning heat The battle potion flowing from there to the whole body made him tremble and excited, no, no, no, this is even better, just like the ancient myths and legends of Terra that his former commander Markarian once told him, the noblest victim After death, he will return from the darkness and transform into another more perfect and sublime form——

The prophet of the Eighth Legion looked eagerly through the reddish vision of the eyepiece at the noble figure of Konrad Curze, who was talking to the little leader of this imperial colonial settlement through a simple ancient communicator, with the white Noth on his retinas. The Telamo runes gathered docilely around him, forming a beautiful halo behind the Primarch's head.

He has learned about the situation when Konrad Curze first appeared through other Night Lords' reports, and that ability——

What made him even more surprised, ecstatic, and even wanted to cry was that thinking and perception seemed to have returned to their father's body with the miracle of resurrection. The wording, sentences, tone and logic of those words just now were so normal that Talos was dizzy. .

The only fly in the ointment is that the noble Lord of the Night seems to have become too tolerant and kind to mortals after his return. Even the Lord of the Fire Dragon may not be so compassionate and tolerant. Oh, how can there be such a kind and noble person in the universe? people?

Talos Valcoran rolled his dark eyes beneath his skull mask and cast his stern gaze on the remaining members of the Tenth and Eleventh Companies.

There's a good chance that some idiot will try to take advantage of the situation...

But they won't succeed.

He thought, stroking his golden sword Olum with one hand, and then opened private communications with his closest brother, Charles, and his slave, Septimus.


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