Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 291 The cat’s name is Spring?

Chapter 291 The cat’s name is Spring…?

Septimus stood in the navigator's room, his hair disheveled and panting, but not injured. He looked worriedly at his master who was struggling on the ground and suffering from severe nightmare omens.

Obviously, the slave pilot and mechanic did not just stay in the hangar and wait for death when there were riots all over the ship and at any moment they would encounter a group of heavily armed Astartes chanting "For the Emperor" around the corner. , he decided to move his master and himself to a place with more armed guards and a stronger door - and where the owner of the door would definitely open the door for him and his master.

"What do you think of him?"

He asked the woman on the throne in the center of the room.

Octavia (number eight), the current navigator of the Cursed Echo, or Lady Eurydice Melvalion, who was once the eighth daughter of a small family of navigators from Terra, sat on her On the navigator's throne, she had never been more worthy of the name her servants called her mistress.

Though tired and thin, with her messy hair wrapped in a dirty handkerchief and a tangle of tubes connecting her to the wounded and bleeding ship from the back of her head to her wrists, she now looked like a true Terran noble. Same, pursed his lips sternly, looked at every display screen and instrument in the room, and directed all the servants and servitors to run around.

"I tried my best to awaken him." She responded, "But I dare not go too deep, Septimus. There are too many things entangled in him... the prophet... and they are too dark. I can't go too deep." approach him."

The Navigator's lips grew paler and she subconsciously placed a hand on her belly.

"You will bring him back, won't you?" the green-eyed slave asked, placing a hand on her belly, almost pleading with her, his eyes as green as the legendary green leaves.

"I try my best," Octavia replied, "don't look at me like that, Septimus, even though I was robbed and enslaved by him, and you and I both know that our master is indeed a killer and a villain, But for the sake of him still coming to visit me after knowing this and not killing you, yes, I will, I will try my best.”

Although the navigator family to which Octavia belongs is small and not famous, and she does not have a famous teacher to teach her how to be a good navigator, she has already spent time with the Blood Covenant and the Cursed Echo. As she aged, she discovered something special about herself. She knew she could indeed do more than other navigators, and Septimus knew it too.

Because Talos, the prophet of the Eighth Legion, had foresaw that she was destined to be their navigator, the Night Lords traveled half way across the galaxy to plunder her from the Rogue Traders she had previously served.

Octavia retracted her thoughts, now was not a good time to recall, and then she directed Number Seven to push the unconscious body of the Night Lord Prophet to the armrest of the throne, touched Talos's cold ceramite arm, closed her eyes, and pushed it again I sink into the thoughts of another world.

She didn't lie, she tried her best, but she also didn't tell him everything, even though Septimus was the father of her unborn child and her lover.

This was not the first time she had touched Talos, but for the first time since becoming a slave navigator for the Eighth Legion, she felt a new and different power when touching Talos.

This is definitely not the light of the Star Torch, she knows very well, because Thesa Guarsa, as she told Talos before, is already outside the maximum illumination range of the Star Torch, and she needs to be exposed to the terrifying and incomprehensible light. Stumbling and groping through the dark mist, he led the Cursed Echo forward.

The light of Terra's Star Torch cannot reach this forgotten and barren planet, which is truly a lawless place.

But this time there was something else.

It's very faint, but for people who have been in darkness for a long time, it is like clearing the clouds and seeing the sun.

It is a black starry sky, a black starry sky that makes people feel awe, just like a small piece of clear night sky suddenly revealed in a night full of dark clouds. It pointed her in the direction of Talos's tormented soul in the snarling darkness.

"Go away! Don't touch me!" she screamed outside reality. This brave and tenacious girl waved her soul arms to drive away other things that tried to get close to her, but they refused to leave and were still lingering. Listening, peeping, something else was laughing, it sounded like the bubbling gurgling of mud and the neighing of strange birds.

Just as she was walking cautiously through the road surrounded by unspeakable things that were watching eagerly on both sides, she was surprised to find that this small piece of black starry sky was very small, only one-third of her fingertips. Large, surrounding her like a dark firefly, escorting her to the soul of Talos who was almost swallowed by those dark tentacles.

When she endured the pain that was like a split in the sole of her foot, finally grabbed one of her master's arms, the touch of reality overlapped it, and began to pant and drag him out in the sea of ​​souls, the corners of her eyes seemed to see through This black light saw the shadow of some kind of four-legged creature.

It's probably some kind of hallucination. Why is there a strong-brained cat in this place...?

The oppressive feeling of darkness and endless greed surged up again, and the navigator immediately concentrated on the things he caught in his hands, refusing to raise his eyelids to look at the things around him.

Even as they began to tempt her, one look up could fulfill all her cherished hopes and wishes.

Just one look, and lo and behold, the finest Imperial Navy cruiser of her dreams was right next to her, and she could almost feel its majestic flanks passing through the deep air, casting its elegant shadow on the tip of her nose, so huge, so beautiful, Perhaps even better than she had dared to dream, a holy war void ship of the Emperor's Angels, the Adeptus Astartes, was there waiting for her guidance.

Behold, behold, just one look, Eurydice of Terra, the cheers you want, the recognition you want, the flowers and praises you want, the endless sacredness in which you want to be gloriously devoted. expedition……

Stop, put down your burden, and look back, and you will get everything.

"Shut up," Octavia of the Eighth Legion said through gritted teeth, sweat streaming down her hair and back, past her itchy Night Lords sigil brand - it contained the blood of Talos, She used a word she hadn't used since her capture, "SHIT."

A soft neigh of satisfaction approved her.

...What a strange and unpleasant sound...The cat's meow is Spring...?

No matter what, just push a little harder, push harder, push harder...

The woman on the throne let out a long groan of pain, panting heavily, arching her back like a fish out of water, and her nails carved light white marks on the midnight-colored ceramic surface.

Septimus immediately rushed over and hugged her, disrespectfully not even checking for signs of life in his master who had begun to resuscitate.

"Okay, Octavia, okay, you succeeded, you succeeded, you are the best. My treasure..."

He buried his face in her messy long hair and murmured three words.

The navigator still had her eyes closed, but she also raised the corners of her mouth and weakly raised her hands to hug her lover.

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