Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 32 What’s wrong? Nothing is right

Destiny Steel

A maintenance pipe covered by darkness

Adalic Vannes is lurking patiently in the shadows.

He was biting into a piece of starch scone that had been carelessly thrown away by a careless recruit, and was eating without making any sound. His normal saliva softened the scone, and then allowed him to swallow it little by little. The mixed berries inside The fruity triglyceride gel made him lick his lips involuntarily.

The food aboard this so-called "Loyal Space Marine Chapter" ship, which is full of weirdness and weirdness, is at least as good as it looks.

The nutritional content of these scraps alone was more suitable and better for the Astartes than anything he could find while wandering the Eye of Terror and the vast sea of ​​stars.

Very pure, promethium starch is promethium starch, elemental nutrient solution is just elemental nutrient solution, and berries are just berries.

It’s a pity that the pan-fried steak, stewed risotto, roasted poultry, and reca coffee that looked and smelled so delicious were all quickly wiped out as soon as they were put on the canteen carousel.

He couldn't help but complain a few words in his heart about some guys who were particularly good at eating.

It is precisely because this ship is so contradictory that Vannas has never been able to determine exactly what camp this ship can be classified into.

On the surface, the ship is filled with the wights of the Throne Wight, but the fallen Raven Guard in the shadows can see that there is much more to it than just a few foolish greenheads and deceived visitors.

First of all, there is something very wrong with the veterans in this ghost place who are always talking about it.

Vanus is all too familiar with the special Chaos-soaked smell of the Astartes wrapped in the shiny new power armor. He can say with confidence that those bionic limbs are at least 50% They were not replaced due to battle damage. What was replaced by the mechanical structure was unnaturally mutated flesh and blood.

Later, it must be pointed out that the automation rate of this place is far beyond the normal standards and the mechanical guards are too intelligent. He himself has twice - oh, it must be noted, once was because they were implicated in catching that stupid big blue and purple bird - Being almost discovered by a mechanical guard was unthinkable elsewhere.

Finally, there is the chapter leader who is very, very, very wrong and the Contemptor Dreadnought who is even more wrong or even 60% wrong.

The experience that helped him avoid many pursuits and dangers allowed him to observe these two entities from a distance.

From the first time he appeared in the cargo hold, the overly tall Chapter Master brought bad memories to the mind of the Fallen Crow Guard. But at that time, when he wanted to leave, he discovered that because the entire ship was hunting for wizards - Vanna Si cursed secretly again - he could not leave safely at that time, and then he had to lurk in the shadows and was taken away from the starport by the moon-class barge "Destiny Steel" - and his small war gang also scattered.

As for that special Contemptor Fearless, as long as Aridak Vannas tried to look directly at it, he would have a feeling of discomfort rising from the bottom of his stomach, or in other words, a feeling of being very afraid of being punished as if he had done something wrong. The emotion of discovery is simply unbelievable to the senior Raven Guard mentor. Even ordinary Space Marines generally do not have such an emotion of fear that is so close to that of a mortal. They should not have it.

What was inside that thing was unknown, but it was certainly not an ordinary disabled veteran.

This was one of the reasons why he later took the risk to obtain clothing disguises from the bottom deck, and joined the Chaos Cult hodgepodge party to try to get some intelligence. After all, in this special situation, you can't start shadowing without knowing anything about your opponent. sneak.

And then the news came out that, well, some questions had been answered, but more mysteries had emerged.

So could the "Father of Genes" they were talking about mean what he meant? But Vannas prefers that it is a metaphorical slogan. As far as he knows, the old pervert Fabius Bayer, who is also a servant of the Prince of Darkness, likes to be someone's father.

All that is known to the Loyal Primarchs is the body on Macragge, and the Daemon Primarchs make great fanfare every time they appear outside the Eye of Terror.

Haha, there's no way there really is a Primarch here.

To be honest, when he originally selected the target for infiltration in the black market, he was attracted by the size of the ship and the wealth of purchasing materials. He planned to infiltrate to see if he could get any benefits or if he was lucky, he could get something from the ship. More.

But the Dark Prince's XX and XX, who would have thought that the stealth environment and undercurrents in this ship are simply more dangerous than a visit from the Sixth Ring.

Not only are every core area of ​​this hellish place surrounded by vicious and insidious traps, but its structure and shadows make absolutely no sense.

He swallowed the last bite of his scone, then glanced at his pitted black power armor, covered in scratches and scrawled patches, as he thought about what he'd seen earlier in the day.

He had been eyeing the weapons and equipment of the two exiled Ultramarines, and was considering whether to leave some contact information or take something away. Perhaps the armory's warehouse was also an option.

But when he touched the place, he discovered that there had never been a living person in the armory of this mysterious Space Marine mothership - or at least a creature with some living parts on his body - who had come out to eat or drink some Promethium Sulaka. While drinking coffee, he knew that the matter should be reconsidered.

After long-term lurking and observation near the armory, Adalic formulated a bold stealth breakthrough plan. He tried to rely on his own talents to uncover part of the truth about the ship wrapped in heavy fog.

At first glance, the idea of ​​the Fallen still seems too reckless. After all, he is only one person, and this is a road full of traps, force fields, and Ramirez-class fortress robot guards (speaking of which, why are there so many modified ones here? There must be some different mechanical guards?) The monastery mothership.

However, Vannas, who once served as the senior mentor of Crow Tower and the Shadow Company Commander of the Fourth Company "Quiet Ones", does have the capital to be so conceited.

The Fourth Company of the Raven Guard - Although they also control their fleet according to the regulations, the Fourth Company chooses and studies how to master the second path of the "Three Strikes of Shadow" taught by their Primarch, namely How to learn their Primarch's miraculous ability to use any shadow to stealth, keep moving forward and gain the upper hand even when enemies are around them.

It's just a pity that his jumping bag has inevitably been damaged during decades of wandering. Although it can still be used, the noise it makes when it is activated is too loud.

So this time Vannes decided to go with something more traditional.

Follow the shadows.

The fallen Raven Guard closed his eyes, and the inspiration in his blood allowed him to successfully reduce the sense of "his" existence.

Then, like a drop of black ink on black tissue paper, very counterintuitively, the Space Marines in black power armor "melted" from the shadow of the pipe into the elongated shadow at the end of the team searching outside the armory. .

Hey, I wasn't going to get caught half a day like that stupid wizard parrot who looked like an oversized psychic tracer bullet.

Adalik Vannas thought almost proudly.

——Although the guy did pretty well after being caught.


"...It turned out that he was exactly as you simulated, and he put himself into the stasis trap we carried with the search team."

"Why are you so surprised? He should be very honored to be captured by a primarch's arrangement."

The dog lay on its side on the sofa, pressed its paws on the viewing device, and directed its body to rub the corners of its eyes and the roots of its ears.

"Uh, just, your heirs look depressed and happy at the same time - that is to say, although you can do everything by yourself, maybe you should try not to worry so much sometimes?"

"I am sure that I am already indulging them, Lamizane." Perturabo narrowed his eyes, "You can ask for the rusty man who is the most frustrated in each team..."

"No, no, I think they can be polished by letting them go to the gladiatorial cage and training room more often!... I am beginning to understand your poor sons..."

"Tsk!" The original Border Collie scoffed from his chest, "Too soft-hearted is a disease, mortal. Let Aharin put this guy into a specially made shadowless cage, and then it's my favorite torture time. "

"…Have you had any issues with Corvus Krax and his legions?"

"Well, does Istvan count?"

"...As if I didn't ask."


The current fourth captain of the Raven Guard is not named Vannus (nonsense)

But since the word CAPTAIN can indeed also refer to company commander, so I wrote it as company commander instead of captain (you)

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