Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 339 It was first

The followers of the Black Templars (Note 1) and the leader of their expeditionary detachment, Lord Caleb (Note 2), were planning to pass through the bustling market of Golden Edge and the towering dome of the Court of the Dead, which was covered with the memorial faces of every dead trader, as low-key as possible, and go to the central fortress of Wandering Port to meet the mechanical priests and maintenance masters here at the agreed time.

Members of the ancient and powerful Astartes Order like the Black Templars do not need to bargain with untrustworthy merchants in private to purchase supplies. They usually get everything they want through official channels - various ship and equipment maintenance services, food, fresh water, fuel, ammunition, promethium and servants.

Ever since the Black Templars' fleets of all sizes that were scattered throughout the galaxy to launch expeditions kept reporting back that they had heard the same broadcast call, it changed people's view that this was a prank or that some Chaos hostile force was trying to conduct psychological warfare to disrupt the Empire, because they were surprised to find that the entire content still had an astonishingly consistent and stable amount of data after being transmitted in space and time on a galactic scale, making the transmission technology of this broadcast, rather than its main content, the focus of Mars and Terra -

At the same time, the main navigator families on Terra and Mars had strong hostility and natural hatred towards this broadcast and its sender. They were frantically pursuing the initiator or technology holder of this broadcast with the same enthusiasm as the followers of the Pan-Mechanic Cult in pursuing the STC template. Obviously, they would either kill this person after mastering it, or kill this person directly.

But when the assassins of the navigator family and the fleet of the Mars Investigation Envoy set off almost at the same time, the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum, that is, the Great Rift, changed everything.

It was during the Noctis Aeterna, the day of blindness when the curse was opened, that the strike cruiser of Lord Caleb was caught in a sudden turbulence of the warp. When they were able to rush into the physical universe next time, the expeditionary detachment of the Black Templars found themselves instantly carried to the outskirts of the Calixis sector in the Nebulous Segmentum by the warp storm.

After drifting in the physical universe for a while and carefully contacting the nearby Imperial garrisons and other chapters to obtain some information, they decided to obey the fate given by the Emperor and go to Wandering Port for supplies and repair their engines and shield generators damaged in the warp storm in the dock. Then, depending on the situation, they would consider going outside the Mouth to continue their never-ending expedition or find a larger Black Templar fleet to join up and participate in the next larger expedition.

Although there were many people and mixed here, it was obviously too much for a team of Space Marines to pass through the crowd in a low-key manner. Even the most daring brokers and merchants would never dare to take the initiative to step forward. The crowd automatically opened a path for the Emperor's Angel of Death in awe, just like the sea naturally parted in front of them. In the distance, there were some ragged ascetics or pilgrims kneeling down and muttering incense and praying to them. The oath parchment fixed with wax marks on the edge of their power armor fluttered with their steps.

Although before entering here, the Imperial Navy officer on the command deck who actually managed this place in theory still told these noble Templar warriors in black armor in accordance with the regulations that random exchanges of fire and "purification" were theoretically prohibited in Wandering Port, and Lord Caleb held down the angry Jeratus priest brother next to the communication array, and then told the officer in a quite rational tone that they "knew it".

So in this team that is currently advancing majestically, the conversation in the team channel in the helmet has not stopped for a moment.

"In the name of the Emperor! The evil of heretics and aliens here must be purified! What are we waiting for?! Caleb! Every inch of land and every cubic meter of air here is filled with the filthy smell of heretics and wizards that must be destroyed!"

"Geratos, we are in a free port that is regulated by multiple parties. The actual operating rules of the chapter also remind us not to burn every imperial free port we see to ashes, at least before we complete the supply. Once we complete the repairs and supplies, we will leave here and carry out our expedition."

"My priest's staff is thirsty! Let the blood of wizards and aliens bring glory to the world!" Glory and pleasure to the Emperor!"

"Glory and blood belong to the glory of the Emperor. Watch your words, Jeratos." The voice of the bunker master was undoubtedly calmer and more judgmental than that of the priest. "Our cruiser still needs repairs at the shipyard here. If you really don't like it, I can replace you next time I visit."

"Amazing, Caleb, and unnecessary mercy next time! This is why you have been in the position of the castle master and can no longer advance to the marshal! Although your combat ability and experience are already sufficient!"

The rest of the believers still maintained a consistent silence during the march.

"I would like to call it the rational use of the power given to us by the Emperor, to better fight heavier enemies in order to better serve and please Him, Jeratos."

The priest's tone suddenly became sharp, and he seemed more irritable.

"Someone is staring at us provocatively in this dirty place, Caleb. Very... very... aggressive gaze. "

The lord frowned in his helmet, "I feel it. A rare pressure. My power armor tells me that the blood flow in my heart has increased by 30%. What is that?"

They turned their heads to track the source of their sight in the crowd.

Priest Jeratos roared with extreme anger.

An inhuman face with wide eyes at them.

A Kroot mercenary.

A filthy alien dared to look at the pure wrath of the God-Emperor with its unclean eyes!

He drew out his priest's staff.

It was it that provoked first.

The unclean will not survive.


Magna Dorn walked to the door of the store to get a better look at the people walking down the street in the distance.

His eyes passed over these majestic, deep black base power armors, decorated with a large amount of red wax and parchment scrolls. On the white shoulder armor background was a special cross emblem, representing the honor of each expedition, the proud record of the "Great Purge", and other similar combat events. The notes were pressed on the surface of their power armors together with the purity mark. The contents recorded on them made Magna, who saw them clearly, unconsciously reveal a little uncomfortable expression.

Just as he was thinking about the familiar and strange feeling these people gave him.

Suddenly, a huge war cry that became extremely loud through the priest's neck loudspeaker sounded in front of him:

"No mercy! No regrets! No fear! Tremble and destroy under the wrath of the God-Emperor! Unclean aliens!!!"

The power priest's scepter with a decomposition stance whistled towards his skull.


Magna Dorn did what a well-behaved student with overwhelming combat skills and strength but no actual combat experience would do.

He was in full view of the crowd, under the gaze of countless followers of the Emperor or a team of Black Templars.

He caught it with his bare hands as easily as eating and drinking water, and then snatched the staff of Priest Jeratos.

The praise that was about to be shouted out by the fanatics dissipated like sand blown away by the wind. Almost all the humans present were concentrating and watching the easy counterattack made by this alien against the most powerful angel of death of the human race. The noisy street market was now audible.

"It seems that some battles to purify the aliens must be carried out, because we must uphold the glory of the Emperor! For Dorn! For revenge!"

The words of Lord Caleb were like pressing some kind of switch.

Magna Dorn, who was completely unaware that he was still wearing an alien coat, found himself surrounded.

He blinked, looked at the priest's staff in his hand, and then gestured to hand it back to the other party upside down.

The angry and huge gasps of Priest Jeratos made the people around him begin to retreat in fear.

"Insult!!!!!!!!! Fight!!!!!!"

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