Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 35 The first impact

Destiny Steel

special interrogation room

The entire interrogation room was filled with pure white lumen.

White walls, white floors, white ceilings and white one-way glass walls.

Even the power armor and robes of the pharmacists who were busy nearby were white.

The extreme whiteness of this piece highlights the color of the suspended victim in the center.

The fine silver threads starting from the drug administration collar spread on the transparent corset, and these pain nerve stimulation nodes were spread throughout the torture device. What Honso did not tell Parogov was that this thing was a repaired trophy.

Due to genetics, wandering, lack of nutrition, etc., the body of the Fallen Raven looked particularly pale and thin after being stripped of its power armor. Those old and new scars appeared faintly on the pale and sweaty body of Adalic Vanus. Flesh color.

The poor Imperial Fists product experiencer was convulsing with unbearable pain, his long, swaying hair black.

A touch of black in pure white.

"Hmm, Black Sheep. Just as good as that guy."

In the midst of Vanus's crazy convulsions, which were like the dance of sacrificial souls, Perturabo licked the tip of his nose and suddenly made a comment without a clue.

Lamizane's puzzled voice came from his heart, "What? Sheep?"

The dog frowned impatiently, "It's okay, don't worry about it, let me take a look at the data. In 2.3 seconds, this guy's mind will be almost empty of useless ideas."

"Then I ask Honso to stop?"

"Yeah, stop it and let him start feeding this crow the brainwashing stuff of our new programming."

"Ah? Is this the end? I mean, so simple and crude? Torture him until his mind is empty and then directly brainwash him? I thought you would ask something, don't you want to torture him?"

Perturabo sneered, and Lamizane could fully imagine the beautiful long-haired black and white dog's expression squinting at him in the cockpit.

"You have so many questions. I have always been very efficient, Ramizane. If I need to capture Clarks someday and put it to some use, I will dig bait out of this little crow's brain. Until then, Chapter 1 It’s better not to listen to those troublemakers in the Nineteenth Legion.”

"...Why do you seem to know so much about everything lately, Pepe?"

"Because I am Pei Tu La Bo." The border collie's tone sounded arrogant because he had tortured the prey according to his heart and mocked the owner - oh his own body.

"...I still feel..."

On the other side of the one-way glass, Honso and his apprentices were preparing to perform brainwashing procedures for the prisoners.


Without warning.

A roar of extreme rage.

All the meditators on the Iron Blood were stunned for a moment.

The dazzling red eyepiece of each Iron Ring soldier flashing once, indicating the highest combat readiness.

The same name mixed with countless languages ​​echoes in countless dimensions and dimensions before, after, and now.

The eyelashes twitched.

The Herald of the Fourth Primarch drew his weapon in confusion and horror, trying to find the source of the invisible pressure in the room.

The Contemptor fearlessly raised his power claw suddenly, and Lamizane clearly saw that the maximum charged brilliance of the molecular disintegration cannon was focusing on the palm of the power claw.

And the target he aimed at was——

"(Gutera's expletive)!" LOGOS's power servo made a sharp exhaust sound, and Lamizane rushed over at the fastest speed a lying librarian could achieve to try to suppress the muzzle——


"Look, Parogov, if we want our cousin to stay awake all the time and not become an idiot to experience these peripheral nerve stimulators," Honsou's white fingertips of his power armor dexterously wiped over a certain indicator point, "we have to Pay attention to the use of nerve shock to this part of his brain, and then immediately give the right dose of muscle relaxant to these points..."

"Use shock to prevent his area of ​​consciousness from being completely shut down, causing shock and memory damage. Yes, Master Honso, I can understand." Parogov's eyepiece flashed, and the apprentice was recording carefully, "But what about muscle relaxants?"

"Well, it is used to relax many muscles that have been frozen due to spasm and prevent his body from causing visible real injuries due to excessive rigidity, such as accidentally biting off his tongue."

Honso's apprentice took a deep breath from the depths of his many lungs, "That's too much. I mean."

"If you know more, you will know that this is just a piece of cake. Haha, little Nilaydua, oh, a new order. It seems that the roasted bird is finished, and it is time to add some... spirit that the Chapter Master likes. It’s seasoning. Well, maybe I can apply to my lord later to remove one of his seeds as a new research sample..."

Seeing his teacher begin to rewire the torture subject that was hanging lifelessly in mid-air in preparation for instilling the brainwashing program, Parogov felt nothing strange.

Although deep down he knew very well that he was also trained by hypnosis and brainwashing.

Because when Honso performed similar procedures on his brothers who came out of the cabin after him, not only did he not avoid Parogov at all, he even became his teacher's assistant during this operation.

But the additional targeted and intensive brainwashing Parogov received when he finally became a Space Marine not only overwritten part of his ideological logic, but Honso even added a lot of his own "way of thinking" to it.

According to the original idea of ​​the former war blacksmith, these bold and invisible innovative thinking injections will eventually allow him to gain a man who is as cold, ruthless, rational, efficient, proficient in hypocrisy and coercion, aware of current affairs, and will never give up and always want. An excellent disciple who surpasses his teacher.

He had optimistically predicted that after a period of intrigues and intrigues that pushed work efficiency to a peak, either he decided to kill the apprentice with one shot, or the apprentice was too good and tried to kill him with one shot - well, but it seemed that there was a double-crossing again. Something went wrong.

——Although the apprentice he got in the end made Hong Suo very fond of him in every aspect, did it feel like he was a little too straight or too far away from excellence...?

Forget it, anyway, the feeling of having someone responsible for three meals a day, preparing experiments, and cleaning the laboratory is undeniably comforting.

In his spare time in the laboratory, Parogov even sewed very comfortable sheepskin waist pads, blankets and soft leather indoor boots for his teacher.

In short, at this time, both Hongsuo and his apprentice were completely unaware of the danger to their lives so close at hand.

Parogov Nilaydoa suddenly felt a little depressed.


The helmet lock is released.

He took off his helmet.

The short-haired Astartes tilted his head slightly, and the air filled with sweat, pain, and madness in the interrogation room rushed into his lungs.

A few meters away, there was only a one-way glass wall.

Perturabo, in his car, saw Parogov's face clearly and up close for the first time.


"Perturabo!!!! No!!!!"


Six o'clock on time!

I can only say that I really suffered from a blue-haired bird today...

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