Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 392 Terminator Massage Chair

"The Carrick Drilling Team continues to carefully clean up their latest discovery - it looks like a big one! Hopefully something better than the badly damaged Eldar Titan they found last time... but Pearl Moon's global topography The drawing work will be completed after 1444 standard points... Finally - ah -! This six-and-a-half-month-long work that has caused countless troubles is about to be completed!"

Bored (?), Mr. Carosini turned on the heated massage mode on the new multifunctional office chair he ordered from the armory and began to stretch his limbs. He once again made a very unseemly sound, and began to think about what he might be able to do next. Get a short vacation to do many things that he has not dared to do since discovering the new world but now seems possible.

For example, you can drive a speedboat on the huge sea surface of the Pearl Moon, pick up some prehistoric corals or crinoids in the shallow water area, catch a few beautiful sea fish, and then build a large seawater tank and put it in the hangar of the Destiny Steel. In front of the main entrance to the ship - well, put a large fish tank at the entrance. The flowing air and water will blend together, which will make the life on the ship better.

Or perhaps, in the biological activity areas in Carrick that are very similar to those in Ancient Terra, if we go further and search more, we might be able to find more useful or cooking animals and plants? Moreover, it is also a rare experience to hike on a glacier with your dog and watch the sunrise - then you have to order a set of handsome dog goggles and snow glasses for Perturabo - oh, no need, he will definitely turn them on The one who despises him is fearless to go - well, should I say it, hiking with his dog and hiking with fearlessness seem to be a bit different from the beautiful picture in his mind...

——Oh my god, ever since he experienced the "Super Combat Instinct" experience version given by Coz, he has to say that his own ataxia is really a big mountain that stands in front of many wonderful leisure travel plans. Otherwise, he really wants to Take Perturabo for a quick run on the tundra of Carrick - Oh, by the way, I wonder if we can find species similar to sheep or black-faced sheep in this 40K universe...

Why was it that Coz could do it so smoothly just by "thinking"? After thinking about it, Lamizane concluded that it was probably because Curze's "soul" was still in the same body as him at that time, so as long as he "thought" here, Curze would also You can use your own instincts and experience to help him do what he wants to do.

Now Perturabo's soul is obviously separated from him in two bodies, so unfortunately he only has the hardware of the original body, but the driver software has completely inherited the original librarian. Due to all the inconveniences, most of the time it can only serve as a self-propelled advanced meditator wetware for the busy Devil Shepherd.

As the saying goes, "The vast amount of knowledge caressed my smooth cerebral cortex like a fading tide, leaving no trace and even making them smoother."

Oh, let’s think of something happy. For example, Machado opened a floating equipment store based on the gadgets he made. Although he took part of the income himself, it was really cool to be able to get money while lying down.

The former regent and prime minister sent the dividends from the technical part of the equity in advance without anyone having to say anything. Lamizane looked at this part of the money and found that if it was only used for his own food, drink, entertainment and modification of single-player equipment, it was actually very good. It's impressive, but if you want to use it to fulfill your vision for the future, even if it's all filled into the group's small treasury, it might just be barely enough for the first company to fight in a battle... Sigh! Once the cannon fires, there is a thousand taels of gold. War is really a money-burning art. It costs a lot of money just to maintain combat readiness in normal times. Fortunately, the Destiny Steel's armory can meet most of their daily training equipment and material needs.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but worry: Their armory, which was originally unknown and only provided equipment and maintenance services very reliably, seemed to have become more active recently. Perturabo told him that it was because "our armory has just completed its self-upgrade. And awakened a more advanced forge, so now everyone can order more products and custom creations from him.”

It is indeed possible, and it is done very well. You can even ask the other party not to use so many wet parts. It is almost similar to the purely mechanical products of Gu Terra in Lamizane's memory. However, the armory charges for customized products. What should I do if I feel that my relatives do not recognize my power and cannot be subdued? Isn't this the armory attached to the Iron... Destiny Steel?

"Your bill." When I happily received this new custom-made multi-functional heated massage office chair, the soldier who delivered the chair coldly and politely handed over a data pad signed by the sage.

Then Lamizane, who was caught off guard, gritted his teeth and paid the bill signed at the end as "Sage Galibo Decima - Silver Skull (IW) - Origin Return Order". He turned around and went to Perturabo BC to discuss the matter.

"Why did you only say that you can order more products in the armory, but didn't say that he charges for it?! Is it still so expensive?! I obviously heard Magna say that he went to order a very useful improved mecha. It took a lot of money to order this ridiculously expensive chair!”

"Sage Decima's War Covenant and his base ships are indeed serving us." Primarch Bianmu's voice was full of demons, "But the service agreement I signed with this war scholar only mentioned his casting The furnace will provide us with all possible war supplies, scientific research and maintenance services, and his battle group will provide assistance when necessary - your chair is completely a private civilian product, how does it have anything to do with war, let alone personality? It’s completely normal to spend more on customization, right?”

"The robot that Magna likes very much now and carries with her every day is so complicated and they don't charge for it! It's obviously also customized!"

"But that was a prototype of the Soryu-type mechanized machine that was improved on the basis of the Soryu-type and the Shila-type. That thing... the mechanized soldier itself is a war tool with a purpose that cannot be clearer. A soldier's The ultimate concentration is embodied, so no matter how Magna engages in personal customization, his requirements are still within the scope of the service of Decima Sage. "

"...Look at Magna dragging him to play chess, visit the cafeteria, and go shopping every day with a birdcage leash in his hand... Doesn't he seem to be using it as a war tool?"

"The sage doesn't care what purpose he uses the mechas after he's done it. Whether it's a dead slave or a gray bear mecha, the first purpose of developing and manufacturing them is a war tool. Magna must have gotten it right on this point."

"What about my bill?!"

"Desima's fees should always be very reasonable." The dog raised the beard at the corner of his mouth as if absentmindedly, "Didn't you just receive the dividend from Sir Kadu Er?"

"...The price of this engineering massage chair is about the same as a new set of Carosini Dynasty Terminators! Now I think about it every time I sit on it!"

"Then just think you're getting a Terminator massage."


"Wait," Gou called again, stopping his body as he was about to give up in frustration and slowly lay down in the expensive massage chair with tears of blood. "It just so happens that I have something to talk to you about."

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