Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 394 Even the Primarchs need to follow some basic rules

The silver-white Glory Queen-class battleship with the fatal beauty of the ultimate war is quietly suspended in the geostationary orbit above the planet. Gold and black decorate its simple, elegant and huge body.

Captain Voight is moving carefully on his bridge - he just recently couldn't wait to hand over all his contribution points to the armory, in exchange for a 40-hour separation operation and a preliminary mechanical body that can be connected to the line. Cable slightly off the command throne - doing routine cruise panel monitoring.

Magna Dorn, the master controller of the Iron Blood, and the mechanized Sigismund were watching the three-dimensional military chess district-level offensive and defensive drills held by the former Iron Warriors and the former Imperial Fists in the Hall of the Twelve Temples. , of course, no one would invite the new brothers of the Black Templar Expeditionary Force on such occasions, because they always turn exquisite and rigorous offensive and defensive battles into a single-player assault mode that is unreasonably won by dice points.

High-concentration oxygen flows out from the garden treatment chamber and is mixed with 78.1% nitrogen, appropriate inert gas, and a little bit of ozone of appropriate concentration before flowing into most cabins throughout the ship to give it a refreshing and slightly sterilizing function. Finally, a little bit of pure water vapor, which is friendly to human skin and lungs in terms of humidity and temperature, turns into a colorless airflow and blows into the office, gently blowing the soft fur tips of the shepherd dog and the skin of the original body. surface.

The person asked the question stared back with the almond-shaped eyes of the collie.

Ice blue eyes and dark brown eyes stared at each other for a while.

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute! So Pepe, is this what you want to ask about? Ahaha I... I remember I told you immediately when I came back before, right? I don't know why I was forced to stay in Tessaguar Saga has been working for a long time, and finally came back through the time and space caused by the scarlet tide under Curze's prophecy. I really want to lie down and rest comfortably..."

"So?" Primarch Bian Mu narrowed his eyes, "otherwise, what do you think I want to ask you about?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, it's just a good thing to ask... Is there anything wrong? Seeing that the matter is over, you specifically mentioned him again?"

"Of course, if such a large physical body - no matter who he claims to be - disappears from my stasis safe, surrounded by sirens and guards, shouldn't I intervene?"

Bian Mu showed his white teeth, "Many of our facilities rely on the same security measures! If I don't figure out how he disappeared or what happened, I can't safely label this matter as completed and throw it away." Go into the file box!”

"Huh? Wait, I thought that regardless of whether it was Cozz's own body or not, he... I just left him there whole, shouldn't it be like this? So I didn't mention it specifically, I thought you knew Is this so this is normal?”

"Of course it's not normal! This is wrong! Do you know the value of the name and existence of Conrad Coates?! He should have chosen the path he wanted! He should have just followed what he wanted. Quit the stage of destiny! Even though he may regret it the next second he gets this choice!"

Perturabo's bark raised an octave, almost causing an echo under the dome, "Even for me and the Iron-Blooded now, the flow of time and space and the web of lifelines are still extremely sophisticated. Thing! There are two completely different concepts and weights between using a spiritual body or a mental body to jump across the ocean of souls or the river of time, and sending an extremely important material body and soul there and staying at a special point in time and space! Even if we are...the original body! We still have to follow the basic rules of this universe!"

"What, I thought that the matter of me coming to this universe and the matter of you being in a dog's body were so irregular, but it turned out that we were still talking about it?!"

"Tell me about it." The dog replied coldly, "How could you not tell it? Not telling the rules at all will only make the universe turn into a ball of crumpled coffee paper, which can only be thrown into the trash can and then destroyed. 伱Don't you realize that even the various beings who are given the title of 'Chaos', their summoning rituals, the specific numbers they are given, their symbols... these are all a kind of 'rules' "?"

"(Gutera swears), that's true."

"In fact, based on what I have seen from the sensor records over the past period of time, as 'you' lie in the stasis position for longer and longer, the form left behind by 'he' begins to It became more and more illusory, until one day, it disappeared directly from the stasis position, leaving only an empty container and a nameplate to tell me that this was not an illusion. "


"What's worse is that, at the same time, the entire galaxy-wide memory of 'him' has been smoothly erased from our timeline, just like Konrad Curze in past history. It's like he died in his burial place and never appeared on the Iron-Blooded Ship, which was renamed the Destiny Steel. But, of course, a few people, like me, were not affected too much. I still remember this. thing, but I have been ignoring it unintentionally for some reason, and all the signs in your answer just now show that you remember it very clearly - you didn't do it unintentionally, but you thought it was okay, so you ignored it, yes. ."

The implications of Perturabo's words are not unclear, but what raises the dog's blood pressure is his audience - his star of hope, his body, and the second half of his attention after listening to this sentence. It crooked to another place.

"That's right. I think I neglected to come back to verify this. I think it's a good idea to let Conrad stay there like this... Wait, you said you found out by looking back at the records, so you didn't check the preservation of his body at the beginning?"

"Shut up!" Perturabo BC interrupted him unbearably, "Have you also forgotten how much I have to do every day? I don't use my own body? I'm not like some people who just do a little work or go out for a trip every day, but I have a lot of things to think about when I sit alone in the back. - In addition, some people please don't forget anything casually! Because now you will really..."

The Demon Lord suddenly closed his long plush mouth.

"Really? What?"

"...Anyway, you said you would lead us to live freely in this universe, right? Right? Then as a person and mascot who said that, you can't just forget anything, no matter how small it is, especially if you remember something else or something about me or all the people related to me..."

"Of course, I can lead everyone...but my memory is not particularly good, and I even feel that I have become more forgetful recently. What should I do?"

"Is Magna made so that he can eat, drink and have fun on my ship?! You called him to remember things for you! Where did Ahlin go to be lazy again?! Why am I Always have to do more? ! "The dog cursed loudly in anger, his eyes looking at a place that does not exist, "I knew it! I knew that as long as I start to treat them well, these people will start to get more and more! Cautious, ignorant and cunning, but greedy! Always wanting to get more from me instead of..."

"Wait, wait, Pepe! Pepe? ! "The body of the primarch rushed over to shake the black and white dog that had begun to wrinkle its nose and show its canine teeth and roar, "Wake up! What's wrong with you?"

For a moment, the excited Perturabo almost stretched out his teeth to bite the hand that was stretched out to him, but before he really bit it, he closed his mouth and turned his head to the other side.

"You scared me. Are you okay? I sent Ahlin out. Don't blame him. I'll call him back if you need me..."

"... It's okay. Like I said, in order to lead us to the future we want, try to stay yourself, okay? Ramizane."

Although he didn't understand why, his body nodded, "Okay. Pepe."

It's not just Chaos and the Black Legion that are nourished by the Scarlet Road.

The Eye of Terror finally began to notice its promised and quietly hidden prey.

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