Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 404 It is written between the lines

Perturabo BC was sitting there reading the latest memorandum for the future written by his chosen one at his request.

He looked at the table of contents and opened the section marked "Highest Priority."


——To sum up, the role of Robert Guilliman, the Thirteenth Primarch, is particularly important at this point in the year. It can even be said to be the most important event before the end of this year and the arrival of a new millennium. The most central character, many major events will revolve around and depend on his existence and resurrection.

The actions of the Golden Throne and many departments and organizations of Terra depend entirely on when, where, how and who is present when their people awaken.

Therefore, I specially formulated a short-term planning memorandum for this purpose, but due to the selection of its content, it was divided into four different planning branches as follows.

Plan A: We will dispatch a special elite team immediately and as soon as possible, and use any possible means to go to Macragge as quickly as possible and arrive at the Temple of Solemnity. Whether it is deception or abduction or robbery, in short, we must be there before Robert. Before Guilliman wakes up, get him and his stasis position shrine coffin back as soon as possible, so that "Robert Guilliman wakes up under the care of Perturabo" becomes a fait accompli. At the same time, it would be best to try to instill in his mind the idea that we are friendly forces before he wakes up.

——Note: The advantage of this plan is that you can use the name of Bella Kahn’s forging world to enter in the early stage, but the key talents required for resurrection and brainwashing are lacking, and the only personnel we have do not have enough relevant knowledge. And we are not sure that we can resurrect Guilliman on time and smoothly as originally planned; in addition, the Death Army that may use divine power and the Webway Gate to come here directly and the other Imperial troops they will bring are also troublesome. a little.

"...The Death Army is not an unsolvable problem, but your idea itself obviously has some problems!...Well, actually, if you think about it carefully, it is not unexecutable, well, but it requires a lot of preparation...Uselmaa It's a shame Terra isn't here. Let me see what's next."

Perturabo murmured, twirling with his white fur paws, turning the page, and the new content of the plan appeared in front of him.

Plan B: We will dispatch a special elite team immediately and as soon as possible, and use any possible means to go to Macragge as quickly as possible and arrive at the Temple of Solemnity. Whether it is deception or disguise, in short, we will rush to Robert Guilliman before Robert Guilliman You must be present when you wake up and you cannot allow Guilliman to be resurrected due to the love of others. In other words, let them see in front of others that Robert Guilliman was resurrected by our team. This can help us The benefits are obvious compared to plan A. It saves a lot of publicity and persuasion work, but the risks are equally huge. For example, he may have to withstand attacks from more than one party before he is resurrected, and Guilliman must be resurrected as soon as possible under this pressure. ——I think the normal attack strength is acceptable. What I’m worried about are psychic powers and alien gods who can’t speak human language. If this plan is implemented, emphasis should be placed on strengthening countermeasures in this area.

——Note: This plan can also use the name of Bela Kahn to easily enter the Macragge star in the early stage, but it also has the problem of a serious lack of key talent candidates for implementation in the later stage. At the same time, it should also be noted that the steps of the plan include the possibility that if the time is not good enough and the resurrection procedures of Dou-Belisarius Cawl and Ifreni are interrupted, Robert Guilliman will actually die. Sex is small. If you choose to implement this plan, you should pay attention to preparing countermeasures for this unexpected situation and subsequent developments.

"Obviously the word Weicun and the concern in this note are very accurate, which shows that you have begun to realize the essence of what some people do." The dog snorted coldly, and then turned to the next page.

Plan C: We will immediately and as soon as possible start tracking the movements of Ifreni's Death Army and Belisarius Caul, and depending on the situation, we will choose any route to kill, replace, persuade, or bluff...

"It's not interesting." Perturabo BC commented coldly, "I'm not at the point where I need to pretend to be the idol worshiped by the pointy-eared people, but Caul..."

He paused, pulled up some information from the private database again, tapped his paws on the mahogany tabletop, and considered it for about twenty-two seconds.

"Huh." Demon Shepherd then re-attached some information to the plan, and then opened the last branch of the plan.

Plan D: We should immediately prepare to search, find Caul before the Reaper Army can, and add a little brotherly love to the unequipped Armor of Destiny on his ship.

-- PS: You know what I'm trying to say.

——A side note again: The biggest obstacle to this plan is whether Cawl himself will reveal the true location of his precious cargo, and how to change his mind and ensure that all his clones are in sync.

The dog put down the memo and became thoughtful.


"By the way, I have a question, Peppa Pig." After a long day of desk work, the Fourth Primarch's body had taken a bath and the dog had brushed its teeth and was lying on the twenty-two-foot When he was falling asleep on the big bed, one of them suddenly thought of a soul problem that he had subconsciously ignored for a long time.


"It suddenly occurred to me that we are still repeatedly arguing about the quality of the planet's conscription population, and pharmacists are also in short supply. However, your descendants are still many in the universe, right? Why don't you go find them or ask them to come to you?"



"Wait a minute, no one would really delay and try to avoid such a simple problem just because they are awkward and embarrassed, right? No way, no one would do that?!"

"Of course not!" The dog finally roared in anger, "Those are my descendants, they will be more or less involved in my own body, so I have to be very careful, and it will be safer if I don't tamper with them." He said at last.

"And." Perturabo BC turned his head, "Of course I will compensate them, I will."

"Compensation is completely appropriate, but I think what you really owe them is a solemn apology in person. Explanation... Any explanation is pale in the face of such a thing, although I suggest that you can also prepare a copy for those who want to hear it." Ramizane suggested seriously.

Perturabo didn't say anything more in the end. He just said.

"I understand what you mean, but if I apologize to them and say those three words, I feel like I'm not myself anymore, do you understand?"

"...What do you mean you're not yourself anymore! What are you talking about? In other words, you know exactly what's right and what's wrong, but you feel like you've lost something you've always insisted on by apologizing, right? I think it's always harder to start than you..."

"You'd better go to sleep! Write your memo tomorrow."

"Oh. But isn't tomorrow a day off?"

"Iron Warriors don't have days off." The dog replied coldly, and began to try to dig a comfortable pit in the mattress with his claws so that he could nestle in it. "You're going out with me tomorrow."

"What if I'm tired and just want to lie down?"

"Recite the Iron Litany and get over it."


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