Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 409 Intrusion

——It turns out that the mechanical prophecy of the great Saint of Ferrus before the departure is indeed the most accurate among them. Holy! Iron Hand! Great! Ferrus Manus!

Thinking of this, the Iron Father's huge power gear axe swung out a half arc under the power of his powerful mechanical arm servo motor. While his consciousness, bionic eyes and the standard on his power backpack were synchronized, the four tank survivors were chopped into eight or nine pieces. Then, the axe blade with a series of blood beads evaporated the dirty blood into white steam due to the high-speed rotation, and chopped at the gray and dirty bone structure on the bulkhead of the cursed ship.

After precise calculations, their transmission positioning was first positioned by the decoy torpedo that was launched and disguised as a high-speed meteorite fragment. Before it was blasted into powder by the opponent's weapon that attracted attention, the measuring instruments carried inside had sent more information to the Iron Hands hiding behind a rolling asteroid.

Finally, they chose to teleport to a fixed point that should be theoretically close to the core, but not too deep to cause accidents.

That is, above the "back" line of this scarred Chaos ship.

Of course, this kind of thing is difficult for mortals or ordinary Astartes to do, because the harsh icy vacuum environment of the hull will quickly make them lose their combat and even mobility.

But they are all the sons of Medusa's Gorgon, and they are the best among them.

For a Medusa resident who has been born and died with a blue superstar in the sky and the word "ground" means extreme instability and the temperature rarely exceeds the freezing point, their fearlessness, endurance and adaptability to this ordinary vacuum far exceed the imagination of those who are not familiar with them.

Just like the crew of Vesalius never dreamed that someone would choose to teleport and lock on to their hull and then cut in with high-energy pulse cutters and crane mechanical arms. This is an extraordinary idea.

You said they were teleported, where did the mechanical arms come from?

Sorry, in addition to the super-enhanced, technically-savvy Iron Hand officers who released the servo skull clusters and small, highly modified combat servants that hovered around them as soon as they landed, the Iron Father and the Clan Captain each had a huge mechanical arm on their backs. The former also had a high-energy arc pulse gun on the top of the mechanical tentacle on his waist - this thing could not only vaporize holes in the enemy's body, but also cut through the ship's hull metal several meters thick as easily as a hot knife cutting through butter.

Finally, there was Ferrus Manus, their miracle, the real Iron Ten, the authority of the great power of the Om Messiah in this doomsday world.

Although the Chaos ship beneath their feet resisted them shrilly and harshly - the Chief Librarian used magic to weave a binary protective barrier to isolate its corrupted howls - he reported that the proportion of alien technology transformation accepted by this ship was too high, and there were too many creatures that died here, many of which were even trapped in twisted and fused bodies. The concentration of the painful soul echoes has reached a level that can almost condense a corrupted abomination intelligence in the ship's machine soul.

It immediately discovered the intruder that jumped on it, and tried to warn the passengers inside who were still able to work, but its voice was blocked. When the giant wearing the armor that they knew and described countless times and the silver magical metal of the same material put his hand on the severely corroded hull, his and his Garuda's four eyes lit up like molten planet cores, just like a mechanical god gently placed a finger on the lips of any disobedient machine, soft, ethereal, and completely weightless, but the difference between 1 and 0 in the binary code will make this light negation absolute, ruthless, and irresistible.

But in this case, why not just reprogram the Vesalius, lock all the escape pods and hangars, and then let it carry its filthy passengers into the nearest star.

The answer is still that if there is no need for naked eye and close combat confirmation, the probability of inexplicable slipping through the net will be so large in the historical data return of this universe that a saint of Ferrus cannot accept it.

So now they are slowly but firmly maintaining their front line inside this frigate that has been modified beyond recognition - although this place has become larger, it is still too narrow! But now they know how to accommodate so many creatures.

If there are many halls and hubs in a normal cabin that can reach several meters in height, then this place is full of extremely low, factory-like partitions and cabins, or a honeycomb formed by some chaotic metal and spreading spirit bone branches.

They found densely packed twisted spirit bones and a demon sealed in a completely deformed and locked Aida alien body under the hole that opened the tunnel. Before this abominable lifeless creature's milky white eyes turned to look at them and could say the first complete sentence, the force field saber with platinum flames and black lightning, which was ignited by Traci and his think tank partners with their souls and lives in the Battle of Shadinus, chopped it down like lightning.

Start from the top of the head.

Split into two.

Those half-dissolved and ethereal contents that were completely different from humans were once again "baptized" by the plasma flame before the pus and body fluids splashed out.

Apparently, whatever it was and is and what it wants to say, it has no words and no one cares.

Quickly clearing a path through this crude and twisted imitation of the Eldar's Wraith Garden, they began to encounter the crew, who had finally heard the alarm and rushed towards them.

Well, it's quite rich indeed, with cyborgs, mutants, more than one legion of Chaos Space Marines, and some small humanoids.

After starting a firefight with the Chaos Space Marines on the opposite side - oh, there are also a large number of weird mutants who also hold weapons, some are very short, some are pale, twisted but very powerful. On several occasions, they completely relied on the Chief The Librarian's psychic shield drove these wolf-like creatures away.

"It's very strange. Although we can still cope with it, this is not like ordinary mutants. Their attack skills, strength, speed and organization are too..."

"Too specific to the Astartes, isn't it, because this is one of those blasphemous creations he made that he called an offshoot of his 'New Humanity', the 'Gland Hounds'. Guess why they're called that?" "

"These 'people' were created specifically to hunt for Astartes gene seeds." Although Malkan Feros' modified thinking chip and his organic brain worked together to provide information within one hundredth of a microsecond. He made an inference with hints, but the feeling of saying this conclusion still made him feel that the oil lines all over his body were freezing.

"It's so arrogant, arrogant, and twisted to the extreme!"

"Yes, these characteristics have their advantages if used with restraint, but if they are nurtured to the extreme without restraint, people will not be able to see their own distortions and feel that they are the most upright existence in the world. ”

Fulgrim Ishtar - wielding his elegant saber burning with strange psychic power in the face and name of Ferrus Manus, blew through the other four like a silver storm. The other side of the defense line formed by the Iron Hands - obviously, judging from the rapid dripping of steaming blood on his Garuda's claws, his silver body and armor, the area over there should have been was emptied.

"The battle has just begun."

The Sons of Gorgon were given a brief and powerful answer to what he had seen and encountered on the other side.

"Calculate your ammunition, sons of Medusa, I want every explosive bomb to accurately obtain an exchange ratio of more than one to one."

"Follow the order!"

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