Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 411: Hidden Blade

"No wonder he always says, 'If anything has a huge multiplier, no matter how perfect the plan is, you have to be patient. Even if you have 30,000 pigs standing around for you to kill, it will still take a while.'"

"Ferrus Manus", holding a platinum saber with black lightning dancing upside down in his hand and a pile of severed heads under his feet, put his hands on his hips and sighed, remembering who and where he was with. chat.

His subconscious action was too graceful even on the battlefield. So much so that the golden-winged and silver-body Garuda temporarily stationed on his shoulder to replenish energy began to become a little anxious, fluttering its wings and sending pulses to remind him.

Fortunately, Fulgrim, who was wearing the metal face of Ferus, quickly adjusted his posture before any of the heirs could not help but "notice" that something was wrong with him, making his movements look more unmodified. Savagely beautiful, or more naturally rough.

"This cannot continue like this." Fulgrim Ishtar first transmitted the data flow to his most trusted partner, "Although the quality of our individual soldiers and firepower are greatly superior to the opponent in all aspects, the number of people is always It's a real problem. Among other things, the inability to clear the corpses to both sides in time will seriously affect our combat radius and shooting field of view. This ghost place is like a goblin lair in the ancient Terra myth, and it is smelly and cramped. People are bored!”

Garuda is hunting those short, agile creatures like apes and the mutants who climb up and try to attack among the spiderweb-like cable domes and rusty gantry or other half-collapsed supports hidden in the darkness. The gentleman sent a signal of agreement to the silver demigod, and at the same time used its sharp decomposing claws to claw through the bulging electronic components on the two monsters that looked like biological tumors but emitted strange blue-green light. jar thus killing them.

Fulgrim Ishtar then sent his latest battle plan to the four Iron Hands at the front of the line.

After dozens of fierce back-and-forth binary data objections and remonstrances in just half a finger, the Iron Hands finally gave in, and they separated the Karagu patriarch to replace "Ferrus Manus" The saint was in charge of the rear line, while the silver demigod carrying the silver saber jumped up to the shadow of the heights like a graceful leopard, and flew towards the possible target location under the detection and guidance of the mechanical Garuda. And go.

The Emperor's Children always have two deadly blades, one open and one hidden.

This time Fulgrim Ishtar plans to make himself the deadly secret blade that decapitates people.

Quick decisions are more efficient.

Gorgon and his children must also admit this after calculation.

He had to move faster.

The ship's chaotic magnetic fields, psychic auras, and even more chaotic bioelectric fields made scanning more difficult than any pre-set scenario, but they managed to identify three locations.

Apothecary's laboratory, battery deck and hydroponic cabin.

Only the scans at these three locations return the most impenetrable signals.

"Pain." Fulgrim said silently to Garuda in his heart, "The extreme pain and despair of those souls will attract the unborn like the richest poisonous wine, but it is not more obvious in these three places. This is an abnormality.”

Garuda fired a few more pulses.

"No... I'm just... too familiar, my friend, after all." Fulgrim made an expression almost like a smile with the face of the son of Dorne in his amniotic fluid chamber, "After all, I am The 'Comoros' in my place were entertained for a long time and in all kinds of ways..."

Garuda was silent for a long time and then sent a short but encrypted data.

"...Don't worry." Fulgrim's brain waves became calmer, and the anger brought by those memories only became like a smoldering flame, containing more power, but still well controlled by the warrior.

"Let us complete our planned tasks quickly, and don't let your heirs worry for too long, my friend."

So they continued towards the most likely target location.


Chief Pharmacist Fabius Bayer is standing deep inside one of the three main laboratories he owns on this ship.

He was surrounded by many of the enhanced warriors and gland hounds he had created, all of whom were deeply infatuated with and worshiped their creator, wandering and lying beside him, watching what was happening elsewhere on the Vesalius. They turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye to the commotions and sounds, and their entire attention was only on them, the only sun and only benefactor of the "new humanity" - naturally it was written in their genes as written and intensified from the beginning.

The former chief apothecary of the Emperor's Children, who claims to be the genetic ancestor, is wearing his usual attire, including a heavily customized purple chaos power armor, a comfortable surgeon's coat sewn with carefully tanned and preserved human skin and faces, and his back The set of mechanical spider-like surgical backpacks, injection and extraction appendages that have been with him for ten thousand years and have their own will and preferences, as well as his usual pain scepter and poison needle injection gun.

His hair is still white, but very withered. This body has been used for some time, and the comfortable feeling and youthful vitality have been gradually eroded by cancer and accelerated aging.

He was not surprised that there would be fighting and rebellion aboard the Vesalius.

After all, the alliance on this ship has always been loose, and he, Fabius Bile, is the one who can make these pharmacists or non-pharmacists from different legions, his new humans, his loyal senior crew members - those he thinks are worth transforming - and his cute little jar creatures - as well as aliens and alien technology serve the same goal he wants to achieve.


"I must admit that this place makes me feel worse and worse. My friend."

Once they left the sight of the crowd, Fulgrim and his old friend who had turned into a big metal bird had more freedom in their actions, including but not limited to starting to use the convenience of living metal to pass through some narrow passages or pipes that were originally inaccessible - of course, they must still allow the amniotic fluid tank to pass through.

And the silver giant with the appearance of the Iron Hands Primarch regained the perfect balance and flexibility in his actions. Unlike the natural and tempered sharp perfection of Ferrus himself, this is a step that has reached another peak in flexibility and strength. The owner of this step can freely control every muscle and every nerve in his body at any time, just like when he still has his own perfect body.

"-Indeed, it's very bad." Garuda's data stream returned to Fulgrim's mind. Thanks to the link they formed at the beginning, their conversation was silent and convenient at any time. "The things that appear on both sides here..."

As they moved forward, some extremely twisted and ominous omens began to appear on both sides of the passage:

Rows of meat tanks, culture tanks or cloning tanks like messy shrines, stitched together the flesh of more other creatures.

For a few moments, some jaws with too many teeth or a series of mouths from nose to chest suddenly broke out of the turbid liquid and pressed against the reinforced glass. A series of wet eyes stared at them from behind each glass, as if smiling a silent welcome to the uninvited guests.

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