Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 420: Extra: Saving Mortarion (3K version) (two chapters in one) (three)

Mortarion, the target of the Primarch brothers' salvation, remained in his master's grasp as the brothers discussed it.

And at the end of the operational meeting that was about to end in vain, the person who suddenly stood up and started making a dark horse speech was...!


Corvos Clarks raised his flexible black tail feathers. With Magnus's supplementary explanation from the side, the two described in detail to the brothers present the situation they had taken turns to fly to and detect outside Mortarion's house. .

First of all, the place was a tall building at the corner of two rivers, which meant that there were no trees nearby for birds to hide and observe at close range for a long time, so they flew over many times and carefully observed outside the window. When they find out, they fly away - the balcony is closed at this height, and inside the balcony and the windows, apart from the pots and jars, there are huge hanging glue boards. If the wings are stuck in that place, no matter whether the two of them are If anyone wants to rescue the other one, the outcome will definitely be very unhappy. The two of them will be buried together and quickly become suspended and dried birds.

Therefore, the testimony they can give, although rare, is also quite trivial.

For example, "The floors where Mortarion's owners live are really high. On the 21st floor, the wind is often very strong, and you need to swipe a special card to take their elevator, so I suggest that brothers whose legs are not long enough should be better off outside." "His owner doesn't like to go out very much and doesn't like to take him out, but we should still include the robbery in the plan." "The windows of the fire escape on their high-rise floors are locked, and there is a fence inside the entrance door. "This is the terrain and defense situation that Clarks discovered.

"Our brother is forced to eat various experimental materials every day. Those bubbling or weird-colored medicinal soups look really disgusting. If he doesn't eat, he will be forced to use a syringe. into the stomach" and "His master has recently increased the intensity of using those torture-like experimental instruments on him. He has become thinner, and his master has locked him in a small dark room several times", "His The owner would also lock him into a glass experimental room and put some unknown gas inside and observe his reaction, which is outrageous!" Waiting for the horrific detailed description, this is what Magnus said he saw with his own eyes. Nothing false.

The Primarchs who have never been together again for various unspeakable reasons have never had such a common enemy since the 31st millennium that has not yet come.

"Wow! (Damn it! If I had known this, I should have thought of a way to get Lamizane to buy Mortarion's when I accidentally saw it from a distance last time in the pet store!)" Petu Labo bared his teeth, frowned, and let out a series of low growls from deep in his throat.

"Uh-oh. (It's okay, Perturabo, everyone knows that even a border collie cannot use the owner's account to pay for rabbits, and no one will blame you.)" Roger Dorn seemed to be thinking Comfort your neighbors and brothers.

"Ouch!" His mane was fluffy, but his tail was not only raised but also wagging, which seemed very contradictory.

Leon began to sneer mockingly at this with his golden Maine Coon cat cheeks, while the other brothers politely pretended not to notice.

Felix looked at his genetic father (the dog whose soul is located) worriedly, and seemed to be undecided whether to boldly reach out and stroke his back hair to comfort him, while Magnus, who witnessed this scene, secretly He winked at Perturabo.

Clarks added, "Maybe this is also a way? But if Mortarion is bought through normal channels, there must be a human being who comes forward as a cover for the transaction."

Petulabber was locked, "Woohoo, 唔 嗷. (The money problem is not big, Laman Eun throws three doses in the room and the throne coin ... No, I have collected cash in the cash. Okay, based on the information I collect on a daily basis, this money should be enough to buy a rabbit even in this city... But humans are not convenient. Lamizane, a lazy guy, will not go to the hospital when he has nothing to do. The pet shop that Rogal Dorn's two human servants designated for him is not the same one as Mortarion's.)"

The yellow-and-white corgi nodded in confirmation, "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,, my two friends got off work in the middle of the night, so they couldn't meet him either."

"Awww. (You still call these mortals friends, do you also want to call them family, Rogal Dorn?)"

"Uh-huh-huh-huh. (You can't piss me off, Perturabo, they do treat me like family, and I can repay them that way.)"

"Oooh, woof woof woof! (Stupid, your family is us, we are your real family, Dorn!)"


Seeing the two men holding their heads high, the other furious, and about to start a fight, the leader of the first army felt that the blood pressure pumped by the little lion's ambition in his little chest was slowly rising. Growth, he didn't know, this feeling would be experienced again, many, many, many times in the distant and dark future that was unknown to him, but now.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Meow shouted. "Meow——! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (These cumbersome so-called social rules of mortals really make the fire in my heart difficult to extinguish! Move forward without restraint! Fight! Fighting is the destination suitable for us! My sharp sword-the sharp claw is in urgent need treat!)"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. He had to set out in the next two days for a long journey, so how could he have time to get close to Mortarion's reclusive master? No one with common sense would know that no one would sell his rabbit to someone even for no apparent reason. At first glance, he is a stranger who is not a local.)" Perturabo frowned more and more, not knowing whether it was because he thought of Mortarion trapped in the tall building or because he thought that Flix would have to leave for a while before coming back. Or maybe something else.

"Meow! Meow! Meow! (Everyone, I can't believe it!)" The orange-gold Maine Coon stood up and stretched his arms widely, so that his pointed claws came out of the pink flesh pads. visibly poked out.

"Meow - ow! Meow, ow, ow, ow, ow! (Just in this small grove, where not even a storm bird can park in, we have unprecedentedly gathered six genes. Body! If the verification by Perturabo and Magnus is true ('Woof woof! (Of course it is true! You'd better show your evidence before questioning the Lord of Steel, Leon El'Jonson!)' ), 28,000 years later, the power of six legions is enough to crush anything in this...another galaxy, and here we are worrying about how to get one that is only as long as one of my fingers from a human! Shaggy rabbit!"

"Cack! Chirp! (Most of them. Leon, but those Tyranids may not be able to do that for the time being.)" Magnus thoughtfully and rigorously added for his brother.

"Oooo-wow woof woof woof. (That mere woolly rabbit is your fourteenth brother, eldest brother.)" Donne pointed out calmly. "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooft, wearing your Power Armor and Holding Your Weapons, I Think You Can Come to Him and Demand Mortarion and His There is nothing wrong with the people or the house.)”

Seeing that the scene was once again about to develop into an all-out martial arts affair with dog and cat hair flying around, and the only humanoid creature present that had the ability to stop it looked very hesitant, Magnus jumped anxiously on the branches outside. , the big fluffy feather crests that stood up were opened and closed, as if they were rubbing their hands and not knowing how to break up the fight.

And Krax sighed helplessly - in fact, since they discovered that the wooly rabbit might be their unfortunate brother Mortarion, this is the third war meeting held for this purpose, well, obviously before The efficiency of the two times is not very high, because after the brothers have finished jumping around, some dogs should rush back before the humans wake up, so as not to be unable to get out next time due to tighter defensive measures. .

Amidst the piercing "Meow!" and "Ouch!", Lorgar Aurelion quietly and bit by bit ate all the nuts and melon seeds he had brought in his two cheek pouches, and then The red-bellied squirrel clapped its hands, carefully brushing any debris from its paws, and carefully cleaned its gray and golden-brown fur.

Then he spoke slowly.

"Goooooooooo-(So, have any of you ever thought of asking me? That is, can I go up to observe and investigate this matter in detail? It's really sad, my brothers, I thought The friendship between us has improved in this wonderful world as we have become more equal.)"

Although he didn't understand it, Flix, the only human present, was horrified and stared at the red-bellied squirrel that made such a bird-like sound with an incomprehensible look.

The squirrel sat on the branch with its hind legs like a human being. His bright round eyes just looked down and glanced at the Iron Warriors First Company Commander with a half-smile, which made Flix feel a chill on his back in this hot weather. , creepy.

The other Primarchs stopped moving.

"Wow. (Indeed.)" The first one to agree vocally was the border collie. Perturabo frowned but his tail still flapped in thought, "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooontss... Lorgar's current... racial advantage, so what do you think, brother?)"

"Mi——! Ouch! Meow, meow, meow? (Do we really want to listen to any words coming out of this guy's sweet mouth?)" The leader of the first army looked extremely disapproving, "Meow, meow, meow, meow. ( When Lorgar said seriously that he wanted to save his brother, I always felt a sense of approaching danger that made my hair explode.)"

"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo can can can can can can can can be canada goose cans canssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Dorn can't help but want to tear down the furniture and walls of his house and build them up again. Perturabo, besides always wanting to secretly use his owner's personal computer, also wants to run in the grass. Chasing cats is the same as chasing birds).

"Meow!" the lion said bluntly, and his green eyes were wandering back and forth on some of the squirrel's vital parts.

"Mmm. (Hmm? Let him talk first, and we can make our own judgment after listening.)"

"Meow!" The Maine Coon turned his head to the squirrel, "Speak, Lorgar Aurelion, let us hear what you have to say."

The squirrel, who had been listening and waiting patiently, was not angry at the frivolous attitude of his brothers.

Lorgar just smiled at them tolerantly, shaking his fluffy tail, and began to show his brothers confidently and proudly what he had done and his ideas about their goals.

The Great Speaker was satisfied to see that as he told the details of the implementation steps of the plan, his brothers' eyes began to change when they looked at him.


On the twenty-first floor high by the river.

In the dim room.

The Angora rabbit with a huge skeleton was lying motionless and quietly in the cage, like a pile of gray and shaggy wool curls.

Nothing could be seen, including the nose, eyes, and mouth. One could only barely make out the shape of two long ears with hairy tips drooping at the top.

"Pah, pah, pah." It was the sound of dragging footsteps in slippers.

The footsteps approached rhythmically.

It stopped outside the door of the room.

The Angora rabbit was still motionless in the cage, but if you looked closely, you would find that the towering shape of the two long ears seemed to become more obvious.


The visitor opened the door of the room.

A stream of warm air, which was a mixture of semi-fermented grass, rabbit excrement, and living fur, and had been covered for a whole day, gushed out from the depths of the room, as if it was real, making the owner of the house subconsciously tilt his head back before stepping into the door.

"Morty*." The voice of the visitor was low and hoarse, but the lying Angora rabbit was still indifferent to the sound and light.

"I'm here, Morty. How do you feel today?"

The light was turned on, and the tall shadow of the visitor was cast over the Angora rabbit's cage.

A flashlight was turned on next to the rabbit cage, and then the light was shone on the rabbit's head.

The two gray eyes of the Angora rabbit were shining under the hair covering them, reflecting the light of the flashlight.

The figure of a tall, thin, pale and sick man was clearly reflected inside.

He smiled at him.

"It's time to eat again, Morty."

A huge syringe was taken over.

"Try what I made specially for you today, Morty. My craftsmanship, you will like it..."

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