Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 423 Your clock is really good at playing tricks (two chapters in one 4K4)

"Well, an interesting fact, you were there, right? Thanks for pointing it out."

The speaker's voice was clear and powerful, piercing the darkness and transcending time.

Someone is coming.

Something is about to arrive.

He spoke from behind the broken, burned and violently dismantled metal tunnels and doors.

This sound, which vibrates from the breath of life on the vocal cords of the metal that imitates flesh and blood to the extreme, is as sonorous and harsh as the friction and knocking of steel, and as beautiful as a silver wind chime blown by the wind.

Fabius's body's physiological index exceeded the standard again, and his surgeon's surgical backpack began to automatically inject him. At an angle that the chief pharmacist could not see, this machine blessed by the warp was still subconsciously rubbing its remaining appendages nervously, as if... as if it was something that really had self-awareness.

From the depths of the chaotic shadows of the burning forest of bones, a soft laugh seemed to come, but the owner of the laugh did not sound like a smile.

The three Iron Fathers of the Iron Hands and the Chief Librarian of Lakuan stood silently in place, like four black and silver memorial statues made of armor plates, cables and weapons. Only their bright red and silent sensors or servo skulls quietly turned their vision to the depths of the ruins.

The person commemorated by the Iron Hands appeared from the other side of the passage.

Because the metal giant's body was too tall, his head was blocked by a large piece of sharp metal cabin floor hanging from the top.

For a moment, it seemed that he had to bend down or pass through in some other way to appear in a not-so-graceful posture-but then the man casually raised his huge silver metal fist, and then, with one punch, he blasted away the obstacle in front of him.


In the smoke of flying debris and dust, the silver giant protected by the golden raptor wings strode into the ruins of this artificially cultivated spirit bone forest.

Apparently, he solved or got rid of all the obstacles left in the pharmacist's laboratory not long after Fabius escaped, and chased him closely, catching up with the chief pharmacist in a very straight and iron-handed way.

Such a pure use of brute force, direct violence and no aesthetics made Fabius doubt his judgment for a moment: this really didn't seem like the person he knew and was familiar with would do it...

"So, have you ever thought, 'Spider', since someone like you can live for more than 9,000 years, why can't a gene primarch survive the same number of years?"

When that word was spoken in that tone, by the person who first called him so and gave him the name "Bail (Spider)", with the same perfect pronunciation of ups and downs, but in the voice of another primarch that Fabius was "familiar with", he felt extremely absurd.

There will be no other person in the entire galaxy with this tone.

But it's impossible.

No matter which one is impossible.

The cloned body of the Emperor's Children's pharmacist stood up straight.

"Because I personally dissected and cloned Ferrus Manus, and I witnessed how Fulgrim fell and destroyed us step by step, and where he is now and what he has become." He said in a scientific tone, even holding his torture cane in the middle of his hands, supporting himself like a sword, "So you can't be any of them, who are you?"

The Iron Hands were strangely silent at this moment, so Fulgrim in the Silver Djinn couldn't help but take Ferrus to look at them again.

"... Malkan, is there something wrong with the readings of your internal power reactor? Stop the overload behavior, this is an order!... Damn it,... Now I will take over all life support systems, verify the highest authority password, and activate the reactor and system overload protection... and the volume of the internal line communication channel needs to be reduced by 90%. Calm down, children, calm down, after all, what this traitor said..."

The Silver Djinn paused his words.

The red and silver lights in the eyes of the Iron Hands flashed, and the bionic eyes and sensors looked up at him.

Fabius also stared at the mysterious giant - since it seemed that he could not escape at all, he might as well pretend that this was his real body and completely angered them. Angry humans - this is also one of the flaws of pests, always controlled by extreme emotions.

This can help Fabius better and more thoroughly implement his backup plan to get out of here, but unfortunately, the loss of data uploaded in the future and the loss of manpower and tools may be higher than originally estimated...

"Yes, I, Ferrus Manus, have been disassembled, stripped, cloned and dissected countless times by this man, Fabius Bile."

The voice was not finished.

The black iron boots fell suddenly, crushing the ashes and bones of the noise warriors and the Eldar transformations.

The first person who disobeyed the Primarch's order and rushed towards Fabius Bile with his weapon raised and roaring was Alvian Ravus, who was the most mechanized among them and had the most emotional modules shut down.


"So what did your clock affect after it suddenly started to change speed this time?"

Mr. Ramizane Kalosini is now sitting in a window box at the "Delicious and Nutritious" restaurant. On the table is a cup of warm milky Reka coffee and a cup of iced artificial milk.

Opposite him is Perturabo BC, who is also wearing illusion camouflage.

The mecha form that the Border Collie has used for a long time can be replaced with a human-like appearance in the illusion camouflage performance layer in the Wandering Port.

Undoubtedly, this illusion camouflage device, which was already very useful, is now more powerful. Although the Decima Sage said, "Oh, Ommi's Saiyan, don't put this kind of thinking thing in front of me next time", it has indeed become more useful after a pretentious upgrade.

Since Ramizarn said, "Even Chaos needs to eat, so restaurants are the most important and suitable. In my time, restaurants were also used as bases for some entities to contact the outside world when it was inconvenient, and they could also recruit people who wanted to find us. This has been proven to be a very useful method." In short, relying on the mysterious diplomacy and negotiation skills (?) of old Sir Kadur Malcador, under the noses of the Imperial Navy, the Ministry of Justice, the Calixis Conclave of the Inquisition, and the Imperial Church, the "Silver Mask Anti-Gravity Equipment Royal Store" and the "Delicious and Nutritious" restaurant were opened in Wandering Port with the Black Templars and Isstvan III veterans as staff.

The magical reputation of the "Holy Communion" and "Holy Torch" in the Court of the Dead is said to have spread beyond the Calixis Sector, including the Scarus Sector and the Ixaniad Sector. Dusty merchants, businessmen, adventurers and boatloads of devout, poor and hopeful pilgrims from afar are constantly coming.

While greatly increasing the trade opportunities, traffic and population circulation of this small Void Hive in the borderland, it also makes the infrastructure, food and fresh water supply here precarious.

In this situation, the Iron Warriors and the warriors of other legions were surprised to find through the daily announcement that their Highnesses Perturabo and Ramezane would be so merciful (?) that the Iron... Destiny Iron would start the boiler next to the reactor (?) and deliver some boiled fresh water to this place every day, so that many pilgrims would not die of thirst. This behavior won unanimous praise and praise from the lower-class people.

Of course, the Wandering Port Miners Guild (these miners are usually also responsible for mining water ice from passing or pulled comet nuclei or icy asteroids) and the senior people behind them are obviously not so happy.

The people in the Central Fortress have complained more than once that the purifiers and collection devices here are seriously overloaded. According to legend, Constructor Acholus, the loyal servant of the God of All Machines and the chief designer of Wandering Port, is already considering new expansion plans or other solutions.

But again, since those forces, whether they know or not, have occurred several times, with various reasons, various races, and various means, have attempted to defeat or even embarrass the "strong modified bio-human" staff and resident emperor champions of the "Delicious and Nutritious" restaurant or the "Silver Mask Royal Store", the attempts were severely, immediately, and mercilessly suppressed, showing the unknown but obviously easy-going ancient heritage of the nominal operators of these two stores, the Ronin Carlosini Dynasty.

Nowadays, there are very few observers who dare to openly reveal their identities or unlucky people who are kicked in as experimental subjects. Instead, there are all kinds of spies, diplomats and business brokers who make Torgadon very disgusted but everyone seems to have a good impression of Torgadon (?).

And the fact that there are more than three Emperor Champions in the Royal Store and they can even be arranged to take turns on duty has also been discovered and reported by many very careful observers.

Most of the higher-level people who know the meaning of it will think that this is incredible and impossible, but maybe the God Emperor really has his special intentions...?

After all, more than one report indicated that the watchers (although most of them did not know the meaning) actually counted at least ninety-nine legendary emperor champion warriors who took turns on duty in this small store...

The weight of the four words "Royal Charter" on the sign was originally thought to be a gimmick made by this daring merchant to deceive the ignorant people, but now it seems to be more and more glittering and more convincing...

So the activity of distributing hot water in the square in front of the restaurant continued, and in order to maintain the order of distributing and receiving hot water here, of course, the agent of the Carosini Dynasty submitted an application to the Central Fortress for "the need to increase the number of private security guards in the store".

Rear Admiral Larius Sanse and his think tank held three more days of meetings. After studying the situation together, they came to the conclusion that the situation couldn't possibly be any more outrageous than it is now, and that the sincerity shown by the agents of the Carlosini Dynasty in visiting each of them and Rear Admiral Sanse individually was very, very sufficient. So it would be fine to approve it. After all, everyone has seen the existence of security guards similar to the PDF (Planetary Defense Force), and it's normal for traveling merchants to have some private soldiers. At most, their weapons and equipment are better... a little... right?

So two hours after the approval reply arrived, several teams of new Astartes monks appeared at the shuttle port of Wandering Port on Stormbirds.

They wore silver-painted power armor decorated with black and gold. They were strong and tall, not aggressive but also sacred and inviolable. Holding the "Karosini Dynasty Licensed Security Guard" certificate and access order, they walked through the crowd with great vigor and vigor, and under the stunned gazes of all parties...

Walked into the "Delicious and Nutritious" restaurant, and soon walked out again. Everyone locked their weapons on their belts, and held containers full of hot water in their hands.

——The sacred content and persuasiveness of this "holy communion" free hot water suddenly increased by several orders of magnitude at this moment, so that many dignitaries also thought about whether to send a few servants to line up to get some hot water. Perhaps there are some unknown magical effects?

The pilgrims waiting for hot water were already boiling with excitement. Many of them murmured and shed hot tears and prostrated themselves on the ground. Never had the angels of the Emperor done such a thing for ordinary people, even if it was just a trivial matter of pouring hot water into the shabby containers they carried.

So in this situation where the local garrison actually occupies half of the country (maybe more than that), the current Wandering Port can almost be regarded as half of their territory. As the "stability" and "conceptuality" of the two stores become more stable, the radiation of Ramizann's power has become more... less "reasonable" within a certain range around the two stores.

That is to say, in the seat opposite Ramizann, although the assistance of illusion camouflage is still needed, now it seems to others that there is an adult male human with black hair and white skin and a strong body.

He is about five feet eleven inches tall, with well-developed muscles and a body... He looks strong and safe.

He had hair that was even darker than the usual black. The hair was very straight, divided into multiple strands and braided into small braids with silver and gold metal rings and tied into a bunch behind his head. He wore a loose classical shirt that was modified to look more like a knight's uniform, and his strong waistline was tightened by a leather belt.

The male face that Perturabo BC transformed into was exactly the same as the person sitting opposite him. The only difference was the color of their eyes. Ramizane's was a ruthless, deadly and cold ice blue, while Perturabo's was a clear and approachable dark brown.

"I don't know." Perturabo BC answered straightforwardly.

"I don't know? But didn't you say that its speed change distance and condition showed that there must have been a considerable period of time that was changed in time, and it must be very related to our Destiny Steel?"

"That's right." The shepherd dog pressed the multiple data boards in front of him with his paws. To outsiders, it looked like the fingers of the mortal Primarch with brown eyes tapped them.


"But don't forget that our missing members are also related to us. Each of them... has a destiny."

"But there is more than one person? We can't help them even if we want to..."

"It should be moved to 40K to 41K at some point between 35K and 36K," the dog calculated carefully again, "and it is strongly related to our missing members, there is no problem... Hey!!! Why is this thing here again!"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't like to see this symbol at this time."

Perturabo curled his lips in a very human way-completely unaware that making expressions on a dog's face with fur and face shape is not eye-catching, and using Perturabo's own face to make such expressions...

The eyepieces of several "Silver Skulls" nearby were straight.

Ramizane leaned over to take a look at the results of the calculation.

"Oh, damn, it's them..."

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