Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 426 If you pick up a kid and start to hesitate, you will lose (2-in-1 4K3)


The second the two pairs of silver eyes and the pair of purple eyes faced each other.

All the Iron Hands present also used various sensors and prosthetic eyes to clearly see the appearance of this giant wearing simple purple-painted armor.

The crude straps and wires that could only protect the vital parts were primitive armor pieces that were also simply hammered out of scrap iron. Underneath was a huge rough overalls, just like what ordinary workshop workers would wear. That kind, he wore an equally crude helmet on his head, hastily knocked out with a hammer or other things, only revealing a pair of lavender lilac helmets that could not be concealed in such a dim environment. Eye.

+! ! ! ! +

What stopped them from firing with all their might and rushing forward to attack was the Saint of Ferus who had just rushed in to stop this being from decapitating Malkan.

But their genetic father also froze his movements at this moment.


There is no doubt that although this being is huge, it has only just grown.

The skin exposed outside his work clothes is white and smooth, and the muscles and bones are well-proportioned and perfect. There are no traces of any battle, nor have they been eroded and kissed by too many airs in different worlds.

His coordinated movements were flawless. There are not many traces of holding a weapon on his palm, and there is no lingering cry of the dead or the smoke and musk of the inanimate that is disgusting and trying to make people intoxicated.

And his physique and posture.

He stood there, so huge, so elegant, almost as tall as the silver Ferus Manus, but seemed more slender.

Anyone who comes to see it will immediately think:

These two equally huge and perfect beings come from the same source and cannot be completely unrelated.

Invisible, violent, and indescribable emotional shockwaves centered on the silver body of Ferrus Manus, crashing into all surrounding creatures, including loyalists, Chaos traitors, and Gland Hound mutants. The most primitive and weak tank dwellers even immediately began to kneel down and worship the "two people" in the center in their own language.

And at the center of this impact, the souls of the two original bodies who had been inseparable for a long time had never been so clearly aware of what and who else existed in this universe, as well as who they had been and who they had been. What has become.

Garuda screamed hoarsely and shrilly.

His cry woke up the fearless Phoenix who was also stunned for a moment.

"Who are you?" Fulgrim Ishtar felt his metal throat - how could it seem so dry? His dexterous lips and tongue seemed extremely heavy at this moment, and his mind seemed to be unable to function for an instant and did not belong. he himself.

It's one thing to know that there is another self in this universe, but it's another thing to see and touch that other self up close with your own eyes.

Especially when you know that this "you" should have betrayed everything you loved, completely degenerated, deformed, twisted, and indulged to the point of——


He looked at the young man in front of him carefully again.

At least in this scan, neither he nor Ferus found any trace of warp corruption.

What's this? A miracle? A conspiracy? Or is it a sweet bait in a new script being put in front of them?

"Who are you?" he asked again.

"Can you let me go first?" the person on the other side replied warily, "and my dear cousins ​​and wayward children. Don't let your men target them."

"If you can control them not to attack my... heirs." Fearless Phoenix was the first of the three to calm down. After all, the long period of time when Comoros was tortured and the parachuting into the palace to personally fight in front of the throne The experience of inserting a sword into the spine of Guilliman the Great Betrayer always makes a person mentally tougher and easier to calm down quickly.

He quickly sent a warning signal to the surrounding steel hands, slightly released the hand holding his opponent, put away the saber at the same time, raised his free hand and made a gesture around him so that everyone could See the sign.

The young man nodded and made a few gestures to the followers around him. Although the few gland hounds and mutants were reluctant or even eager to try, miraculously, they all stopped their obvious attacks. Behavior.

Then he put the weapon in his hand aside and used a very iconic method that made one of the two silver giants feel very familiar, while the other felt a sense of confusion, just like they had once. I have seen or personally inserted sabers or sword blades into the decks of conquered ships or the soil of surrendered worlds.

He took off his helmet.

Not surprisingly, the long silver hair flowing down to her shoulders and the bright and sparkling lavender eyes underneath.

"I am Fulgrim." The young creature proudly told them in a voice as loud as thunder and as clear as a mountain spring. "I am the Phoenix, rising again from the old flames of my former failure. I am the new revelation, coming to lift the shadow of ignorance that has clouded the hearts of my brothers, sisters and descendants. I am the one who will rebuild the Legion, and I will elevate the galaxy."

At that moment, Ferrus Manus felt Fulgrim Ishtar's hand tighten.


In that second, a storm of emotions and thinking data simultaneously set off in the souls and minds of the Iron Hands.

They all chose to separate their brain cortex and thinking circuits into two areas for processing.

+Proposal: Should we jointly make a proposal to our father? As sons of Gorgon, we should advise our father and make a decisive decision. We must not let the past happen again. We must not let the iron will of the warriors be shaken by Ferrus's weakness. +

+Agree. +

+Agree. +

+Agree. +

+Disagree. +

+Brother. Tell us why you oppose our legitimate advice. +

+Ferrus Manus will be unhappy. +

+What if he is unhappy? Since the first time the Primarch descended on Medusa, the teachings we have learned from him have always been to obey the will of the strongest and to separate ourselves from weak flesh and blood creatures. It was his own momentary weakness that led to such an unacceptable result ten thousand years ago. In this case, the voice of the clan to uphold the right thing must be heard by the Primarch. +

+Is that so? You didn't have such an attitude towards the envoys from Mars before. +

+My loyalty is unquestionable. +

+I have no doubts about your loyalty to the clan, brother. +

+You all remember the result that the Gene Father did not mention it verbally during the last inspection, but was actually unhappy with the arrangements for the new recruits in our clan. We were as helpless as children targeted by mechanical zombies and silicon ghosts in the Shadow Land. It has only been 6,872 standard Terra minutes. Brothers. +




+What? Do you still want to deny that compared to his deceptive fearlessness and silver face now, or the identity of Sobek Wieland at the beginning and the face and identity of "Ferrus Manus" that is now more and more undisguised. Brothers of Steel, do you still want to deny the throbbing from your own genetic code and even the depths of your soul? +


+Throbbing. Indeed. Do you really think that is Ferrus Manus? +

+It has only been more than five hundred years since the Highland Rebellion. +

+Whatever it is, he not only controls our emotional fluctuations, but also has access to all the doors of Medusa's vaults and cellars. Remember the Mimir Vault he led us to? His identity verification was immediately passed by the ancient machine spirit. So, he is now the great Iron Hand, Brother Ravus. +


+Do not doubt it, brother! Ferrus Manus is back! He still walks among us as he did ten thousand years ago. The ancient spirits in the relics implanted in each of us that can be traced back to the Great Heresy will not recognize him. Great! Holy! The strong anger when Shadinus killed the fallen Phoenix Son is completely different from the subspace characteristics of the Unliving. I am willing to vouch for this with my service so far and the Forge Chain. +

+I don't distrust you, Traci. But I noticed that the operation of your new mechanical body seems to bring you more abundant emotions. +

+More abundant emotions. Yes, Lavus, also with greater power and better control, and more understanding. I am now more proud of being the son of Medusa and Gorgon, and I also eagerly hope that the chapter can grow and complete the transformation as soon as possible under the leadership of the genetic father. +

+The ancient spirits can only transmit the feeling of thoughts to us but cannot speak. +

+It must be stated that these transmitted thoughts and feelings have been too strong in many moments recently. I had to specially remake an emotional partition module and insert it into my cerebral cortex to buffer them. Otherwise, they will cause great interference and burden to my thinking circuit. +

+Agree. +

+It must be the obsession of the past elders living in these sacred relics. +

+Then it is resolved: put aside the suggestions or further actions made immediately at this time, and continue to observe continuously. +

+Agree. +

+Agree. +

+Agree. +

+Agree. And speaking of the past elders, has anyone of you informed "that ship"? +

+No. Wait a minute. +

+Who informed. This should not be communicated. +

+Oops. +

+But if it starts to enter the Medusa defense circle or sends us a signal to approach, we can't destroy it. In addition, we must find a way to notify it to avoid the monitoring stations and experimental worlds of the Pan-Mechanic Cult. But recently, the allies on Mars have begun to express dissatisfaction and spy on our independent actions. Ah. Ferrus's hand. +

+Your thought signals show that your cerebral cortex activity and blood perfusion are a little over the value, brother. Let go of your mind barrier and let me relax you temporarily. +

+Passed. Opened. Now my intracranial pressure feels relieved. Thank you, brother Traci, it seems that your psychic skills have made great progress after surviving the disaster. +

+This is the feeling given to me by the new life and the new body. Its psychic resistance, storage and fluidity are indeed better. +

+Don't say what the genetic father will think when he sees it and what it carries. Even some of us can't stand "those". +

+However, the first dreadnought of Sobek Weyland that my father used was awakened deep in the "cellar" of Medusa. He should have seen some knowledge that he did not allow us to bring into the world, but he has not yet pursued us. Perhaps Ferrus Manus has tacitly forgiven us, and perhaps we don't have to be so secretive and fearful about this matter. +

+If the explanation is why we don't have to be so afraid of the wrath of the Gorgons, it must be because you and I are not too involved in this matter. And my future calculation prediction results are not very optimistic. +

+What will happen next. +

+See how the genetic father handles it. +

+My calculation data tells me that the genetic father hesitated at that moment, and he stopped him but did not kill him. We will have unexpected big trouble next. +

+Then we can only hope that your calculation is not so accurate this time, brother. +

+I hope so. +


After the necessary parts on it were contained, the Vesalius was pushed into the center of the star without mercy.

Now, everyone is in the Lakuan Clan Hall.

The Lakuan Clan Hall was built as a mobile super fortress for war from the beginning.


It may be with aliens, or with demons, and the war with heretics will always exist. For a deserted post-technological world like Medusa, where the geological surface is too active, there is rarely a permanent terrain, and there are clans full of survival competition and hostility, the biggest war is the struggle with the death threat here that wants to take human life from beginning to end.

Therefore, each clan hall actually has the function and space for a child to complete from birth to death inside.

Of course, the child's body may be a bit too big, which may be a problem, but now that Ferrus Manus has returned, the ancient and mysterious functions of the clan hall have been restored a lot.

Therefore, a huge living room suitable for the original body was quickly prepared, and the supreme prey caught by the Iron Hands in this unexpected cross-time and space hunt was also locked in it.

"What should we do now?" Fulgrim Ishtar murmured to Garuda when all the Gorgon heirs in the room were temporarily sent away and only the two of them were left.

Garuda Ferrus Manus replied calmly, "If we had killed him when we rushed in, we wouldn't have the trouble now."

"But it was you who stopped me from strangling him to death immediately after listening to his self-introduction, Mr. Chirp! You, a cold-hearted boy after the fact, don't come to me to establish your personality, okay. But now I also regret that I didn't choose to ignore him and kill him with a saber first. - But now it's like this, he and other... so-called captives have been taken back to our ship. This may be very strange for me to say, but I always feel that at this point, killing him may not be the best solution."


"You should express your opinion. As the biggest and most direct victim. Although this is my calm view now, if you plan to execute them immediately to complete your revenge, I can fully understand and support you, and I will not stop you or feel resentful about it."

"... Observe first."

"Heh. Okay, but don't say I didn't remind you, Mr. Chirp of Iron Wings! Hesitation will most likely lead to defeat."

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