Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 431 Is it possible to kill the third Primarch? (4K6)


The Iron Captain slammed his ceramite boots onto the deck floor.

Engine oil that is easily spilled due to high-speed operation, metal particles escaping from the freshly cut gaps in the ceramic armor, barrel steel heated by high-speed explosives, special smell molecules from the decomposition of bullets and power weapons Permeating his olfactory receptors, but very rarely, his analysis unit told him that there was also a vague smell of musky rose.

Pooh. This despicable and shameless devil kid.

Just like his real body, he is good at using sweet words to lure people into becoming weak and corrupt, becoming the pitiful playthings of poisonous snakes, and ultimately costing them their lives.

Such was the nature of the evil beings of the Third Legion and their primarch Fulgrim. Forcing the saints to fall, tempting the adherents to give up, corroding the steel to rust, making the fine steel as soft as mud, making all order disappear, and not abiding by almost any discipline——

Until they drive themselves into hell in the tide of laughter, enjoying eternal painful torture in a moment of clarity, but deceiving themselves and others with drugs or other things, proclaiming themselves the kings of the decaying paradise they built with their own corpses and the corpses of others. .

The price for all the pleasures and pleasures they enjoy now has already been paid in the "future". So they never see the future, never grow themselves, never make their bloodline and chapter great - they just become a wreck that temporarily seems to be self-sustaining due to its size, but does not thrive. In the future, they are destined to continue to decrease and disappear.

How long does it take to go from a dazzling Paladin swordsman to a dying addict to withered bones?

The time required may not be as long as those involved and bystanders think.

These corrupted souls who may be confused or happy to follow the snake demon prince will eventually be dragged into darkness by the inanimate beings, who will knock their bones and suck out their marrow.

The Children of the Phoenix have been essentially abandoned, becoming increasingly irrelevant to the fate of the universe and everyone else.

The people who most want to express themselves eventually become insignificant and insignificant until they die.

Until it is completely forgotten.

From body to soul.

time flies.

Life and death.

Even the memory of them in this galaxy will soon be gone.

This is the best treatment for these sons of the fallen Emperor, including their Primarch. This is the result they deserve. Only in this way can the anger in his heart be slightly soothed.

Originally, although things were always disruptive and progressed slowly, there was indeed a gratifying trend towards this direction.

Especially after they captured the clone of the snake demon and a bunch of followers he brought in the sublimated form of the Gene Father's enviable new metal body, Ravus was very pleased to think that , everything is going to be fine.

First of all, righteous revenge will definitely be partially executed after such a long wait. (Although his old friend Chief Librarian Trazzi was still looking after them and did not kill them, but considering that Trazzi followed the orders of the Primarch out of loyalty rather than making the right choice on his own, it was excusable. )

But recently, when he asked the gathered Lacuan Calculus Magi Prophecy team about the results of a new round of logical predictions because of the frequent summons of prisoners by the Father of Genes and other signs, they told him that the latest changes and factors had been added. Finally, the logical calculation prediction seemed to reach certain conclusions with greater variables, and none of them was the kind that Ravus was willing to witness.

So this is the deepest concern of Captain Steel. As early as on the top of the tallest tower in the Shadenus Hive, when he saw the Contemptor Fearless slashing down with a psychic saber burning with platinum flames and black lightning, he had already understood: No matter what it was, , in the eyes of others, including anyone in the empire, it can only, must, be Ferrus Manus. Therefore, the other brothers thought that he was mostly concerned about this, but in fact, he had already thought about more.

When he first became the Iron Hand, he thought that other imperial worlds were just like Medusa, dark and cruel. They could only devour and hunt the meat and plunder of those things that were so ancient that they didn't know what they were and fell from the star track. Use garbage resources to repair your own nomadic fortress to live.

The young man always thought that everyone's planetary home in this universe was like this.

But when he was still a recruit in Lacuan, he set foot on other planets and discovered that other people's worlds had clean air, large water sources, stable continents, blue skies, sunshine, flowers and birds from ancient times to the present. when.

An inexplicable anger ignited deep in his heart at that moment.

Why have the people of Medusa endured everything for thousands of years and had to fight desperately on Ouranus Rock to get a chance to become Iron Hands, while people from other planets can grow up in such a paradise world? , and in the end they can become space warriors without enduring more suffering?

Then what is the significance of us...the cultural inheritance that the Medusa people have always insisted on advocating? So he worked harder to hone himself and accepted mechanical modifications twice as much as other recruits of the same age. It was hard to say whether he was just trying to prove to his other cousins ​​that the hardships that the sons of Medusa had endured for thousands of years were still valuable. , is not meaningless.

The hideous, disturbing smell of the musky rose came back.

Alvin Ravus held his two-handed power sword and blinked his eyes. One of his semi-mechanical eyes was equipped with an additional zoom function, and the other was completely modified into a bionic eye.

The memory state that had just caused him to have chaotic thoughts and brain waves was aroused by the stench of the rotten snake demon.

Before and after putting on his current Terminator armor that was almost integrated with him, Alvin Ravus had killed many Emperor's children and their followers in the form of command fire or in person.

Among these fallen betrayers in dazzling pink or bright purple armor, most of the high-level, half-demonized members will emit musk and other fragrant and stinky fragrances in close combat. According to the research results of pharmacists, these fragrances are not just for show. The deeper the dark corruption, the stronger the changes in the smell, vision, and thoughts of the inhaler. However, if only a small amount or a short time is inhaled, and the inhaler is determined, then after a few rounds of thorough "treatment", at least at the detection level, the influence of this corrupt fragrance can be eliminated.

He also admitted that compared with the smell of those grotesque fallen people who looked like a large rack of low-quality jewelry, the smell of this demon cub was not so thick, disgusting, and disgusting. It could even be said that it had a hint of moist water vapor from fresh petals. It was this pure and simple ancient smell engraved in the genes of humans that could arouse some associative stimulation in his rock-hard organic cerebral cortex.

But when musk and roses are combined with the name Fulgrim, he is not a dewy rose swaying in the morning breeze, but a gorgeous venomous snake that has just hatched from the corrupted rotten flesh of Fabius, a lifeless being more hateful than the Sapphire King, a being that will devour the dawn of hope that the Iron Hands have just gained, and is the most wonderful and malicious joke given by the Chaos Gods.

So, since Fulgrim himself could not help but rush out from the ear chamber to loudly refute the Iron Captain's advice and accusations against him to immediately execute all the prisoners, and loudly proposed an honor duel in front of the Primarch, then Lavus was very happy that he had the opportunity to eliminate this threat with his own hands - even though the requirement was "neither side is allowed to fight to the death", and facing a Primarch who was actually agile and good at fighting, even the Terminator had a low chance of winning.

But that was a demon child who had just been born, and he was not wearing armor, only holding a Chabar saber. Neither side had opened the power stance of the weapon, and the Father of Genes had no concerns or doubts about Ravus at this time, so there would not be a second better chance!

You see, if Ravus's finger was accidentally knocked out of shape during the fight and he happened to press the stance button and then some unfortunate power armor short circuit occurred, then everything that happened afterwards could not be blamed. That's it.

In fact, even if he was blamed and executed, the commander felt it was worth it, because when the duel was proposed, he coldly calculated the disturbance ratio of his and the Father of Genes' calculations on the future of this universe, and immediately accepted the invitation of the cloned Phoenix to duel before other brothers could make peace for them.

Obviously, the disturbance caused by his, Alvian Ravus's death here to the future of the galaxy in the future is negligible compared to the fact that "Ferrus Manus" can successfully return to Medusa and reorganize the legion.

He was tiny, but a tiny grain of sand at the right time and place could change the direction of the overall situation.

The Iron Captain gripped the hilt of his power sword and slowly placed his thumb wrapped in steel next to the position start button.

He knew that the hateful, cunning, and deadly venomous snake was lurking nearby.

Because Fulgrim was only wearing an ordinary work suit, the venomous snake could not hurt itself every time it attacked, and each time it attacked, it chose the most cunning and vicious angle.

However, after these few times, the opponent should have also tested it. The depth of Ravus's mechanical transformation should be something Fulgrim did not predict. If it was a Terminator monk from another regiment standing here, he should have temporarily lost his combat effectiveness or could not maintain his balance after the first two attacks on his lower back or knee joints.

But Alvian Ravus's human body covered by the Terminator armor actually had little biomass left. These attacks, which were quite fierce for ordinary flesh and blood, were just adjustments that he could make choices and make compensations for. The speed of the Terminator was originally impossible to perfectly attack the Primarch, and Fulgrim was famous for his fast swordsmanship. The opponent's lack of armor seriously affected his defense, but the advantage was that his own lightness would be perfectly utilized.

Therefore, Ravus did not think of catching up with and hitting the opponent with his two-handed sword like a Grox beast swatting a moth.

All he had to do was pretend that he had been weakened in the previous attacks, and then wait patiently for the venomous snake to come out of the hole, and finally use his whole body of weapons to give him a fatal blow.

He had one and only one chance, and he had to grasp it with extreme caution.

The Iron Hands had missed several good opportunities in the previous battles, but every time he would learn from the previous lesson, and this time he would definitely not let the opponent succeed.

For Ferrus Manus!

The logic circuits connecting different observation bands in various places input the analytical prediction data obtained after centralized calculation into his brain.

The heat from the high-speed operation of machinery and chips spurted out hissing hot air from the breathing grid that replaced his lips.

suddenly. He whipped out his bolter and fired a series of bursts at a shadow that seemed to be shaking slightly.

The flying sparks and clanking sounds didn't seem to hit his target.

The unique longsword-style saber with a half-curved tip appeared on the side of the Steel Captain's neck at an angle and speed that even the logical predictions that the Iron Hands were proud of could not be calculated - because the saber user has every piece of himself. The control of the muscles is perfect but not deliberate, making the movement of the blade as natural as the flow of air.

The sword blade hardly "parted" the air in the path of its attack, but rather the molecules of the gas made way for it.

Then Alvin Ravus' two-handed sword suddenly leaned towards the attacker's slender figure, as if harmless——

At the same time as the power stance was opened, in the reflection of Raus's red prosthetic eye, the young viper smiled towards the Iron Captain.

A maintenance screwdriver was inserted hard into the interface of Ravus's eyepiece.



As the pharmacist and technical sergeant carried away the severely damaged Lavus, Ferrus Manus announced that the meeting was temporarily adjourned, and the meeting where the officers temporarily admonished the father of genes ended.

Fulgrim stood next to the Mechanical Throne, watching. It had been a long time since he had witnessed the face of Fulgrim, the leader of his eternal enemy, keep appearing within three feet of Ferus. This situation made people want to go crazy immediately. The Iron Father and other senior officers suppressed their emotions by accidentally turning on the emotional module device.

Under the stern orders of the Gene Father, the latter left the hall where the original body was located, turning back three times.

They all knew that the Iron Hand officers had not gone far and were always ready to rush back here with full firepower to annihilate their father's enemies.

"How is it? After what you have experienced. Do you still have confidence? This is not the Byzas of the past."

The young Phoenix shook his head, and a strand of severed silver hair fell down his ear. He grabbed it and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Captain Steel's accusation is actually..." He pondered for a moment, "It's not that I can't understand it."

Garuda sent an emotional pulse of surprise to Fearless Phoenix, who responded with a stern "Quiet and listen" signal.

"But." The younger Phoenix pointed out to his current adoptive father or adoptive brothers. "I mean, didn't you, or they, realize it when you accused my descendants of the Third Legion of all kinds of depravity? If you don't look at the color of the paint coating, just use the natural color of ceramic steel, copper alloy and Steel, if you remove those pretentious and redundant lines..."

Fearless Phoenix suddenly knew what the younger and more direct self in this universe wanted to say. A huge sense of fear suddenly came over him, covering his soul and confidence, like a ball rising from the sea in the distance. The black hurricane, you can see it and know that you will soon be tested by it——

"No—wait, Fulgrim—"

But this young man obviously realized that he could get out of the "severe" education of his so-called "teacher" Fabius. Here he thought he was very strict but in fact he was watching him quickly in bewilderment. It grew like a sponge, absorbing the culture and knowledge of Lacuan, Karagu, Dovek, and Bocuse's Iron Hand.

With the unknowing connivance of these two caregivers, the young cloned Phoenix quickly became bold and dared to challenge authority.

He did not carefully observe the words and calm the other person in time and shut up like he did before when he lived in the apothecary's nursery cabin. Instead, he looked directly at the silver giant in front of him and spoke the second half of the sentence.

"...Those Iron Fathers who have removed their own vocal and respiratory organs and replaced them with mechanical prostheses actually look very similar to the Noise Warriors in appearance."

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