Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 438 The stalemate is broken by fire

Chapter 438 The stalemate is broken by fire-

"This world, which is the most ruthless to life, will be honored to receive the beautiful life given by the loving father. It will live forever and prosper."

--Audio recording of the nameless servoskull, collected after the Medusa Defense War, believed to be from the pre-war speech of the first captain of the Death Guard, Traveler Typhons.


"The ground enemy is building their temporary fortress position, and the subspace energy shield below is expected to be generated in less than a minute."

Thanks to the repairs it received on the way back by three rare repairers with perfect repair skills-especially one who likes to go to the uninhabited lower deck to repair things, the drivers of the Lakuan Conquest Hall were surprised to find that the flying fortress they had lived in for many years actually showed more optional functions, more powerful calculation capabilities and sensor accuracy on the panel than before it set off.

"This is what it was designed to look like. A true war engine with many auxiliary uses for the warriors." The trembling request of the technical officers for these changes was answered by the Primarch. People were surprised to find that the machine spirit automatically planned the real-time battlefield terrain and changes in the military forces of both sides through powerful calculations, which were originally quite vague and required a lot of manual interpretation.

"Report on the landing of the airdrop capsule."

The data returned later showed that the situation was slightly better than they expected.

Most of the airdrop capsules arrived at the designated location smoothly - perhaps it was because the Nurgle army was very confident in its ability and efficiency to spread the plague, and was not so concerned about its own buttocks - because everything became peaceful and silent.

"Malkan, order your technical sergeants to help monitor the communication frequency of the Medusa garrison and be ready to take over their command system at any time."

This order was so concise and incredible.

If it was issued by anyone in this era, it would be an insulting notice of rude, unreasonable and complete declaration of war against the entire Iron Hands and its sub-groups.

But it came from the silver giant sitting on the mechanical throne, so it was an order that only needed to be assigned and executed, and the Iron Father and the technical soldiers began to execute it in an orderly manner while silently chanting the holy name.

The communication data from the Lakuan Conquest Hall was like a sword falling from the sky, forcefully peeling off the security protocol data protection layer of the Antarctic Fortress and the Gorgon Forge. Their machine spirits screamed and had to open their own protocol channels to this invader far behind the Iron Moon.

"Do you want to disclose your identity and security code immediately? This will help us advance faster and greatly save the time of cracking, my lord."


It has been ten thousand years, and the identity code you left in the home world is still retained in a usable state. I don’t think anyone dares to say that the Iron Ten lack emotions.

A phoenix in a sarcophagus commented like this.


Maybe they just... really need a leader who can change their lives and the world.


This is so emotional that it doesn’t seem like you can say it, Mr. Chirp, I am very relieved.


Thank you, my friend. I believe your venomous tongue has played a big role in my learning how to treat others.

At the same time, the Iron Hand officers on the bridge saw their gene father shaking his head.

"It's not time yet. We need a better time. Continue to crack violently."


Kadan Sturnus is undoubtedly an experienced and outstanding leader. He immediately noticed this unusual invasion signal. While ordering to stop the rebellious behavior of the Lakuan clan, he also immediately asked for assistance from the allies of the Voice of Mars.

"I'm sorry to let you see the shameful scene within our war group, but at this moment of life and death, I will not choose to put my face above other matters."

Of course, the believers of the God of All Machines who were waiting for the Iron Council to judge the Lakuan and Hammonk clans agreed to this, but...

The chief of the three Voices of Mars present, the Command Commander, the Casting General of the Sennos World (Note 1), and Nico Parpus solemnly announced the declaration that the Mechanicus would soon enter the battlefield.

Even the Chief Mars Voice had to admit that their Forge World of Sennos, located on the outskirts of the galaxy, had also been invaded by a supernatural plague. The warp plague juice packets ejected from the depths of the cannons filled with filth seemed to be able to violate the laws of physics and cross the cold and empty vacuum to reach the surface of the planet to cause initial infection.

But what he did not tell Cardan Stunus was that the report he had just received contained some strange Nurglings and mysterious strange viruses that he had seen for the first time. They seemed to be causing guns and vehicles to age and rust, databases to crash, and servers to malfunction, as if they had been running for dozens of centuries instead of being maintained every day. This strange enemy made the Skitarii, who had always had an advantage in dealing with Nurgle creations, very passive.

Of course, Sennos actually existed as a forge world that served as an experimental base for the Mechanicus on more levels, so Forge General Parpus was not that worried.

"The Emperor Titan's furnace is being preheated. The new unit of the Holy Spirit is in place." The Voice of Mars announced in his mechanical and cold binary language like a hymn, "The Supreme Creation of Om Messiah will lead its guards and priests to defend the core furnace of Sennos, and I promise you, Cardan Sturnus, once we solve the scabies on Sennos, we will come to support Medusa immediately."

"Thank you for your speech, General Casting, the sacred blessing of Om Messiah will provide our warriors with more courage and perseverance, now Could you please consecrate our warriors and vehicles? In the case that the Hammonk clan cannot be fully trusted, we must ensure the purity and credibility of other dreadnoughts and vehicles. "

The data invasion speed of the Lakuan Conquest Hall to the mother planet is unprecedentedly fast. Except for the chief casting general and the three Iron Fathers accused of treason, the remaining 38 Iron Fathers of the Iron Council are all here. On their huge mechanical seats, data cables connect all members' modified brains to calculate the battlefield situation and command while fighting against the invasion from internal members.

The scene was strangely silent, only in the heads of the huge black figures wearing armor sitting in the shadows, the star-studded eyepieces or bionic eyes flashed scarlet light.

In fact, they were concentrating on countless meetings, calculations and strategic planning at the same time. Tens of thousands of proposals and plans were put forward in a few seconds, and each proposal was not an idea, but a detailed, calculated, attached process and result, and may be related to each other.

Now, the scarlet dots of light flashed more frequently - everyone began to feel that something was wrong, which came from two aspects.

The overly friendly and ruthless cracking method of the Lakuan hacker data stream and the strange plague infection of the First Company of the Death Guard and its coalition forces.


Although the Plague Warriors were fighting away from home, they were actually not at all inferior to the powerful firepower and offensive of the Iron Hands.

Unlike his Primarch who always liked to transform every world into the image of Barbarus, and was content to live on his own plague planet and devote himself to torturing his adoptive father and becoming a person like him.

His gene Primarch was always so stubborn and emotional. The Primarch's thoughts always stayed in the past, always hoping that the pain he had suffered could be soothed, but he did not fully understand the greatness of the Father God who spread the pain equally to every soul and joyfully spread the glory of rebirth to every living being in the universe.

Mortarion could stubbornly and repeatedly refuse his Chaos gift like a willful child, which was annoying and enviable, but Typhons was different.

He was positive. It was he who brought the Death Guard to serve the sacred God of Rebirth, and made Mortarion put down his ridiculous stubbornness and accept his own fate.

So unlike his sentimental gene father and brother, Typhons knew the purpose of his coming here. Three was a suitable number, representing three sacred tasks: to delay the actions of the Iron Hands, to sow the seeds of fatherly love in the barren land of Medusa, and if there were unexpected ancient technology harvests, it would be even better.

The assault troops belonging to the Terminus Est marched forward under the Iron Hands' firepower barrage like pouring water, and at the same time began to spread the grandfather god's tragic hymns full of despair and pity for the new converts to this dark planet under the purple sun.

The barrage of the Medusa armored cluster was so dense that if it were another opponent, it would have been turned into a mud mixed with shrapnel and flesh on the ground. But the tenacity of the Death Guard and the protection of the plague fog in the sky allowed them to finally engage the Empire's lackeys at their own slow speed.

The front line of the battle was composed of those Death Guards with 10,000 years of experience, many of whom had received so much blessing from Nurgle and had 10,000 years of experience and skills in training and combat.

The bombs and rays passed through the fog and flies that weakened them, and still accurately penetrated the weak shell of the decaying power armor, hitting the juicy and cancerous flesh and blood organs of the Death Guard warriors carrying various diseases. But none of them could really hurt the sons of Mortarion whose bodies were now filled with plague.

The first captain in the center smiled under his horn with a kind of appreciative venom, and his lips seemed to stick to the inside of the helmet and tore it, leaking more liquid, which made the destruction bees drilling in his body come to feast.

He comforted these lovely Destroyer Swarms, and at the same time witnessed his men, who formed a battle line of decayed ceramsite and hyperplastic pathological tissue, and completely withstood damage that was enough to knock down any loyalist Space Marine. He saw the Death Guard Plague Lords whose intestines hung out from their burst plastrons, with huge holes burned out, and then raised their death sickles high in the air and swung them casually - the blessed miasma began to invade the helmets, masks, breathing grids, and joints of their opponents' power armor.

The Iron Hands Astartes who were hit were still aiming at the enemy and pulling the trigger with mechanical efficiency. With the firepower of the tank artillery, heavy armed servitors and deployed self-propelled artillery behind them, Typhons was a little annoyed to see that the Death Guards began to suffer more intense and obvious damage.

The storm bombs and cannon shells hit the tall Chaos Terminator directly. The shells embedded themselves in the swollen giant's body like bullets hitting the soil slope behind the target, but there were so many of them that they were embedded all over the quilt. The body of a blessed warrior.

A Plague Marine with a gaping mouth on his stomach fell. The sharp teeth and tongue on his stomach were still sighing in disappointment. Then his body was roasted into a pile of smoke by precise firepower that fell violently on the same point. Dried and cracked pieces with green smoke.

A suspicious high-energy beam shot from a distance, burning the pink and pale squirming tentacles of another Death Guard soldier clean, but he was still advancing steadily and shooting with his rusty bolter. , until the beam burned his helmet and brain into powder, he was sure that he was dead and fell forward to the ground.

What a waste!

Typhons sighed under his horned helmet. The despair brought by plague and disease is the most gorgeous and delicious. As a psyker, he has always enjoyed the despair of souls swallowed by the blessing of a loving father, Nurgle. Gifts are so redemptive that Typhonus is always troubled by those who cannot understand them and consider them an abomination.

But he knew that the blessing of the merciful God of Life would eventually help them achieve victory.

Another second passed.

The fingers of the loyalists who pulled the trigger began to become weak, and the prosthetic fingers that they used to pull out the gear ax also began to rust, become brittle, and turned into reddish-brown rust, and then fell off one by one - the corrosion of metal. Through the increase in entropy, a moment passes as quickly as thousands of years, and the wave of decay beats invisible, but can be witnessed with horror.

A line of corrosion seemed to appear where the battle lines met. Any metal and flesh that came into contact with the first company's Terminator Plague Lords or within the range of their scythes began to rot quickly like dead leaves rolled up due to lack of water. and became coiled and sickly.

Blood quickly and counterintuitively gushed out from the seams of the power armor helmets of the loyal defenders, and then began to turn black. Many recruits subconsciously clutched their necks to breathe while dying, and the rancid blood quickly flooded through them. Everywhere in their circulatory system, dissolving smooth muscle and tissue walls prevented any further efforts by implants to save their lives.

The good sealing of the armored vehicle temporarily saved the driver inside, but as the Death Guard and the yellow-green mist they carried lingered, the hard rock gravel began to become soft and muddy, and the swamp-like ground began to slowly swallow a large number of The steel behemoth.

The Iron Council's calculations are that the Death Guard and its coalition forces will retreat due to the final battle loss ratio.

Therefore, more vehicles, more recruits and servitors are still being sent to the front line——

The Rakuan Clan's data intrusion suddenly became more violent, and the command link was forcibly taken over. Amidst the electronic roar of Kadan Stunus, the Iron Hands' frontline army was reorganized by a powerful will from the sky. stood up and turned into some kind of surrounding and ready-to-response formation——

From above the clouds, there was a huge whistling sound of bolide.

Just like the day Ferrus Manus arrived in the legend ten thousand years ago.

The holy mountain of Karash, which had been silent for ten thousand years, once again witnessed the impact of extraterrestrial visitors riding on flames.

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