Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 444 If the signal from the Emperor is not good, we can help pick it up (4K5)

Chapter 444 If the signal from the Emperor is not good, can we help pick it up? (4K5)-

The Yolan captives looked at the Iron Warriors standing silently in front of them in despair.

The slaves behind them continued to attack the people who stopped in front, trying to escape from this cannibalistic sweatshop, until they saw the things outside, and screamed and fled back to the demon forging workshop they had just escaped from.

At that moment, Lieutenant Colonel Leonid actually heard the broken question from the most pious and loyal Sergeant Elad: "Emperor, have you abandoned us?"

He himself opened his bloodshot eyes and looked at the Chaos Astartes in front of him, with deep hatred and resentment, wanting to engrave them in his soul in an instant.

These Iron Warriors remained silent, but their guns were also stable, and no one knew when the first bomb would be fired.

In the few seconds of terrifying silence, the wailing wind of the dead blew across the desolate surface of Medlengard soaked with slaves' blood. Behind the fleeing people came the sound of footsteps with steam hissing and evaporating the flesh and blood on the ground, and the slave owners laughed in a pretentious and generous manner.

"Look who's here. I didn't hear that I had new visitors today."

Obex Zakayo appeared from the demon factory he managed. The Chaos Overseer held the chain saw axe in one hand, the muzzle of the grenade gun slightly downward, and the whole body was steaming with heat. He stood alertly opposite the group of visitors.

"Where are my guards?" He asked bluntly, "Whose subordinates are you?"

Leonid endured the severe pain that surged up from the depths of his internal organs. His body must have been eroded by cancer cells. No wonder he felt strange when he saw them. So these scum guarding outside are not in the same group with this bastard? That made no difference, and it even meant that the bad luck of the Yolan people had hit a new low in this matter.

For a moment, he had never resented certain specific people so viciously: if these uninvited guests had not arrived here at this time, wouldn't it mean that he and his soldiers might have a glimmer of hope to escape?

The Iron Warriors on the opposite side were still silent, but they were still neat and restrained, as if waiting for someone's order.

This abnormal discipline and silence not only made mortals uneasy, but also the slave owners who were also Iron Warriors began to become suspicious, and he raised his weapon vigilantly.

"So who are you subordinates?" He asked again from under his visor, and more hissing steam and black oil spewed out from the breathing grid, "My forge serves the lord of Kalan-Gol, you'd better not think that I am alone."

This time there was finally some movement on the opposite side.

The Iron Warriors' ranks separated, and a figure walked out from inside.

"The current lord of Kalan-Gol? Well, obviously, a fortress like this will not be without an owner forever. If you are familiar with this lord, I am very interested in learning more about him, Obex. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me."

The moment he saw this figure, Lieutenant Colonel Leonid of the 383rd Yolan Dragoon Regiment even thought that he was hallucinating because he wanted a miracle too much.

This figure who obviously looks like the leader of the Iron Warriors is really... too "Imperial".

The visitor is wearing a simple and powerful power armor. Its shape seems to be similar to the Mark VI at first glance, but it is different from the same type on some Chaos Astartes when you look closely. Lieutenant Colonel Leonid can't tell.

But he could definitely recognize the different paint color on the silver breastplate from that of the Chaos Astartes (both were metallic, but the newcomers looked more "silver"), the human skull decoration representing purity, the cloak made of normal materials (meaning it did not contain any human components), the golden ribbon and the golden service spikes similar to those he had seen on the Imperial Fists.

As a defender of the Heart of Hydra, he had the honor to resist the attack of the Iron Warriors with the yellow-armored Astartes a few months ago, and the Imperial-style power armor was as eye-catching as a moving target on this demon planet. The lieutenant colonel admitted that a new surprise was growing on the edge of his anger.

Only then did the lieutenant colonel realize what he had just felt strange about: although the armor of these Iron Warriors was relatively old and broken, they were all very clean, and their masters had tried their best to reduce the number of extra cables, twisted hoses, various spikes and any twisted and crazy decorations on their armor to the minimum level - meaning that mortals could stare at them for a long time without feeling dizzy and nauseous.

The Chaos slave master behind him made a sound similar to surprise for the first time.

"Soltarn? Old stonemason? What a rare visitor." The slave master in the factory narrowed his eyes, as if evaluating the equipment of the visitor he recognized. "It looks like you just returned from hunting outside the Eye? Has the Primarch returned to his palace? I haven't received any relevant news, and the Iron Blood has not appeared over Medlengard. And where did you get this advanced power axe? A reward from the Primarch?"

"It's me." The Astartes opposite responded calmly, but did not answer other questions. The coldness in the mechanical voice of the veteran through the respirator was like ice water brushing across the cerebral cortex of the Yolan people, making him suddenly sober up a lot.

"Long time no see, Obex, it seems that you haven't been out much recently. Have you been supervising the forge here?"

"Production capacity, Soltarn, production capacity, the fortress is very busy, but now the devil has escaped and the factory has to stop working." The slave owner pointed to the front and made a circle around him, "These slaves It’s no use, I’m about to summon the evil spirit of Omphalos so that it can send them to the Blood Arena of Kallan Gol.”

"The Evil Spirit of Omphalos? Are you sure you can still summon it?" The Iron Warrior known as Soltarn seemed to recall the name seriously. The few words leaked from their conversation made Leonid realize something new. The visitor's seemingly normal power armor and weapons may have come from a recent Loyalist Astartes victim.

"Ah." Obecks laughed ferociously and pointed at the remaining slaves in his factory. "Drive them to its platform. If there is enough blood, you will be able to summon it naturally."

The thought that these Cursed Ones of Chaos had killed and plundered the loyal Angels of the God-Emperor again combined with the scattered, desecrated corpses of Imperial Fists monks in front of the fortress they failed to hold, and the final words of his failure. Together with the mission memory, Leonid felt the pain from the depths of his soul with a double regret feedback, as well as the uncontrollable hatred.

He subconsciously reached for his power sword on his belt, but found nothing - then a strange feeling of gaze came to him, and a voice sounded in his brain.

+Don't move, boy. +

Leonid's nostrils were burning, the cancer caused by the poison that the Yolan people had been coaxed into taking was still developing, blood was pouring from his fragile and broken blood vessels, and his brain was buzzing from the pressure of psychic communication. The sound was like someone stirring them with an iron rod.

This is a wizard! An evil sorcerer of the Astartes! Before the final attack, they failed because of witchcraft and demons! That guy... was all... headless... He had seen with his own eyes that Captain Eshara was transformed by that bastard... that Chaos Lord in front of them...

A severe headache, dizziness and vomiting swept through the fugitive's body. He arched his body and grasped his throat tightly with both hands, almost wanting to tear his trachea open.

+...Huh...? Very interesting memory, someone who experienced it. It seems I've come to the right place. But now, stop your wandering thoughts. Don't move. +

The lieutenant colonel stared out through his own eyes in horror, like a man desperately beating on the soundproof glass inside a container.

He watched as his body stopped its terrible spasms and twitches, lowered its hands meekly in the eyes of the enemy, and slowly walked aside, forming a neat queue. Even Elad and the others were like this - except for his companions. Those eyes that were also trying to show fear made Leonid clearly understand that they were in the same situation as him.

"I noticed that this factory has stopped operating due to the departure of its power source, and its furnaces and forging hammers have quieted down. So, since these slaves are no longer useful, you might as well hand them over to me, Obecks. "

The slave owner held the handle of the weapon and backed away slowly, signaling his mutant foremen to slowly gather around with weapons and construction machinery, but Soltarn still stood there and did not move.

"What do you mean? Old stonemason, don't think that you can take these flesh and blood resources from me casually if you live here long enough. Who doesn't know that your useless backer Felix is ​​dead? He was beaten to a pulp. What's left is to let that bastard Hon Soo take the opportunity to take over, while you can only build some stone houses and knock down broken walls. For ten thousand years, you have been huddled in your little stone nest with our poor company commander, fantasizing about your past. Those miserable days of serving the false emperor!”

"Thank you for reminding me of Flix's death, but I know he is dead. He died in the Heart of Hydra a few months or years ago." The Iron Warrior opposite was still calm, "And I also know that Hong Thori had become lord of Calan-Gol after him, and had enlisted me into his service, leaving his lieutenants to look after the fortress for him before our departure. But your tone is not polite now, So who is sitting on Karan Gol's throne now?"

"It's Toramino." The slave owner, who already felt that something was even more wrong, began to move behind the factory bunker. "Master Toramino and Berossos jointly attacked Kallan after you left in a hurry. - Gore, Onyx, the adjutant left by Honso, died together with Berossus. In the end, all the remaining soldiers of Berossus and Honso's remaining people followed Toramino, and now this is the case. The factories, farms and slaughterhouses in this area are all under his control - where are my fellow guards! Why haven't they come yet?

"Well... thank you for the detailed gossip information, it is very helpful. So, Obecks, you can go meet your brothers now."

"What..." Chaos Astartes, who had hidden himself well, glared at Soltarn in front of him. He remembered clearly that the old stonemason's ability was only possible if the Chaos Lords were interested in his stone skills. It is only useful when the time comes, so he will not be afraid of him. He has the blessing of the God of War. The God of War has no idea about this kind of witchcraft that lacks offensive power——

There was a movement in Obex Zakayu's chest, and the sound of the broken ceramic breastplate and the hissing of steam became louder, because a sharp and thick stone spear protruded from his back like a lance. Wear it from back to front to feel cool.

The Iron Warrior slave master looked down in shock at the rock spear tip that was almost as wide as his ribs sticking out of his chest. It was covered with his own blood, but more of it was black and dirty grease, and it was also steaming hot, as if the place where it just came out was more machinery than flesh and blood.

"You..." Then Obex fell down like a broken machine, and the mechanical arm behind him twitched and waved randomly because of the last neural electrical stimulation signal, swinging the energy whip around, whipping the mutant foreman around him to roll on the ground and wail.

The fallen and broken body of the Chaos slave master blocked the way of the slaves who had not yet escaped from the factory like half a wall. Many people ran to the door and saw the Iron Warriors lined up outside the door with guns and began to cry again.

"Ah, a mess." Soltarn, known as the "Old Stonemason," shook his head, "Philharmo, or can you still do me a favor?"

"I'm not a professional at this." An Astartes walked out of the queue beside him and protested, but he still stepped forward to check the body of the fallen Iron Warrior for his superior.

Leonid's soul looked out through his dull corneas at everything that was happening.

The armor of this newly appeared Astartes was slightly different from that of the people around him. It was cleaner and the style was also newer. Obviously, its owner tried his best to maintain it in this environment, but it was still not as neat and bright as the power armor of the Imperial Fists he had seen on the Heart of Hydra.

In addition, it was also painted silver-gray, which was more like the armor paint of their wizard leader than his companions. ——Perhaps this was an adjutant who was deeply favored by his leader.

The Astartes called Filhammer half-crouched down, carefully spread the remains of the Chaos Warrior who had just died, and reached in to dig around - then he retracted his arms, shook his head while shaking off the black and red things stuck on his gauntlets and arm armor, "There's nothing useful, his seeds can't be used, inside... um..."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm not a pharmacist, but." Filhammer paused, reached in again, grabbed something on the dead Obex's chest and pulled hard, and then they saw a piece of meat wrapped in scarlet tentacle-like tissue and black things being pulled out Come, throw it on the ground, Leonid's soul wanted to vomit in his mind, he prayed for the mercy of the God Emperor, he swore that he saw some black things in the moving meat, just like the one that devoured other people in the factory-

Soltarn sighed, then raised his finger, the lifeless ground began to flow creepily, the rocks came alive, squeezed each other and began to crawl downwards, dozens of seconds later, there was nothing on the ground here, no weird meat, no body of the killed Obex, the tyrannical monster seemed to have never existed in this world.

Leonid was cold all over, and he instantly figured out where the Iron Warriors who were originally guarding here had gone.

The lieutenant colonel began to scream in his heart, what kind of evil Iron Warrior had they fallen into? How long will the nightmare life on this devil planet continue? God Emperor! God Emperor! If you can hear it! Please save us!

As if hearing his intense prayer, Soltarn turned to him, and the four golden service nails on his brow were reflecting the light of the sky like burning white phosphorus.

"Ah, it's hard to reach Him here, but you are lucky. As part of our noble and merciful father's response to your prayers, you will serve me next."

I don't need your and your evil god's damn reply...

Before the last thought was finished, Yolan Slave finally fainted from the pain of happiness.

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