Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 451: Extra: Saving Mortarion (3K version) (2 chapters in 4K 4 words) (Part 2)

A large part of this chapter consists of Mr. Clarks naming the dishes(?), but don't worry, no starlings were harmed in this article.

The following is the text.


When you find that everyone does not speak the same language but has an urgent need to communicate, you will deeply understand one thing:

Why the Tower of Babel was destroyed and the significance behind it.

Just like at this moment, when you are a southern European whose mother tongue is Greek, your genetic father can only express a little bit of English and Seris in words except for the eighth level of Canine. His brother is not a native speaker of Greek. Birds chirping, cats meowing, and squirrels chirping are all part of the Salis Coast dialect.

And all these people are still trying to communicate with each other and seize the time to hold a combat meeting.

Flix didn't know why, but he felt a nostalgic feeling under the animals in the dense forest by the river. It seemed... like the aftertaste of the thirty-second millennium over Terra.


When Perturabo began to further argue with their elder brother based on the crude topographic maps and stones on the ground, "How to attack this residential (fortress) city (fortress) is better, I (I) will Be an expert!”

Mr. Corvus Clarks turned his bright, round yellow eyes with no whites to Flix, who was quietly listening to the battle meeting of the original body (?) and looking at the terrain map on the ground seriously. .

Myna cleared her throat secretly, then jumped onto the branch opposite Flix, and spoke in the clearest enunciation.

"Son of Perturabo, do you understand my words?"

It is very unfortunate that Mr. Clarks' current body, as a native bird, was initially assigned to one more language than his other brothers, but the more language was the coastal Aboriginal dialect.

And as a southern European, Flix originally had a hard time understanding the local official language, let alone this dialect with a lot of unique vocabulary and pronunciation.

Therefore, it sounded to Flix, the former Trident Chief and First Company Commander of the Fourth Legion, that the man opposite him who did not know who he was but might be the original body of the Nineteenth Legion opened his beak and spoke to He uttered a series of chant-like syllables (PADULABOLAXIAONUEN, NONGATINGDEQINGSUANGWULILEGAIGANGSAWA?).

This string of syllables sounded so much like a bird's singing after being vibrated through the vocal cords of a songbird that he began to wonder if he had made a mistake. This Lord Clarks was not the 19th legion, but was he the third syllable? ...? It can't be ninth...?

In the end, he could only answer cautiously: "I'm sorry, I don't understand, sir. My current physical fitness is only that of a mortal. My body has become weak, and so has my brain. They are not enough to support the improvement of my learning ability and other abilities. "

The father of the Raven Guard sighed in disappointment, but he still remembered what his brother had just said.

"KAPI!" he muttered, shifting from foot to foot on the branch. "KAPI!"

Some of the pronunciation of this phrase strangely overlapped with the alphabet card carried by Flix, so the Iron Warriors' first company commander immediately understood what the respected Lord Blackbird wanted to say based on the actual situation.

He took out a stack of cards from his pocket, with a low-Gothic-like alphabet printed on them, twenty-six in total.

Unfortunately, the native language of Flix's body is somewhat different from this language. It is closer to Gothic. Whether there is any additional meaning in it, the Iron Warriors are still unknown.

But very fortunately, his own body still knows some of this second language, so the communication with his genetic father relies entirely on the third language that the two understand. It cannot be said that communication is completely inefficient, but Time is indeed too limited for His Highness the Shepherd Dog Primarch who actually sneaked out and had to rush back in time.

Flix arranged the letter cards in order and placed them in front of the starling. The black bird immediately flew down and picked up the first one, and was about to——

Then Clarks froze: Wait, since he doesn't actually speak the standard official language of Seris, and neither does the other party, then even if he can spell out the words with cards dexterously, it seems that the final word Flix still can't read. Got it? ! O Perturabo! What is your heir? Why didn't you reincarnate as a local native? ! !

But when Cobos Clarks just thought about this problem, he immediately thought of several brothers living nearby.

As a winged creature, it is undoubtedly very convenient for him to move and sneak into most places, so he is also one of the people sent out to scout, wander and search the most - the range and efficiency of bi-winged flight are better than those of four or two legs. It's much too high.

So he knew the brothers who lived nearby very well, and knew why they were unable to attend this small meeting today, and they would have to rely on him to send the news later.

When Ferrus Manus woke up, he found that he had turned into a bionic mechanical bird developed by the Drone Laboratory for special purposes. Even during the flight test, he was closely watched, and they could only stay away from it. Use flashing lights or other methods to signal each other;

Fulgrim had no worries about eating and drinking, but there was also a problem - as an imported rare star bird, the snake vulture, he lived in a deluxe version of a large iron cage with a house, trees, lawns and a pool. Obviously the zoo didn't want him to escape by taking advantage of any loopholes.

Vulkan, who was originally the tallest among them, was now a small ringtail that could only be taken to the window and looked at them through several layers of glass on days when the weather was just right. Lizard. God knows, his master always carefully hid him deep in the house, and it was difficult for them to talk to him. Krax thought that after rescuing Mortarion, they should take Vulkan away, but considering that the lizard was in With the temperature and humidity this place requires, it's hard to argue that his owners are abusing him. One of the border collies commented that it sounded more like they were afraid that if they stepped on the wrong foot when they walked in today, they would kill their precious lizard.

Robert Guilliman was taken to a party by his owner today and was unable to attend. Krax hid in the tree opposite his door and witnessed him getting into the car wearing a cute little hand-knitted flower crown and a small lace shawl. At that time, the expression on his face was as despairing as if he was going to the execution ground - his owner was good at everything, he just loved to dress up his blue cat and took him out to attend parties with ladies who had the same hobbies;

Although Angron cannot go out today, his owner sent him to a pet daycare class before going to work. Therefore, the huge Bernese mountain dog is now lying down in the small garden of the pet hotel, basking in the sun and teasing other children. the dog, while waiting for news from him;

Conrad Coates issued a lengthy statement claiming that he wanted to sleep during the day and that it was not convenient for a long-haired pet cat to go outside anyway (Clarks secretly suspected that this was an excuse for not wanting to see him, because Coates It was clear that when they first met, they screamed something like "Why! Why does he have wings! I can also be a bat or a blackbird!" Of course, when Curz later discovered that they didn't understand each other, But after the meaning was conveyed, he never expressed his opinions so casually.) Therefore, he did not plan to attend, because washing and blowing his black and white long hair was not only troublesome, he could not do it by himself, but also he did not like being wet. The feeling of wet fur.

……Wait a moment.

Cobos Clarks repeatedly tapped the branch with his now weak toes:

Wait a minute, in addition to Jaghatai, Russ, Sanguinius, Horus and Alpha who have not been found or have appeared nearby, as well as Mortarion who is in urgent need of their rescue, do they have any Brother is late for the meeting again?

"Chirp—chirp! (Sorry—! I'm late! Where did you talk?!)"

A hoopoe with a wide-open feather crest pierced through the treetops like a shooting star and landed next to Clarks with a "snap".

Flix tried to keep a calm face but actually looked with some surprise at the new, bold-looking and striking bird.

The father of the 19th Legion's greeting to his brother promptly cleared his doubts.

"I'm only nine minutes late this time. That's a lot of progress, Magnus."

Even if he couldn't understand other words, he could still understand the pronunciation of "Magnus".

So Flix followed the ancient legionary etiquette and saluted the Lord of the Fifteenth Legion.

Then he received a bombardment of excitement and bird song from the hoopoe.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp! Late! I was really fascinated by the old university library today. Clarks, you don't know how happy I was when I found that the high glass of one of their windows was broken. It was still too conspicuous when entering from the main entrance. The content of that library is really good! Although I still need to read the dictionary from time to time, I think I can quickly learn and decipher the language rules here. It is really profound and profound! ——Oh! The son Turab mentioned! I just found him recently. It’s really good. I don’t know when I will be reunited with my heirs...)”

Clarks shrugged his wings and looked towards Felix.

At this moment, the souls of the original body and the Astartes had a clear connection. They transcended the barriers of identity, race, status, and language, and they deeply felt each other's helplessness.


Over there, the debate over who is the boss of the battle plan is about to turn into a "primarch showdown" across the martial arts.

But fortunately, it ended when Rogal Dorn jumped into the middle with his tail swung, and used his stocky body to separate the two brothers, who were already snarling, while the other was hunched over.

"Okay, okay, how about we listen to our brother's testimony about Mortarion's situation and location again? After all, we don't have a holographic battle map, a flagship auspicious array, or a Terminator jump team around us now. , not even a scout servo skull should be listened to again by the scouts."

"Woof! (Humph!)/(Meow! (Humph!)"

Two sharp eyes suddenly turned to the man and two birds standing aside.

"Oh, Magnus, when did you get here? Come up to me, how's that library you mentioned last time?/Late again! Magnus! Undisciplined and undisciplined! Fortunately, we still have Clarks, so we don’t have to rely on your wings to do important things.”

The shepherd dog and the Maine Coon cat, who greeted their fifteenth brother in unison, looked at each other again, and turned their heads at the same time with louder "Ouch!" and "Meow!" sounds.

"Ouch. (Okay.)" Roger Dorn walked over with his four short legs, and Flix had to use great self-control to adjust his eyesight and facial muscles so that he could In a meeting of such illustrious Primarchs, please do not show any kind of gaffe or excessive emotional tendency towards the current appearance of the Primarch of the Imperial Fists. "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo[ […] (Well, Clarks, could you please say that one more time? That's it.)"

"Of course." Clarks raised his tail feathers and jumped from one branch to another, opening and closing the small crest in front of his beak. Luojia was still sitting in the same place, using his two thin paws to hold a newly taken out pecan and gnawing it. It must be said that the action of eating nuts well concealed most of his expression and made him have Reasons for not speaking and observing.

"Our brothers are in a position that is easily defended and difficult to attack," Clarks said succinctly at the outset. "His residence is located at the angle between two wide and deep rivers, so naturally there are only two directions to enter. In view of Mortarion's current body size and visual weight, the option of breaking in from the air can no longer be considered - Even with Magnus, it would be impossible for the two of us to safely get a huge, fluffy, fat brother that looks at least over seven pounds with our thin claws and then lower it downstairs - Mortarion, according to my observation , although I can feel that he is our brother, but according to my observation, it is very likely that he has not passed the period of ignorance and does not know who he is, which further increases the instability and insecurity of our rescue. "

"Indeed." Dorn agreed, "It's like trying to save a drowning person. If Mortarion doesn't know who he is, he will struggle in the process, so we used to use the most commonly used airborne method. There is no need to think about the attack...rescue method. I must say that at this moment, I miss my outstanding sons, as well as the Sanjin and the Sanjin Guards.”

"So you haven't tried to get closer or jump up on his window sill to talk to him?" This was the frowning orange-gold Maine. "Humans here may be wary of ravens and crows, but the size and appearance of starlings are something they won't be wary of."

"Of course I tried, but you can't get too close at all. His owner was so crazy that he turned his house into a... I don't know what kind of people would install wire mesh on their houses in such a safe and comfortable city. The netting, the iron bars, and the huge sticky sheets hanging from them would make my feathers clump together in no time and rip them off my wings, so sorry, yes, Leon, I can't get any closer. And Mortarion didn't respond to my temptation."

"...Oh, this sounds true." The original bodies looked solemn.

"In addition, according to my observation, Mortarion's master, to be honest, I don't quite understand what he wants to do. He will take him out and beat him severely, and will comb his hair and set his bones carefully, several times. Tarian seemed to be unable to breathe, and he even gave him cardiopulmonary resuscitation seriously. "

"Can't you breathe?" Leon shouted loudly, "How dare this evil man treat our brothers like this!"

"Yes." Cobos Clarks shrugged his wings again, "From what I understand, as a giant Angora rabbit, it should be this kind of rabbit, right? He can be considered very tough."

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