Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 448: Of course the signal will be better and more effective if you pray to the master in his

Chapter 448 If you pray to others at the master’s house, of course the signal will be better and more effective (4K7)-

Now, the group of them is following the green-armored warrior leading the way through a ridge path. This route seems fine at first glance, but only those who walk on it know why there is no need to install defensive forts or guard posts here.

——It is too steep and narrow. It can hardly be said that there is a road. Instead, it should be said that "there is a knife-edge mountain leading to that direction." Because it is too narrow, there is no terrain to place guards at all.

Uriel risked a glance towards where they came from. The cliffs formed straight lines of volcanic rock that were several kilometers long, making him feel dizzy.

"This is like the back of Macragge's swordfish." Pasanius muttered, thinking of something out of place. "I really wish I could go back to the beach of Macragge..."

"Hush..." The person who stopped him was a warrior wearing dim gray armor. This warrior was said to be one of the two best at reconnaissance among them, but he was silent and did not tell his name or origin. ——But in such a ghost place, there is nothing wrong with doing so. The cautious character cannot mean anything, and there are two reasons why Uriel allowed him to continue to participate in the action.

Soltarn told him that no one had a too bad reaction when his inspiration passed through everyone, and the second was the less formal but very effective prayer activity they had just performed before climbing, which made this group of warriors now It looks like my face is bright, I walk with wind, and my morale is greatly improved.

When the green-armored Astartes said that the implanted prosthetic body in his body and the machine soul of the weapon had never felt so harmonious, the other Space Marines, after some observation, also tentatively looked at the black and white on the rosary. Hairball prayer.

The results were gratifying. Basically, more or less, they felt that the machine soul of their equipment had been strengthened to some extent. It was difficult to describe accurately in words. It was like looking out the window while sailing, and suddenly, The bow of the ship broke through a large cloud of dust that always surrounded ships.

Several of them, who thought it would be of great use to them on their upcoming journey, made another attempt at prayer. The conclusion is that you need to avoid using words like praising the throne, but you need to use a series of beautiful words to praise the Lord of Steel. The more you praise his handsomeness (?), wisdom and unparalleledness in the world, the responsiveness of the machine soul will be significantly improved.

Although they tested it, there is an upper limit. It should be said that the maintenance is not very good. The state of weapons that have been used too many times when they first leave the factory is the upper limit. However, Svolgaard still jokingly prayed to the "God of Black and White Plush" and said, "Everyone is plush, can you please wait so that my bolter does not need to change the magazine?" and was scolded seriously. .



Sitting in the original box of the restaurant in Wandering Port, Lamizane raised his head and looked at Perturabo BC in surprise as he suddenly stood up and sat down again - the anthropomorphic hallucination camouflage on his dog had just shaken significantly. moment.

"What's wrong Pepe?"

The man with black hair and blue eyes turned his head in displeasure.

"It's not snack time yet..."


"What did you say? The voice was too low."

"We should go out and relax more during work breaks and take more walks." The dog's voice was filled with breath, "Always sitting here and working is not conducive to...digestion."

The huge bang and the flying plates and dishes made many people fearfully make the Eagle Salute on their chests or any other religious rituals they believed in - several guests at the same table were surprised after this. They looked at each other and then looked away maliciously - no fighting or murder is allowed within the confines of this restaurant. This rule is guaranteed by its powerful team of waiters and security guards (psykers will find that psychic powers also have their causes and effects) ), but obviously some of the guests who lied or lied to each other need to have a good talk after leaving the restaurant -

Of course, "Whiterace", who was temporarily brought in as a food delivery robot, reacted very quickly. He caught all the cups and dishes on the tray before they fell to the floor, and miraculously did not spill them—— The eyes of his fellow "waiters" and all the discerning guests here lit up.

Lamizane also looked at the mecha in surprise, "Why... Master Decima's mecha wetware can already simulate this kind of unexpected human reaction...?" He patted his thigh in sudden realization, " No wonder he is always secretive about my ordering requirements!”

Then the Fourth Primarch lowered his voice and sneakily approached the person opposite, "...This is actually not a wetware, it's the abominable... intelligence he developed, right? I understand! I don't I'll tell you! Pepe! No wonder you don't like to keep it secret!"

"It's not...that...no...forget it."

Perturabo BC on the opposite side gritted his teeth for a long time, "So let's go out for a walk now!"

"No problem." The people who stood up checked their hallucination camouflage equipment and other things, "Let's go, let's go, I've long heard that Wandering Port has added a lot of new entertainment items that weren't there before. To be honest, I can't even go to the bar. Never been! Let alone a casino! Can we go there? I’m curious.”

"Forget about the bar and the casino, let's take a walk first." The dog turned his head, still not realizing that he was using his younger face, and that both of them were now using inconspicuous mortal disguises - in fact, the black and white fluffy tyrant was still driving his dreadnought, but in Wandering Port, which is now almost a "holy land" for someone, the distortion of conceptual power has allowed the dreadnought to use such a small disguise to carry out activities.

So when the two identical yet different but equally perfect creations stepped out of the restaurant door and appeared in the square, the tall "security guards" greeted them, and the people in the queue saluted them one after another, and watched them walking on the bustling streets with awe and amazement.

This is the portrait of the latest and greatest power in Wandering Port: the two archons of the merchant roaming dynasty of Kalosini.

They began to walk along the streets that were gradually becoming orderly and colorful.


Uriel retracted his thoughts and gaze.

Even though the hypnosis and brainwashing during the transformation of the Space Marines have tried their best to eliminate their fears in order to stabilize their combat capabilities, adaptability and command execution, there are some things that cannot be avoided as human beings.

Dangerous warnings from the depths of natural, more ancient genes.

For example, at this moment.

One by one, they are using their arms and boots to find any fulcrums on the steep black basalt cliffs like sharp knives, moving towards Kalan-Gol little by little like rock climbers.

And the monitoring data in their helmets told them that they were already several kilometers high in the air. The things that looked like water and splashing mist floating up below were actually thousands of degrees hot. They were composed of melted metals and rocks. The molten mixed magma washed the surface like water, and then formed a deadly waterfall that fell into the lower part to form an orange-red viscous lake with toxic smoke.

The winds on the top of the mountain whistled past, cold and fast, viciously trying to bring every warrior clinging to the rocky peak to the warm lake. Uriel dug his fingers into the rock, and some debris fell off. His armor servo roared under load, and the electronic muscle bundles tightened to the limit to help him turn at an impossible angle in mid-air and swing one leg into the next rock crack to step on.

"How far are we?!"

"Two kilometers left!"

"Damn it, come on, guys, come on." This is the wolf brother, he is lying on a large piece of basalt, and his posture looks like a giant wolf about to slide down.

"We must reach the designated location before the Titans and artillery clusters under Soltarn attack this section of the wall, otherwise we will not be able to use the 'bridge' he said he would send. Without the 'bridge' we can't pass the last section of the wall quickly."

"Yeah." The Blood Raven Librarian muttered, "I have never wished so much that I specialized in telekinesis or earth element affinity, but unfortunately I am not."

The last section of the journey became a vague pain that made people mechanically move their limbs and find a landing point due to its pain and difficulty. Muscles were burning, and their two hearts were beating desperately. Uriel was not sure whether his abnormally good power armor soul had dangerously taken over his actions once or several times-

He just tried to stick to the rock wall like a bat, and prayed that the place he stepped on next time was strong enough, until he realized that the power armor allowed his feet to stand on a piece of ground steadily without the support of his arms.

The former Ultramarines looked around and found that he had descended into the low valley that the scout had mentioned. Under his feet was a slightly sloping ground filled with metal and rock debris, as well as dark, upturned soil. He blinked, thanked the loyal machine spirit and the saint who had blessed them again, and then counted the number of people - the other Space Marines were not much better. Except for the light-bodied scouts, most people were sitting or kneeling on the spot to recover their strength. Obviously, the extreme climb just now did not make them feel good.

The first good news is that there were no casualties except for a combat dagger and a grenade that unfortunately fell off the cliff.

Uriel looked at the time.

The second good news is that they just hit the scheduled attack time.

Just as they planned before setting off, two steel giants slowly emerged from the distant positions and roared towards the fortress. Missiles, lasers, spikes and flames shot out from their bodies. Every movement of their walking feet turned the trenches and fortifications on the ground into ruins. When they fell, the contaminated blood, steel fragments and dust splashed unrealistically.

More artillery fire and buried mines exploded. The Titans shook their bodies angrily, crushing anything that could move or not move in the flames with their huge steel feet.

Accurate shots flew from behind them. The Titans used their bodies to attract most of the firepower and attention, so that no one noticed that some of the artillery fire mixed in was aimed at the stones on a cliff on a certain section of the fortress's wall against the cliff.

There is a very large rock protruding from the city wall, like a large dark cloud hanging on top. It has undoubtedly been on this planet for a long time, at least before the construction of the Kalan-Gol Fortress. Because a small half of it is stuck inside the fortress, while the other half is now in front of them.

"Find a bunker and hide yourself! Keep your communication beads on the same channel!"

Uriel shouted loudly when the first wave of bombardment began. The firmness and command in his voice made the remaining instincts of the other Space Marines obey. They each fell to the ground and found some raised rocks as cover.

Now the artillery fire is more intense. Under the cover of continuous firelight and dust mist, the stonesmith's affinity for the rock is coming along the advancing offensive front. The old stonemason is carefully savoring all and any on the bottom of the black giant rock. Cracks and weaknesses, until he identified a spot that was most vulnerable.

A volcano cannon or something similar hit there, and the black rock shook.

Uriel and Pasanius both heard the soldiers on the wall screaming in terror and running around, but it was too late. There was no escape distance or cover on that terrain.

The second shelling arrived, and the rock swayed above it again, as if the entire mountain's center of gravity had tilted a little. Then it collapsed like half the sky, and dozens or perhaps hundreds of defenders who had no time to escape were immediately buried under tons of rock and debris.

When the smoke dissipated a little, the members of the surprise team rushed up the slope formed by the broken rock, and then rushed into the fortress in chaos.

There were almost no enemies around the gap they rushed in. It wasn't until they rushed to a courtyard that soldiers and servitors started shooting at them.

"Fire! Free fire! Soldiers! Kill them all!"

Uriel Ventris's merciless command rang out over the comms channel, a voice filled with fervor of affirmation for Soltarn and the extraordinary destruction they had caused, and a thread ran down Pasanius' spine. Trembling, but he also raised his weapon.

Committed to duty is the first priority, then survival. Maybe we can wait until the battle is over to talk about the rest. He listened to Uriel loudly encouraging and praising the Space Marine who had killed the most enemies, and tried his best to restrain his random thoughts.

"Which way to go now?"

After rushing through the courtyard and leaving a trail of broken limbs, they found themselves rushing to several huge connected arches. It was obvious that they had to pass through one of these arches to get deeper into the fortress.

The arches are made of the same bleeding stone as the spires of Karan-Gol, but each is equally tall and wide, allowing a Warlord Titan to pass beneath it with ease.

Some unknown decorative patterns that look like words or patterns are carved on - or appear naturally around the door frames of the arches. Their interiors appear dark, and there is no sound coming from them, as if light and sound enter these. Everything behind the gate seemed to be swallowed up.

"These doors make me feel bad."

Svolgaard was the first to point out. Both Jeffre and Pasanius agreed with him.

"But there are no other passages here. Looking at the direction, they also lead to the inside. We can't stay here for too long or we will be discovered. Once surrounded, it will be difficult for us to achieve our goal."

"So pick one and go, go with your gut."

"No." The former Blood Crow Think Tank stopped them. "Ventris, take out your rosary... pray, and then take a look at the condition of the pendant before deciding."

"Are you still going to do your nonsense at this time? Old Crow, this is inappropriate." Brother Wolf shouted.


Lamizane looked at Perturabo BC who stopped in confusion.

"What's this?"

In front of them was a roadside game stall with several tracks, door holes, rows of colorfully painted little people, and some balls beside it.

"I didn't expect to see... bowling balls here? This place actually has this. What an unexpected surprise."

"So let's play?" Primarch Bianmu put a ball into his hand. "Someone paid the coin," he said vaguely.

"Huh? Okay. Although I don't like playing very much, this is really nostalgic." Lamizane weighed the ball in his hand and randomly chose a hole.

"Let's go-"


The rose rosary pendant in Uriel's hand finally stopped rotating, and the position that looked most like a head—mainly the two black eyes—pointed to a certain arch.

"Let's go."

Uriel put away his rosary, and the Space Marines gathered themselves into formation, raised their weapons, and stepped vigilantly into the darkness of the arch.

The screaming and wailing souls above Karan-Gol licked their lips greedily.

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