Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 450 Some blue men are born to kidnap battle brothers (4K3)

Chapter 446 Some blue men are born to abduct battle brothers... (4K3)


The White Archon, the Brother of the Wolf, the Crimson Fist, the Conqueror, the Roaring Gryphon... there are many more chapter emblems that even Uriel Ventris can't distinguish from his more than a hundred years of service. on the shoulders of these tall figures.

But without exception, these emblems that once represented their respective honors and heritage are now roughly marked with an "X" with red paint.

Uriel guessed that this should be a manifestation of the denial of both the Empire and Chaos: the emblem of the original battle group under the red cross was retained, but they were not covered with eight-pointed stars or blood, or other paints. A kind of wanderer who abandons his original identity or a person who escapes here for some reason.

Their paint schemes ranged from white to gray, from red to green, and from blue to black, plus the colors of the missing pieces of armor that had been crudely filled in and hastily tied with wire, and the patchwork models of power armor ranged from ancient Mark Ⅱ to the relatively new Mark Ⅶ type can be seen.

It can only be said that they are a ragtag group of people, and even if they have any think tank members, there are no technical sergeants following them. This can be seen from the level of repair. Of course, battle priests, of course, don't think about it, there won't be any.

Pausanius asked in a low voice in his communication rosary, "This is more than I thought..."

"Down and out." Uriel cut off his friend's words without hesitation.

"What are you talking about?" shouted the former member of the White Archon opposite, "Don't think we don't know you are talking secretly!"

"Nothing." Uriel raised his voice a little, "Maybe we can actually talk. My real name, friends, I don't want to lie, but just before I was exiled, my real name was Uriel Ventry Si, I am the captain of the fourth company of the Ultramarines Chapter. This is my comrade and friend. Anverk is just his code name here. His name is Pasanius Lesani. We are expelled. The crime is a violation of the Codex Astartes."

Pausanius swore that the fluffy-looking son of Russ was smiling, and that he was smiling with evil intentions.

"It may be ridiculous, but faith in the Codex runs deep in our bones, and we accepted our punishment until Tigris, our chief thinker, saw fit to add a Death Oath mission to our Atonement Crusade to make our deaths more meaningful. ”

"Then you are here to die in vain!" said the tall sergeant wearing blue power armor, with the red fist on his shoulder covered by a red cross. "Why should we follow you to die?"

"We have indeed come to fulfill our death oath, and until it is completed we can return to our home world - and I think it can be completed, because we are not alone now! Until then, we are no more alone than you are Chapter, no man of glory. But since we all think that Chaos is a fucking bastard, we have the same purpose! Since we have not truly lost our courage and glory, you can also regain it! Arise them! Although we no longer stand under the banner of the Empire, we are still Space Marines! One of the purposes of our creation is to fight against Chaos! Fight for our faith and destroy the enemy of mankind! The heroic battle is the destination of space warriors!"

"Forget it, brother! You said it nicely, but you yourself hang out with those chaotic traitors and fallen Iron Warriors every day!"

"They are not Iron Warriors. At least not the people who are leading them now." Uriel took off his helmet before Pasanius had time to stop him, so that the other party could see his very clean face clearly. The eternally burning white phosphorus-like light in Medrungard's sky made him squint his eyes, but Astartes' physiological functions quickly adjusted the light that passed through his pupils and corneas to a level where he could see normally. "Since you have been observing this place for a few days, you must not have noticed it."

"That guy is indeed very tall and wears power armor with the same paint as yours. There are also some amulets on it that are not very standard but are just enough in this damn place. So this is one of the reasons why I just suggested that we save your lives. I'm very curious." The hoarse voice of the second answer said again, revealing his figure at the same time.

This is a warrior of medium height, wearing faded red armor. Under the red cross of his parchment-white shoulder armor is a black bird with outstretched wings, and a drop of red blood in the center.

"But this lord... you said he is from the Silver Skull Chapter?... Well, even if he is also a member of the Silver Skull Prophecy Group, then the subspace ability he possesses is one of the best, but this kind of This is the first time I've seen this ability in Silver Skull, or I've hardly seen this ability in any Space Marine. It's very interesting, very interesting, maybe if you know where his power comes from. You can tell me.”

"Forgive me, brothers, but which brother am I talking to?"

"Seraphis." This warrior also took off his helmet. His face looked old and haggard, with deep-set black eye sockets and poor health like a person who had been unable to sleep well for a long time. Skin color - This is not very common among Astartes who can shut down part of their brains for rotational rest.

"As you can see, before I started wandering, I served as the Librarian of the Blood Ravens Chapter. One of our Chapter's traditions is the thirst for and organization of countless lost knowledge, including the dark and forbidden parts, our secrets The masters believe this will allow us to better fight aliens, heretics, and the inanimate."

Of course, the former think tank wisely did not mention the role he played in the process of exploring these knowledge and how he ran away in the end, and Uriel also tacitly avoided this topic.

"Brother Seraphas. Thank you for your wisdom and contribution to our meeting. If you want to know the source of Captain Soltarn's power, you can join us..."

"What did you call him?" the warrior from the Crimson Fist shouted abruptly, "Sol'Tarn? Sol'Tarn of the Iron Warriors? Ha! You must have been deceived and are still working for others! Sol'Tarn ·Who knows about V. Bronn in Medlengard? He is one of the oldest Iron Warriors here! His service records can be traced back to the Great Crusade 10,000 years ago!

Pausanius' scalp tingled at the sudden dark revelation he had heard, his hair standing on end, and he gaped in his helmet.

As he turned to his Captain for help, the familiar coldness of fear came back to him: Uriel Ventress's gray eyes matched those he had inherited from Robert Guilliman. There was no trace of wavering on that aristocratic skeletal face. On the contrary, there was a hint of cruel and terrifying interest.

"...So, I think this meeting was quite successful, Pasanius. You see."

Uriel Ventress turned to the Crimson Fist who spoke, "How should I call you, brother? Can I ask a few more questions?"

"Kayama Shay." The former Crimson Fist replied. His skull was covered with old and new scars, showing the battles he had experienced. "What do you want to know?"

"Anything involving Soltarn and the Iron Warriors. Including this fortress before us."

Crimson Fist exchanged glances with the white Archon and Blood Crow beside him.

"What's in it for us?"

Uriel shrugged, "As you can see, I can allocate part of the military supplies, including food, weapons and ammunition."

"Ha! Will the honorable Captain of the Ultramarines also betray? I'm beginning to think that you may not have been kicked out because of violating the terms of the book. To gain your own benefits by betraying again from the act of surrendering to the traitor? This will make What you just said sounded like a joke, Uriel Ventress."

"Causing maximum damage to the enemies of the empire and clearing all obstacles on our way in order to fulfill my death oath is my most important and main purpose at the moment." The coldness in Uriel's words made Brother Wolf close his eyes. mouth.

"Is our chief think tank such a naive person that he thinks that he can complete the great mission he marked by sending only two of our Astartes soldiers who don't even have heavy weapons or logistical supplies? Destroy the devil's creation, It would have been worth an entire Chapter to destroy the hopes of the Chaos Space Marines, but here we were, standing on a daemon planet in the Eye of Terror with nothing. Our goal is to reach the end. Who can say that this is not a blessed and truly honorable mission?”

"At this point, with such a blessing, I will no longer allow our mission to face the possibility of failure because of any formal rules. Even if they are enemies, if they are the opponents of my enemies on the way to accomplish the mission, Then they are our natural allies.”

Uriel stared at the eyes or eyepieces of each traitor who came out with his gray storm eyes. He looked at each of them and said loudly.

"So, in the end, I really don't know why any of you are standing here, for what reason you were expelled by your war group or you abandoned them, and what kind of journey and changes will happen. You brought me to this hellish place, but I no longer care about it. I have heard your stories and shared mine with you. If you are tired of living in Tibet every day, then come with me. I ask you to join us in this truly glorious mission and gain the final courage and glory. I am willing to share it with you and provide you with a chance to regain your honor, prove yourself, and prove that you will still be there at the end of the journey. A true warrior!"

There was silence, except for the howling wind blowing through the cracks in the rocks.

Some people looked at each other.

Finally, Jaffer of the White Archon spoke.

"What good will any of this do if we die, on your mission? Who will remember them? On this devil's planet?"

"I will." Uriel replied firmly. "Have you seen my determination? I will definitely fulfill my oath and return outside the Eye of Terror. I will remember your honor as a warrior."

He unconsciously placed his hand on his chest under his collarbone.

There, the rosary pendant was radiating heat.

Blood Crow Think Tank narrowed his eyes.


"...So what did you bring me back?"

Standing in the command room surrounded by officers, Soltarn V. Bronn's temples hummed and began to swell under the black sun of Medlengard.

"A group of space warriors." Uriel, standing opposite him, said unceremoniously, "A group of combat veterans who are very familiar with the combat style of steel warriors and are also very good at fighting them."

"Okay." The old stonemason's eyes made contact with Uriel's gray eyes for an instant, and then separated again like lightning. The second company commander sighed from behind his respirator. "Is there anything else I need to add? Phil Hammer-Uriel?"

"Not for the time being." The former Ultramarine, still wearing silver armor, replied calmly. The ease he pretended before had disappeared from his noble face, replaced only by determination, dedication and sacrifice. "After our vows are completed, I will ask you if I want to ask, but before that, I don't think we should ask too many questions about each other."

"We are about to attack. There is not much time that can be delayed. Lieutenant Colonel Leonid, are your vehicle groups in place?"

"Yes, Your Excellency." The Yolan man replied with a cough. He still looked sick, but the commander's sky blue uniform had been rearranged as much as possible, and the bronze breastplate and power sword had also returned to his equipment. "We The Titan troops will follow as planned, and the infantry regiment is also ready, and we will open a landing site on the side of the city wall."

Soltarn nodded and turned his gaze back to the twenty-seven Renegades standing in front of him in his command room.

"Let me see. ... Oh... It's very rare. You guys. Oh, especially you, there are... He will definitely like it very much."

The traitors who were scanned by Soltarn one by one felt the strangeness in the sight of this lord whose position was currently unknown: there was no obvious malice, murderous intention, or the usual discomfort caused by chaos pollution, but it always felt strange. It's weird, it's like I've been... attracted by something in advance?

"Very good! You passed! As long as you work hard, our father will never be stingy with rewards. Follow his wishes, and so will I. You will get better than your best imagination."

"Your father?" The speaker was still Seraphas. The Blood Raven think tank frowned deeply. "Does your power come from him? Is that why he left here? He has ascended to a higher place. Already?"

"My power was born with me," Soltarn replied, "but the gift from the Gene Father allowed me to transcend myself and realize 'truth'."

Seraphas' eyes suddenly sparkled with light, and he suddenly repeated with great enthusiasm, "Reality! One of the ultimate mysteries of the universe?!"

"More...mysterious and mysterious than that."

"Then I want to join." The former Blood Crow Think Tank made the decision without hesitation for almost a second.

"Well, although he is quite infatuated in some aspects, old man Seraphas' premonition of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is quite accurate. Then I will join in." Brother of the wolf, Svoljard rubbed his hand Rub your nose and take a step forward.

So one by one, the traitors knelt down towards Soltarn.

"Finally." Uriel Ventris, who was watching everything, turned to Soltarn who sighed, "I have one more thing, about my mission."

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