Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 49 Bigger, Better, Greener

"Parogov! Here! This is the syringe you want!"

Along with the communication voice, a basket filled with special syringes floated over the heads of the busy servitors from the air.

Each of these syringes is almost as long as a mortal forearm, filled with transparent tranquilizer liquid sloshing in the barrel.

"Thank you, Julius, you really helped me a lot." The apothecary apprentice picked up one and injected an injection into the body of someone who was struggling restlessly. The latter quickly calmed down and was then Insert the wire tube and send it into the culture tank.

The newly prepared life-sustaining fluid flowed from the top of the culture tank, gradually filling the entire tank, and the injured Astartes inside also floated.

"The number of casualties was unexpected, and we had to activate experimental tanks and culture tanks. Fortunately, they were enough after adding them all."

Parogov sighed in his helmet. In order to facilitate immediate surgery and transfer of organs and tissues, the temperature regulation here was turned on very low. If he did not wear a helmet, there would be white air and frost immediately.

The originally well-organized laboratory is now covered with a spider web of temporary medical pipelines. On both sides are vertical culture tanks that are barely neat. Suspended in the blue fluorescent solution are various missing arms and legs or disemboweled bodies. The mutilated human body of the mouth makes this laboratory look a bit...well...the style of painting is quite in line with the concept positioning.

Of course Parogov has no such idea.

Master Hong Suo - The throne is above! Parogov was full of guilt and gratitude to his teacher-his teacher immediately connected himself to the Thinker Center as soon as he woke up, and after browsing the files so far, he felt a high sense of sacrifice. Enthusiasm immediately threw himself into the rescue work of the seniors of the battle group. Parogov persuaded him to take a rest, but he did not agree.

What a touching passion to serve the Chapter and comrades.

The young pharmacist leaned against the door frame, thinking, and using his enhanced brain to take care of the patients in the room.

After the busy rescue work, there were endless questions. He was thinking about how everything happened and what happened in the past few Terra hours.

According to Julius, when he finally arrived here, the situation at the scene looked very tragic, as if something rushed into the Destiny Steel from the gap in subspace and massacred it. At that time, he really thought it was The retaliation of a lingering demon of Khorne.

The acting pastor thought for a moment that he was too late and regretted that he had not been able to prevent this from happening.

Fortunately, he calmed down and began to check the scene, only to find that although everyone's wounds were serious and many were located in critical areas, they were all a little less powerful. In other words, if the attacker's strength, arms, or weapon length were stronger, here would be There should only be corpses and the only two living people left.

Fortunately, it's not even close.

The only moment he witnessed was when Parogov fell to his knees with his sword in hand, and he narrowly held his friend up with his psychic hands before his face smashed into the naked body of his friend's teacher.

In short, Julius, with a subtle expression, described to him how he used the psychic skills taught by Master Emmenut to levitate the people at the scene and their parts into the medical room.

And according to his only witness, the position where Parogov was standing at the time looked like "you attracted the attacks of all of them by yourself, and you fought back in an instant."

It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

Parogov raised his arms, opened his palms in the light, then clenched his fists, opened them, then clenched them again.

It looked like an ordinary Astartes arm covered in Apothecary's white armor.

There are neither any fancy dimensions nor any glorious and divine bonuses.

Did this hand really miraculously protect the teacher from the veterans who suddenly attacked en masse?

Speaking of which, their behavior is completely rebellious.

Well, the teacher is fine anyway, and no one died. His duty is to save people first, and the chapter commander, company commander and others will handle all the follow-up.

——Although my swordsmanship was taught to me by Master Hong Suo, it can only be said to be mediocre... The teacher always complains that my survival rate is not high when I go to the battlefield like this.

——And, Julius said, "Also, before you fell, you looked very, very disbelieving and angry when you saw me coming with my psychic field fully activated, holding up the Book of Holy Words and praising the name of the Emperor. , rather than happy" What does it mean?

——But I really don’t remember what happened after I fainted? But speaking of this, I do feel like my muscles are overexerted all over my body.

So...since the equipment outside is seriously damaged, maybe there are other clues here for him to refer to and recall?

The apprentice pharmacist carefully checked the conditions of all patients and the operating status of the equipment, and then walked towards the corner of the room.

He opened the cogitator placed there and started accessing the sensor's monitoring playback.

There was a crackling sound from deep inside the brass alloy panel, and then it stopped amidst the harsh sound of "quacking" and black smoke.

"What's going on?" The surprised young Astartes quickly put his head behind the cogitator to try to see what happened to the machine.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, little Niraidoa, the input port of that machine was contaminated by the liquid that leaked before, so it will short-circuit immediately once it is started."

His master appeared at the door, and came over and patted his apprentice on the shoulder with his good arm.

"Sorry, Master Honso, I don't know."

"You are always so serious, please be more relaxed, little Nilaydoa." His teacher also joked with him with great interest, "Am I some kind of monster who only eats young apprentices?"

His apprentice looked to think seriously for a moment. "No, Master Honso," he replied, "you are much scarier than that. The monster will not call me little Niraidoa or sweet little Parogov."

The Potion Master burst into laughter.


[I told you, all of them are made into living macro-cannon shells. And volley out the next time they are used. 】

Perturabo said coldly, and with sharp eyes, Lamizane saw that the dog had opened the list and began to select his new officers from the recruits.

[I don’t need such independent and useless waste on my flagship. 】

"Ahem, Aharin, I think the hind leg muscles need to be rubbed a little more, and then the feathers should be trimmed neatly, remember to be gentle."

The Iron Warrior, who was half-kneeling beside the throne on the sofa, was obedient. Aharin now replaced his Terminator armor with a set of Seiko MK4, because the Terminator could not perform more appropriate squatting and fine hand movements.

He was carefully holding the border collie's hind paws with one hand, and using the fingertips of the other hand to follow the muscle texture, he was doing horse-killing exercises on the dog's legs.

[If you think that letting my stupid son give me a massage will make me let other people go, you are totally wrong. 】

"Well, after cutting, remember to use the yellow and black striped polisher to polish the tips of your nails. Be careful not to polish them to...oh, it's okay. It's impossible to polish them to the blood line. Just polish them."

[By the way, I left Honsou behind when making cannonballs. I praised him for being brave, careful, and non-conformist. 】

The border collie roared lowly, and the poor herald trembled again.

[But I didn’t let him do this disgusting thing of mixing that smelly, hard stone junk gene into my great steel genes! Where did he learn this from? ! I will cut off his eyelids and pin him to the bow of the ship to face the warp hurricane! ! ! ! 】

"Keep combing, Aharin, hmm, it's none of your business."

[...I remember I warned you a long time ago not to use Fabius Bayer's book as a teaching material...]

[I personally deleted and rewritten it! 】

[...Then we can only conclude that Honso does have something - a strange destiny in him. For me personally, this is better than him running back to me one day and telling me, my lord, I have turned five hundred worlds upside down and now I am followed by more than a dozen companies of Smurfs - oh, to use the words here, The Ultramarines are chasing them and it's almost time to get better. 】

【Mortal opinion. If Honso can really do this, I won’t be stingy with my reward. but! he! He actually mixed stones into the steel in my army! I must……】

[Excuse me, did you not read his report at all? 】

[What I heard from the surveillance was enough to get him nailed to the bow ten times. What else? ! 】

[...Well, he said in the report that the spare tanks were actually individually cultured organs used for experiments, so in theory the possible impact would not be particularly large. He also needed to observe each sample for a long time. Maybe, just, bigger, better, greener...]

【Greener. ] Perturabo perked up his ears suspiciously.

[Stronger, I mean, stronger. ] Lamizane picked up the coffee cup, took a guilty sip, and then sighed contentedly.

[He also wants to observe each sample for a long time? ! ] Perturabo almost laughed angrily, [What does he think of me here? His private laboratory? ! 】

[Well, he said that now that he has experience, he can cultivate high-purity Iron Warrior gene seeds according to your requirements. But he needs a large number of samples, so he thinks this matter is quite feasible...the details are in the report. . 】

Bian Mu frowned, showing a gloomy and thoughtful expression, which made people want to rub his plush cheeks, but in the end he agreed, [Okay, let's see how he defends himself first. 】

[I knew, Peppa, you are the best puppy in the world——]

【I am not a dog! And don't make that Ogryn-like expression on my face, fear fucking eyes! 】

"Aharlin, Aharlin?" His father's surprised and brisk baritone awakened the herald who was still in his dream. The black-haired son of steel turned his slightly dull face to one of his primarchs.

"Take that data pad - yes, the one that was thrown into the corner, take it over and put it... in front of the other me."


It's still a very painful day. Doesn't this thing mainly attack the respiratory tract? Why is it still attacking old wounds? It's so ungrateful.

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