Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 51 Paperwork can transform people

"Uh-huh--" Lamizane sat at his workbench, stretched out his arms, and let out a kind of sound that only people who are called "social animals" in 2K Terra can do after working overtime for sixteen hours. the sound made.

[My old bones--] He slapped the back of his neck and waist, and the joints really made a clicking sound.

Aharin, who was carrying the data tablet for another master who was smaller but more efficient, watched with shocked eyes as his primarch, like a steel fortress, flowed quickly and smoothly in a second. to the huge loveseat and collapsed into a puddle there - pardon the disrespectful term, but he couldn't find a better fit.

Perturabo looked up from his dataslate enclosure, shaking his head and glaring at his body.

【That's my body! Fear the damn eyes! What on earth have you done? Didn't you just handle less than one-third of the workload that I handled before? ! How on earth do you make a primarch's body look like an old mortal? ! 】

[What’s so strange? Based on your actual age, you should be the oldest among all the brothers. 】


[Ahem, so you have to pay attention to your health, Pepe. As far as I know, even Leon El'Jonson and Robert Guilliman will inevitably show signs of aging when they appear again. Shouldn't you pay more attention to this situation than they do? 】

The border collie laughed angrily, [Oh, then should I give you a health leave? 】

【Eh, really? Then I want to...]

【Go and have your Somnium! 】

The dog roared, showing his canine teeth, [Those trash in the medical room! They are your responsibility now! 】

A whole stack of data pads and other files were thrown over with the roar, [And! Tell Honso when you go! If he can't come up with the pure gene-seed of the Iron Warriors that satisfies me within the stipulated time limit, then there will be a new high-performance cogitator in the Iron Blood's apothecary room! 】

[Oh, it’s not the prow of a ship. Well, that sounds a lot more interesting than sitting here dealing with paperwork all day. 】

【quick! go! Before I stick my claws in your face! Pooh! do not come! Bah bah! 】

"Aharin, you have to take care of me when I'm away."

After happily ruffling Perturabo's ear hairs with his hands and sucking the dog, Lamizane walked out at a brisk pace, naturally summoning a team of hoop robots to follow him.

So far, in order to facilitate the two being limited by their distance from each other and needing to go out from time to time, they used the existing passage along the bottom of the keel from the bridge to the stern of the Iron Blood to transform a passage that is not straight but can be hung. A huge movable track for a rectangular pod and house the daily offices inside.

This maximizes the distance between the two, with one dog taking care of business in the office and one person being sent out to personally patrol – or take a stroll.

By the way, it had only been less than a month since he had been transferred to the Primarch's office, and the previously intimidating black-haired Space Marine with a cold iron look had smoothed out his edges.

Aharin's whole person exuded a feeling of "My master is a border collie. Isn't that normal? He is much smarter than me. Have you ever seen the Master of Iron, Jia Ziyin, and the dog? I have never seen one. Hahahaha. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm still." I want to make coffee and write a report." The avalanche of "I want to make coffee and write a report" has collapsed from the brilliance of the elite secretarial system that has not changed before.

In response to this, Lamizane said that paperwork can transform people. Look, what happened to the veteran of the eternal war, what happened to the Iron Warriors, and he was really brought over to serve as the general assistant-secretary and attendant. Still doing a pretty good job.

The renovation project of the Iron Blood - the Destiny Steel does not stop there. Considering that they are doing the internal renovation bit by bit, and there are also leftover work caused by the previous subspace encounter - speaking of Hongso's apothecary workshop, it is really A place that clearly says "I want to cause trouble", it feels like sooner or later a subspace thing will pop up suddenly and claim it - so they simply expanded it this time so that it can build internal defense and backup space.

All 10th Company recruits were sent out to work on various projects to speed up the work and carry out what their 10th Company Commander declared "you need to practice to deepen your understanding of the importance of civil work and structures in the battlefield" Practical training.

All the work was in order, and Lamizain was in a good mood as he walked to the medical room.


"Good day, my lord, your visit has brightened this place."

The Chapter's Potion Master wiped his silver hands and walked over to greet the visiting Chapter Master in a good mood.

"Good day, Honsou, I came to see my... heirs, what happened to them? It doesn't look like we have an atmosphere of survival here."

"My lord, I think they are just a little tired after recovering from their injuries, and the adaptation period to the new mechanical prosthetics may not have passed yet." The pharmacist answered easily, while completely ignoring the murderous gazes in the room.

Lamizane nodded, still looking suspiciously at a room full of gloomy and low-pressure Iron Warriors who did not dare to speak.

"Okay, so when will they be healed and back to their jobs?"

"Within three solar days, I promise."

"This is really good news, Honso. I am so pleased that your talents can be used for such medical purposes." Lamizane said sincerely, while secretly breathing a sigh of relief.

The Potion Master also smiled in cooperation.

"And...how do I feel?" The Lord of Iron's body narrowed his eyes, and there was a natural and mysterious sense that automatically measured the body data of every genetic descendant in the room, "...many of them seem to have the same body size. Changed a little? Got taller...?"

Hong Suo took out a stack of data pads that he had prepared long ago without changing his expression.

"Yes! My lord, I was about to give you a briefing on this matter."

"Oh?" Following the actions of the Pharmacy Master, the Iron Warriors held their breath and watched their father being led to the new reception room aside by that despicable miscellaneous... villain without even realizing it.

They looked at each other until Soltarn spoke calmly.

"We can make some blood lottery strips for later use. Those who are in my group don't have to do this. You can just beat me to death."


Tigris was waiting outside the gate of the Sovereign Temple.

The impossibly majestic temple dome gleamed in Macragge's golden sunset, and beneath it stood the vast shrine that held the Primarch forever between life and death.

A figure - kneeling in prayer before the stasis of the Primarch's eternal sleep.

The Chief Librarian glanced away from the Chapter Master's back, scanning the thousands of names carved into the pillars of their Primarch's temple.

Tigris' thoughts traced back from the builders of the temple to the glorious time when the Emperor still walked the earth.

Until the tall figure of Chapter Master Calgar walked up to him almost silently.

"Is there any news that requires you to come to me specially?"

His chief think tank nodded, "Yes, it is an omen. To be precise, it is a sign of two things combined. I think it is necessary to be the first to tell you."

Calgar turned around, and the bionic implant in his left eye glowed dimly red under the planet's weak sunset.

"Then I hope it's good news, Tigris."


It gets better intermittently during the day and gets worse at night. I hope it will gradually get better in the future.

(●°u°●)" See you at six o'clock

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