Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 62 Why is this not a case of Hongso regretting losing to Ultramar?

"Okay, done."

Shortly after sending their haul back to the Destiny Steel via the Storm Eagle's relay, the highest-level orders came back from the bridge.

"Captain Soltarn, the image data you sent back 500 seconds ago has been confirmed, and the target has been identified as Nikon Sharokin, a member of the 19th Legion Raven Guard."

To be able to compare such specific individual data is truly worthy of being the flagship of the original body.

The 19th Legion, huh, very good, another antique and a lackey of the false emperor, as if the concentration of rotting corpses and half-dead people here is not high enough.

Soltarn had a thought in his mind, but did not say it out loud because his private communication voice was now hanging on the general tactical channel of the two teams.

"Confirmation has been sent back from the bridge, and our mission objectives have been updated to keep the area safe and cooperate with the recovery of this capsule. Before the mothership's technical team can come here to safely remove it, we must first prepare for the following personnel." Clear the site, establish a temporary base and secure transportation routes." Soltarn assigned the task, "Report on the status of your armor, ammunition reserves and power weapons."

His team members immediately reported their own situations.

At this time, he had another strange feeling that suddenly swept through his heart from time to time after setting off from Medlengard: everyone was in such good condition, that his heart, which was already as solid as a rock and no longer shaken, almost felt a similar feeling. The feeling of fear.

The environment was too calm, the power armor and weapons were in such perfect condition, the weapons were in too good condition, and all energy slots and magazines were full, that veterans who were used to fighting in the most difficult and intense conditions began to routinely feel disturbed.

He adjusted his helmet's sensor system to expand the measurement range to a radius of four hundred feet. He used one eye to pay attention to the changes in the scanned image. There was no movement or target light spots marked in orange and red.

"There are no active targets in the area. It is safe for the time being. Please stay alert. I will apply to send the updated scanned terrain map to everyone in 15 seconds."

More searchlight beams flashed, then became fixed - Soltarn took off one of his two searchlights and fixed it on some kind of nearby pillar, and his team members followed suit, criss-crossing it. The promethium light quickly illuminated the deformation space inside the empty hull.

The soldiers of the tactical team relied on the Terminator brothers as their firepower and took up positions on guard. Maxim led his team back along the route they entered, while leaving their lights along the way.

"The first team is already on standby." Soltarn said through the helmet communicator. "The second team is returning along the original route. The latest sensor data has been sent to the bridge. We need the latest scanned tactical map."

Julius stood next to Soltarn. He heard the reply from the bridge communications officer on the Destiny Steel on his channel. The other party said: "The target point and exit location have been marked on the map." After a blink, the map displayed in their helmets refreshed.

In the three-dimensionally deformed metal structure, what represents their location is a steel skull icon that flashes repeatedly. Julius can also see the constantly moving light dots that represent Maxim and the others and the icon that represents the location of the exit.

In the silent space of the space wreckage, there was only the sound of the armor's server, the footsteps of his comrades' metal boots, and the extremely weak operation of the training chamber.

"This is so relaxing. I thought it would be a little more..." Julius suddenly spoke, and Soltarn glanced at it. The acting priest was using a private channel. "A scene that can inspire our will to fight."

Soltarn sneered silently beneath his helmet, old scars piling up on his ragged mandible and throat, pulling at the Stoneforger's skin with the movement.

"Boy." His hoarse voice sounded like some kind of labored breathing in the respirator, "Believe me, you will not lack such scenes in the future."

"The Emperor's blessing." The priest's skull helmet turned towards the Iron Warrior, and the ruby ​​eyepieces looked evil and bright in the shadow of the light. "That's just what I want."


"This is indeed a spectacular and excellent specimen, and I must report to my lord that we have done a very good job. This salvage is definitely worth the money, but it is a pity that I was not at the first scene."

In the expanded apothecary laboratory hall, the proud chief apothecary of the original body inspected the ancient culture chamber that had taken others dozens of hours of work to transport here.

"What happened to the cabin it was originally connected to?"

"We checked and found that this is an independent unit," Julius shrugged - Soltarn claimed that he had more important things to do, so he came to face the Potion Master and complete the handover. Julius' mission. "Master Kaidomo claimed that we needed construction machinery and gravity sleds, and he sent a whole team of armory intelligent robots over.

"So based on the scan results, after carefully cutting the whole body, with the help of the robot, we used a gravity sled to transport the culture chamber out. This is not difficult. In fact, what is more difficult to control is how to expand the channel without The rest of the wreckage fell apart because of the excessive force.”

"Ha, a team of Terminators and a team of armory robots. If this movement doesn't disturb anything, then it seems that you won't be able to get some samples of Tyranid bugs for me up there. It's a pity." Honso used his The silver metal arm carefully began to study how to connect this antique machine to his laboratory system.

Parogov listened quietly while other preparations were made for his teacher.

"Tsk, tsk, look at the novel design and alien energy supply module of this system, I dare say this guy is much bolder and more creative than those mechanical scavengers."

"Mechanical scavenger? What is that, Master Hongsuo."

"Well - Mars - the sect should call them the Black Mechanicus."

"So this is not simply a lost object of the empire, but it may also be the product of a technological heresy?" Julius immediately looked at the sleeping Astartes inside with concern, "While this machine and the people inside are being completely destroyed, Before the investigation and purification rituals are completed, Master Hongsuo, you cannot just plug it into the system."

"You can't control this, little Omar... huh?" The pharmacist raised his head, "Julius, what did you do?"

The think tank apprentice and acting priest took off his skull helmet and locked it on the magnetic lock on his waist.

"Lock your authority. Like I said, Master Honso," the blond and blue-eyed young priest smiled at the Potion Master, "The responsibilities and powers of the Chapter Chaplain are equal."

"you can not--"

"I can. Don't worry, Master Hongsuo. We will let you continue to study it after we confirm that it is not contaminated and will not cause pollution."

"how long?!"

"We'll do it as soon as possible."

With a strange feeling of victory, Julius began to place many purity marks on the resting place of the ancient warrior, and decided to hold an excellent purification ceremony.


After six o'clock!


In addition, there will definitely be characters from other legions or even some otaku groups and circus groups appearing later. Don’t worry, everyone will have something to eat——

I would also like to emphasize once again that this article is very unfaithful and you must not expect too much loyalty. [Really?

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