Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 68 Can Rogal Dorn do it?

Destiny Steel

Chapter Master's Office

"What?! This thing has been down for so long and it can still act on its own?!"

In Perturabo's office, Lamizane couldn't help but look at the surveillance screen and asked in disbelief, and drank the remaining tea in one gulp.

"Chicken! (Exciting!)"

Aharin silently recorded another variant of the pronunciation syllables of ancient language words from the kind father's mouth.


A clear chirp.

Time passes through thousands of years like lightning.

Tiny, invisible, indescribable things rolled back behind the curtain in panic.

The lumens in the Omen Hall were activated, and the bright artificial sunlight illuminated the entire hall, and also illuminated the shining gold on Parogov's shoulders.

Two curved sharp claws penetrated deeply into the depths of the ceramic steel. The golden eagle-shaped creation stood proudly on the neck and shoulder armor of the silver-skull apothecary apprentice who was also extremely surprised, and spread its wings behind his head. At the same time, he raised his head and chirped happily or proudly.

The guns of Dassadra, Shanto and Honso simultaneously accurately targeted several possible fatal points of this mechanical creation that flew out of the ancient steel coffin at an incredible speed. Well, Yuri The reactions of Us and Parogov were still slower than half a beat.

The Vicar - as one of the conscious psykers present - holds the scepter in hand and cautiously approaches his friend.

"What is it? What is it?"

What appeared before everyone's eyes was a single-headed mechanical bird that was shaped like an imperial double-headed eagle.

This eagle-shaped creation looks extremely delicate, with its contours and the direction of its metal flesh and bones perfectly replicating its natural version.

The big bird is covered in gold, and every detail and every metal feather is perfect. Only the tiny seams, occasionally exposed parts, and the gear and clockwork structure can show the viewer that this is an ingenious combination of engineering and art. - Oh, not quite.

One of the wings of this big mechanical bird is the same gold as the body, and so is one of its legs. All the golden parts and their surface textures are carefully carved from gleaming brass and rare ivory-like materials, but the bird The other wing of the child showed a light silver color, and like its other leg, it was made of some easily available and common cold-rolled steel material and engineering resin.

Obviously, the mourning crow was not the only one who had been fatally attacked at that time. This bird-shaped robot showed obvious signs of being shattered by long-range weapons and then repaired.

The repairman's craftsmanship is very good and the repairs are very attentive, but the inadequacy and rudimentary use of local materials in a hurry still inevitably creates a sharp contrast with the original part, and also tells something about what happened to it thousands of years ago. thing.

Dassadra heard Shanto muttering on the private channel.

"Chaotic XX, I feel very bad now. Am I dazzled? The combined outline makes me hallucinate some false emperor's lackey wearing golden armor - anyway, this thing looks evil, let's go to the Let him try shooting, Dasadra."


"Although I know that this bird is 90% certain to be some kind of high-tech antique product, things really start to go against common sense. What kind of energy does it rely on to support such a small size for so long and still move? It's outrageous. ! It’s as outrageous as finding out that your fruit phone can turn on immediately after being left without charging for five years.”

Lamizane has completely entered the viewing mode. He puts some kind of mixture of nuts and dried berries into his mouth.

The original Bian Mu was still dealing with affairs, and there seemed to be no obvious reaction, but a black ear with a plush edge secretly stood up. Aharin observed that the flexible muscle bundle at the base of the ear supported the ear on the head. When stationary, it is turned 90 degrees to obtain the best side sound collection effect.

The Iron Warrior Attendant secretly recorded this and decided to control the intensity more carefully next time when massaging the base of the ears.

"Why is there so much interference from the surveillance channel today? This band makes the field of vision uncomfortable."

Perturabo furrowed his black and white eyebrows and turned on additional psychic monitoring.


The dazzling ultra-high energy reading light spots stimulated the canine's retina, and he squinted his eyes.

The devil's original body once again glanced at his own body, which was watching the scene with great interest, and was sure that the other party had not paid any attention to him.

Then he calmly began to enter the conventional code bytes that had not been used for many years on a specific band.

Aharin dutifully went to add hot water to the teapot.


"Don't say stupid things, Shanto," the adjutant of the second company calmly stopped his colleagues from taking action, "Father is watching us."

This sentence successfully silenced the active war blacksmith immediately, "You are right, everything is under father's control."

He regretfully moved his crosshair a little further.

On the other side, Hongsuo was also raising a gun and asking questions to his young apprentice.

"Parogov, how are you feeling?"

The Astartes who was questioned did not move at all, but the calm voice of the Imperial Fist came from the ventilation grille, "I am fine, Master Honso, my mind is clear, my thinking is normal, and I don't feel any special changes."

"Really? That's great news, now prove it to us, Parogov."

The other party cleared his throat, "In the dining hall of the Lord of the Silver Skull, even the Imperial Guard will completely surrender to Him from stomach to body and mind. Can Rogal Dorn do it!"

Under the indescribably shocked looks of the people around him, Honso put away his twin bolters and said, "Uh-huh, yes, it's little Niraidoa himself."

Julius said in disbelief, "Did you just use something very disrespectful..."

"A test measure," Honso immediately cut off the acting pastor's frightened words, "a very reliable test measure, which is a secret agreement between us. Julius, you can also consider doing this."

"No, thank you, Master Hongsuo. I think I can take some other approaches to this situation. And I sincerely hope that you will try not to use this kind of inspection measure in the future when there are monks and brothers from other battle groups. .”

The two of them were close enough to touch the big golden bird, but the mechanical bird still did not move from its original position.

The three of them looked at each other.

Finally, Hongsuo stretched out his silver metal arm and tentatively lifted one of the mechanical bird's claws.


At a speed that even the Astartes' eyes could not catch clearly, the sharp beak pecked a large hole in the Potion Master's metal arm.

The metal's activated flesh writhed and squirmed, quickly filling the wound.

"It's really vicious."

Honso shook his hand.

The big bird seemed very satisfied. It raised its head, then folded its wings and combed its feathers as if nothing had happened.

Parogov tried to take a step forward.

The bird made no movement. He walked to the steel coffin again and reached out to touch the sleeping Astartes inside. The bird still showed no reaction.

"We might as well move our Black Princess into a new container first and then make plans."

The Potion Master decided decisively.


Six o'clock...or after six-thirty! (you)

It seems that Mortal Death 3 will be released on February 1st?

Next, when I can take a leave of absence, I may take a leave of absence to re-promote the main line of the outline... hurry up and push forward to avoid the horrible backstab.

Another: I feel that I am more conservative than the official...

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