Destiny Steel

Anglican chapel

The artificial lights of the entire ship are now automatically adjusted to night mode. The silver-blue lumens are like frost, falling from the exquisite towering flower windows of the chapel onto the ground paved with coats of arms made of colored marble, providing a bright light to all outside the shadows. The items are coated with a faint silver glow.

It was solemn and peaceful.

Very slight fabric rubbing sound.

Lighter footsteps.

When the appointed moment arrived, from the shadows everywhere, figures wearing black robes that covered their entire faces and figures gradually appeared.

The uninvited guests looked at each other warily and exchanged simple greetings with agreed gestures.

The vicar who usually presides over this quiet and solemn sanctuary is currently not here.

Everyone present knew that "Priest" Julius was currently helping his friends and comrades in the pharmacist's workshop. He was very busy and would not be back here for a while.

And another group of possible visitors - members of several teams from the 10th company who usually come here to pray or meditate - have no time to think about anything else.

Since yesterday, the team members of the 10th Company have all been suspected of having their father's demon body split off for some purpose - the one who impersonated the original name of the First Company Commander - with the excuse that "the new recruits need more training" The name is devoted to the darkest and deepest decks and cabins of the Iron Blood.

Judging from the common sense that the veterans know about the bottom deck of the Chaos Void ship, it is time for these lucky little bastards who have been pampered (and extremely disgusting) for so long to understand the true face of Chaos, and fall for a while or He went crazy and ruined his appearance, losing his arms and legs and so on.

——Uh-huh, the Shadow Demon of the Father of Genes, "that" Kaido said, "If there is really something missing, you can go out and catch them."

To be honest, this shadow demon is even surprisingly reasonable. After all, it even made a rescue plan for these little bastards, right?

However, this is hard to say. The current speculation about this demon is whether it is "a hidden danger left by Fulgrim for the Iron Lord thousands of years ago" or "another whimsical fun of the Supreme Conspirator" Swinging, the support ratings for both parties are almost 50-50.

To sum up, it is clear that all the guests welcomed by the chapel of the Destiny Steel today are not good people.

After checking the area again to make sure there was no other interference, the mysterious black-robed visitors gathered in the tall, rows of thick marble pillar corridors on one side of the chapel. Under the gaze of carefully carved and cast alabaster, brass and bronze statues of the Primarch and the Ecclesiastical Saints, they quietly conducted extremely colorful conversations in the shadows using various gestures.

——I still have to ask, is this location okay? It feels really weird that we're gathering here.

——No problem, as far as I know, the father of genes doesn’t like to pay too much attention to this place.

——This is completely understandable.

——I feel some kind of tingling all over my skin. I don’t feel particularly good here. Let’s finish talking and leave.

——Okay, how are you doing lately? We haven't had a party in a long time.

- Barely, I mean, we all look a lot taller.

——Don’t mention it! Biceps forged from brass! Sooner or later I'm going to rip off that half-breed bastard's head and place it under my father's throne!

——You are too irritable. We should first formulate a series of complete and sophisticated plans for each goal, and then implement them step by step to ensure that everything is within the plan.

——Indeed, life is so beautiful, why should we be so irritable? Enjoy the beauty of life, and every day will bring us new surprises... Hehe.

——If you want to feel the beauty of life, I would first suggest you change your perfume next time. It smelt my nose.

——That's such a shame, my dear battle brother.

——Stop talking nonsense. Before we officially start, let me see if we are missing a few people here today? Is there anyone who just can’t leave?

--Have it? Not that much less, right? Are there about the same number of people? I think.

——Forget it, let me summarize the recent developments first: I believe that after we set off from Medlengard so long ago, "something is wrong with the Iron-Blooded" and "something is very wrong with the Gene Father" are things we can determine and there is nothing There are two facts in question.

The people in the mysterious robe nodded their heads one after another.

——So let me see what new information you brought today.

With a rustling exchange, some one-time use read-only data crystals, data tablets with an after-reading effect, or some kind of special, untraceable data temporary relay unit and other carriers All were gathered together and handed over to the convener.

——There’s been something unusual about these two lately, well, it’s an open secret now that my father is inseparable from his Chaos Shadow, everyone knows it; let me see, that Shadow Demon is most likely not Humanoid, most likely wearing some kind of fur, able to use spices, and eating with his father, and there is no need to add Astartes-specific nutrients to the food - we have known this for a long time! Can you use your brain to focus a little while attending a party? !

The convener made a dissatisfied heavy breathing sound from some kind of machinery.

——Okay, there are sighting reports of mysterious figures, wings and birds... You can join in and pay attention, but I suspect it is just the new little pet that the Iron Lord recently raised.

——Let me see what this is again. Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of it is a living saint or possessed body of Dorne... Thank you, this battle brother, each of us knows this, you are Didn't he almost cut me into seventeen or eighteen pieces... The following paragraph about Dorn possibly possessing the living saint and seducing us and other great gene fathers to ignore his existence does not need to be written in such detail! Don’t include this kind of messy content next time! ! Oh, the same goes for the detailed route of the Primarch's mobile office. I even have a rotating duty schedule for each exit, which is nothing new. So are there any new, unusual clues that could be reported?

Someone in the shadows seemed to be laughing restrainedly because they heard something extremely ridiculous.

The convener quickly browsed more data carriers, and the sound of explosions of sparks and the sound of crackling and shattering information crystals continued to come from deep in his robe sleeves.

——The great change in the character of the Gene Father is related to the very likely split of the shadow demon clone Kaidomo. The personalities of the two parties may be opposite. A detailed observation and analysis report is attached? Well? This is quite interesting and very detailed. I would like to thank this battle brother for his dedication and boldness. This document is informative and data-rich... Based on this, we can...

The secret gathering of the people in black robes continues.

The silvery moonlight shone on the statue of the Emperor in the chapel.

The eyes of the Lord of Mankind watched quietly and silently.


See you at dinner

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