Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 72 My brother can’t be like you

Destiny Steel


under sail

early morning

Hall of Omens

"You...this...I...I...I don't understand, this is absolutely impossible! What on earth are you!...I can't accept it! I can't accept it...!"

Compared with the phantom of Magnus's original size, the border collie that has walked to the center of the hall looks very small, because the Cyclops is one of the largest among the brothers.

But the black and white puppy was there firmly and solidly, the red giant holding his head, his rays of light becoming blurry in front of the sheepdog, his outline trembling.

Magnus looked even more broken, and if this was the image from a stereoscopic projector, Perturabo would have told his men to get a new one immediately.

Too bad he can't.

The bitterness left the Fourth Primarch's mouth as he walked toward the shadow of his long-lost brother.

Perturabo even thought with some amusement, what an unreasonable and magical psychic power, a joke code that was not even recorded by the historian, and it finally worked ten thousand years later.

After all, who could believe that there really was a fool who could keep deceiving himself and others by writing down and retaining for ten thousand years any insignificant trace of a brotherhood that was worthless and not considered a commitment.

The Lord of Steel knew very well that the essence of the fragile existence in front of him was triggered by a series of agreed-upon coded spells. It was his brother, Magnus, who traveled together a long time ago. In leisure time, the echo of a fragment of true love preserved by a cherished person.

Yes, "it" isn't even a fragment, just an echo of the past.

The dog looked at "it" a little critically. It was too fragile. Considering the part that still needs to be removed later, maybe it should be extinguished or replaced as soon as possible...

Magnus looked up at the echo.

"Is this, is this some kind of bad test? Or is my body sleeping in Tizca, and my spirit is in a dream? Ah... a dream... yes, a dream... a omen... maybe In this way...have I sailed too far in the vast ocean again?"

The Crimson King's bright voice is just like the Iron Lord's memory. It is completely different from his violent and impactful appearance. The subtle twists and turns can reveal a kind of dialogue that only those who have read poetry can understand. The sadness of the final change of all things is mixed with the arrogance that comes from being proficient in multiple languages.

The Iron Lord finally couldn't help but sigh from somewhere deep in his furry chest.

We do have something in common, Perturabo thought. Although I really don’t want to admit it, it is indeed the creation of the same lineage. I really don’t know what He was thinking at that time. ——Well-intentioned, frivolous and wanton.

The dog continued to type what he planned to say with his eyes towards the device, and the sound-producing device installed in the exquisite mechanical backpack on his back once again produced electronic sounds for him.

"This is the Iron Blood, which actually exists somewhere in the universe. This is not some bad test, nor is it some omen or dream, nor is it your canoe drifting on the ocean, Magnus. "

"Then...then what is this? What is you? You said this is the Iron-Blooded? But the Iron-Blooded is the flagship of my brother, the versatile Perturabo! How dare you claim that this is yours! Mine It is impossible for my brother to become like you! How dare you make such presumptuous claims!"

The other party seemed to have finally regained some ability to think calmly, and the uncertain glow on the edge of the huge body gradually calmed down.

Faced with the four-legged alien who dared to pose as his brother to a Primarch, Magnus tried to use his best psychic attack again, but for some reason, the Aetherwind still had no response.

"Don't you know? You should know." Primarch Bianmu said slowly, "The Great King of (MAGNUS) Crimson (THE RED)?"

"MAGNUS THE RED...MAGNUS...MAG...NUS...holy...most...ancient..."

A subtle trace of stress appeared in the interior of the huge crystal along the crystalline illusion refracted by the crystal. It was so natural and natural that even the supreme conspirator did not feel it when he focused countless gazes on it. The appearance here is as abrupt as any change.

An indescribable enlightenment or realization suddenly flashed through the eyes of Magnus' shadow like the death flash of a star. He raised his arm and noticed for the first time that his hand was almost completely transparent. The same goes for his face and facial features. Through the lines on his palms, he saw the moon gradually disappearing on the wall of the hall behind him. It looked like a single eye staring at him and laughing at him.

"Thoughts." Magnus's echo said thoughtfully, "thoughts. The residue of energy, or the imprint of some emotion, the projection of cognition, memory, soul. Not far apart, the same. - Although I am here, I no longer exist.”

"Yes, my brother." Perturabo shook his head slightly, the tips of his ears trembling. The long snout of the canine family forced him to keep shaking his head from side to side in order to see clearly the sad face of his brother's passing.

"Now do you know what you are?"

"I am...a blink of memory, the ruins of a destroyed ivory tower, the daydream of a twisted broken person. I am -"


Destiny Steel

big library

Most of the lights in the library have been adjusted to the darkest mode, except for one reading lamp that still maintains bright light.

The number of stacked bookshelves in the shadows is too large, giving people the illusion of being as vast as a sea of ​​stars. They create endless spirals around the shining lights of the borrowing area, casting their own shadows in the darkness.

Suddenly, the light of the desk lamp flickered.

The old man sitting behind the check-in counter raised his head thoughtfully and looked in the "direction" of the Hall of Omens.

"Almost perfect, but there's still one thing missing."

He stretched out his palms, which were dimmed due to old age, and spread them out. There was a singularity being generated there, and an etheric flame storm that could instantly destroy a galaxy began to take shape at that point.

The papyrus pages nearby quivered gently in the warm breeze of the library.

The comfortable reading chair's gentle wood grain with traces of time faded away, revealing the cold stone surface underneath, engraved with star formations and engravings that no one had known for a long time.

The singularity storm brings everything back to calm.

The old man slowly closed the book he was reading.

He sighed.

"Copying is too hard for me."

Wrapped among the layers of tangled golden branches on the surface of the book cover is the scorching sun of Apollonia.


I saw some new plot developments in the Hammer game made by a certain guy, I can only say

Compared to the extent that this game's random writing violates the basic world setting, my plot is really serious.

Originally, I was a little worried about the several development lines I was going to arrange later.

Now: Mao Tou Mao Wen Ni Ma, what I wrote is really a drama (I’m sure)

I've been feeling dizzy for the past two days. The Regent is really awesome. I integrated the worldview and the main plot lines and tried to run them in my head, which made me dizzy. [

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