Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 75 Return to peace

An unfinished cup of Reca coffee was placed on the table.

"Although, I think I should be able to make it in time..."

Lamizane muttered and began to try to move the lower body armor he had put on a few times. They functioned normally with a mechanical sound.

After that, with the buzzing of the servo arms and waist joints of the two special iron ring guards, the breastplate and belly armor of the specially modified power armor, which was measured in hundreds of kilograms, were fastened tightly and sealed with bolts and other methods. .

During the break between the breakfast, which was deliberately extended for armor penetration, and the moment when he waited for the psionic advisor Uthr Maatra to arrive in the Chapter Master's office, Perturabo looked at the steel of LOGOS , gold and war machines gradually enveloped Lamizane, transforming him from a human into the appearance of the Lord of Steel known to the world.

He unexpectedly recalled an earlier conversation between two brothers that transcended time and space.


"If there's anything else you want to talk about or say, this is the last time."

The demon border mule reminded him like this.

The soul eyes of the two primarchs stared at the being that was gradually taking shape in the center of the hall.

The existence that cannot be properly described in any language does not seem to belong to any form of matter that humans can understand, nor does it count any material known to humans. The incalculable technological magic and genetic engineering that have reached the state of transformation are combined. Forge this rare tool, and use the power of law to forge it into a shell that can be recognized and understood by the human eye.

This fragile and powerful shell will be some kind of extremely terrifying and terrifying prison seal for psykers for a foreseeable period of time in the future. This is just one of the prices that his brother will have to bear.

If they can't bear it, something more terrifying than death will linger for as long as the sands of the Ganges River. They both know this.

Although such a weight of responsibility did make Magnus's Echo hesitate and shrink again, this time the Fifteenth Primarch finally chose this difficult path, because he had already spent a price that he could not repay in the previous one. Proving the more terrifying fact ahead.

"There is no one else here...well...actually I...it's not that I don't know - but I refuse to admit it."

The phantom of Magnus sighed softly, a sigh so gentle that even the dew on the blades of grass in the morning would not shake off because of it, and it seemed that some of his soul characteristics were expelled from the deepest part of the illusory body. As deep as a sigh.

"Long before I set off for Nicaea, warnings and warnings from all sides had actually been delivered to me in various ways and words - you remember that I and you used to go to Terra and other places Those conversations? I... really should have listened to some of them. My response to knowledge, dissemination of knowledge and enlightenment was so hungry, and my enthusiasm coated my actions with a beautiful and righteous anger. .”

As the echo of Magnus spoke, Perturabo also carefully observed his brother's soul filled with exaggerated smoke that disturbed the sight again after a long time.

"But one of the biggest mistakes I made was that I never thought I should listen to others. I always wanted everyone to focus on me, listen to my understanding, my opinions seriously and enthusiastically, and try to use my Convince them with their views and reasons. Really, I really thought at the time that this was not a mistake, it was just a normal argument in the process of closing the logic loop. Because I once sincerely believed that knowledge is power and the truth is in the hands of a few people."

The shadow of the red giant hugged his knees and sniffed in the void, and the eyes of the demon border collie revealed sadness: Magnus seemed to have shed all his pretense and pretense of arrogance and confidence at this moment, revealing a child seeking knowledge. like characteristics.

In front of the reforged anvil, the cover-up and exaggeration of the past are gone, and only the obedience of the truth remains.

"But I didn't understand those two sentences. Or I didn't want to."

The indescribable existence in the center of the hall begins to solidify into a specific shape, and its existence can gradually be perceived and described by human eyes.

"It's time to go."

"Yes." The huge red phantom muttered, raising its steps and walking towards the seal.

"Oh... I'm quite happy... I mean... the last person I can talk to is you... Pei..."

The surging wind and clouds of the meeting solidified.

"Magnus" screamed from time that did not exist. No one could hear him. No one could care. He was stripped, shattered, burned out of his form and meaning, and reforged into something new, magical and magical. Great piece.

Perturabo knew that from this moment on, no one in the world but himself would know the words that had been spoken at this moment.


same moment

Destiny Steel Apothecary's Workshop

"Master Honso, there is something wrong with Master Emmenut's monitoring data." Parogov's voice came out slightly urgently as he was carefully recording the data in the medical cabin.

This made Honso look up from the biochemical analysis lens he was obsessed with. "Um?"

"Master Emmenute's heartbeat and breathing suddenly increased too fast, the psychic threshold exceeded the observable reading, and the brain wave safety value has been overloaded. I think his brain is boiling in the physical sense, and-"

Without the apprentice needing to explain in words, Hongsuo could clearly see that the think tank director who was lying quietly in the medical cabin had an extremely sad look on his face, and his body that had been repaired a moment ago was starting to glow. light, and began to spontaneously ignite in crackling psychic lightning.

"What's going on, what happened?! Parogov, two, no, five powerful tranquilizers first! - Go and turn on all the protective switches on Tama in the rescue room! The psychic energy in his body It’s going to be overloaded! He’s going to explode!”

The Thousand Sons Supreme Wizard twitched, convulsed, despaired, begged, screamed, and cried in a coma.

The extreme grief of losing the supreme one who connected all the Thousand Sons with genes, mystery and spiritual energy made him shout, and the ruthless light of spiritual energy poured out from inside his body, and the wizard was spraying destruction. Dazzling tears flowed from the wide-open pupilless eyes filled with sexual energy.


At this moment, the psychic scream of someone's death echoed throughout the galaxy and the Warp, and could be heard by all places and living things with enough qualifications - Imperial, xenos or otherwise.

All legal or illegal astrological choirs and navigators have strongly felt the terrible destructive power released from a certain point in the void, the black hole that instantly collapsed in the subspace, but Tarot revealed that there is no distinction between friend and foe. injury and weakness.

Regardless of distance, will, or alignment, the minds of many wild and certified psykers were instantly destroyed at the last sigh of the Nameless One. Pink-blue demons with shrill laughter emerged using their bodies as portals, and were instantly destroyed by that Killed by the reverberation of the scream, it returned to subspace again, leaving only horrible corpse fragments on the ground.

On the Wizard Planet, the Demon Prince's incredible roar instantly activated the planet's geological movements, and unnatural rainbow-colored flames ignited every skyline. "This is...impossible!!!!"

The demon prince of Tzeentch refused to accept this too sudden end. He angrily shouted at the sky every powerful or more chaotic spell and spell he knew to maintain the entire world, with the vortex of chaotic energy swirling. Its energy is so great that it can affect the body and mind of demons in the subspace.

The screams of the dead finally spread across the sky, and a moment of light flashed across the bodies of every Thousand Sons warrior.

The icy star looks toward the north of the Milky Way.

The Master of the Wizard Star remains.

And he returned to peace.


It’s still the same as before. If I can’t finish it after 2 o’clock tomorrow, I’ll have two chapters after 6 o’clock——


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