Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 8 Visiting the black market to buy slaves is a must-try (it’s not!)

Calixis sector

Edgeless Trade Port

Communication monitoring radius: 1.35 astronomical units -

Material procurement progress: 81%;


A suspected Inquisition ship was detected jumping out at Mandeville Point; continued monitoring;


Local (password used here) activity is moderate;-

The units have not yet encountered any encounters with aliens.


The units have not yet encountered any encounters with the Empire.


The giant pale blue gas planet orbits on the other side of the orbit, and the reflected light cast by its star highlights deep shadows on the structure of the spaceport.

The cold wind continues to be biting.

People passing by here lowered their heads unconsciously and walked along the roadside.

Like an abyss rising from the shadows at one end of the passage, with the clatter of gears and the sound of air blowing from the exhaust vents, the priest of the Mechanicus walked forward holding a huge power scepter.

The edge of the red robe is decorated with a tiled gear-shaped pattern. The robe is very wide and covers an invisible number of metal tentacles and appendage chassis. These dazzling structures seem to support the movements of its huge mechanized body.

Dozens of bright green eyepiece lights burned under the low-hanging hood. They moved and focused unnervingly through the metal mask and strange orbiting sounds. Everyone who was stared at by this sight could not help but change. The center of gravity of the body - just like prey targeted by a giant spider will instinctively want to run away.

Then there was a sound - an electronic synthesized sound that seemed to mix bit by bit the dying breath of the deceased, the crazy murmurs of the fanatics, and the calm statements of the erudite.

A few more onlookers left in a hurry.

"Oh... look, what is this, an amazing discovery, thanks to Om Messiah for the glory he has given us. - Is that all?"

The slave merchant stepped forward cautiously and bowed respectfully.

"Yes, yes, respected sir..." He grinned and rubbed his hands, "There are thirty in total, all in these cargo boxes. Please don't worry, they have lost the imperial certification and asylum, and they will not What a big trouble it brings you... They are all top quality! Look, it is a rare treasure even in Calixis, thirty candidates who have completed more than half of the transformation surgeries!"

There were waves of exclamation and discussion among the onlookers.

"Huh... Indeed. Ah, I think someone will be happy to receive this gift. So let's see..."

The Fourth Primarch didn't even have time to take a closer look at the contents of the cargo box, but he was surprisingly disgusted by the behavior of greedy mortals who dared to reach out to the extraordinary warriors. Vicious curse words mixed in dozens of languages ​​​​reverberated in his heart. In order to communicate with reality, Lamizane had to immediately allocate them to the recovery block, and at the same time locked the communications, weapons and power systems of Perturabo's vehicle with temporary permissions.

"You actually plan to make an honest deal instead of immediately giving this miserable bug the punishment he deserves?!" The dog roared in the cockpit, its entire row of canine teeth exposed, and its muscles tensed.

"...Low down, Perturabo, keep down."

"Release the lock on me immediately, Lamizane Carosini, my patience is extremely limited."

"Okay, okay, okay, let me go later. Dogs, don't meddle in humans' business. Ah, be good and wait for me." Lamizane's tone of being eager to make a deal sounded like he was saying, "Be good, dog!" Go buy groceries and wait for me here."

"How dare you!!! I'm going to kill you!!!!" Perturabo sounded like his blood pressure would explode at any moment, "I'm going to tear you apart alive and put you into a hundred macro cannons and then fire you alive. go out!!"

But what happens if a dog gets angry again? In addition, the shepherd dog rolling around and biting the tool wrench in anger is really cute.

Lamizane thought with a smile.


When the two parties finally reached an agreement at a price that everyone was satisfied with, the Priest Mechanic asked the slave owner to send the goods to his ship in a rather uninterested manner, and the onlookers dispersed with discussion.

"Praise for your generosity! Sir! May the God of All Machines bless you forever! I have noticed it a long time ago, the largest ship in the new port! She is indeed a real family heirloom! What is her name? Yes, Yes! Manifest Destiny Steel... No.?" There was an obvious pause in the old slave trader's voice when he announced the name, "This... is such a good name! I will arrange for someone to do it for you right away. Send it over.”

"Wait a moment!"

The owner of the voice attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Oh? It seems that some things are not perfect as you said."

The Iron Priest, who weighs several tons, carries energy tubes on his back and rotates, like some kind of giant reptile or insect with an upright and stooped upper body. Two of the mechanical arms hold the gear-powered scepter in his hand. His dense metal appendages and The tentacles squirmed under the robes, making clicking sounds, and the products of engine oil, promethium, coolant and biomass combustion mixed into an indescribable chemical smell that irritated the living people present.

Dozens of bright green eyepieces focused instantly and landed on the face of the product.

"You have =30 seconds to speak."

The slave trader's face turned pale. He shook his body extremely uneasily, as if he wanted to speak, but a steel tentacle that intentionally or unintentionally crossed his eyes made him shut his mouth again. Beads of sweat fell from his unmodified body. One-third of humanity keeps popping up on their faces.

The young slave who had just shouted spat out the bitten seal residue and blood in his mouth. In order to bite the flail and make a sound, the tough young man probably broke a few teeth, but the person involved did not care.

He has short, slightly curly light blond hair and sunny blue eyes. Even though his bones and muscles have become broad and strong as a gift from his genetic father, his figure and appearance are upright and upright.

After taking a closer look, Perturabo wrinkled his furry lips and exposed his canine teeth, "Although this face is at least 96.2% similar to the conspirator with the nose turned up to the sky, oh , Perfect Body Gene Lottery, spit, but these trashes are undoubtedly the rags of that smelly, hard stone, I can even recognize them when they are burned to ashes."

While recognizing the source of the gene seeds used by these unfinished people, the Demonic Primarch immediately returned to his usual tone, "If you really want to buy it, they don't have seed glands... Oh, we don't need seeds now, so their only The purpose is to throw it to Hong Suo as surgical practice material."

Lamizane said nothing. He thought of some data and was afraid that his laughter would make someone angry.

At this time the slave spoke. He was tied up and seemed a little unfamiliar because he had never done anything similar, but he resolutely and decisively made a praying gesture of bowing his head.

"Please, I beg you, take our elders with you."

"Oh...?" The spider's multi-pupil bright green eyepiece focused on the face of the slave trader who was already turning blue, and the cold mechanical tentacles jumped up to his neck, "You said = all thirty are here Yes. You = deceived?"

Before the fortress robot started to activate the weapon system, the slave trader shouted clearly and clearly at the fastest speed in his life, "There is another one who is a defective product...! He even has no arms and legs! So I didn't count him. Get in!"

"So you sold us and left the Chapter Leader here to die!" The young man roared angrily. His chest heaved, his plump muscles bulged, and he tightened the rope. It could be seen that if he could If he breaks free, he will definitely punch the slave owner in the face.

"He is old and disabled! He is about to die! No one here can save him!"

"Oh...?" An electronically synthesized sound, like the dying murmurs of thousands of tortured people, sounded above their heads, this time mixed with a little bit of renewed interest, "So, Chapter Leader =? Huh..."

Everyone present involuntarily tightened their muscles.

Although they were prepared for the situation they said, when they actually opened the container and saw the condition of the veteran, Lamizane and Perturabo were still very surprised. He was actually still alive.

Old Fearless's amniotic fluid chamber had obviously been violently dismantled and dragged out. It was full of cutting marks and cracks. In fact, only a small amount of turbid nutrient solution remained inside. Just as the slave trader screamed, his remaining flesh was still inside. It's just a part from the head, shoulder blades to half of the thoracic vertebrae. A faintly beating heart can be seen under the pale bone plates. The remaining spine extends to the waist, and nerve cables and life-support interfaces are densely distributed on the exposed and inflamed wounds.

In fact, if the Astartes' vitality was not so much greater than that of a mortal, he would be almost half a stinking corpse.

All external sensors gave a critical medical assessment after initial scans.

After trying to ignore some of Perturabo's terrible whispers over the telepathic comms, Lamizane maneuvered the Machine-Priest's massive husk toward the shivering slave trader.

"Now, let's talk about your life=value=depending on your devotion."

That’s great. After reading the new official content yesterday, I couldn’t even write a single word about [you] (eyes closed)

The temperature is going to drop significantly tomorrow. Please stay safe and keep warm! Love the fluff from Leatherman!

Today’s book recommendation: Good news, good news! "Warhammer: Golden Dreams" of Custodes Commander Pussycat has been reset!

Just hide the additional explanation below so no one will see it【

These little cans are all Dornish cubs. If the imperial records didn’t lie to me (eyes closed), the one with a face like the Regent’s is because he won the appearance combination gene lottery (?)

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