Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 82 The Second Impact

Destiny Steel

Hall of Omens

Internal alert and automatic defense mode α-α-α-15-9 is on

Hall combat readiness level: red-red-orange

The pattern of lumens outside the Omen Hall today was that of a starless night. Most of the brilliant lights inside were turned off, and were only turned on in the corner where there were people sitting across from each other.

The scent of fragrant incense, which is completely different from the previous director's favorite recipe, lingers under the high dome of the hall.

In addition to the components of saffron, pink pepper, rose, vetiver, agarwood and sandalwood, there is also a distinct smell of ash, which should have brought some associations with end, destruction or some kind of incineration, but instead But unexpectedly, it is also reminiscent of the warm embers of a fire after singing and dancing at a tribal banquet in the desert.

Julius sat under the lamp in an armchair suitable for the size of a Space Marine. A crown of thorns composed of psychic lightning surrounded his head, indicating that he still maintained a considerable degree of alertness and readiness to take action at any time.

With this attitude, he carefully looked at the person opposite who was still mumbling in disbelief in his seat.

The unstable psyker, who still appears to be in a state of disorientation, is none other than his new course instructor, the Chapter's psionic advisor, Uther Ma'atla.

From the perspective of a Space Marine Chaplain, this mortal is undoubtedly very powerful and special.

It's just that the scream he made just now was really - huh.

The vicar, with all the fortitude his Astartes transformation had given him, politely resisted the urge to dig into his ears, which were itching from the blast of screams.

Maatra's whole body was leaning on his chair in shock - it was Julius who opened his psychic shield to withstand the turbulence of etheric energy and helped him in and sit down.

Thank you for the Emperor's protection, the Acting Priest thought. Fortunately, I am here. Fortunately, I also know that the Hall of Omens has automatic response psychic protection protocols.

Fortunately, after being brought into the hall for a few minutes, apart from Maatra turning around and muttering to herself every time he saw his face, he did not behave like a banshee again. There was a loud noise of screams and bursts of psychic energy.

Banshee-like, well, although he had never heard of the so-called howling banshee with pointed ears and strange shapes, but the description of psychic power seemed to be quite appropriate here.

This relatively silent and embarrassing situation passed for a while, and the thin green-eyed mortal seemed to finally catch his breath and be able to speak.

"So..." he spoke with difficulty, grabbing his staff tightly, "you... are my new apprentice?"

He was nervous and very frightened, Julius thought to himself. In the short period of time since his appearance, this psychic consultant has been confident, arrogant, calm, polite, confident, and leading. Feeling condescending and condescending.

But now this seemingly mortal body of the holy statue has finally become filled with mortal worries and emotions and can begin to be called a mortal.

Maatra, who was confident and sure of victory, seemed to have finally begun to feel uncertain about the development of things. It was like the first time he had directly and clearly discovered and recognized a person after having dominated the destinies of many people for ten thousand years. Fact: Even he would have been tricked by fate and become an actor in a drama, not a spectator sitting in a box giving directions.

"Exactly, Counselor Ma'atra, I have received co-signed orders from the Chapter Master and Captain, and for all purposes I am now your new apprentice."

The blond Astartes thought for a moment and added, "That will be the case until Master Emmenut wakes up and returns to his post."

"Uh-huh-" The psychic consultant looked noncommittal, and responded to the following supplement with a vague syllable that he was not very satisfied with.

Just as the acting priest was observing his new teacher carefully and ready to be violent at any time, the other party also began to observe his new apprentice.

Uh-huh - The fifteenth Primarch looked away uncomfortably from the perfect replica of his brother's smaller version of the face - uh-huh, this really doesn't matter - although he hasn't seen them a few times, he seems to be familiar with them. These brothers are so naturally familiar with those lines——

Okay - Hey, then this is -

"This," the blue-green eyes pointed towards Julius' head, "this, I just wanted to ask, has your psychic power always been in this fixed shape? This is not the case in Pros... ..." He paused suddenly and adjusted his words carefully, "I mean, even in an era known for psychics, in terms of your psychic level and awakening and learning time, it The degree of controllability is also very...rare."

As if to add more to what she said or to worry about any misunderstandings caused by her new students, Maatla added, "——Before you came, I asked the file manager for your information so far. Studying the file backup records, and I have read them all, I must say that your psychic talent (he bit the word very hard) is very, very, very excellent. The emphasis on excellent means that if your If psychic energy manifests itself this way from the beginning.”

"Of course, this is a normal procedure, and I can completely understand it, Consultant Ma'atra." The young priest opposite nodded, obviously feeling greatly relieved that things were finally on track and the other party had regained calm, "Yes. In this way, from the time I start training, as long as my meditation or strength preparation reaches a certain level, they will automatically appear and surround me."

He asked a little strangely, "Because everyone seemed pretty good... Oh, only that time, there were two... respectable visitors who seemed to be surprised by this, and everyone else seemed to have no reaction. , I thought this was a normal phenomenon.”

"A normal phenomenon——! Ha——!" The mortal young man's body suddenly leaned back, "I really didn't know that idiot who taught you the lesson before——"

"It's Master Seer Emmenut, Advisor to Ma'atra. Although you will be one of us, please still maintain appropriate respect for the monk leaders."

"..." The psychic consultant stared at him for a second with a mocking look that made Julius' skin stand on end.

"Okay, okay, no problem, but the master who taught you before (he emphasized the word again) obviously didn't point out to you the unusualness of this situation."

"I'd like to hear the details."

The acting pastor unconsciously put his hand on the Book of Holy Scripture on his waist, and Maatla glanced down inadvertently——

A psionic blast event was later reported throughout the sub-sector and sector, killing at least hundreds of thousands of astropaths and causing ships to lose contact under the momentarily distorted Star Torch.


Ha, I have become a saint.jpg, Pi Ren’s health problems and the resulting consequences have happened, which does not give me any time to breathe...

There will be a second update today but it will be delayed

From today until Piren completely returns to normal, we will update it roughly once a day.

It should be updated after dinner

Please also ask handsome or cute book friends to tell me

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