"Abba aba aba aba-!!!!"

Surrounded by a crown of lightning thorns, the young demigod with short blond hair and blue eyes is holding his head high and trying to recite some obscure and weird mantra loudly with his voice as bright as the morning.

"No, no! Oh my God! Robert!"

The teacher sitting opposite him tapped the cover of the runes book impatiently with his slender fingers. The bright fire in the fireplace reflected his dark-skinned face red.

"This is a passionate incantation of a lost civilization that directs and guides energy as if it moves with the heart. Robert, you need to sing it more chantingly! For example, Ang Bai - Ang - Bai - ang ang - bai - ang bai -! Or it could even be 'Ah~~~~ba~~~~~ah~~ah~~~~ba~~~~' That's right!"

"I'm so sorry, Counselor Ma'atra. Maybe I'll try again?"

"Forget it, the position of the stars at this moment is not suitable for communicating with the energy of the stars," the black-haired mortal youth sighed tiredly, "Ahem! Let's take a rest first, Robert."

"Uh, okay, then I..."

"Sit wherever you like. Since we need to rest, let's not drink Reca coffee or strong tea. Ahem, let me think about it, why not have some rose water and OPERA."

The psychic consultant raised his hand, and the invisible big hand brought him a silver tray. On it was a pot of warm rose water, a bowl of ice cubes made of sweet juice, two cups of different sizes, a large A small two-portion portion of the opera cake and an armchair sized to fit the size of a Space Marine also appeared next to the table. In addition, there was even a single bed with pillows and quilts.

"It's okay if you plan to sleep for a while first. After all, we have conducted twenty-two in-class tests of various contents this afternoon. Although your psychic energy reserves are still abundant, the recovery of physical and mental strength is still very important."

"No, actually I..."

"What? If you're not used to sleeping in my salon, I can put you next door for you -"

"No, no, I didn't mean that, Advisor Ma'atra, I meant that it's time for me to go to the chapel to meditate."

"Eh? Gift? What gift? Ah, did I forget again -"

"Yes, Counselor." The blond Astartes reminded his psychic teacher again good-naturedly, "Given that I still serve as the Chaplain of the Chapter, I maintain the chapel, lead worship, listen to confessions, and offer sacrifices to the Emperor. Meditation and prayer are all my duties..."

"Oh, yes -" the blue-green eyes began to look around, and avoided seeing a certain book on the other party's waist, "Yes, yes -! You are his pastor -!" Uh, I mean - well... I can understand your responsibilities, so go ahead, Robert. Remember to read the "Gatinal War Chronicles" I gave you before coming to class tomorrow and write a report on multi-army coordinated operations. Give me an eight-page parchment report on understanding of ideas. The top, bottom, left and right margins must meet the requirements, and the font cannot be smaller than 0.5 inches."

"Okay, I understand, I will submit it on time, Advisor Maatra, then I will take my leave now."

"Robert, you always pay so much attention to etiquette, see you tomorrow."

The black-haired and elegant mortal young man watched the tall black-armored warrior leave from the door, and the door was closed. Then he sat there and sighed tiredly and deeply again, and rubbed his temples with his fingertips.

"As expected, I still can never let myself get used to having a 'pastor' Robert holding Lorgar's Holy Words all the time. And -"

He said to himself with a bit of gritted teeth, "The physical quality is perfect, the spiritual energy reserve is no problem, the spiritual purity is shining white, and the development potential of the spiritual energy level is very, very good! Regarding various classics and courses, His comprehension skills are also very good, I thought I would be able to teach a successor this time - how come he is stuck in singing complex mantras and lacks improvisational sound?!!!"


"I really can't believe it, can you? It's so stupid."

Utherma Atla complained so, and stood up to pour a cup of hot tea from the samovar into the cup of the visitor in front of her.

The dark tea is brewed with precious 30K Terra tea leaves. The liquid surface ripples slightly under the lamp, reflecting tiny bits of golden light. It exudes the ancient and fragrant tea aroma in the cup, "I heard him read out for the first time. When the incantation of the Eldar alien was supposed to be pronounced as gracefully as the hollow wind chimes on the keel of the spirit bone - I almost thought I heard a Coded Thinker typewriter spitting out the precise words from its mouth. Data note!”

"Perhaps he will improve after all your lessons are over. After all." The visitor covered the tea cup with his hand, politely but firmly stopping the psychic consultant from adding a dozen sugar cubes to his tea cup. A small attempt.

"For now, you should be the best, stable and powerful psychic master in the entire galaxy. With his qualifications and your careful one-on-one training, this kind of problem is nothing more than a trivial matter. Small flaws, just more disciplinary stimulation and repeated indoctrination can form new impressions and memories - that's all at most."

"Maybe," he snorted and gave up the attempt to add sugar to the other party. Instead, he started to add the sugar cubes to his own rose water. He sat down again and frowned, "It's you, why do you do this? Come to my place sometime?"

"Why, I'm not welcome here?" The other party took a sip of the strong tea, savoring the long-lost bitter sweetness in it.

"That's not true. My Runes and Spells Salon now welcomes visits and exchanges from any normal person. Of course, there are not many psykers on this ship. My unlucky and stupid heir still has to wait in hope. It will take a while for Pollina to grow back the rest of himself."

Uthelma Atla also picked up his cup and took a sip of the sweet rose water, and sighed with satisfaction, "But considering that you have always been very determined not to be in Perturabo and other … It is indeed unusual for you to come to me like this at this time and place.”

"It's not surprising that I don't want to appear in front of them, Magnus," the visitor said quietly, "Now you should understand at least part of the reasons, although the reasons are different."

"That is indeed the case." The fifteenth Primarch agreed, "So what kind of wind brought you here, and what do you want to talk to me about?"

"First of all, pay more attention to his recent uncontrolled temptations for me. If necessary, take appropriate measures. In addition, regarding the upcoming..."

After a period of conversation, the visitor left the residence of Utherma Atra.


Honso put away his plates and cups in his laboratory and sighed.


It is said that it will warm up again in a few days

Then it will be hot and cold again

Leave it here to quench, right?

A chapter with a relaxing atmosphere (?), suitable for sleeping with

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