Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 93 The Emperor’s Day of Advent(?) Special Part 1 (original chapter 88 (deleted))

Chapter 93 The Emperor’s Day of Advent (?) Special Part 1 (original chapter 88 (deleted))

In the void of sadness, silence and endless darkness.

He is sleeping quietly.

Ignorant, endless, stagnant, exhausted, cold, pale.

As a bouquet presented to him, there was enough sorrow, hope, desire, courage and... love to drown the statue.

That's how it was.

Until the time comes.

But some movements gradually became vivid, and sound, light and smell molecules impacted his sensitive five senses.

The hissing sound of air tickled his eardrums softly.

The smell he could taste... was very clean and cold, but the other ingredients were very complex and he couldn't tell.

Far away, his ears caught the powerful pulse of the engine room.

The familiar background noise of the universe.

Mechanical noise during navigation.

It's on the void ship.

This ship is... huge.

10 kilometers? 15 km? Far more than…

The gravity, volume and power of this structure probably belong to a Glory Queen class or a giant ship of the same level...

But he clearly remembered when he fell -! No--! Hill——!

I can't die, not now. There's too much unfinished business, too much, too much, too much. What will Ruth do without me? Where's Khan?

Father...who will...guide...them from now on——? !

call! !

Robert Guilliman's sunny blue eyes suddenly opened.

The Primarch of the Ultramarines jumped up from the bed, breathing heavily. More oxygen entering his airways and lungs made him wake up instantly.

Then he slowly closed his eyes again, not because of discomfort or other reasons, but simply——

What he saw here was too...normal. Compared with the last scene he saw, Robert Guilliman knew with just one glance that the place he was now must be peaceful and safe for a long time. .

On the built-in weapon rack illuminated by bright built-in lights, all weapons are neatly arranged, ranging from long-range and close combat, with a complete range of types, and most of them have many improved, novel and advanced structures.

But there are many details on the weapon rack handles and other places that suggest that their owners should only use them for simulation and practice shooting. Some children of war know that there are no real things that will appear on the battlefield in these equipment. On the contrary, the slight wear and tear caused by frequent wiping can show that the owner can maintain good and regular weapon maintenance habits in daily life.

He glanced again, and the shiny silver-plated surface on the side of the weapon rack reflected his own deformed face with blond hair and blue eyes.

But the Primarch's memory was very certain that he himself had never ordered the construction, possession or temporary residence of such a chamber.

Although the overall layout style of the room does have a charm that the Thirteenth Primarch himself likes, the main problem is that there are still too few blue and gold colors.

So to sum up, since he doesn't know why he is here and where he is, he should still have enough personal time and space to think about some pressing issues.

This was different from the atmosphere on any Glory Queen class ship that he remembered.

The Thirteenth Primarch was confused for a moment by the fact that he was not surrounded by any of his offspring when he woke up.

This lack of information was rare for Guilliman, but it was soon remedied with the actions of the Primarch.

Under Guilliman's fingers, the feel of the fabric on the sheets became clearer. He twisted it. It was a logistics type that was not expensive but suitable for use on ships. The cleanliness was very good, and he could see the logistics officer and his work. The staff is very attentive.

He sniffed hard again, and the complex and expensive scent of incense that was everywhere in the room rushed into his nasal cavity, making him frown slightly.

He tasted ritual candles, aged parchments, quills, special inks and the scent of saffron, aloes and spicy roses and incense embers, reminding him of someone who had fallen, become a traitor but he remembered that he liked to use The red-skinned brother of spice.

Guilliman put his feet on the ground, and he could feel the pure energy flowing through his body like the morning sun.

The pain and burning sensation caused by the venom that his fallen brother Fulgrim injected into his body fluid circulation system during the duel on the Emperor's Pride has completely disappeared, replaced by a strange refreshing but... There is a slight feeling of stagnation.

It's like——

His eyes suddenly focused, and Robert Guilliman finally saw the style and size of the armor on the power armor rack of the owner of this room.


A moment later, a battle monk wearing a fine black priest power armor and a skull helmet, who looked very light and inexplicably awkward when walking, appeared in the passage of the ship.

He walked cautiously in this huge ship, which was still cleaner and more spacious than most ships in his memory.

Guilliman's own flagship, the Macragge's Glory, was certainly tidy, but his sons would decorate the space with many elegant or handmade flags, tapestries, or other souvenirs, and his flagship was never lacking. The popularity, bustling stewards and scions on duty will always occupy the corner of the vision of anyone passing by.

The number of personnel currently present here seems completely insufficient to support the normal operation of a Glory Queen class.

He glanced at the dark starry sky outside the porthole and the starlight in the distance.

What exactly is this——

Two footsteps appeared in the passage behind him, and he pretended to be casual and continued walking forward.

"Oh, so you are here, Robert."

The voice was unfamiliar, but the familiar subtlety of the way it spoke made the blood rush to his cheeks.

He clenched his fists and turned around.

Casillas' robe and staff.

Guilliman's first reaction was to the old man. Similar wands.

But people are completely different.

The person talking to him was a thin mortal young man with skin as dark as fragrant wood and beautiful eyes as big as the green sea.

The other party looked relaxed and happy, but the Thirteenth Primarch's guard was still not down. That subtle tone in his memory matched the characteristics of only one person - a traitor.

But most of his attention was immediately taken away by what happened next.

The Astartes beside the mortal youth took off his white helmet with the red spiral logo, revealing his familiar face.

That was the face of Rogal Dorn, who had also become young and flawless.

The scaled-down face of Dorn, his seventh brother, greeted him calmly.

"Hello, Robert."

Guilliman's proudly rational mind was now in complete chaos.


++Emperor's Advent Day Special Part 1++


Please think of it as a special holiday dream of Daluobao——!

Since Christmas Eve is tonight, tomorrow is Christmas Day, and the day after tomorrow is the Emperor’s Day, then it’s perfect to finish writing today and tomorrow——

Today is a holiday night that needs warmth and warmth, so I am attaching it to you all (although it is an old photo taken secretly)

Hot and fluffy giant border collie pillow that kicks off the quilt while sleeping

(There is still about 10 centimeters between the two pillows, so you can compare how big they are)


Good night, sweet dreams!

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