Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Chapter 328: Guilliman's fanatical believers in different universes (subscription required)

  Chapter 328 Guilliman's fanatical believers in different universes (subscription required)

  The various systems of the rest station are still in normal operation, maintaining ventilation and temperature.

  The energy core has not been damaged either.

  Everything is still under control.

   Chagatai was not much surprised by this.

  The empire designed several backup systems for the rest station.

   Make sure it can provide lighting and necessary living conditions in an emergency.

  Even if the core energy is destroyed, the rest station can maintain operation for a certain period of time.

   What's more, none of the systems have been damaged now.

   Rubik's Cube only wants to infect those ignorant people with its meme, and find out the user who can pass the test.

   The rest stop did not show any signs of battle.

  The walls of the corridor are still smooth and clean.

  These walls have certain anti-subspace characteristics and can withstand the impact of extraordinary power.

  But if you attack it, it will still leave traces.

   Before Chagatai entered the rest stop, a warning was issued, requiring everyone to stay where they were, with their heads in their hands, and no unnecessary movements were allowed.

  For this reason, work in the rest stop has been stopped.

   The secondary system has been shut down.

  Without the roar of machinery, the empty rest station is extraordinarily quiet.

  Only the sound of the ventilation system running.

  The footsteps of the Chagatai group echoed in the corridor.

  Each of them wore heavy armor with numerous runes engraved on it.

  The chaplain of the war group held a scepter and tied a prayer book with an alloy cover around his waist.

   Behind the Tech Sergeant is a servo skull suspended.

  Those skulls, which represent the purity of human beings, have extraordinary significance to the empire.

  When they are suspended in the air with golden double-headed eagles, they can always bring a sense of security to people.

  Bright light filled the corridor.

  In order to cope with the many threats that may be brought by the subspace, the rest stops in the different universe tunnels are basically in a simple and clean style.

   Unlike the buildings of the imperial city, there are so many sculptures and artworks of imperial heroes.

  Only the portraits of the emperors and the updated codes of the rest stops will be hung in these places.

   Everything else is forbidden.

  Especially artistic things are strictly forbidden to be brought into the rest stop.

  Art makes people think, explore beauty and the spirit in it.

  Thinking is a good thing, and in most places, it should be encouraged.

   But deep in the subspace, thinking is not a good thing.

  Thinking creates confusion.

  Confusion breeds confusion.

  Confusion will lead to a gap in the mind.

  The crisis will follow.

  The explosive bombs of the soldiers have been loaded, and the combat system built into the armor has been activated.

  The released detectors are continuously transmitting the scanned data back.

  Thinker integrates those data into the map, so that the soldiers can clearly observe the location of each rest station employee.

  Chagatai walked in the front, with data flowing in his field of vision.

   Extraordinary minds run every part of this rest stop.

   "Come and play the game and see how beautiful my poster is."

  The door of the room next to the corridor was suddenly opened.

  A female staff member with a cute smile ran out from inside.

  She held a poster with a printed Rubik's Cube and invited members of these special teams to play the game.

   "Come and play the game, look at my poster, how beautiful it is."

   "Take a look, it's really beautiful."

   The girl kept repeating.

  She waved the poster, hoping that the Iron Giants would take off their helmets and take a look.

   That girl still maintains a human form, and that sweet smile is enough to heal a painful soul.

   She has no feathers, no scales, no weird, wicked horns, and no disgusting, slimy flesh.

  The girl's eyes were very pure, without any malice.

  She just asked these **** warriors to play a game.

   It doesn't look like a creature that has been polluted.

  The girl ran, from the room to the steel giants.

  When she entered the dangerous range, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

  A short knife popped out from a soldier's wrist, and stabbed into the girl's body.

  Another fighter raised his bolter and blasted the girl's head off with one shot.

  The dark red blood mixed with the minced meat splashed everywhere, and it was shocking to fall on the ground.

  The whole process happens in less than a second.

  The two fighters tested the infected with melee weapons and bolt guns in turn.

  Infected people still maintain the physical fitness of ordinary people.

   Facing short knives and explosive bombs, their bodies are as fragile as tofu.

  Chagatai glanced at the shattered corpse, and there was no change in expression on the perfect face.

  He stepped over the girl's body and headed towards the depths of the rest station. Every time he reached a fork in the road, he would make a gesture of separation, allowing the team members to separate and go to different areas, speeding up the speed of strangling the infected.

   Slaughtering those meme-infested is not difficult for Primaris warriors.

   The Rubik's Cube did not increase the strength of those infected.

   Under their attack, those infected people are not much different from ants.

  Chagatai is connected to the central control system of the rest station, and uses the monitoring equipment of the rest station to locate those infected.

   and send those targets to different squads.

  The central control system has already recorded all the infection identities.

   What Chagatai and others have to do is to clean up all the targets that have been found and confirmed as infected.

  The rest stop is divided into dozens of areas.

  When the subspace meme infection was discovered, the central control system activated an emergency procedure, using the alloy gates of the tunnel to separate all the employees, trapping them in different areas.

   Among them, the most infected people are the rest area.

   The worker who brought the cube back is in the rest area.

   At this time, the Rubik's Cube is still in his hand.

  The infectious ability of magic is too terrifying, as long as individuals who meet the concept of seeing will be marked.

  After the game fails, it will be transformed into a puppet.

   One can imagine what the rest area has become.

   In the area of ​​the first infected person, hundreds of people have been transformed and become puppets of the Rubik's Cube.

  If the central control system hadn't blocked it in time, I'm afraid the entire rest station has fallen.

  Chagatai’s plan is also very simple. Prioritize the treatment of the infected outside, and then go to the rest area to deal with the first infected person, and store the Rubik’s Cube in the anti-magic device.

   Rest station, engineering vehicle maintenance room.

  The engineering vehicle maintenance room is responsible for the repair and maintenance of tunnel engineering machinery.

  The scale of the tunnel is extremely large. Naturally, it is impossible to rely on pure manpower to do it. Instead, various construction machinery is used to complete the work of handling, welding, and development.

  The emergency team opened the door of the workshop with the authorization code.

  The technicians and several mechanical priests were all prostrate on the ground at this time, and even the machine slave stopped running and remained silent on the spot.

  A middle-aged man is dragged from the crowd by emergency teams.

   "I am not infected."

  The middle-aged man who realized what was going to happen shouted in horror.

  He desperately tried to break free from the primarch warrior's grasp.

  But he found that the opponent's hand was firmly controlling him like a hydraulic clamp, and there was no way to break free.

  Other people in the workshop were also frightened. Their bodies were shaking, fearing that they would be the next to be dragged out.

   "Please, I'm really not an infected person. I still have a wife and a child. Don't kill me." The man kneeling on the ground cried tears and snot.


   Without any hesitation or hesitation.

   Chosen as Primaris warriors, each Chapter trains recruits to renounce compassion and pity for the weak.

   Kindness and Compassion are not suitable for the battlefield.

   That would not only bring about his own death, but also may involve his comrades and even the outcome of the entire battle.

  The man was half of his body shattered under the powerful impact of the bomb, and the whole ground was red.

  The scorched black body fell to the ground.

  Seeing this scene, the workers were terrified, and all huddled together, fearing that the soldiers would wipe them out as well.

   Fortunately, that didn't happen.

   After the emergency team got rid of the infected person, they turned around and left.

   However, the control has not been lifted, and they still need to stay in their original location until the control ends.

   What happened in the engineering vehicle repair shop is not an isolated case.

   Chagatai's subordinates entered various areas, dragged out those infected people, and executed them.

  The sound of gunfire in the rest stop can be heard endlessly.

  Crying and begging for mercy will sound from time to time.

  Those people cried and said that they were not infected.

   But no matter how desolately they cry, only bombs and sharp knives will always respond to them.

  The IQ of low-level infected people is not high, they can only repeat short words, invite others to play games, and look at photos and posters with Rubik's Cube.

   This type of infection is easy to identify.

  They look normal, but their minds are confused.

  High-level infected people are much more difficult to deal with than low-level infected people.

  They have the wisdom and brains of life, and they are very smart.

  Behaved like a normal person.

  Based on feeling alone, it is impossible to tell them apart.

  When the emergency team arrives, they will also show panic, panic and other emotions.

  If it weren't for the monitoring system in the rest station to lock them in real time, no one would be able to tell that they were infected.

  They looked the same as usual.

   Except for the rest area, the infected people in other areas were quickly executed.

  Their related items were also harmlessly disposed of.

   After solving the peripheral problem, Chagatai took them to the rest area, preparing to contain the Rubik's Cube.

  If there is no normal person to observe the Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Cube with the power of rules is like an ordinary Rubik's Cube, without any lethality.

   The work of recovering the Rubik's Cube is not difficult.

  Using the helmet to blur the Rubik's Cube can avoid the problem of seeing the Rubik's Cube.

  As long as the Rubik's Cube is not seen, the various abilities of the Rubik's Cube will not work.

   After checking the weapons, ammunition and helmet again, Chagatai opened the door of the rest area with the authorization code.

  Behind him, the soldiers entered the rest area in two rows.

  The sound of explosive bombs exploding, the sound of weapons cutting into flesh, and the screams of those infected who can still think normally.

  The lounge area turned into hell.

   There were wreckage and broken arms everywhere, and the dark red blood was splashed everywhere, staining the floor and walls of the rest area red.

  The first infected person was also controlled.

  The Rubik's Cube was taken from his hand and put into the anti-magic device.

   "My lord, we have successfully recovered the target." The subordinate's voice sounded through the communicator.


  Standing in Chagatai, he strode in.

  The miserable situation in the rest area made him frown, but he relaxed it soon.

  Seeing the Rubik's Cube in the anti-magic device, Chagatai felt something was wrong.

  The scarlet-level alert this time seems a little too simple.

   Of course, there is a certain relationship between the imperial technology and the preventive measures he established.

  It is really unreasonable for the Rubik's Cube, which can be regarded as a serious disaster, to be solved so easily.

   Warped items are different from demons.

  The former cannot kill like the latter, nor can they use exile to drive the opponent back.

  Those weird items only need a text and a voice to achieve their own infection.

  This is also why the communication in the tunnel will only use preset phrases, just to prevent those weird things from being spread through human words.

  Chagatai followed the feeling in his heart.

  He used his power to consult those complicated data, trying to find the source of his uneasiness

   Rest stop data is a lot, but those are not a big problem to his superhuman mind.

  Every surveillance camera, every conversation, he can capture and analyze the data he wants.

   "My lord, is it over??" A man's voice sounded through the speaker of the rest station.

  The information of the owner of the voice automatically popped up on Chagatai's helmet display panel.

  The other party is the top executive of this rest stop.

   "Yes, the weird item has been successfully contained, and the danger alert has been lifted."

"That's really great, my lord." The man said excitedly: "Then can you open the rest station? My God, we have been delayed for a long time, and today's project volume should not be completed. "

   Chahetai narrowed his pupils, and seemed to think of something in his mind.

  He called up the surveillance screen from another perspective, opened the video, and said: "Sorry, according to the emergency regulations, this rest stop can only be opened after the inspection is completed."

"But hasn't that weird item been taken in by you? They can't cause any harm at all, sir. Please forgive us. If the project can't be completed, the higher-ups will blame it." The supervisor pleaded: "Release the blockade. , we have to meet the target.”

   "I will consider this." Chagatai cut off the communication with the other party and opened the communication channel with other subordinates: "Report the situation, check the corpses, and check the abnormalities in the rest station."

   "The targets locked by the monitoring system have all been killed. We are searching the entire rest station to find if there are any infected people that we missed!"

   "We found an anomaly in the information processing center. Someone stored some photos about the Rubik's Cube and set up automatic sending."

   "It was detected that someone tried to escape from the closed rest station by using the supervisor password, but was rejected by the central control system."

  The teams kept reporting the intelligence they collected to Chagatai, which gave him a clearer understanding of the alarm incident at the rest station.

  There are high-level infected people mixing in the crowd, trying to spread the Rubik's Cube meme and expand the range of victims.

   What is even more irritating is that those advanced infected people are like normal people, they still retain the memories and personalities of their lives.

   Without professional equipment, they would never know they were infected.

  The supervisor of the rest station led two soldiers and hurried over from the control room.

   Tired and out of breath, as if he was going to die in the next second.

   "My lord, the blockade can no longer be continued, we still have our share of work to be completed." The rest station supervisor said loudly, "Unblock the blockade after cleaning, it doesn't matter."

   "Are you an infected person?" Chagatai looked at the supervisor who was running over, wearing the uniform of the imperial double-headed eagle and said.

  As soon as these words came out, the soldiers next to them immediately picked up their weapons.

  A soldier directly controlled the movement of the rest station supervisor and made him kneel on the ground.

   "My lord, I am not infected, I am innocent." The supervisor turned pale when he heard this.

  The muzzle of the swarthy gun was pointed at him like that.

   If something is wrong, those guys can really shoot.

  He could even think of the scene where he was smashed by the opponent with a single shot.

   Too bloody, too brutal.

   Chagatai is concise and to the point, without any nonsense.

   "Check his memory." Chagatai said: "Check his personal database, as well as his personal items."

   "You can't do that!" shouted the rest stop supervisor.

  He stood up, trying to break free from the fighter's grip.

   After all, he is just a mortal, so how could he be able to fight against the strongest artificial warriors in the empire.

   was pressed down again, and his hands were tightly controlled.

  A tech sergeant steps out.

  Technical sergeant has a strong original cast body and profound knowledge.

  At critical moments, they will be responsible for the construction of some important projects.

  In terms of academics alone, they may be no less than any scholar in the empire.

   Tech Sgt pulls out a memory reader.

  Like a ring, the ring wall is covered with complicated lines.

  He fixed the nerve signal conduction ring on the forehead of the rest station supervisor, and with a click, a small holographic operation interface also popped up.

   The technical sergeant started operating.

   The memory reader made a soft hiss.

   One after another, extremely slender silver nanowires slid out of the fixed ring.

  Many tentacles, like invisible silver nematodes, crawled along the head of the main pipeline of the rest station to his ears, eyes, and even the nerve interface at the back of his head.

  These slender nanometers are formed by stacking molecules, and if they are alone, they are too small to be seen.

   Only when there are enough of them can they be seen with the help of reflection.

  The nanofilament penetrates into the brain along the interface, and finally connects with the neurons of the cerebral cortex.

  The moment the nanowire pierced into the neuron, the rest station supervisor let out a low hum of pain.

   Countless light spots appeared on the operation interface.

   They are lit one after the other.

  The light point corresponds to the neuron in charge of the rest station, and being lit means that the neuron has been connected by the reader.

   Empire also has contactless memory readers.

  The working mode of the reader is to use the brain waves emitted by the human brain to read.

  With special training or modified brain waves, it is possible to infect and deceive contactless memory readers.

   Memories can also be forged.

  Using this mechanical neuron connection method can clearly detect the other party's true thoughts and brain conditions.

  The brain is composed of complex neuronal structures.

  Human thinking and judgment are also done through a complex network of neurons.

  Neural network is equivalent to the underlying logic code of human beings.

  Memory reader is to obtain the running results directly from the bottom layer.

   Ensure that the results obtained are not artificially modified.

  Attempts to modify memory and self-cognition will have no way out in front of this mechanical reader.

   "Don't do that."

  The rest stop supervisor begged, but no one paid any attention to him.

  Not long after connecting, a red alert popped up on the interface.

  【The target has been infected, self-cognition has been modified, self-logic behavior has been modified, and memory has been slightly lost. 】

  Seeing that the test result is the same as what I guessed.

   A hint of crisis rose in Chagatai's heart.

  He finally understood why this disaster was so simple.

   Containing the Rubik's Cube is not the most important thing.

   Stopping the Rubik's Cube meme from spreading is the key.

  The real scary thing about Rubik's Cube is the puppets with high IQ.

  Being able to clear multiple time-limited Rubik’s Cube games, those people’s own IQ and emergency response capabilities should be extremely good.

  They will not be as stupid as those low-level infected people, know how to use various tools, and can also figure out ways to deal with difficulties, helping the Rubik's Cube meme spread.

  The empire has blocking measures for each rest station to ensure that in the event of an emergency, the disaster can be kept to a minimum.

  Each area has strict memetic inspection, psionic energy fluctuation detection and other complex detection methods.

   As soon as the Rubik's Cube entered the rest stop and began to infect other people, it was detected and emergency procedures were activated.

  The entire rest stop was also blocked.

  The director of the rest station pretends to be a normal person, hoping to deceive the authorization code to open the door, so as to spread the Rubik's Cube meme.

   "Those things are really disgusting. A loyal servant of the empire has been transformed into an enemy of the empire." A soldier next to him sighed.

"There's nothing wrong with such a change." The director of the rest station, who realized that he had been exposed, no longer struggled in vain, but he didn't seem to give up, and seemed to want to persuade the members of the emergency team, "When I and the Rubik's Cube When I was connected, I felt a sense of fulfillment, which was a kind of spiritual satisfaction. I was no longer alone, and even my former lover never gave me this feeling of soul satisfaction. I just want to To share this wonderful feeling, share this wonderful feeling with everyone, so that they are no longer alone."

   "Sad guy." Chagatai said: "Execute him and let the review team come over. Everyone here needs to be reviewed and evaluated for loyalty."

   Rest stop ushered in a big review.

  Technicians use mind reading, soul detection and other means to test the rest station employees.

   It was found that in addition to the 1530 dead, there were infected people who were hidden and not locked.

  It must have the meaning of the supervisor of the rest station.

  The infected are extremely cunning, trying to bypass the detection of the empire through this disguise, and spread the meme infection of Rubik's Cube.

  In order to hide himself, he chose to sell some of the puppets, making the relevant departments of the empire mistakenly think that the alarm has been lifted, thus making a wrong judgment.

   Cleanup rules need to be updated again.

   To take the relevant situation into account, the review must be completed before the blockade of the rest stop can be lifted.

  Cleaned the infected people at the rest station and handed them over to the review team that came later, and Chagatai left with the device for containing the Rubik's Cube.

  Emergency mobile units have multiple strongholds, but the storage of the contents cannot be placed in the different tunnels, but can only be stored in the real plane.

  The empire has only established containment storage centers in the three realities of the local universe, universe 01, and universe 02 that has just been opened.

   Rubik's Cube was sent to the containment center of Universe 02 by relevant personnel.

  The building where the containment items are stored is extremely large and has been cut into different partitions.

   Different partitions store different levels of weird items.

  Blocked-level weird objects are only allowed to be stored in local containment centers guarded by gray knights.

   The Warp is full of secrets.

  Those weird and special creations also possess unimaginable abilities.

  The appearance of the weird creations is not uniform, ranging from the appearance of tools to the appearance of creatures.

   There are even some containments that resemble buildings.

  The only commonality is that they operate according to certain rules, as long as they conform to the rules, they can be controlled.

  The current largest containment in the Empire is a huge museum of biological specimens.

  There are all kinds of weird animal specimens inside.

  Those who stray into it, if they can't come out, will also become a member of the specimen.

   After solving the Rubik's Cube incident, Chagatai began to further improve the tunnel protection system.

  Under the will of Guilliman, the empire is already preparing to increase investment in the different universe, and is committed to developing a different universe colony no less than the mainland within a hundred years.

  【Game dungeon: Hongye Mental Hospital has been completed.

  Copy task:

  1: Investigate what happened in Hongye Mental Hospital. (completed)

  2: Find the missing front-line reporter - Mo Xiaoxiao. (completed)

  3: Escape from the mental hospital. (completed)

  You performed very well in the dungeon, found the clues in a very short time, completed the level, and got a score bonus. The overall evaluation of the trial: A.

[Dungeon reward: 50,000 reincarnation coins, 1 B-level item, 2 D-level items, 7 C-level items, 1 reincarnation dust, 1 psychic talent fragment, 3 reincarnation game dungeon selection cards, 3 attributes Bonus card, 5 bottles of healing potion, 5 bottles of antidote potion, 3 bottles of agility potion, 3 bottles of strength potion, 3 bottles of stamina potion, 3 bottles of spirit potion,. 】

  B-level dungeon has a lot of odds and ends rewards.

  In addition to props, the most important thing is talent fragments.

  If you can collect enough talent fragments, you can get the talent.

   Talent is the same as player level.

  Divided into E, D, C, B, A, S and other talents.

   Can greatly enhance the player.

   Obtaining a talent fragment is definitely something to be thankful for.

   Davin didn't focus on it.

  He was still thinking about what happened in the dungeon.

  If he hadn't been able to feel that special imprint, he would have suspected that he was dreaming.

   After a while, Dawen regained his focus and checked his game rewards.

  【Ice and Snow Crown (Class B props)】

   Davin reached out and clicked on the hologram of the watch to view the detailed information of the props.

  【It is said that in a certain place, there is a queen who has powerful ice and snow magic. With a wave of her hand, she can summon an ice and snow storm and freeze everything in the world. However, one day, the queen found that the crown that carried part of her power was missing. 】

[Explanation 1: The crown can release three magic spells, ice storm (release an ice storm mixed with ice spear and ice sword to the designated target, which will consume the user's mental power according to the distance, intensity, and time released), ice and snow Giant (summons a 20-meter-tall ice and snow giant. According to the environment of the ice and snow giant, the existence time consumes the user's mental power), ice wall (can summon an ice wall out of thin air, and according to the strength of the ice wall, the size consumes the user's mental power) mental power)]

  【Explanation 2: The crown will not send any warning to the user. The user needs to pay attention to his state at all times to determine whether to use the item. When the mental power cannot meet the consumption, the crown will automatically absorb the user's vitality as a supplement】

  【Note 3: When using this item in a hot environment, the consumption will increase, and the power of magic will also decrease accordingly. 】

   "It's not a bad prop."

   Darwin closed the detailed information interface and commented on the Ice and Snow Crown.

   The ability of the Ice Crown is very powerful among B-level items

   Get some spiritual potions, and you can directly become a Mages.

   Constantly summons Ice Storm and Ice Giant.

  Those enemies who can be defeated by brute force can easily pass through with this prop.

  But after witnessing Qiu Chen's power, he suddenly felt that the reincarnation game was a bit unbearable.

  It seems that those players have pleased the audience, and the rewards given by the other party.

   After going to the reincarnation space to receive his reward, Davin returned to his own world.

  The reincarnation space is separated by spatial dimensions, and the reincarnation spaces of players in different worlds are independent.

   After all, there are so many players, it is impossible to put them in the same space.

  As a B-level player, Darwin's successful clearance naturally attracted attention.

   Many people are guessing when he will become an A-level player.

  Once he becomes an A-level player, Davin's status will also rise to a higher level, becoming one of the rulers of his world.

   There are only a handful of A-level players in his world, and there are only seven so far.

  A level and then up is the unattainable S level.

It is said that those guys have already touched the realm of gods, and are called super players by the world. They are often the leaders of cross-world organizations. They are very powerful and can bargain with reincarnation games. Unlike low-level players, life and death are pinched by reincarnation games. .

  I heard from some gossip that the conditions for promotion to S-rank players are very harsh.

  In addition to the strength to be achieved, one must also have a complete talent that can be upgraded to the highest level, and there are also requirements for skills, customs clearance evaluation, etc.

  S-level and higher, Dawen can't touch it.

  I heard that players at that level have mastered the secret of immortality, and are an important asset of the reincarnation game, enjoying a transcendent status and treatment.

  Davin rejected some players' dinner invitations and returned directly to his luxurious manor.

  He needs to sort out the information at hand and plan what he will do.

   After activating the barrier circle of the manor to ensure that no one can spy on it with props.

  Davin tried to issue an instruction in his mind to summon the proton detector Qiu Chen gave him.

  【Checking user identity】

  【User has been authorized by Imperial Staff-007, data loading in progress】

  【Welcome to the Imperial Information System】

  【User: Darwin. Status: Non-staff member of the Development Department of the Different Universe, has not yet been certified. 】

  【A new cosmic background radiation has been detected, the dimension is being locked, and it has been confirmed that the world has not been explored】

  【Please explore the area you are in, and the empire will give corresponding contribution points according to the degree of exploration. 】

  【You can use contribution points to exchange items, knowledge, blood and other commodities in the exchange interface. 】

  A series of words appeared in Davin's eyes.

   Just suspended in the air like that.

   Davin looked into the mirror, and there was nothing in it except himself.

   It's as if the words don't really exist.

   Can only be seen by him alone.

  Imperial Intelligence System.

  Looking at the text on the interface, Dawen sat down again and tapped the table, but his heart was already overwhelmed.

   Such means are beyond current understanding.

   already resembles the means of the gods.

   Clicking on the redemption page, what he saw made Dawen's eyes slightly focused.

   Potions, armor, weapons, and magic are all available.

   It's like a reprint of the reincarnation space exchange page.

   There are even rule props.

  Bloody dance (special weird props, minor disaster level): A pair of shiny red high-heeled dancing shoes, with a long history, exudes an unusual luster.

Function: Release the red dancing shoes to an enemy, and the opponent will be forced to wear the red dancing shoes and start dancing. This process will continue to absorb the life of the target. After the target dies, the red dancing shoes will reset and return to the user's hand. Waiting for the next use. Any attempt to make the wearer take off the shoes will be attacked by the other party.

  Warning: Not using the red shoes for a long time will cause the red shoes to develop rebellious emotions and try to escape the owner. If it is left for a long time, please feed it with blood every three days.

Doll's Embrace: A huge, tattered Teddy plush doll, dark brown all over, only the muzzle is white, has two ears that have been bitten off, one eye has been gouged out, and the other is a White buttons.

  Function: The doll will embrace the enemy's soul and pull it away from the flesh and put it into the furry body. This item is an instant-death item, and it is eager to satisfy the unsatisfied hunger and thirst all the time.

  Warning 1: The use of this item will cause side effects such as tinnitus, dizziness, and illusion. The doll will transfer part of the harvested soul to the user, and there is a danger of personality being replaced if the item is abused.

  Warning 2: If you find that you have symptoms like split personality, please stop using this item immediately.

  Dawen checked the exchange items on the rules page, and was very surprised.

   That mysterious empire seems to be a super power that can fight reincarnation games.

  Behind Qiuchen, there is probably a supreme power beyond the imagination of the world.

   Only those creation-level beings who possess supreme power can create these things.

   Looked at the rule props.

  Dawen looked at the potions again.

  Spirit, agility, strength and other potions are all available.

  The number is not as many as reincarnation games, but it is also very comprehensive.

   There are also many technological armors, laser weapons, etc.

  Reincarnation game players have different focuses, such as technology, magic, comprehension, abilities and so on.

   Empire has a similar classification.

   There are everything from magic spells to practice methods.

  The number is not comparable to the reincarnation game.

  It is very likely that it is a force that has just begun to rise.

   "It is enough, as long as it can overthrow this **** reincarnation game."

  Dawen thought in his heart.

  Thinking of the death of his parents and sister, he has a strong hatred for this **** reincarnation game.

  The reincarnation game is like a cancer, distorting everything about human beings.

  As time goes by, many people have become accustomed to the existence of reincarnation games.

   Thinking that this is how the world works.

  Those advanced players even consciously maintain the reincarnation game and guide public opinion.

  Everything they have comes from the game. Whether it is to maintain their transcendent status or for the so-called evolutionary ascent, those advanced players will find ways to maintain the reincarnation game.

  Even if some people have realized that the reincarnation game is just a large-scale breeding farm, they won't care.

  As long as it wasn't me who died.

   After viewing the exchange interface of the empire, Davin began to learn how to use the proton detector.

   This is an artifact, the best choice for collecting intelligence.

  The proton detector has its own intelligence, and Darwin only needs to issue instructions.

   It didn't take a little effort to master the trick.

   When he saw his blood vessels and bones from a high latitude, he was really taken aback.

   Soon, when he thought that no enemy could hide anything in front of him, he became excited again.

  With this, clearing the game will become very easy.

  After testing the proton detector, Darwin also had a plan for what to do next.

  He wants to completely control the world and build it into a base camp to support the empire's cause of overturning the game of reincarnation.

   Those A-level players, either follow him to the empire, or kill them all.

   Davin's eyes became dark.

  The fire of vengeance in his heart was burning brightly.

   Those players who think they are superior and the behind-the-scenes of the game, when they see the reincarnation game is ended, what an interesting expression will be.

  Qiu Chen, who just came out of the dungeon, has some headaches.

  In front of him stood a white-haired girl wearing a one-piece black dress, sheepskin boots, and a delicate and perfect face.

  She is small in stature but holds a huge long-handled Death Scythe, and her scarlet pupils are like rubies, revealing endless fanaticism.

  "Great envoy of God, please convey my reverence to our Lord. I am His humble servant, the executor of His will, and the sharp sword He can drive at will."

   "You shouldn't leave the world you belong to and come here to find me. Our work should be kept absolutely secret." Qiu Chen said: "Everything is for that lord."

   "I have captured the entire world, my lord, it now belongs to the only Lord. Please be sure to convey my request to the Lord and allow me to go to His kingdom." The girl said.

  PS: I fell asleep in the morning, just updated now, there is another one at night, the number of words is uncertain

  (end of this chapter)

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