Warhammer Throne

Chapter 13: , Karlzenhaven

About 1,600 years ago, Charlemagne, who was more than 200 years old at the time, nearly unified the entire continent and established an empire after a series of battles. At that time, it was the golden age of mankind, and Charlemagne was a full 400. The human emperor only announced his abdication of the throne in 1970. Before he abdicated, he established an electoral system in order to settle disputes over heirs among the various tribes.

The system of the empire was changed from a centralized system to a sub-feudal system. The vast land was re-enclosed to twelve electors. The emperor ruled the capital of the empire and the richest plains in the entire continent near the capital. The last emperor died or fought. After death, the twelve electors and the three churches of Justice Church, Life Church, and Magic Church will vote to elect the next imperial emperor from several candidates for the throne. This electoral system is still in use today.

"Speaking of Mr. Oliver, the empire is clearly a centralized and powerful country. Why did it establish such an electoral system? Isn't the eldest son inheritance system also an option?" Ryan looked at the wild scenery. In the distance, the pine forest was standing. Standing quietly on top of the mountains under the cover of heavy snow, the cold air made the horses snorting, the guard Mather in front was carefully alerting possible movements. Faker was not very skilled in driving the car, because it was not him who drove the car. People have already died in that encounter.

The weather is cold enough, people will only feel more uncomfortable if they don't chat.

"If the empire has no foreign enemies, we are located on an isolated island, no one will visit us, and we will not trade with others, then the emperor’s eldest son hereditary is also possible, but the empire is almost full of enemies in all directions, yes, Now we have Brittany allies of knights, and we also have close allies of dwarves, but what about other places? Enemies are everywhere. In this way, His Majesty Charlemagne aims to hope that the most capable heir can lead the empire to continue. Go forward, instead of raising a group of spoiled wastes due to stupid blood discrimination." The imperial merchant said in an admiring tone: "His Majesty Charlemagne never shy away from his past. He directly told the ministers that he had used cattle before. And I am proud of it. Isn't Ludwig also a little noble from the countryside? Origin is not important, what matters is strength, bravery, and love for the empire."

"It's reasonable." Ryan nodded without saying much.

After several hours of trekking, they finally arrived at Karzen Haven, the port city of the Nord Kingdom.

Compared to Wulan Town, which has only a few hundred small households, the port city of Kalzenhaven is much larger. There are about 800 households inhabited in the city. From a distance, the black smoke passing through the sky makes people feel The scale of this city is roughly counted. Although the gray city walls are not too high, they have changed from wooden walls in Wulan Town to solid stone walls. The guards on the city gates are significantly better equipped. The guards in Wulan Town They are all wearing breastplates, but Karzenhaven's guards have a full set of scale armor. They have spears and halberds in their hands, and their complexions are healthier. The guard officer even wears a full chain armor with a hand on his waist. The long sword, with a shield in one hand, and a black robe on the outside, looks quite a bit imposing from a distance.

"This medium-sized port can accept more than a dozen medium-sized merchant ships or large merchant ships. The port should have all the necessary facilities. The port has 150 standing troops and a kingdom knight stationed. If necessary, up to 600 can be conscripted. A militia-if the lord here does not care about the consequences and costs." Ryan introduced to Teresa in turn.

"Have you been here before?" The sorcerer asked curiously, looking at this medium-sized port city.

"There is no place I haven't been to in Nord, even the Skydome Castle I have been to, let alone this port." Speaking of this, Ryan was a little triumphant. He did travel a lot of places, at least compared to all days. Teresa, who lives in several major cities and lives at home, is much stronger.

A cargo ship set off along the inland river and seemed to be transporting cargo. The soldiers at the port also looked very serious and didn't know what was going on. Besides, Ryan noticed that a caravan at the gate of the city was arguing with the garrison chief.

"Liar! Liar! You deceived me! Since you can't go to sea! Why don't you tell us and charge our entrance fee? We don't plan to stay anymore and refund the money!"

The gate of the city was in chaos. An entire caravan dragging several carts of goods was arguing with the guards at the gate of the city. Seeing the blushing and thick necks on both sides, the result was obviously not good, especially since many caravan guards have reached out to hold them. With the sword hilt, the guard's spear also changed from upright to gradually tilted.

Due to the stagnation of this group of people, the entry of the mercenary group into the city could only be temporarily delayed. Ryan was a little impatient when he saw this. He was still waiting to enter the city to find the trail of Belt.

So the kingdom knight dismounted directly under the eyes of everyone and walked forward: "What happened?"

The rest of the people did not move. Seeing that many of the guards had their hands on the hilts, the experienced deputy commander Wilt knew that at this time they must not stimulate the nervous nerves of the guards anymore. Everyone looked at them. Put it on Teresa, meaning what shall we do?

"Wait, only Ryan's identity is suitable for negotiation at this time." Teresa was riding on the horse, her long coat hem almost covered her long legs, only the toes of high-heeled boots and shoes were exposed. and.

The Garland Council is only a recognized organization and does not have the power to directly interfere in state affairs. Strictly speaking, Teresa is not a noble of the Nord Kingdom, and it is better to resolve issues within the system.

A guard stopped Ryan: "Hello sir! You need to pay a fee of five silver dinars to enter the city. We will issue you a pass. Within five days... Good morning! Lord Kingdom Knight!"

Ryan flashed the White Wolf Knight badge, and the guards saluted immediately.

"what happened?"

"This... Lord Knight, yesterday the Lord of the City announced a sea ban, prohibiting any ships from going to sea." The guard lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"There is no way to go to sea here?!" Ryan faintly thought of something, he frowned, and yelled at the guards: "Then the city lord does not notify or post a notice? Only after charging the entrance fee does people know that they can't go to sea? Why not? Going to sea?"

Even so, the price of five silver dinars was too much, and Ryan thought to himself that this city lord was indeed collecting taxes.

After charging such an expensive entry fee, going to sea is forbidden, which is obviously to blackmail these merchants who want to go to sea. Anyway, the money is in your pocket. If you can’t go to sea, you can’t go to sea. This is my territory. You have to obey me. The rules of the game, right? Don't come if you don't like it!

This is the most typical lawful evil camp.

"Is the hotel still open?" The quarrel at the city gate had nothing to do with Ryan, and he didn't want to wade in the muddy water.

"There are adults who have opened. Because there are not many customers, many hotels have reduced their prices. If adults plan to stay, because of the prohibition of going to sea, the city is basically full. The Butterbeer Hotel in the center of the city may still have rooms. The luxurious private rooms are absolutely in line with your status as a knight, of course, you can also inform the lord..."

"Huh!" A sound of tearing the air came. Ryan subconsciously looked at the gate of the city. The caravan and the captain of the guard were already in a quarrel. After the captain of the guard gave an order, the guards on the tower directly bowed. The arrow, an arrow shot in the mud in front of the caravan's location.

The captain of the guard is triumphant, thinking that you people don't know where you are now. Do you dare to be presumptuous here?

"Shoo!" At this time, a sudden change occurred. A man in a cloak in the caravan suddenly drew an arrow from the quiver behind him, and swiftly opened the bow with a very fast hand. Almost instantly, the helmet of the archery guard on the tower In this way, he flew into the sky, but the guard himself was unharmed, but sat on the wall with fright.

This strength! This is an elite ranger! And it is very likely to be a high-level elite! Ryan got interested. He pulled his horse and stood like this, watching this farce at the gate of the city with great interest.

Under the cloak showed the ranger's slightly pointed ears and slender features, showing his identity as a half-elf. The ranger's face was full of arrogance, and even smiled disdainfully at the guard commander. He took a step back subconsciously, his face was ugly, he was just an elite elementary strength person, facing this powerful ranger, he was not sure that he could win it with a small loss.

If you really start your hands, you have lost your life, or lost more than a dozen of the lives of your subordinates. The lord will be blamed, so don't be the chief guard!

Tax collection is small, but my life and future are big.

The guard officer looked around subconsciously, and quickly noticed Ryan who was watching the play next to him.

A kingdom knight!

"Master Knight! These profiteers do not abide by the laws of our country! They blatantly despise Lord City Lord's rules!" The captain of the guard immediately confirmed that this is a knight from his own country, so he immediately walked up to ask for help. He not only bowed deeply, He was also flattering to please Ryan, and at the same time he looked resentful at the group of people in the caravan, which sounded like a shameful humiliation.

Ryan raised his eyebrows, and everyone in the caravan was busy arguing. Then he noticed him. Many guards saw a kingdom knight appearing here. They all showed alert and uneasy gazes. The half-elf ranger clenched tightly. He lost the longbow in his hand and looked at Ryan with bad eyes. The merchant's guards all clenched the hilt, but the mercenary team seemed hesitant. After all, no one wanted to offend a kingdom knight.

As a kingdom knight, Ryan is indeed obliged to uphold the decree of the Nord Kingdom. Even if the decree is not so reasonable, seeing that the incident has finally spread to him, Ryan gently raised the warhammer, and said to the guard officer in a bad tone: " Oh? Is the entrance fee of five silver dinars set by Nord's law? Your lord of the city collects taxes really hard, almost even the knight of my kingdom has to pay for it."

"I'm very sorry, my lord, but this is an order from the lord of the city, we can only follow it!" The chief guard apologized quickly.

"That's right! Lord Knight, we will come here because the bulk commodity tax here will be lower than other ports, but now we have such a high entrance tax but tell us that we can't go to sea! You said that this is not fair. Ah!" Oliver also came up and argued.

In the end, under Ryan’s mediation, the people settled with three silver dinars for entering the city. The cost of the mercenary group entering the city was still given by Teresa. However, the female warlock with dozens of silver coins did not care, everyone As they entered the city one after another, Ryan greeted everyone and rushed to the lord's mansion of Kalzenhaven.

The lord of Karzenhaven lived in a large wooden long house in the city. This building has three floors. The first floor is used to receive visitors and serve as a restaurant. The top two floors are personal spaces. Most of the building materials are wooden. Regarding the structure, Ryan informed the guard at the gate of the city, and soon found the clerk to check the record of going to sea.

"Yes, Mr. Lane, there was indeed a tall and thin man who rushed into town yesterday when the door was closing. He didn't stop and immediately proposed to take a boat to Marienburg. The shipowners were unwilling to do it, but this The guy took out fifteen gold dinars and asked to go to sea, which is already several times the normal price of going to Marienburg, so one of the shipowners decided to accept the money." The lord’s clerk flipped through the sea records. Said to Ryan.

"I'll go, I lost it!" Ryan said irritably. In fact, he had a vague hunch before. After being slowed down by the Beastman, he had a hunch that he might not be able to catch up with Belt.

"Then why can't you go to sea?" Ryan asked next.

"That's it. The high priest of the Ocean Church told Lord Lord this morning that there are a large number of sea monsters in the nearby seas. The barbarian fleet in the north is also constantly plundering caravans. For safety reasons, Lord Lord ordered this period of time. It is forbidden to go to sea." The clerk continued.

"Okay, I see." Ryan knew that he would not be able to catch up with Belt. Even if he could persuade the lord to arrange ships to let his group of people go to sea, the risk would be too great. The only plan now is to make a long-term plan and report to Innocent. Say the archbishop again.

Coming out of the tower, it was at noon, the rare dark clouds faded, a few rays of sunlight broke through the blockade of the clouds tenaciously, bringing a little warmth to the earth, now it is still so cold in November, if you wait until the Winter Veil Festival At that time, I really don’t know how long I won’t see the sun.

"Archbishop Innocent, I lost Belt." Ryan said helplessly when he pressed the jewel on the bracelet.

"I know that Pelt took the opportunity to leave Nord by boat yesterday. You are not to blame for this incident. It was already two days after the incident when I notified you, and..." The majestic voice looked a little tired. : "It's not time to pay attention to Belt, the barbarians in the north are making big moves. At least 20,000 barbarians are gathering. Let's stop here."

What? Are the northern barbarians going south again?

This is really not good news.

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