Warhammer Throne

Chapter 15: , Visit

In the end, Ryan did not go to the lord. He happened to meet Oliver when he came out, so he stayed with Oliver for one night. If you don’t know, Oliver’s caravan is really big, with a dozen carriages and dozens of people. The carriage was full of goods, and the imperial merchant helped him tidy up a clean room and came out. Ryan would be there for the night.

Early the next morning, as agreed before, Ryan and Teresa met at the entrance of the hotel, and the two went to the Church of Justice first.

The wind and snow swept the streets, people came and went on the streets, the hawking of vendors and the bargaining of travelers one after another, every household had people sweeping snow at the door, everyone was wearing leather hats and heavy linen clothes, Nords In the cold all the year round, the residents have a certain degree of resistance to the cold. On the contrary, some foreign businessmen are wearing large cotton jackets and shivering with the cold. This is unavoidable from the ridicule of the locals and the cursing of the foreigners. Why is the weather in the north so cold?

The road in Karzenhaven was not specially built. Generally speaking, it was still a mud road. The snow on the ground was swept away, exposing black soil, and the soil was very frozen. It was more comfortable to step on, because Ryan walked ahead. , The citizens and travelers along the way avoided him.

In this era, the nobles are still in a dominant position in society. Even merchants with rich family wealth are nothing more than useful pawns in the eyes of the nobles. Once they are no longer needed, killing or replacing is controlled by the military power. The nobles decided in one word, and only in Marienburg, the status of merchants would be higher, but that was only because the Grand Duke Marienburg was the largest and richest merchant.

Today's Teresa-Trovic has changed into a Firefox fur coat, with a white wool sweater and tight trousers inside, black suede boots, and black shimmering long hair **** and combed. She became a ponytail and hung in front of her. Compared with her usual arrogance, the dress of the sorcerer looks gentler today, but the gleaming light in her eyes still shows that her nature has not changed and she has always been proud.

Ryan also changed his clothes. Since he is already in the town, there is no need to wear a full set of chain mail. Today he is wearing loose blue Nordic noble standard clothing, a large silk satin tie and a long suit jacket on his chest. Inside are vests, white shirts and blue trousers. Unlike the tights that are popular among the courts, the trousers Ryan wears are relatively loose, and the trousers are partially stuffed into riding boots.

However, since Ludwig was crowned the new emperor, it’s true that tight-fitting and narrow-leg pants have ceased to be so popular. Ludwig prefers to wear hunting clothes or loose clothing for banquets. Some old imperial nobles think Ludwig The habits of the countryside were brought into the noble imperial court, and the new military aristocrats followed suit.

This young man was already handsome. He held a golden warhammer in his hand. The head of the warhammer was a curved triangular prism, and the shape of the hammer was gripped by the claws of a griffon, showing the momentum of flying wings. Amazing momentum and calm face, just as Teresa has always imagined the heroic image of a young kingdom with a British style.

It's just that this person's attitude is not very good: "Good morning, Teresa."

After speaking, Ryan walked directly in the direction of the Church of Justice.

The sorcerer hurried to catch up: "Last night you..."

"Sleeping in the kennel, hehe, I have also forged a deep friendship with a big yellow dog...but this has nothing to do with you. I will let you know when the Church of Justice is done going to leave." Ryan said lightly, possessing With an extraordinary physique, he is not afraid of the cold, so his clothes only pay attention to politeness and rules, rather than focusing on keeping warm.

"..." There seemed to be a faint estrangement between the two. For Teresa, her initiative to speak was already the limit, and she would not ask any more questions, so she kept silent all the way to the Church of Justice. .

White paint, tall buildings, the gate of the Church of Justice is more than two meters high. On the gate, the holy emblem of the God of Justice is engraved-on a huge blue shield, a balance placed on a warhammer It was shining, and there were two paladins wearing full plate armor and helmets at the door. They were looking around vigilantly with their swords, but when one of the paladins saw Ryan, he was slightly taken aback: "Huh? Isn't Mr. Sledgehammer Lane? Is it coming to claim the bounty again?"

"How can there be so many bounties to receive?" Ryan murmured smoothly, saying that he was here to get things.

When the two paladins saw this, they opened the door of the church: "Mr. Lane is really an evil enemy, and an old friend of our church. If you have any ideas, please come in."

Because of receiving bounty from the Church of Justice all the year round, Ryan’s appearance has been widely broadcast in the Church of Justice. In addition, the paladins in various places are often mobile, so many paladins recognize him, the two paladins in front of him. Although Ryan could not name his name, he looked familiar.

"Since I am your old friend, have you prepared my sacrament?" Ryan casually said and laughed, and the paladins also laughed: "Mr. Ryan wants to eat is not easy, you say we will I'm going to prepare, but I think Mr. Lane might look down on our meal."

"That's true." Lane followed a paladin into the Justice Church.

"You are really familiar with these people." Teresa followed Ryan into the Justice Church. The paladin at the door noticed this beautiful and dangerous woman, hesitated for a moment, and did not stop her.

"It's really familiar, because they are my food and clothing parents. Relying on the salary paid every year, I can barely support myself at most. You see, I haven't even had any obedience, and I am very poor." Tan, the sorcerer squinted at him and didn't say much. Ryan has always been alone in the known information.

Knights like Ryan are actually very few alone. The average knights will be equipped with at least two knights, one for the logistics of horses, and the other for the logistics of weapons and equipment. For example, Ryan never used a lance, because After riding a lance to the peak in battle, it was broken, and it was necessary to have a knight to protect and replace the weapon.

In fact, Teresa knows that many knights travel far more than two. The knight masters always go out with more than a dozen people, and even bring their own lovers to travel together. Among them, the cost is high. Now, Ryan said that his salary was not enough and he could barely justify it.

However, the annual bonus that Ryan receives from the Church of Justice or the Minister of Finance of the Kingdom is several times his salary, and he is not even unable to hire a few followers.

Then he just didn't want to, instead of lacking financial ability, Teresa thought.

The interior of the Church of Justice in Karzenhaven is clean and full of simplicity. There are some young paladins practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard. In addition, some people are praying, passing through the wide courtyard, to the lobby, the **** of justice. The statue of God gleams and exudes warmth in the cold air. The stone statue contains majesty and love, full of hatred of evil and justice to all things in the world. Nevertheless, the statue of several meters high looks a little bit It makes people sad. In the statue, the eyes of the **** of justice are missing, and the deep darkness is left in the eye socket. He holds the balance in one hand, and the famous artifact, his beloved sword in the other. --Judge.

Whenever he enters this hall, Ryan will always have infinite admiration for the **** of justice. The **** of justice is not the native **** of this world. He is an alien **** like the fairy in the lake. Only came to this world a thousand or eight hundred years ago. Before that, the God of Justice had fallen for seven terms. This God of Justice was already the eighth God of Justice.

The God of Justice is really a high-risk industry.

His eyes were dug out by the Chaos Cthulhu in the first Chaos Invasion, and his left hand was chopped by the Son of Chaos in the second Chaos Invasion. This deity is always charging on the front line against evil. He is His disability and numerous wounds symbolize unwavering justice and sacrifice, and because of this, the doctrine of the God of Justice has spread the most across the continent and has the largest number of pan-faiths.

The pastor in charge of this church has not come back for something, so two people sat down in the small courtyard of the Justice Church, with a stone table and a stone chair. After a sigh of boredom, Teresa hesitated a little, the Sorceress was not used to drinking water.

The world is not safe at all. It is difficult for civilians to find a clean source of water. Therefore, except for priests and believers who drink water purified by the church, most civilians consume water through rice porridge and soup. Through a variety of inferior fruit wines and ale, Teresa has a wealthy family. She usually drinks a variety of fruit juices, soups and porridges at home, and occasionally drinks some wine, rarely drinking water directly like this.

"Drink it, this is holy water." Seeing Teresa hesitated, Ryan said directly: "A small church in this kind of place cannot be like the large church organization in Winter City. Archbishop Innocent can see through. Whether we have the ability to be corroded by the chaos, the pastor here does not, so only by drinking the holy water can we gain their trust."

The beautiful silver eyes of the female warlock stared at Ryan for a while, and after making sure that he was not talking nonsense, she drank the holy water, and a burning sensation penetrated her throat, a little uncomfortable, like something spicy.

Ryan looked at Teresa's uncomfortable look and frowned. He suddenly involuntarily grabbed the female warlock's arm wrapped in white lace gloves, then took off the gloves, and directly stretched out his hand to press on her wrist.

"What are you doing!!" Teresa yelled, but how could Ryan's wrist strength be comparable to that of a female warlock? Her wrist was firmly pressed on the stone tabletop, revealing a beautiful small hand, slender With purple nail polish on his fingers, they looked charming, but Ryan didn't care about them at all, his big hand was firmly pressed on the wrist of the female warlock.

"Asshole, let go!" Teresa's physical strength is still at a low level. She struggled hard, her eyes were full of humiliation. Ryan realized that she had misunderstood when she saw it, so she quickly said: "Drinking holy water makes you feel uncomfortable because You are corrupted by chaos! I'm checking it for you!"

The female warlock stopped acting now.

The light blue energy appeared from Ryan’s palm and rushed directly into Teresa’s wrist. The female warlock felt a cool and refreshing sensation rising from the body. Inside the body, the black chaotic energy met Ryan. This light blue energy was almost like a mouse meeting a cat, and it was completely wiped out within a few seconds.

Only then did Ryan let go of her bright wrist, and sighed: "Theresa, be careful in the future, and don't have this state of using all the magic power again. The spellcaster in this state is the food of the evil god. If you don't want to usher in the end of destruction like those crazy magicians, you must be careful."

"...I know." Teresa is not a person who doesn't know the situation. Her mother also taught her about the knowledge of crazy magicians.

Most spellcasters need to use the magic net constructed by the goddess of magic to cast spells. In this case, unless it is a sanctuary spellcaster who has felt and has contact with the source of magic to cast spells without the aid of the magic net, the magic net is for For the caster, it is simply the lifeblood. Without the magic net, the caster's ability to cast spells will be greatly reduced, and a six-ring legendary mage may even struggle to cast a four-ring magic.

Under this circumstance, the so-called "mad magicians" appeared, that is, the so-called wild magicians who refused to use the magic net to cast spells. These wild magicians were more violent and wild, and they were greatly affected by the elements, such as the qi system wild magic. In general, after a few years, the skin becomes gray and white, the hair and beard of the fire-type mad magician will become fiery red and have a grumpy temper. The life-type mad magician does not like to take a bath, and is dirty and greasy all day long. Greasy land and wild beasts and so on.

In fact, it doesn’t matter. What’s more important is that these mad magicians almost have the same destination, which is depravity, because the chaotic energy of the elements wandering between heaven and earth will also be sucked into their bodies. It doesn’t take too long. These mad magicians will advance extremely quickly because of the chaotic energy, and they will also quickly degenerate because of the chaotic energy.

To use an analogy from Ryan's perspective, if the human soul is a school cafeteria, then the soul of the caster is a restaurant dedicated to the teaching staff. Of course, the soul of the elves is the most valuable, which is a Michelin meal.

"Are you doing this to everyone?" Teresa picked up her lace gloves and put them on again, and said angrily. She has accepted Ryan's statement, and there are still some dissatisfaction.

"No, it's just because it's you." Before Len's words could make the female warlock slightly complacent, she smashed her mind: "You are an important co-worker. I still need a spellcaster to help me. Against powerful monsters, there is a spellcaster, and many problems can be easily solved, right?"

"Oh? Hehe, I think that as long as you can entangle your opponent and ensure that I will not be disturbed when singing, I will solve the enemy or whatever. You don't need you to dance with a hammer slowly and stupidly to fight the enemy. Don't you think this is stupid? In all senses." Teresa slapped the kingdom knight's hand directly, and said with a look of contempt.

The sorcerer quickly turned her attention to the light blue energy in the hands of the man, and finally couldn't help but ask curiously: "Can you tell me something, Ryan?"

"you say."

"What kind of profession are you...?"

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