Warhammer Throne

Chapter 49: , White Wolf tells a story

Ryan and Teresa walked side by side on the streets of Millden Haven. Banda followed them with an uncertain look. This port town was much more prosperous than the previous Karzen Haven. The roads of the town Already composed of artificial gravel roads, the proportion of low and low long houses in the building has been greatly reduced. More two-story houses and more small buildings with spires appear in Len's field of vision.

The complexion of residents is also healthier. Many residents wear long robes, soft hats and even leather jackets in addition to linen clothes. Smoke rises from the roadside bakery, and the smell of it makes people who spend a whole day in the wild. Ryan was a little moved.

Teresa leaned on the staff, her eyes radiating moving light: "Can you tell me what happened? Don't tell me you defeated the Doomsday Bull with one move."

"How easy is it!" Ryan took out the huge bull's head. The head of the Doomsday Bull was so huge that even Banda, who was behind them, opened his mouth wide: "Almost really died."

"Can you elaborate on it?" The slender Dan Feng eyes of the female warlock looked at Ryan through her butterfly glasses.

Ryan told Teresa of the whole process, Teresa was shocked, especially after hearing that the Doomsday Bull had evolved into a four-armed bull demon, she turned pale and looked at the scars on Ryan’s face and the beasts. The bandaged shoulders imagined how thrilling this battle was.

After a long time, she murmured: "Ms. Mystery will never force us to fight against such a powerful enemy. Maybe... I mean maybe, the Lord of the White Wolf is too demanding of you..."

"..." Ryan didn't answer. As the White Wolf Knight, he had to explain and refute at least.

But he didn’t. The words Raun and him lingered in his mind. Urik was really harsh on his believers. Many of his believers were to please him or lost their lives because of his orders. .

"Finally, I used my magic to detonate the fierce fire oil left by Oliver and the others..." Lane told the female warlock of the last paragraph and told her that she had met the mission knight Raun.

"I haven't met, but I heard from Wilt that they were indeed besieged by the orcs again on their way down the mountain. It was a mission knight who rescued them." Teresa nodded, she and Emilia Instead of catching up with the caravan, the sorcerer relied on the power of magic to directly let Pine Cone slide down the glacier all the way down the river. Two hours after she arrived in the town, the caravan was late and everyone was injured.

"Am I right? Banda?" In order to verify, Teresa even turned her head and asked Banda who was following behind them.

"Ah? Uh... well, yes, that knight saved us." Banda was obviously out of the sky, he was stunned for a while before he replied with a flushed face.

Neither of them cared about the strange situation of the little mercenary, but continued to talk about the terrible battle.


Yes! ! ! Why can't I think of it? Pour fierce oil on the Doomsday Bull and set it on fire! Since Banda heard how Ryan solved the Doomsday Bull, more thoughts have emerged in his heart.

It's so simple, why can't I think of it?

Banda had already ignored all the hard fighting that Ryan had described before. He only remembered Ryan threw out fierce fire oil, used torches to detonate, and easily defeated the Doomsday Bull.

Yes, what you should have thought of, what you should have done, and more voices popped up in his mind: You should have been favored by Ms. Trovik, but now everything is ruined!

No... No, Mr. Lane saved my life! I can't do this to him!

But your time is running out. In a few days, Ms. Trovik will be separated from you!

What the little mercenary didn't notice was that blood began to appear in his eyes, a kind of hatred for everything, and the emotion of wanting to destroy everything gradually gained the upper hand.

The road soon came to an end. After crossing the gravel-paved path, a white wolf church appeared in front of the three people. Ryan stopped: "I'm going to deliver the task, and we will meet again later."

"Well, I have opened a room in the Butter Hotel for you." Teresa nodded. The White Wolf Church generally does not welcome women, and she does not need to intervene in this kind of internal affairs. Left alone.

Upon seeing this, Banda hurried to follow, but Teresa smiled and refused: "You don't have to follow me anymore, Banda, do your own thing."

"But..." The little mercenary wanted to say something, looking up to see that the female warlock had already gone far.


In the White Wolf Temple.

The white flames symbolizing Urik’s divine power are burning in the brazier, and the entire temple is filled with various trophies and weapons. The strong temple warriors are training, and they are still wearing the simplest single clothes in the mid-winter season. This is to show Urik his strength, glory and courage.

As always, the priest of the temple knelt before the brazier and prayed. Behind the brazier is the cold image of the White Wolf God of War. He has spent more than ten years in such days, and today is no exception.

"Uric gives me strength, and may the white flame of the wolf **** shine in the north of the empire forever~" The pastor said a prayer for more than ten years.

For more than ten years, he knew that the answer to himself was still silence.

At this moment, the accident happened, the white flames in the brazier exploded, the wind in the temple was violent, the white door of the void opened in the temple, and a huge white wolf jumped out from the door. This is Urik. The incarnation of the messenger!

"Oh! My lord!" The priest of the temple immediately led everyone in the temple to kneel, tears filled his eyes, and the prayers of more than ten years were finally rewarded, and the white wolf war **** Yurik came!

But they soon discovered that the White Wolf God of War did not come for them, because a white wolf knight stood at the door.

"Boy, you did a good job." The white wolf uttered something. It looked at the kneeling people around and stretched out its fluffy paws: "You guys, all go out, I have something to tell him... and, Prepare five catties of cooked mutton and wine!"

"Yes!" Facing the deity's oracle, the priests obeyed in a low voice, and then left collectively.

Only the White Wolf and Ryan were left in the house. Ryan first knelt down on one knee to the White Wolf respectfully, and then dedicated the head of Taus to it: "My lord..."

"Hmm...I am very satisfied with your courage and belief." White Wolf nodded, motioned to Ryan to put this head in the sacred fire, then raised his head and said: "You will be rewarded."

Ryan's heart moved after hearing the reward, but there was no reaction on his face. Instead, he looked a little worried: "Um, my lord, it's about the ancient sage..."

"...Be calm, boy, as my believer, you have to know how to talk while eating." The huge white wolf's tail swept around, and Ryan thought to himself that the white wolf looked like a husky.

Uh... can't think of it this way, it's blasphemy.

But it really seems.

Just as Ryan was thinking about it, the priests brought in cooked lamb and wine. Husky motioned Ryan to enjoy it. He also opened his mouth and ate the lamb vigorously: "Boy, do you want to know what happened to Old Sage? ?"


"Can you tell me, why do you want to know about the Old Sage?" Husky gnawed a large piece of mutton and chewed it wantonly.

"Because... curious, and because... well, I want to understand why they are so powerful." Ryan pretended to hesitate, and then slowly said: "My lord, don't you think that whether it is a dwarf, an elves, or It's other ancient holy creatures, they are stronger than humans, aren't they?"

Ryan's implication is simple.

Compared with dwarves or elves, humans have inherent disadvantages. Elves can easily live for hundreds of years, and powerful elves can live for thousands of years. Once an elves proudly said that if it were not for the curse of the Phoenix throne, our king It hardly ends with time, this is not a lie, and dwarves are also long-lived species, and it is not a problem to live for hundreds of years.

Elves are born with a high affinity for magic, and dwarves are born warriors. Why are humans no good?

"Hmph~ Young people always like to think about it, that's all, I'll tell you what I know. After listening to the kid, it's story time." Husky stuck out his tongue and said, "Almost. Just over 10,000 years ago, the ancient sage descended on this world."

Ryan lowered his head to show that he was listening carefully and stopped talking.

"Is it 17,000 years ago? Or 16,000 years ago? I don't remember the exact numbers anymore. In short, the Old Sage used the interstellar portal and came to this world." The large Husky seemed to remember In the past, he swallowed the lamb in his mouth, and then continued: "They look like giant amphibians on the outside, with smooth heads, long limbs and big belly."

Ryan thought this was the same information as his father's!

"The ancient sage did a lot of things. I don't know how they created things. What I know is that they have shortened and changed the orbits of the planets, making the main material world more suitable for living creatures... In short, they first created the Slann Demon Toads-a powerful magical creature made in their image, and then made lizardmen as their servants."

"Elves and dwarves were also created. You know their former glory, and then Old Sage left this world soon."

"But about 1,700 years ago, that is, at the end of the catastrophe period, when Charlemagne was fighting, the ancient saints once again hurriedly returned to this world. They seemed to be hiding something, but after all Did not hide, just not long after they returned to this world, the portal located in the wasteland in the north had an earth-shattering explosion. Did the ancient sages escape, or did they all die in that explosion? People know, what I know is that this explosion once again attracted four evil beings from outside the galaxy." Husky stuck his tongue out.

"You mean, Chaos?" Ryan seemed to have a moment of enlightenment.

"Yes, this is not the first time that Chaos has come. The first time you know that Chaos has come is actually the second. Human beings are still drinking blood. It was the Silan united with the elves and the dwarves to repel the chaos army. In order to repel the chaos, the elves' first Phoenix King Elario even gave his life. In the end, the elves created a maelstrom and drained the chaos. The Chaos Wind needed to descend, and then Silan used the'Great Guardian' to close the portal." Husky's face was serious: "But when the second time came, the elves split into high elves and dark elves. It was a desperate civil war. At that time, I judged that the power of humans and dwarves alone was not enough to fight against the Chaos Army, so I chose to come to this world myself."

"Don’t mention this now, let’s talk about the ancient sage again. The return of the ancient sage has brought deep evil consequences. All living creatures will always be under the threat of chaos, immortal!" Husky drank a glass of strong wine and howled: "That's all I know."

"Oh, yes, the appearance of green skin is also a good thing for the ancient sages. There are a lot of green spores on their aircraft, and these things become **** green skin in the end!" Husky had enough meat and drank enough. Wine, the ground is full of bones. It stretched out its fluffy paws and wiped its mouth casually: "That's all I know, what else do you want to ask, kid?"

"So, then... Is there any relic left by the ancient sage? The great creator should have left some relics for me to admire?" Ryan seemed to have accepted Urik's answer, but he still seemed a little curious. .

"Speaking of ruins, there is one near this city. It is a compass used by ancient saints to record time." Husky picked up a huge bull's head and disappeared on the other side of the portal.

Ryan lowered his head when he heard the news, and his eyes flashed brightly. He respectfully bid farewell to Urik. The pastors of the White Wolf Church returned one after another and asked carefully: "Does my lord have any orders?"

"He said I will be rewarded."

Several pastors glanced at each other, the leading pastor nodded, and then took out a glass bottle in Ryan’s gaze...to a large bucket on one side, scooped a spoonful of white grease into it, and then sent it to Ryan’s Hand: "Please, this gentleman."

that's it? Ryan looked at the white grease in a small bottle with a twitching expression on his face. He didn't say a word, just nodded, and then left the White Wolf Temple.

No one noticed Ryan's hidden expression and clenched hands.

Only a bottle of oil! There is still a general history!

It’s true that White Wolf Holy Oil is a good helper for weapon maintenance, but it is not valuable. You can buy this small pot of oil in any White Wolf temple! One can is priced at two gold dinars! !

Just give me this? !

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