Warhammer Throne

Chapter 76: , Veronica's past

ps. Two changes today, and one more in the evening.

Only the area of ​​Amber Avenue in Marienburg can enjoy tranquility. Other places are always in noisy and crowded areas. Whether it is early morning, noon, evening, or late night and early morning, the entire city is sickly active. middle.

The streets of the city are always crowded.

Marienburg is composed of several main districts, which can be roughly divided into the port and dock area, the temple university area, the civic area, the wizard enclave, and the canal area.

Then because of Marienburg's super high land price, an embarrassing situation appeared.

Only the Ocean Church Wealth Church has a strong influence in this city, so the temple is built in the wealthy area. Even the three most financially and influential churches cannot afford the super The price of land is high, so they have set up their temples in the civic and poor areas.

The streets in the wealthy districts are clean and tidy. The nobles spend a lot of money to lay the foundations and then pave the roads to ensure that their venues are sufficiently high and strong. However, the civil areas are different. The streets are full of domestic garbage, and every corner is covered. Dwellings, shops, and warehouses, buildings that are constantly being stamped and excavated in violation of regulations conceal various dangers, and even some underground tunnels have been dug into the sea and below the warning water level.

"The most terrifying thing is the canal area. It is said that you must hold an umbrella when you walk, otherwise no one knows when the sewage will suddenly be dumped downstairs, and the poor passers-by will be poured all over." Change into a silk dress. Veronica took Ryan's hand and said with a smile, the beautiful face of the woman today is full of moving brilliance.

"Yes, this is Marienburg." Ryan nodded, and he took Veronica to stop: "The Order of the Saints is here."

The Order of the Saints is the church organization of the nymphs in the lake, but its composition and organization are very mysterious. Seeing Ryan came, the headed saint in white ceremonial clothes nodded and opened the door of the temple: "Lady’s Goddess You are qualified to enter the temple."

I don't know why, the face of the saint in charge here is not good-looking, the facial features are very hard and tend to be masculine.

"What about her?" Ryan pointed to the witch next to him.

"She is your companion?"


"Then come in together."

The process of delivering Birrig's head was very simple. The **** of the fairy in the lake flashed and signaled that she knew it. Then the head of the chaos champion became useless. The saint threw the head into the fire and burned to ashes. Not surprisingly, Bretania itself does not have an obsession with skulls, which is related to the personal likes and dislikes of the fairies in the lake.

Just standing among the white statues in the temple, Veronica always felt something was wrong.

The witch always felt that the statue of the fairy in the lake looked at herself with cold and disgusting eyes where she was not paying attention.

Kneeling before the statue of the fairy in the lake, Ryan prayed silently: "Madam, what can I do?"

"Do your own thing first, my god's choice. You will stay in this city for a while. As for the next thing, I'm already arranging it." The voice of the fairy in the lake echoed in Ryan's heart. , Obviously this goddess does not intend to, or does not like to appear in this place and this time.

"So when will I be lucky enough to listen to your teaching?" Lane muttered silently in his heart. He had many questions to ask the goddess.

"Hehe~ funny stranger, this is the first time I have met a knight who hopes that I will come." The fairy in the lake responded with a chuckle, "Unfortunately due to certain restrictions, I can't walk in the main material world for a long time, unless... …"


"Unless you provide energy for me."


When Ryan brought Veronica out of the convent of the saints, Ryan still had a strange expression on his face.

Veronica took his hand, and the witch's long black and brown hair sprinkled on Ryan's arm: "I regret that I went in with you. I can feel that the lady in the lake is not friendly to me."

"It is impossible for her to watch the woman who appeared next to her chosen champion be indifferent, especially if you are still a spellcaster, and then your body is full of my scent." Ryan squeezed Veronica's little hand and gestured for both. I'll talk about this personally when I go home, and do something else first.

Veronica nodded, and the woman's small hand was firmly squeezed on the back of Ryan's hand to show that she believed him. She would not go into this matter anymore. If Ryan was willing to say it, she would listen. If Ryan didn't Willing to say, she will not care.

Veronica is different from Teresa. Veronica, who has worked hard to climb up from the army of wizard apprentices, is more considerate, and more savvy and assertive.

After completing this, the two returned to the university area of ​​the Temple. On the wide street, Ryan noticed that the wizards of the Wizarding League were walking on the street with their apprentices. They looked at the shops one by one and purchased the alchemy they needed. For medicinal materials, Ryan said upon seeing this: "The training methods of wizards are almost the same, most of them are mentor systems."

In Marienburg, wizards are not as rare as Nord, and you can usually see one or two after a short walk.

"No, it's not the same." Who knew Veronica shook her head flatly: "It's the same on the surface, but it's completely different in reality. Trovik can't tell you this because she hasn't experienced it."

"Then I would love to hear you talk about these experiences." Ryan nodded. He knew a little about the apprenticeship of the Garland Council, but he didn't fully understand it.

"Every year at the end of the Winter Veil Festival, until the beginning of the Grass Festival, the casters of the Garland Witches who have no or lack of apprentices will leave the sky fortress and travel on the mainland. Of course, I don’t mean this time, any time, any At that time, as long as a girl is proved to be talented as a spellcaster, we will take them to the sky fort for medical examination. In the warm fire and delicious food, these ignorant girls thought they had come to heaven..." Wei Ronika seemed to be reminiscing about the past. She pointed her finger at the wizard with her apprentice: "Just like that, potential girls will be selected by wizards or wizards, and then granted the qualifications of wizard apprenticeships. Most of them are similar."

"But apprentice wizards have to follow the guidance of their mentor. They become excellent servants of the mentor. They are required to strictly obey any instructions of the mentor. If a servant is too useless, then she will be eliminated and become a lifetime servant. Do you know what I mean?" Veronica watched the young wizard apprentice follow her mentor and smirked, "Because their lifetime value can only be a servant."

"Understandably, it's like a knight and a knight obedience." Ryan spread his hands, expressing that he understands.

"So those girls with high talents and hardworking tend to be loved by their mentors. They always feel that the best-behaved themselves will soon win the mentor’s favor and be taught more spells and magical mysteries. Only I stay. I have a heart, because I don’t think the mentors will be willing to let these best and best servants leave them.” The witch’s tone was full of sarcasm: “The congresswomen do not think so noble as Ryan, they rarely Let go of your excellent servants to learn further."

Ryan's eyes widened, and he understood.

The worst of the apprentices will be apprentices for a lifetime, and the best and the best... will be apprentices for a lifetime because of the pressure of the mentor? !

"So you, you deliberately pretend to be talented? You desperately conceal your amazing talent, and then learn secretly while avoiding the attention of your tutor?" Ryan was dumbfounded.

"Yes, at that time, I, Veronica, was just a wizard apprentice who was not excellent, not wasteful, but useful, but not very useful. This allowed me to successfully advance to the elite level and become a Formal wizard." Veronica smiled mockingly, and then took Ryan's arm again: "How about? I'm good, right?"

Ryan was sweating on his forehead. The elimination system in the female caster council really made him not know what to say. Seeing Veronica, who had a sweet beauty and a proud body, he suddenly felt a little distressed. So the tone became more gentle: "What then?"

"Then I should have faced more...For example, the squeeze from my colleagues, the suppression from other councilors, for example, I might be severely reduced due to a strange accidental injury, or by other witches. Wounded by magic spells ruined the appearance... the jealousy among women is so terrible." Veronica looked at Ryan, and a variety of complex emotions flashed in her eyes: "At that time, I was hiding in Tibet. I stayed at the Sky Castle for the three days I opened. At this moment, a young ranger and knight came to Sky Castle alone with his harvest. I had a duel with him, and then he became my partner. , His identity made other witches jealous, so Veronica finally got rid of the shackles, she showed her talent to the fullest, was favored by Speaker Margaret, and became the first person in this generation of witches. ."

After speaking, Veronica smiled cutely: "This is my story."

"I remember that I was just a ranger knight, a fighter at the pinnacle of the elite rank, and only the adopted son of a lord. The inheritance is still behind. Am I that powerful?" Ryan thought to himself that his identity was not that powerful.

"Besides these, you are the godson of the Duke of the Imperial Griffin, did you forget? You have had a lot of contact with Jialan, everyone knows you, you won't be indifferent to your friends by accident, right?" Wei Ronika reminded Ryan: "Even though you don't know that I am your partner, you know that I and you are friends."

Now Ryan finally admitted that the witch was right. His godfather was the Griffin Duke of the Empire, the current General Griffin and the head of the Gryphon Knights. There will be no witch who is not afraid of death to provoke this giant Buddha, although The Garland Council is very strong, but if it really provokes an illegal killer like the Griffin Knights, the Garland Council will definitely send people to the Griffin Knights for its disposal in the first place.

The overwhelming army of griffins riding their faces makes it feel like thinking about it.

"So this is a gamble. Some people have won, and some people have lost. From now on, this girl has won and won a lot, but some people didn’t follow the rules. The idea of ​​chips.” Veronica’s voice was filled with dissatisfaction and resentment: “They pretended that they didn’t know that the girls had won all of their bets. Instead, they told the girls that there was a problem with the previous bet. She's been here again? Now everyone knows who to press!"

"Tell me Ryan, can you find a reason for me not to hate Trovik?" Veronica's voice was very soft: "I didn't quarrel with her, and we didn't care about anyone, but she I have crossed the line. I just want her to go away, as far as she can go, don't touch my things, whoever she likes to find! Don't come and touch my partner."

"...It seems that I still don't know much about women. I always think you will become friends, because you are similar in age and not much different in strength. They are all spellcasters, and they are all beautiful women..." Uttered his thoughts.

"Everything you say, Ryan, is the reason for our hostility. We are not knights, we are witches!" Veronica said grimly, and the woman walked up to Ryan with her arms folded: "So don't want to coordinate our relationship. If it's a relationship, you just need to be my partner."

"Okay." Ryan finally gave up the plan he hadn't stated in his heart.

Seeing the man listen to her, the witch smiled brightly, Tao Xiao Li Yan, she dragged Ryan towards the destination ahead: "Go, let's go and see if there are any good-quality maids in the slave market, the house is too Deserted."

"No, Veronica, now the maid’s business is not the point. Do you remember our mission?" Ryan grabbed Veronica’s little hand, and the witch’s heel slipped and almost lost her balance, but Ryan immediately hugged him. She said: "Be careful, your shoes are too high."

"It's okay, you can hug me when you are tired." Veronica stretched out her small fist and hit the man's chest, and then said: "Listen to the council, chasing a fallen master hunter? Details Trovik won't tell me, and I don't like to ask."

"Did she not explain to you clearly?" Ryan thought for a moment, and he immediately thought that it was impossible to explain clearly between the two women, because Veronica kept urging Teresa to get out.

Ryan had to tell Veronica the whole story.

"Marinburg has hundreds of ships docking every day. There are hundreds of companies and guilds registered. Ryan, you want to track down the whereabouts of the fallen hunters from the dock. Possibly, we need another way.” Veronica said to Ryan: “Let’s go to the Shield Block first, go to the Ocean Church and inquire about the nearest ship registration, see if there are ships from Nord, and then classify them carefully. Troubleshoot."

"It makes sense. All ships must be registered with the Ocean Church, and they need to purchase the Poseidon compass and Poseidon mark!" Ryan immediately thought of the specific steps: "Just check which ships are going to sea from Nord Port. , The targets we need to find are greatly reduced!"

"Yes, how? Trovik can't think of this?" The witch kissed Ryan's face: "Let's go, my partner, the same way, you go deal with the priest, I'll ask the secretary official."

"No problem!" Ryan was very happy. The relationship between the two people has never been detached because of a short time separation, but because of the enhancement of their respective abilities, they have become closer.

This is the partner and partner. WeChat search public account: wmdy66, you are lonely, my sister warms you with movies

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