Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 780: Auction starts

"Successful fusion?"

Viola, who had been watching Renn, saw him open his eyes and asked with concern immediately.

"Well." Ren nodded, glanced at the angels around him, got up and said with a smile: "It's going well, I'm already a level nineteen wizard."

"Level 19!" Viola was stunned.

She only knew that Ren was a legendary high-level, but she didn't know that Ren had reached the peak of legend. More than a year ago, Ren was still at the fourteenth level like himself. With the full help of the long-haired lady, he managed to be promoted to the sixteenth level. He thought he was similar to Ren, but he had surpassed the third level!

In more than a year, I have been promoted to five levels in a row!

Is this still mortal?

Even though Viola had a deep understanding of Ren's extraordinary talent, he was still frightened. One step further, Ren is about to attack the Holy Soul Wizard!

For others, it is extremely difficult to be promoted to the Holy Soul Wizard, and it may be stuck in a bottleneck for hundreds of years, or even a lifetime.

But Rennes can never be stuck for a long time.

Viola felt despair in her heart, and finally realized the reality, and she could never catch up with Ren's footsteps. However, she was still sincerely happy for Ren, and said, "The battle wizard has broken through to the holy soul wizard, and you need to fuse a holy demon soul. Are you ready?"

"It's not that easy." Ren shook his head and laughed.

Only one Holy Soul Wizard has been born in the fighting school for so many years, and that is the founder, Master Oroin, which shows how difficult it is to be promoted.

The biggest difficulty is the step-by-step fusion of demon souls.

Moreover, similar to the wizards and archmages of the Fa-seal School, the three ninth-ring spells mastered at the time of promotion determine the future path to the Holy Order. The first demon soul of the fusion of battle wizards is also very important. It must be cautious and must be the most suitable for oneself.

First of all, the frequency of the demon soul must be similar to reduce conflicts and make it easier to integrate.

Secondly, promotion to the Holy Rank is the seventh soul transformation. This is an earth-shaking change. The improvement brought by the first six soul transformations is greater, and the probability of element advancement is higher. We must make good use of this opportunity to achieve strength. To maximize the improvement, the choice of the devil soul should also be considered in this regard, not the stronger the better.

All in all, it is not easy to be promoted to the Holy Soul Wizard.

Even Ren is not 100% sure, and not just any holy-rank demon soul can be obtained. Whether or not he can get a suitable demon soul depends on luck.

Viola also understood this, nodded lightly and said, "I will help you pay attention to the news of the Holy Demon Soul in Nothril."

"Don't be in a hurry."

Ren himself is very calm, and his strength can no longer be measured by level.

For him, the Holy Soul Wizard is more of a title, used to show his identity and status, and to facilitate political manipulation. Even if he is not a Holy Soul Wizard, he can still smash the holy-rank powerhouse, including the Holy Soul Wizard.

Such as the Duke of Silver Star.

With Ren's body plus Raistlin and Sanguinius, after excluding the floating city, he is confident to defeat the Holy Soul Wizard below level 30 in the Supreme Council. The weakest Duke of Silver Star and Dean Sabra, even without being cloned, the body can destroy them.

"Put your angel away." Ren turned his eyes and said with a wicked smile, "Let's continue."


Viola was stunned for a moment before she reacted, and her cheeks suddenly flushed.

When she was in love just now, she naturally wanted to have a good time with Ren. After being interrupted by such a serious matter as the fusion of demon souls, she suddenly wanted to come again. She no longer felt that way, and she took off half of her clothes. Also re-dressed.

"You still have to prepare to auction the floating city." Viola couldn't let go.

"It's three days later." Ren didn't want to let her go at all, he flashed over and hugged the peerless beauty, and whispered: "No one will disturb you in the half plane, we have a lot of time to enjoy."

While speaking, his big hands were already walking around the beautiful body.


Viola's whole body was weak, unable to resist, and she barely remembered to take her angel back to the Soul Gathering Tower in her confusion.

Soon, there was a persistent crashing sound in the half plane.

The battle was fierce.

It was not until late at night on the third day that the two came out of the half plane.

Viola spent three days that she will never forget in her life. She was carried back to Glamorgan Castle to rest by Ren. At her strong request, she avoided everyone's sight the whole way back on the way back, otherwise once it got out there would be no face to continue to be the Pope in the future.

Rest overnight.

Ren got up early and sat in the study full of energy. Today is the date of the auction of the floating city, and the opening time is set at noon.

"grown ups."

Fabian handed over a report and said respectfully, "This is the list of guests participating in the auction."

Ren glanced at him, there were light dark circles on the face of the wind elf, obviously he hadn't rested for three days, soothed: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's my honor to be able to work hard for your lord." Fabian is frightened. These days Ren is away, and he has become the focus of public opinion in the empire. There are countless people who want to visit all the time. Even one can't be blamed.

Still, with the heavy pressure comes great glory.

Fabian has experienced the feeling of being in control, and arranging this auction, which will go down in history, will be the pinnacle of his life.

Ren looked at the list, raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "There are so many people participating in the auction?"

There are twelve persons or forces on the list.

The first is the lord of the city of Shenzhen, the actual controller of the trade city-state of Turd, the lord of Hasstaff and his wife Lyra.

Then there's the Silver Star Duke, the Storm Queen, and Dean Sabra.

The great sage Congerald and the Duke of Grey Eagle, Master Tim Kenan, the two holy soul wizards had the highest status among the guests.

Then there's the head of Eratossa's Academy of Warlocks, Margarita Lux Antiel, who is the first of only three Destruction Warlocks in the Empire, and met at Bluewaters last year.

The Steam and Machinery Union, represented by the vice-chairman Akland.

The Church of the Earth has also signed up, and the leader of the Ring of Earth, Saint Rosita, will participate in the auction.

One of the nobles of Mordu, the Purmore family, the Countess of Kaelin, she is the mother of her student Jenna, and she is also an acquaintance. The strength of the Purmore family is obviously unable to control a floating city, and behind her are five other Mordu nobles except Glamorgan.

The last two are "Aureense Times" and "Modu Daily". They obviously didn't really plan to bid for Floating City, but came to watch the show and got first-hand information about the transaction of Floating City.

After deducting the two newspapers, ten people actually participated in the auction.

This exceeded Ryan's expectations.

He originally thought that there are at most five or six people who have both economic strength and the will to get the floating city, and this number has almost doubled.

It seems that he still underestimated the attractiveness of the floating city.

"Have they all handed in the bond?" Ren put down the list.

"It's handed in." Fabian nodded heavily and replied: "The sixty million gold shields are all handed in in the form of gold tickets. The Ultramarines sent the gold tickets to King Kong Fort, and hid them in the secret room of the base, guarding them at all times. He didn't leave his sight for a second."

Sixty million gold shields!

This astronomical sum of money, which Fabian didn't even dare to dream of, was the main reason why he couldn't sleep these days.

"You did a great job." Ren nodded, "Leave it to me next."

Fabian breathed a sigh of relief, "That's what I should do."

A few minutes later, the Ultramarines who received the notification from the Primarch sent the 60 million gold ticket to the study, and Ren took it into the Nebula Ring, and it was safest to put the money on himself.

"Go get busy."

Ren waved Fabian back and sat alone in the study thinking.

This auction was an idea for a long time. In fact, there is a potential trader who has already been selected, and that is the Duke of Silver Star. The reason is that what I really want to sell is not the entire floating city, but its outer shell, leaving the core of Eola.

If you sell the shell alone, not only the value is greatly reduced, but it is also difficult to sell.

So the best way to trade is to sell the entire Floating City in exchange for an Eola Core plus other things to maximize profits.

The core of Eola is the most valuable core of the floating city. The manufacturing cost is about 50 million gold shields. One radish is a pit, and there are very few extra cores of Eola.

But Ren knew that the Duke of Silver Star had an Eola core.

Moreover, the Duke of Silver Star is extremely eager for the floating city, and can take the opportunity to blackmail her. Of course, if others can also take out the core of Eola and offer a higher price, Ren doesn't mind making a deal.

Time passed, and the auction started getting closer and closer.

Outside Glamorgan Castle, people have gathered since early in the morning, most of them to watch the fun, even if they are blocked by the Holy Lance Knights, they can't extinguish their enthusiasm. As it approached noon, the streets outside the castle were already blocked, affecting traffic.

Finally, the sun rose to the sky.

"here we go!"

"It's time for the auction!"

Some people in the crowd stared at their pocket watches and shouted loudly. People stared intently at the castle built on a low hill, but could see nothing.

Castle Hall.

Fabian has already had the tables and chairs in the hall emptied, leaving only dozens of sofas in a back shape. The members of the extreme battle group stood under the surrounding walls, like statues, motionless like a mountain. The main entrance, side entrance, and all passages of the hall are guarded by Ultramarines.

One thousand two hundred paladins were scattered throughout the castle, and the servants and maids remained in the room and were not allowed to come out.

Ren stood in the middle of the hall, waiting for the guests to arrive.

Fabian retreated to the corner, silent.

Beside him stood Viola, Oxilia, and four of Wren's students, Polaris, Jenna, Sparrowhawk, and Garou, who begged to visit the auction. There is also the golden three-headed dragon Borch. He spends all day with Mrs. Xia Lanwei, the silver dragon, and has missed many opportunities to make a fortune.

At Wezeland above the sky, Anse Waldos also cast his gaze in the middle.

Glamorgan Castle set up an isolation circle last year, prohibiting direct teleportation in, and Ren has been temporarily closed.

Arrived at noon.

Strong void ripples appeared in the wide hall, and the portals quickly opened, and figures walked out from them.

There are also several who use teleportation to arrive directly.

No matter how they came, almost every visitor exuded a powerful aura, which made the souls of everyone who retreated in the corner tremble.

The most striking are naturally the five Holy Soul Wizards.

Headed by the great sage Congerard.

His appearance does not show his age. At first glance, he looks like a young man in his thirties. His skin is smooth with metallic luster, his hair is thick, his facial features seem to be carved, and his eyes are indifferent and full of wisdom, as if After a long period of baptism, it feels very vicissitudes.

Twelve gems were suspended above Congerard's head, emitting a colorful light.

These gems are magical items made by the Great Sage, called "Ain Stones", the same name as the Great Sage's Ain Floating City.

Each Ain stone has its own function, with amazing power: protection, teleportation, storage of spells, healing, enhancement of physical fitness, accelerated casting, increased spell damage, resurrection, etc., any one is no less than legendary magic items, only the Great Sage himself knows their full effects.

The great sage was wearing a large magic robe and a gem badge on his chest, hovering about half a meter above the ground.

Everyone bowed to him and saluted: "I have seen the great sage."

As the inventor of the Soul Stone, Congerald's reputation in the Empire was so high that after the disappearance of Master Ogrevi, no one could match him.

At the same time, the Great Sage is also the longest living person in the world.

"Don't be too polite."

Congerald nodded slightly in response, his voice was no different from ordinary people, but he could still distinguish a little mechanical stiffness. He swept across the hall with jewel-like eyes, and finally landed on Tim Kennan, "Grey Eagle, you're here too."

"Yes, great sage."

Tall and strong, with a big bald head and black beard, and a sturdy face, the Duke of Gray Eagle showed great respect for the great sage and showed a gentle smile.

Others, however, felt the pressure.

The Duke of Silver Star, Queen of Storms, and Dean Sabra are Soul Wizards and are familiar with Master Tim Kenan, so it feels good.

Dean Margarita of the Academy of Warlocks of Eratossa, the famous beauty of the empire, the fitted magic robes perfectly set off the plump figure, but the demeanor is very dignified, combining feminine charm with noble temperament, to men form a fatal temptation.

She saluted: "I have seen Duke Gray Eagle."

Tim Kennan glanced at her, his expression did not fluctuate, and he said lightly: "Alartosa College also wants a floating city?"

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Margarita answered neither humble nor arrogant: "Warlocks are also spellcasters. Eratossa hopes to use the floating city to improve the status of warlocks in the empire. "

"Then you have to work hard."

Tim Kennan replied noncommittally, then stopped talking.

Next to him, the Hastaff City Lord and his wife, Akland, the vice president of the Mechanical Union, and Rosita, the Lady of the Earth, did not interrupt. Countess Kaylin was a high-level storm priest, not even a legend, and the bidders sent by the two newspapers were only a mid-level legend, and they were trembling in front of the three giants of the empire, not even daring to breathe.

The bidders did not know the list before and looked at each other.

clap clap!

Ren clapped his hands to turn the attention of the guests, and said loudly, "Everyone, welcome to Glamorgan Castle, the auction officially begins."

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