Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 840: Community of interests

Hearing Ren said that being elected as the Archon would attack the Holy Spirit Wizard, Anse Vodaus was very pleased. The promotion of Ren, his best student, was more convincing than Raistlin.

After rejoicing, he felt a little helpless again.

Rennes’s talents are old and brilliant, and he can even decide the time when he strikes the holy soul wizard at will. This is something no one has done before. Not only is he inferior to him, "the strongest wizard in history" Ogulvi and the "first in history" It's only a day." The Duke of Redstone was distanced.

Anse Waldos never doubted that Rennes would fail, and he was not sure enough that Rennes would not tell himself that he was going to be promoted.

By the end of the month, Rennes had just turned 27.

This has advanced the record of Kelston by a full 21 years. A holy soul wizard who was less than 30 years old was placed a few years ago, and no one would believe it at all.

However, it was precisely because of Ren's talent that he felt that there was no challenge in promoting a soul wizard, and he wanted to overthrow the Supreme Council and become the emperor of the empire!

Being a consul is only the first step.

Becoming the Archon immediately attacked the Holy Soul Wizard, saying that Renn did not deliberately suppress his own wizard level, which is simply an insult.

"You still have to take this step after all." Anse Waldos sighed.

Ren shook his head, "Teacher, the first step has been taken a few years ago, now there is no way out, and I don't want to look back."

"You just became a consul and became a holy spirit wizard. What does this make other people in the Supreme Council think?" Anse Verdas' eyes flickered. The position of the consul?"

"It's just a coincidence."

Rehn smiled and looked at his teacher sincerely, "Furthermore, the High Council is controlled by the Mordus, plus me, seven of the thirteen are ours, how can I depose me?"

"I promised not to intervene in your business, and I never said I would help you." Anse Waldos snorted.

"Then I can also conceal that I am a holy soul wizard." Ren said with a sly face, "unless the teacher also plays tricks and leaks this matter privately."

Anse Wodorston was speechless.

Only then did he realize that he had been calculated by Renn. He hoped that Renn would publicly announce his promotion to the Holy Spirit Wizard, proving that the Morduist idea surpassed the Netherites. In order to fulfill this millennium long-cherished wish, he had to help Renne control the Supreme Council. Suppress other holy soul wizards.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "If someone finds out that you want to overthrow the Supreme Council, even members of the Mordu faction will not obey my will."

As soon as this sentence came out, Renne knew that the teacher had compromised.

There was a triumphant smile in his heart.

"The teacher, as the founder and leader of the Modu faction, won't even be able to appease a few allies, right?" Rehn was a little accustomed. "The time has come to test the teacher's mastery of the faction."

"You guy..."

Ansivdaus was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, feeling that he had been completely used by Rennes, but was squeezed to death. Now it's useless to repent. He waved his hand angrily, "It's all right, I know what to do, you can go out if nothing else."

"There is really one thing, teacher." Renn smiled.

"Just talk about it."

Rehn said with a stern face: "I want to commission the teacher to make an Eola core. I don't know if the teacher is willing?"

"Iola's Nucleus!"

Anse Waldos almost jumped up, "Where did you get the money?"

The cost of an Eola core is around 50 million gold shields. He knows that Renn is very rich, and he also installed the Eola core, which he had traded from the Duke of Silver Star, in the statue of the goddess of magic to build Gotham City. Put in countless resources, and promised to pay the debts for Wezeland Floating City, he should run out of money no matter how much he has.

I thought that Rennes would have to wait at least dozens, or even more than a dozen years, before he could begin to manufacture a new Eola core and build his own floating city.

It has only been more than a month, and it started.

"War is the best time to make a fortune." Renn had nothing to hide from the teacher, and said truthfully: "I ransacked the royal treasures and treasury of the Kingdom of Gupta. It is almost exactly time to create an Eola core."

Ansivdaus was dumbfounded, that was fifty million golden shields!

"Is the teacher free?" Renn asked again.

"I want to think about it." Anse Verdous didn't immediately agree, and replied with consideration: "I haven't made Eola's core, but it's not difficult for me. It just takes a lot of time, at least two years. I can't do anything else."

The Eola Core is the most complex magic item in the world, but its manufacturing method is fixed and has never changed. As long as there are enough alchemy materials and design drawings, it is not as difficult as ordinary people imagined.

Rehn previously expected it to be about three years, but he did not expect that the teacher would only take two years.

If you help yourself together, it should be faster.

The current progress of the Star Destroyer is about 30%. As the population of Gotham City increases, the chances of testing the rune circle are getting less and less, so it is best to install the Star Destroyer within three years. The core of Eola will not delay the construction period.

Ren saw the teacher's hesitation, so he threw the bait and whispered: "Teacher, it takes time and effort to make Eola's core. I will not let the teacher be in vain, and I am willing to give the teacher one million gold shields as a reward."

"Are you taking money to buy me again?" Ansiwo said, his expression stern, and he looked very unhappy.

Renn immediately raised the price: "Three million gold shields."

Ansivdaus still didn't speak, his eyes didn't fluctuate, and he stared at Renn closely. The atmosphere in the tower hall also solidified, as if he was really angry.

"Five million gold shields." Renne was taken aback, and quickly increased the price again.

"make a deal."

Anse Verdaus immediately agreed, the seriousness on his face disappeared, and a somewhat triumphant smile appeared.

"Uh..." Renn couldn't help being stunned.

He then realized that he was fooled by the teacher.

Originally only intended to reward the teacher with one million golden shields, a few words turned into five million, which is equivalent to one-tenth of the cost of Eola's nuclear. With such a high labor cost, even if he is rich now, he still feels a bit heartbroken. It is better to delay some time to make it by himself.

Anse Waldos smiled, not giving Rennes a chance to go back, and said: "You will send the materials to Wezeland tomorrow, and I will help you make them right away."

"Okay, teacher." Renn had a painful expression on his face.

"Go ahead."

Anse Waldos waved his hand happily.

Ren got up and left. When he teleported back to Gramercy Castle, his face immediately became extremely relaxed, without the heartache of losing five million gold shields at all.

With the eyes of the soul, he never misjudged the emotions of others.

The teacher was not really angry, even though he was a little unhappy and pretended to be alike because of his calculations, but the eyes of the soul could see clearly, and he was not stupid enough to expose it, he was just cooperating with the teacher's performance.

Of these five million golden shields, only one million is the foundry cost of the Eola Core.

The remaining money is for the teacher to appease the other holy soul wizards and stabilize the remuneration of the Supreme Council. This money is very worthwhile.

Fabian, the steward of the wind elves, took the servants of the castle to welcome Rennes home.

Several of his own students, Dalamar, Peraris, Jenna, and Sparrowhawk all came to the castle to visit the teacher. Ren looked at the excited faces of the students and talked with them for a long time.

Dalamar and Peraris are already legendary wizards.

Jenna and Spyrohawk are still high-level wizards, their talents are slightly worse, and there is still a distance from the high-level peak.

Garu was not present. This half-orc and all-spirit wizard has exploded with amazing potential in the past few years. He won the championship of the intermediate group in the wizard exchange competition at Blueworth, and soon broke through the high-level wizards and reached the peak. Leaving Wezeland a month ago, went out to experience and find a chance to break through the legend.

Ren knew that Garu had his own secret, gave him some magic items, and after a few words, let Garu leave.

Now every student can be on his own.

So Ren didn't control too much, let them develop on their own and embark on their own magical path.

In fact, when Rehn accepted them, he took a fancy to the talents of these students and cultivated them to help him in the future.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. He obtained the Heart of the Mastermind and Ogulevi's Genesis Technique, and was able to create a large number of clones. Whether it was a Thundercast Heavenly Soldier or a Mage clone, the effect and strength of any one was far superior to his own students.

In this way, it doesn't matter how far one's students can grow.

Although Renn would still guide them, teach them magical knowledge and casting skills, and provide the best resources, but with their wisdom they still noticed the subtle difference between Renn and the previous ones, and the teacher no longer had any expectations of himself.


Dalamar said suddenly: "I want to go back to Oroan, maybe it will take a long time to come back."

The study suddenly quieted down.

Peraris's expression did not change, as if he had known it a long time ago.

Jenna and Sparrowhawk showed reluctance on their faces. Although Dara’s personality was very cold, they knew that this was just the surface. Daramar was a cold-faced person, and they had developed a deep friendship with each other over the years.

Rehn glanced at the high elf disguised as a half-elf, did not ask much, and happily replied: "Okay. If you encounter danger or unsolvable trouble, Wezeland will always be your home, and you can also ask I ask for help, don't hesitate to speak up."

Dalamar's eyes flickered, "I will, thank you teacher."

Then he returned to his usual indifference and stopped talking.

Because Dalamar was about to travel, the joyful atmosphere in the study became a little dull, Ren sighed inwardly and let them leave first.

Peraris walked at the back, before leaving the study, she looked back at Ren, the grudge in her eyes almost overflowing.

The well-known Miss Polaris, the past two years have been a bit quiet.

Rehn was naturally very clear about her thoughts, saying that it was a lie to not be moved, but he had too many things now, even if he was a master of time management, he had no time to respond to her favor. This kind of thing must be done by one's own body, and cannot be sent out.

As soon as he sent away the students, Fabian sent a dozen invitations.

At the same time, many guests have already visited Glamorgan. They heard the news of their return from Wezeland and immediately came to see you.

Rennes knew the purpose of these guests.

The soon-to-be-established "Imperial Subcontinent Trading Company" is as attractive to all forces and businessmen as a shark that smells of blood, rushing forward.

As long as you have a little business acumen, you can see that trading companies will bring innumerable profits, and only need to obtain the franchise rights of one kind of commodity, even the most insignificant small commodity, also means huge wealth.

How could profit-seeking businessmen let go of such a great opportunity?

Many well-informed people rushed to Modo long before Rennes returned to the empire, sent invitations, and even checked into the hotel closest to Glamorgan Castle.

Rennes had already expected this, and this was the result he wanted.

The trading company is a super big cake.

As the distributor of this piece of cake, you can get the most benefits. With the power of distribution, you can weave a huge network of relationships covering the entire empire. Anyone who enters a trading company is on his own ship, and the benefits are bound to Together.

In the empire, power and wealth are not separated.

The imperial congressmen, nobles, and powerful transcendents are often one. Most imperial congressmen themselves are rich, local, or aristocratic, or possess powerful forces.

When they become shareholders of trading companies and taste the benefits, no one will be willing to withdraw, just want more.

If you want to make money, you have to be obedient!

Every shareholder of a trading company will become its own community of interests.

The imperial parliament voted half a month later, letting them vote for themselves is the most basic; in the future, when they become consuls, they must approve some reform policies, and whoever dares to oppose them will kick out the trading company; when it becomes imperceptible, they Having made a lot of money in the subcontinent, they exposed their ambitions and stood on the opposite side of the Supreme Council. It was too late for them to withdraw.

The trading company is arrogant to the countries of the subcontinent.

However, the trading company was a conspiracy against the empire, and only Rennes knew its true role best.

While flipping through the guest list, he recalled the background information of the other party in his mind. At the same time, he also had a list of traded goods in his mind for comparison.

The franchise rights for each commodity can only be granted to one shareholder.

Must be carefully screened and assigned to the most suitable person.

Rehn soon had a plan in his heart, and stood up and said, "Fabian, please come to the reception room, Viscount Benfather."

"Okay, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com." Fabian bowed and went out after saluting.

In the following days, Rennes spent most of his time meeting with guests at Glamorgan Castle, relying on the eyes of the soul to identify true and false lies, the position of the enemy and the enemy, combined with the identity of the other party, and set shareholders for dozens of commodities. During the period, he also took the time to go to the Temple of Storms to ask Elder Solim to repair the armor of Titan's power, and personally deliver it to Batura's hands.

Rehn actively invited Batula to join the trading company. After considering it, Batula nodded and agreed.

Half a month passed quickly.

Every seven days, Ren used the holy blood amber to cast a complete resurrection technique, resurrecting Ottyluk and Thorek, the head of the Iron Knights.

Tomorrow is the date for the imperial assembly to vote.

Ren was in Malingo Manor at night. He learned from the clone that the Duke of Silver Star was visiting. He rushed back and saw the Duke of Silver Star with a pale face.

When she saw Ren, she immediately threw a high-level soul stone over and said: "This is the soul of the ancient dragon demon I promised you. You can see for yourself."

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