Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 21: Scared the dead!

Chen Chengyu’s Shu Xiaohui in the pocket of the bag jumped off the protective wall. Shu Xiaohui took the little squat and the hammer into the space and took Chen Cheng’s pocket. One person and one mouse walked on a relatively quiet street.

Shu Xiaohui is really curious about how Chen Chengzhen will find Professor Wei, because Chen Chengzhen’s appearance is obviously targeted.

After turning a few streets, Chen Chengzhen suddenly stood in front of a very old house, which was the angle of a collapsed building. Two security doors blocked the entrance, even the door.

Chen Chengyi lifted his hand and unloaded the door. There was a small lamp inside the small angled room. A thin man in his hand covered his ear and shook his other finger. "I know, can The person who stops the melee so quickly is definitely you!"

This sound is very big, it is just out.

Shu Xiaohui stretched his claws and rubbed his round ears, and looked at the man with some curiosity.

Chen Chengyi looked at his ear. "The sound is far enough here. If it is not eavesdropping, will you still ring your hair for no reason?"

Shu Xiaohui glared at Chen Chengyi's pocket. What did he say? He couldn't understand it.

Chen Chengyi pulled the door back, blocked the entrance, and sat across from the man. "Zhan Wei, lost?"

Zhan Wei squinted at his ear. "I am stunned. It must be hurt. You can't hear anything you want."

It was just that the man was screaming at the words, and a black lacquered thing rushed silently to Chen Chengyi’s front and went straight to his pocket.

Shu Xiaohui was caught off guard, and was shocked by the face with the sharp teeth that was plucked to the front. It fell into the pocket of Chen Chengyi and shrank into a dumpling.

"Hey!" Scared the dead!

Fortunately, Chen Chengzhen reacted fast enough, raised his hand and grabbed it, and he took the wings of the black lacquered thing, and did not let the thing rush to his clothes.

"The mouse is gray, is it okay?" Chen Cheng pinched the thing in his hand, and asked a little urgently in the depths of his consciousness. He did not expect that the lost will suddenly rush to his small pet.

"Oh..." Shu Xiaohui's little claws trembled and violently climbed up. Looking through the gleam of the small lamp in the hut, Chen Cheng was living with a black lacquered bat. The bat struggled. Flapping the wings, but also trying to rush toward the direction of Shu Xiaohui, the mouth also issued a slightly screaming.

Zhan Wei’s mouth twitched, and his family’s pets knew that he knew that the guy was releasing some kind of passionate emotions in a crazy way, to mate and to mate!

Zhan Wei hurryed out and tried to catch his family's pets. He said very loudly, "Where, lost, are you stupid?! First distinguish the species!"

Chen Cheng looked at him.

Zhan Wei reluctantly opened his mouth and smiled. He continued to say very loudly, "You know, summer, it's estrus, you want to mate. You want to find a partner when you lose it. It looks at you, it must be a perception error. But this is really no way, now there are so few animals."

Shu Xiaohui trembled, and did not feel that this person said something funny, he is a little angry and a little scared, mate with you!

The bat is definitely not Chen Chenghao!

This is also true of Chen Chengzhen, so the hand holding the bat is almost useless... Patience! patience! Can't pinch it! It is everyone's responsibility to love animals, and this animal is still a war of others, and we must respect all the pets!

When Chen Chengyi’s thoughts were deep, Shu Xiaohui was able to receive it, so Chen Cheng’s shattered thoughts Shu Xiaohui could understand clearly, Shu Xiaohui suddenly stopped shaking, and he looked at Chen Cheng’s tight expression. I petrified for five seconds, then rolled directly into Chen Cheng's pocket, holding a paw and laughing into a more round ball.

I took a nap, hahaha.

Chen Cheng sees his own small war pets and scares them into a pocket. They are still shaking, and the jaws are tight and the roots are bleeding.

At this time, the bat suddenly stretched out his sharp teeth and bite into his hand. Chen Chengyan jumped his eyelids, raised his hand and stretched it, pulled off a piece on the security door, and pulled it into a wire. I made a big cage and stuffed the bat into it, preventing a bat that looked at the wrong race and continued to rush to him.

Zhan Wei looked at him with a stunned look. His ability was to sense sound waves. He overheard the news everywhere in the New Town. He didn't know how many abilities he had seen. He could control the abilities like Chen Chengyi. It was the first one. .

Chen Chengyi stuffed the cage to Zhan Wei. "Look at it! I am looking for you to buy a message."

Zhan Wei licked his nose, did not respond, held the cage, and calmed the black bat that was screaming.

Chen Chengyi did not care. He took a shackle from the backpack and threw it to Zhan Wei for a pack of cigarettes.

Zhan Wei’s eyes lit up, took the smoke, and put the cage aside. “I’m just listening to gossip. I don’t know how much. What does Captain Chen want to know?”

"Professor Wei."

Zhan Wei’s face changed and he sighed with a low voice. “It’s not something that’s really special, ungrateful, if it’s not Professor Wei, where are their abilities?!”

Chen Cheng’s look is awkward. “Professor Wei’s accident?”

Zhan Wei ignited the smoke on this small lamp, took a deep breath, and the sound returned to its normal size. "No, the professor is living well, there is no freedom. He can't do a lot of research. It seems like some depression, good. I haven’t said a word in a few days."

Chen Chengyi frowned. "Where is the other person locked?"

Chen Chengyi thought that he still had to wait for Zhan Wei to throw someone to find someone. I didn't expect Zhan Wei to know Professor Wei's affairs early.

Zhan Wei looked up at him. "Captain Chen is going to save the professor? Or do you want to take the professor as your own."

Chen Chengyan looked at him with cold eyes.

Zhan Wei smiled. "It is estimated that you have no such idea."

Zhan Wei caught the cigarette and picked up the cage and gave it to Chen Chengyi. "Lost and lend it to you, and rely on it to find a professor."

Shu Xiaohui screams, oh? Are they going to walk with this bat?

Chen Cheng’s mouth was pumping and pushed the cage back. “No, you tell me where Professor Wei is being held.”

Zhan Wei tried to open the cage with his cage. "The place is not lost. You can't find it. You can't throw it into the cage. It has to fly up."

Chen Cheng blinked. "You don't want me to bake it later, you can give it to me."

Zhan Wei moved to live, very simply said, "back cliff, container."

Chen Chengzhen stood up and left.

"Hey, Captain Chen, don't go, so many containers, do you know which one? There are cages, open the cage to me first!"

Zhan Wei’s voice just fell, only to hear a bang, a wrench slammed on his desk, and Chen Chengzhen could not see the shadow.

After Chen Chengyi turned a corner, he reached out and took out Shu Xiaohui in his pocket and gently stroked it on his palm. "Stunned you? Don't be afraid, there is me."

Shu Xiaohui group is still on the palm of someone's hand, still want to laugh, soft belly is shaking.

Then, under the comfort of someone, I unconsciously turned into a rat cake.

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