Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 42: Sleeping posture

Professor Wei saw that he had not deceived the little hamster. It was a pity that it was a pity.

Chen Chengyi reached out to comfort a mouse ball that was frustrated and shrunk in the pocket, and directly inserted a small metal hamster with a fingertip size.

Shu Xiaohui looked at the sleek little hamster that rolled down in front of him and stretched his claws to pick it up.

A small coin-sized miniature hamster, holding the gun at the front, has a small eye.

The whole life is vivid, and the scene of the day is reproduced. It is just a copy of his own, but it is reduced several times.

Shu Xiaohui grabbed the round and threw it into the space.

Didn't think about it, he just put the little hamster in the ornaments? Hand? Pendant? Throw into the space, someone stretched his fingers and stuffed a small hamster that slept in a ball.

Shu Xiaohui stretched out his claws and squatted.

At first glance, there is nothing. It is a hamster that sleeps in a ball, especially a ball.

But a closer look, this simply makes a mouse can not bear to look straight.

Because of this look, Shu Xiaohui, it is a soft waist, closed with small eyes, the front paws holding their back paws, the little head is almost poking on their little white eggs with white hair... still sleeping good smell!

Shu Xiaohui looked down at her unspeakable position, although small, but the white hairs could not cover their small existence!

Shu Xiaohui's whole mouse should be boiled like boiled water!

Does he have such a sleepy look? !

This is definitely made up by Chen Chengzhen himself!

If it weren't for the ability to ruin the small micro-carving of this metal, he would like to turn this gadget directly into slag!

Shu Xiaohui threw the claws into the space with his steaming claws.

Then he slammed out of Chen Cheng's pocket and ran down the chest to the collar.

Shu Xiaohui squats at someone's collarbone, turns over the small buttocks, and stretches out the back of the paw to face someone's face is a fierce flying scorpion, followed by a chain kick!

The little pink hind paws only stepped on a small white mark on someone's face, and the imprint disappeared when the little paw left.

At the same time, a mouse angrily, "Hey!"

Step on your perversion!

The captain of the captain, Chen Da, was laughing, his eyes were full of small hamsters, and a little tail.

After Shu Xiaohui finished, he jumped from his body and rushed to Peng Peng.

Peng Peng can snicker with his mouth, his spiritual ability can now control himself, he did not invade other people's consciousness, but he knows that this little hamster is actually a little brother, so when he sees the action of the little hamster, I think this little brother is really funny!

Peng Peng held the white dove in one hand and Shu Shuhui in the other, went to the rest chair and played.

The white dove looked at his head and looked at Shu Xiaohui's eyes with some curiosity.

Shu Xiaohui was amazed and felt that this pigeon was so spiritual, it felt much better than any of the war pets he had seen in the past.

In other words, normal is simply making a mouse excited, he stretches his claws, "Hey?"

The white dove yelled at him twice, and he said hello.

Here, Chen Chengzhen was stunned and stood up and looked at Professor Wei. "Professor Wei, in addition to the group image of war pets, what have you studied?"

Professor Wei patted the sleeves of Bai Dawei. "Peng Peng has a small head and a melon seed. There are so many smart things. I will watch him. He will follow me later. I will give him a mentor. In the future, his ability will be better than me. Strong."

Shu Xiaohui, who is always working with his heart, stretches his claws against it, "Hey!"

Absolutely, what if he teaches Peng Peng to be a Frankenstein?

Chen Chengyi glanced over there and said to Professor Wei, "I will talk about it later."

Professor Wei nodded and pushed his eyes and said, "I also studied how to build a spaceship."



This seems to be a long time, Professor Wei is serious?

One person and one mouse face each other, and Xiao Pengpeng has a smile on his face.

Professor Wei said very seriously, "Give me another month, I can make the Tate's engine research clear, plus my improvement, when I build the spaceship, it will not be better than the Tate. The spaceship is poor."

This is an exciting news!

Shu Xiaohui suddenly excitedly ran a circle on the rest chair, stood up and waved toward Chen Cheng, and said, "Hey!"

You told the professor, don't study any spaceships and study battleships! Mech! Ion gun! It's best to study something that is more powerful than the Tat's weapon!

Chen Chengyi looked at the excited circle of mice.

This small warfare pet in his family is not very big, but it is indeed a militant mouse, and this all thinks about revenge in the future.

Chen Chengyi walked over and raised his hand to give Shu Xiaohui a metal object exactly the same as the ion gun fixed on the body of the beast.

Shu Xiaohui took the inexplicable toy for a while, looked down and looked at it... It actually gave the hamster that he thought he was the kind of sleeping posture before!

He now wants to hold this stuff and knock Chen Cheng’s head!

Peng Peng did not see the micro-carving on the ion gun, but the ion gun caused his interest. "Chen brother, can you give me one?"

Chen Chengyi patted his hair and handed it to him almost as big as a toy gun.

Peng Peng bowed his head and played with it.

When the child is serious, he is especially focused. It is not like a normal child playing with a toy gun. It seems to be studying the structure of the ion gun seriously.

What Chen Chengzhen did, in addition to the core attack mode of the ion gun, he did not know the principle did not make, the other structure is exactly the same as the original ion gun.

Here, Chen Chengzhen directly stopped the enthusiastic professor who wanted to discuss with him about how the spacecraft was built. He said, "Professor Wei, in terms of animal control, how do you think about it?"

Professor Wei stopped his words and licked his lips slightly. He looked at Chen Chengyi again and again. "Would you like to cooperate?"

Chen Chengyi raised his eyebrows. "Have you studied it?"

Professor Wei nodded. "Of course, I will study this for the first thing. I will not solve the problem of aliens. How can people live?"

After that, Professor Wei is going to go outside.

Chen Chengyi knew Professor Wei’s strange style of doing things. He didn’t ask, and he spoke with Shu Xiaohui over there, and then followed Professor Wei.

This opened the door of the laboratory. Several soldiers saluted the two. Seeing that they were going upstairs, half of the soldiers followed.

Chen Chengyi waved his hand. "You are standing by, I have followed Professor Wei."

Several fighters nodded and turned back to the lab door.

Professor Wei went directly to the rooftop of the top floor with Chen Chengyi. Professor Wei stood on the edge of the platform and pointed to the mountain in the distance. "Nothing else, you build a tower there, how much can be built!" ”

Chen Chengyi frowned. "Are you sure?"

Professor Wei nodded. He looked up at the sky with the sun hanging high. The eyes behind the lens fell in a distant place and said, "We must have the ability to compete with them. This tower can be used not only to solve the difference. beast."

Chen Chengyi nodded. "Well, you give me some time."

Professor Wei chuckled. "Don't be stressed, I sketched you."

Chen Chengyi looked at his smile and always felt that the sketch might not be good.

When the two men came back from the rooftop, Peng Peng was still tearing down the ion gun. The birds in the room flew away. The big white pigeon was lying on the rest chair and staring at Peng Peng.

The mouse pellet fell asleep on the rest chair, which was suitable for mice to sleep at noon.

Chen Chengzhen took a closer look and suddenly smiled and reached out and poked the ball into Shu Xiaohui.

The mouse moved the paw and did not wake up.

Chen Chengyi poked again, and a mouse finally opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked at Chen Chengyi with a sly look.

Chen Chengyu pointed to his little paw, and his small chin, "What are you holding?"

Shu Xiaohui moved his head and saw the hind paws held in his front paws, and the little one next to him...

Oh! Shu Xiaohui quickly released the hind paws, and the whole rat rushed to the ratty cake on the rest chair, closing his eyes tightly. This mouse is absolutely not!

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