Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 44: Coveted!

Shu Xiaohui carried out psychological construction in the pocket. Before he finished building, he listened to the chaos outside, mixed with the violent screams of various beasts.

Shu Xiaohui is entangled in whether to look out and see if it is troublesome to expose the target.

But I can't see the outside, a mouse is itchy.

So Shu Xiaohui trampled on Chen Cheng's chest and said, "Hey!"

Chen Chenghao, can you let me share your sight?

Chen Chengzhen looked at the warlords who were obviously affected by the predatory instinct, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. "Are you sure?"

A group of soldiers have never seen their war pets at the same time with this violent state, the original ready to go, standing neatly queued, because of the violent emotions of these war pets, faintly more violent and murderous mean.

Li Hui Shi Rui and Suo Bin, who stood behind Chen Cheng’s body, suddenly felt awkward.

Fortunately, they already have experience. When the boss said that they want to gather, they will give the three beasts to the full.

Therefore, at this time, although the war of the boss is still coveted, but the good is full of appetite, not so violent.

At that time, Shu Xiaohui was too curious, so she nodded.

Then, through Chen Cheng's eyes, he clearly saw all kinds of beasts in front of him.

Shrinking a ball inside Chen Cheng's pocket, the whole stupidity, this scene, not the general ... shocked!

Oh, he has become a mouse for these times, and there has never been such a stimulus like this!

It is estimated that even if he is not a mouse, a person, and locked by so many beastly bloodthirsty eyes, it is absolutely necessary to scare the urine.

Then, at this moment, Shu Xiaohui did not grasp his abilities, so it was in the stimuli...

If the mouse is a five-meter energy hamster, the designation will in turn scare you!

Under normal circumstances, Shu Xiaohui's ability to display, Chen Chengzhen is not sensed.

But Shu Xiaohui is too heavy in mind, so Chen Chengzhen, who is the master of consciousness and coordination, naturally feels it.

Chen Chengyi didn't even have time to stop it, and he felt that his pocket had begun to deform.

Chen Chengzhen immediately pressed, "rat ash, relax!"

Shu Xiaohui, who is still in Chen Chengyi's shared vision, is not aware of her changes.

He responded abruptly, "Hey?"

what happened?

Then, through the sight of Chen Chengzhen, he saw himself.

Then a white mouse ball, drummed out of Chen Chengzhen's pocket, is still growing.

Chen Chengyi knows that if he suppresses it again, he will specify to hurt a certain mouse.

After Chen Chengyi released his hand, the white soft ball rose into the sky and became a giant big hamster energy body in midair.

Chen Chengyi looked at the huge hamster-type energy body and raised his eyebrows slightly. He always thought that the mouse would not become an energy body.

The visual sharing between Shu Xiaohui and Chen Chengyi was broken when his rat ball bulged out of the pocket.

Until it became a full body of energy, Shu Xiaohui reacted and looked down.

Then Shu Xiaohui saw a group of beasts leaning their heads, their eyes were green, and they were absolutely coveted...

This is definitely not true!

Why is things totally different from what he thinks?

Why are there no beasts afraid? ! This is absolutely unscientific!

Li Hui, standing behind Chen Cheng’s eyes, looked up at the energy body in the air and suddenly said, “This is probably the shape of the energy that the little hamster did not show before. It’s really a small body and big energy... It seems that it is really a lot of meat. Is it true that under the appetite of the cats and their pets, this is actually the appearance of a small hamster? It’s no wonder that even the crocodile’s big mouth wants to eat a small hamster, which is enough to eat well. How many days?"

Chen Cheng’s brain’s blue veins jumped and saw that the guns worn by all the soldiers around him began to tremble.

Li Hui’s gun has turned into a fluid directly, and all of a sudden fell to the ground.

Li Hui touched his nose and reached out and grabbed the eyes of the cat's teeth. "Cat teeth, don't eat that stuff!"

The words just fell, the metal that fell on the ground, instantly turned into heavy metal shoes, all wrapped in Li Hui's boots.

Li Hui is silent... how can I talk so much...

Shu Xiaohui, who was regarded as a dish by all the pets, fell silently and rushed to Chen Chengyi.

It was just that she did not fit Chen Chengyi as Shu Xiaohui imagined, but instantly became the size of the body. Under the cover of Chen Chengzhen, it fell into his palm.

Chen Chengyi appeased his stomach. "Is it okay?"

Shu Xiaohui became a group, and the beasts around him were too heavy. He wanted to find a place to hide.

Chen Chengyi said again, "I am there."

Shu Xiaohui certainly knows that Chen Chengzheng will not let other warlords eat it, but it is still particularly frustrated.

Chen Chenghao had to appease, "Go back to you to fry the beans."

The mouse ball is moving, "Hey?"

"Snacks, crisp."

"Hey!" Good!

The warriors who were visually shocked, looked at them in awe and looked at them silently, actually appease the pets of the small war, Captain Chen of the special operations team.

The size of the pet pet energy body largely means the doubling factor of the combat power of the master of the war pet.

As far as the size of this hamster is concerned, the military **** drops a scorpion, which can at least increase the master's combat power by more than five times!

A group of warriors can't wait to yell at the same time, and really rumored that they would not bully me! The giant soft cute!

I don't know if the hamsters in the market have the same products to sell?


At this time, when Bai Hongyi, who had been watching the military camp, got news, the huge hamster-shaped energy body suddenly appeared in the direction of the military camp from the window of the resident building.

Bai Hongyi’s entire face was twisted into a ball.

Sure enough, it is similar to the rumor, the giant hamster energy body.

Less than five meters high, it may be higher, and the body shape is very round, which is different from the pure length and height of the snake pet.

Therefore, this means that Chen Chengyi’s doubled combat power is also matched.

Bai Hongyi holds a fist in his death.

His abilities clearly can restrain Chen Chengyi's electrical abilities, but he is now pressed down by Chen Chengyi.

It is also a war of pets. Why can Chen Cheng's war pet energy body be so powerful? !

The electric light flashed on his fist, and a gray mouse tail on the table next to it flashed the same light.

However, no matter how powerful Chen Chengzhen is, how can he be prestigious, and he will eventually bow to him!

When this order needs to be rebuilt, it still inherits the original concept.

Bai Hongyi believes that these cumbersomeness will definitely drag Chen Chengyu!

Bai Hongyi took a breath and the twisted face gradually calmed down. "Check it out, what is the military camp doing?"



After this brief chaos, Chen Chengyi ordered that all the soldiers go out to the mountain location designated by Professor Wei.

When the team came out of the city, Chen Chengyi in the battlefield suddenly frowned slightly. Before he spoke, Shu Xiaohui, who was guilty of self-satisfaction in his pocket, sneaked out his head. "Hey!"

It seems to be a small bat? !

He just finished, the little bat, which was lost, crashed into the window glass of the car where Chen Chengzhen was sitting, stretching the batwings on it.

For a little hamster, this ugly and stupid, and the little bats who want to find the object, are more intimate than the beasts of these warriors around Chen Chengzhen.

Shu Xiaohui looked at the little bat who was squashed on the window glass and tried to look inside the car. The rat paws waved and greeted him, "Hey!"

Little lost!

Zhan Wei's bat is the same type of abilities, so even with bulletproof glass, he can still receive the sound waves from Shu Xiaohui.

Then, the more ugly little face that squeezed his face on the window glass, he also snorted.

The sound of a hamster in the car is really right.

Chen Cheng’s mouth twitched. “The mouse is gray, you seem to forget, what is it so passionate?”

Shu Xiaohui petrified for two seconds and really wanted to find a hole to drill in.


That, Chen Chengzhen, you have not asked Professor Wei what is the phenomenon of the petification phenomenon? Doesn't it mean that you can summon the same kind?

"So?" Chen Chengyi pulled him out of his pocket. "Do you want to be the boss?"

Someone’s palm, Shu Xiaohui, shook and stretched his fingers and pointed at the outside. “Hey!”

That is only! If you summon in the mountains, there will definitely be bats. Does it have objects?

Li Hui, who is wearing heavy-duty metal shoes in the back seat, said, "Boss, is this little bat being used as a homing pigeon? The batwing is written with words."

Chen Cheng pinched his little waist. "You hide it first, I got it in."

Shu Xiaohui drilled his collar along his arm and stepped on his collarbone to hide in his shoulder pocket, revealing a small head.

Chen Chengyi put the window down a little, and the little bat got in through the window.

It’s just that it’s not stupid enough to rush to Chen Cheng’s shoulder, just put a wire cage out of it and put it in.

Lost in the poor fan batwing, the claws on the batwings clutched the cage railings, and the ugly face always turned to Chen Cheng's shoulder.

Chen Chengyi turned the cage and saw the words written on the batwing. It was the news sent by Zhan Wei.

Regardless of their target of action, Bai Hongyi has assembled a manpower to destroy.

Chen Chengyi knocked on the bat cage. "Tell Zhan Wei, think of ways to encourage Bai Hongyi to bring all the people."

It’s just that everyone can be cleaned up and smashed.

Chen Chengyi opened the window and put the thrown away. The little bat looked back pitifully several times, and then flew away in the sun.

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