Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 46: Come out and put a wind

Shu Xiaohui looked at him suspiciously. It was close to him and he smelled a touch of soap. "Hey?"

Do you have anything?

Chen Chengzhen shook his head very calmly. "Nothing, go out and find a place to give you fried beans."

Wearing a two-meter-eight-junior uniform in the gas field to do the roasted seeds and nuts?

Shu Xiaohui looked at the perverted general looking at Chen Chengyi.

Chen Chengyu’s fingers supported the shackles and raised his eyebrows slightly. “Can’t you go?”

The mouse scorpion in Chen Cheng's palms stunned and some nodded.

Oh, today's Chen Chengzhen seems to be emitting a special taste.

Chen Chengyi untied the button on the chest pocket and put the mouse in.

Then he stepped on the tent with a bright military boot.

Outside Li Hui and Suo Bin, they were on the fire. When the captain changed clothes behind the tent, they were in a state of ghosts.

Their time with the boss is not short, but see the number of times the boss wears this clothes, three fingers counted out.

Sobin patted Li Hui's shoulder. "It's rare that you can give him a complete turn."

Li Hui’s mouth was pumping, and he had already turned the boss’s residence to the bottom, and the room had been messed up by him.

This is justifiable, the boss went back and saw that he should not find him to settle accounts...

Chen Chengzhen just took two steps. I don’t know if the gas field is too high, or the soldiers are keenly alert. The soldiers around the fire suddenly stand up and squat on the ground for five seconds. Line up, neatly said, "The head is good!"

At the same time, a group of war pets rushed over and rushed to the hungry tigers in the middle of Chen Chengyi and the lineup.

The pair of green-eyed eyes stared at the pockets of Chen Cheng’s chest, and the mouth of the raw meat was almost dripping.

The hearts of all the pets are surprisingly consistent: although there is no way to eat them, it is also possible to have a look at the eyes!

The warriors who know their own pets are twitching, and their minds are equally surprising: can they pull their own pets back, too shameful...


Shu Xiaohui's small claws loosened silently and fell to the bottom of the pocket, but he could hold his own small head inside.

He really just came out of the small gap in the mouth of the pocket, revealing a little bit of dark eyes to observe! fall!

He has been hiding for a long time, and for a long time, he can't let him come out and let the wind go. !

Is there any freedom in the mouse? !

Chen Chengyi raised his hand and said, "Let's rest."

Then simply turned around and jumped from the foundation under the eager sight of the beasts, and quickly disappeared into the small hill that was not leveled in the distance.

Then, the soldiers dismissed the queue, and they found that the food of the pets tonight was not that big!

At this time, Chen Cheng broke into the hill forest and reached out to knock on the pocket button. "Okay, come out."

Shu Xiaohui drilled a small head and did not speak. Chen Chengyi reached out and handed him a peanut. "First eat."

The mouse ball directly put the peanuts into the mouth, and under the rare freedom, it was smashed everywhere in the squadron of Chen Chengzhen.

The last **** sat on the brim and looked at Chen Cheng’s straight nose from the top down.

Chen Chengyi looked up at him, reached out and touched his head, and said comfortably, "Don't be afraid, they will never eat you."

Shu Xiaohui nodded, then flipped over and spread it on the brim, watching the night sky with stars appearing.

Chen Chengyi found a flat boulder in the small forest, set up a small pot on the top, and set a fire.

Shu Xiaohui stood on a stone next to him.

Chen Cheng skillfully made out the metal alloy pot and frying spoon, and turned out a little spice from the backpack that came over.

The bean is very simple to make. The difficulty is that Shu Xiaohui can't eat too heavy taste, so Chen Chengyi only drops two drops of oil in the small pot of the palm of the hand, puts a peppercorn, a cumin Granules, a metal rod that is not much thicker than a toothpick, stirs gently inside, and when the scent comes out, it is thrown into the soybeans.

Shu Xiaohui saw this and almost didn't fall off the stone. He opened his legs and stretched his paws and said indignantly, "Hey!"

Only three beans? !

Chen Cheng’s calmly fried beans, “eat more and get angry.”


What else can he say?

The beans were quickly fried and smelled very fragrant. When the heat dropped, Chen Cheng was handed over to a metal bowl and handed it to Shu Xiaohui.

Shu Xiaohui is very beautiful.

And Chen Chengzhen was sitting next to him and handing the kettle.

Shu Xiaohui drinks while eating.

The captain of the Chen team looked at the boulder they were sitting on and waited quietly.

There was a pale gleam that was bullied from the surroundings, but the mouse ball that was concentrated on eating and drinking was not noticed.

Seeing the shimmer into the body of the mouse ball, Chen Chengyi breathed his eyes and his eyes were not blind.

After eating the beans and drinking enough water, Shu Xiaohui and Meimei stretched out the small waist. Then, the body of the group, sleeping on the stone seconds...


A certain costumed general will stun a bit, and it will be difficult to sleep.

Chen Chengyi immediately reached out and poked the small waist of the mouse ball. "Ratish gray?"

However, this finger did not wake up the mouse and did not withdraw it.

Chen Cheng blinked his hand and hugged the little white youth who almost reached the stone.

Chen Chengyi reached out and pulled out the new cloak prepared in the backpack. This was about to bring people to the roll, and inexplicably paused.

The fingers were uncontrollably slid along the spine groove on Shu Xiaohui's back, and then with great control, they didn't touch it again and again.

Chen Chengyi breathed the cloak cover Shu Xiaohui's body, holding the waist of the humanoid mouse, sighing.

Another sleeping humanoid mouse...

Chen Chengyi, while timing in his heart, turned over Shu Xiaohui’s body and wanted to see the little face.

Only this turned over, Captain Chen was on a red face and a pair of black and flustered eyes.

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